Lara Trump was on Fox news, discussing inflation before veering off topic and in to the culture wars;
Here’s a transcript, courtesy of Mediaite.
They have told us from the beginning that they want to fundamentally transform America. Well, how do you that? You have to change America from the inside-out. You have to take away our traditions. … ‘Oh, don’t have a turkey, then people won’t come over.’ Last year, remember, they didn’t want us to get together, so I guess we’re lucky they’re letting us have Thanksgiving this year.
How dare the libs try to protect people from COVID.
At really, the core of this, they want to divide Americans up. They don’t want us to have any common ground. They don’t want us to have any shared traditions like Thanksgiving. A lot of places last month actually did away with Halloween because they wanted to be inclusive of the people that didn’t celebrate Halloween.
Er, what? Can I get a citation here on this Halloween thing?
It all goes to fundamentally transforming this country, and the way you do that is you make sure that we have no commonality whatsoever, no traditions as Americans whatsoever. You start chipping away at that, and they don’t care that Thanksgiving costs a lot more.
So wait, the libs are trying to destroy Thanksgiving so that no one will notice rising inflation? That is indeed a new one.
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving, if you’re into that sort of thing. I’m planning on shoveling stuffing into my mouth until I pass out.
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@ elaine
Love is…volunteering to go at the end with the taps.
So Freud was a cowardly little punk who did what powerful men told him to do. No wonder the troll likes him so much
@ Alan
Ha! How marvelous.
And now that the latest troll has been smacked by the banhammer, I have more time for important things like scritching a kitty, who is very cross that the weather has been cold and rainy today. He did not give permission for this sort of weather.
No I just sit on his lap. I’m small and the tub is deep
Aww, that is so sweet.
The nearest I’ve come to that was when the cat was walking on the edge of the bath and fell in. And trust me, a panicking ball of fur and claws in your lap is not a romantic experience.
Sweetie I assure you I was always “that weird girl…” and actually liking burpees is sooooo just the beginning. Everybody here knows what I do so that’s no news. But just sayin’
After “she’s hot looking but my god, what a little insane psycho…” throughout high school and college being known to actually like burpees ain’t nothin!!!
On this sending you so much love and good energy dear dear Elaine!
@ elaine
This is Men an Tol.
Legend has it that if you pass through the middle stone backward seven times under a full moon you get pregnant. Next time I get a chance I’ll do that* and send the vibes to you. Although hopefully you’ll already be sorted by then.
(* I have been through it a few times. Can’t remember if it was a full moon though. I’m guessing not as I managed to reverse into a ditch on the way back. But I’ll send those vibes to you anyway; just in case.)
@ Alan
Well, there’s a coincidence. Guess which feature of the Cornish landscape plays an important role in The Little Country, the Charles de Lint novel I was telling you about the other day?
@Alan Robertshaw:
Well if you ever need to hold a duck accountable this looks like it has some handy tips…
I presume these are among the ducks who need to be made to pay? (And I presume you know that the bombastic baritone is that Alan Moore):
(Oops—wrong thread.)
@ Vicky P
I shall definitely have to check that out; it sounds like it features a lot of places I know very well; and love.
Men an Tol is a nice place to hang out. It has a slightly dodgy provenance. The layout has changed in recorded memory; and it was probably originally a stone circle. If you goes a way beyond it up on the moors you get to this. Tregaseal East Stone Circle.
That was taken the same day I ended up in the ditch; although obviously a bit earlier.
I do love standing stones at night though. There’s just something about them.
The troll got banned?
Well, back to your sweaty hm hm wine sipping, everybody.
@Alan – Is there a preferred direction for crawling through the stone? I could see problems if two women start to back through it in opposite directions at the same time without looking.
@ buttercup
Nah, it’s just bare arsed anarchy up there! They should put in traffic lights.
Actually you don’t see many people up there. It’s on a lot of postcards, but it is quite hard to get to. It’s a heck of a walk; and only an idiot would try to drive there.
@ Vicky P
Don’t know if you saw this in the other thread; but a bit of Cornish spookiness for you. And some nice shots of Lanyon Quoit. Wouldn’t surprise me if that’s also in the book.
CW for implied DV; but nothing visual; and it is a great little film.
I LOL at the duck book.
Picturing some farmer — or non-duck waterfowl — shaking a fist/wing vowing “Those ducks will PAY!!!” Maybe the Ugly Duckling. Grew up, became beautiful, it went to his head and he’s vowed revenge on all the ducks who teased him.
@Elaine, you and your hubby are the cutest. The squats will probably be useful for wiggles eyebrows other positions.
I love standing stones. Stonehenge was okay, but the ones on the northern and western Scottish islands are proper good and not full of tourists. Halfway expected to see Christopher Lee and Edward Woodward (Who were both still alive when I was there, but who knows now!).
@Supreme Goddess Stacey: I approve of everything you do, but if burpees are what it takes, I’m never going to make it in the goddess business.
Back from Thanksgiving Part 2. Just as good as before, with slightly different side dishes, and my pie — after much tsuris — came out fine.
You’re welcome!
In case you’re interested, it’s totally possible to be stable with your back leg directly behind or even crossed past your front leg. You just have to rotate your feet (technically rotate at the hip) so that your toes are pointing outwards. What this does is give you a wider base and allows you to adjust your balance with your toes to push you back to center if you start falling over.
If you ever dance as a follower in something like Argentine tango, a lot of the time you need to walk backwards with your leg crossing past your front one. But having your toes pointing to the outside makes it very stable (and super pretty). About a minute into this video has the leader taking a really long lunge backwards with his leg almost crossing past but he’s stable because of the angle of his feet. It makes for a super dramatic moment.
Since the troll has been banned, continuing the talk of positive things:
I got a solid game of Malifaux in today with a good friend. It’s a miniature wargame (like Warhammer), but with a Victorian gpthic horror/steampunk/wild west vibe. Really fantastic setting and engaging gameplay.
Today was my first time playing with a crew of swamp-dwelling gremlins waging guerilla warfare against the invading humans.
Or in this case, against various undead creatures abandoned and forgotten by their creators and “adopted” by the kind of person who sees a Frankensteinian abomination and says “I will call you ‘Archie.’ Would you like an ice cream?”
Good vibes and best wishes for all you all still present and not banned!
I love the concept, but not the execution, of Burpees.
I also love the concept of parkour and know that there is literally no way I have the time and physical ability to get into that at the moment. Someday. Maybe when my dinky light kettlebell stops kicking my butt and angering my knees.
I guess I am thankful for my spy device (watch) for validating my 60+ minutes of daily exercise and 50+ miles of walking a week, because before I could show data, my docs always did the skeptical face of skeptical docs when I claimed I was moderately active.
@ bumblebug
Wow! That reminds me of the quote about how Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, only backwards and in heels.
@ contrapangloss
I like the James Bond chase where the parkour guy jumps through the window and Bond just barges through the door. That would be more my style. Except I’d probably just splat into a wall.
The balance in heels is definitely hard and followers typically have more twisty and bendy moves, but I find leading to be way way more difficult. Argentine tango, at least socially, is improvised. Which means that the leader is making it up as they go along. It’s also the leader’s responsibility to fix any mistakes. So if the follower misreads a cue from the leader, the leader is the one who is supposed to recover and fix the mistake. So not only does the leader have to remember moves and string them together on the fly, but they also have to be very in tune with their follower’s skill level and desired dance style. The few times I tried leading resulted in a lot of walking in circles because I couldn’t remember anything.
@ TyrantBitchGoddessStacey
Hooves? Great, now you can mock the foot fetish guys too.
But burpees? You love burpees? That’s probably the strangest thing you’ve ever said on here.
@ Alan Robertshaw
If I remember correctly, Bond charged headlong through a sheet of drywall/sheetrock. Lucky. If you or I tried it, we’d probably run right into a beam.
(Though when I was younger and more clueless I was involved in taking apart a wall, in a rather dark room. Got frustrated with the slow hammer and crowbar approach and started smashing the thin plywood in with my knee. Did this successfully for most of a panel before realizing there were all manner of three+ inch nails sticking in from the outside siding. I have no idea how I managed to miss every single one. Luck luck luck.)
@ .45
I was once sandwiching a couple of planks together with a nail gun. I decided a good place to rest the planks was on my thigh. You can fill in the rest for yourself.
That troll who was just banned – I think he fundamentally misunderstood the concept of MGTOW. He obviously knew there were WOMEN on this site, AND people who actually see women as people, so I guess his MGTOW protective force field or whatever they have, just failed to activate.
Alternatively, given the massive veering between childish abuse, and diatribe, I wonder if he wasn’t actually two smaller MGTOWs in a trench coat, blundering around without a head.
Anyway – all readers welcome. Mean spirited commenters – don’t bother, save your breath to cool your porridge.
Alan, on previous page:
Not to be confused with ‘Hindu Kush-ups’, a popular endurance training method in Afghanistan and thereabouts.
As far as following the leader goes, here’s an intricate line-dance craze of sorts that made the rounds from Japan some years ago:
I don’t particularly hate burpees, but I find them difficult to do, for the same reason I can’t do work that requires a lot of bending over. I get lightheaded and lose my balance. I’ve tried working them into my routine, because they are very effective, but dizzy spells do not make for great exercise.
Hope the hooves work for you, Stacey. Will you be getting horns to match?
Also, I wish Trollboy was correct in this comment section being mediocre. That would probably make the world a more progressive place were it true. Him being banned is definitely an improvement.
@ Alan
Cornish spookiness indeed. Thank you for sharing!