Lara Trump was on Fox news, discussing inflation before veering off topic and in to the culture wars;
Here’s a transcript, courtesy of Mediaite.
They have told us from the beginning that they want to fundamentally transform America. Well, how do you that? You have to change America from the inside-out. You have to take away our traditions. … ‘Oh, don’t have a turkey, then people won’t come over.’ Last year, remember, they didn’t want us to get together, so I guess we’re lucky they’re letting us have Thanksgiving this year.
How dare the libs try to protect people from COVID.
At really, the core of this, they want to divide Americans up. They don’t want us to have any common ground. They don’t want us to have any shared traditions like Thanksgiving. A lot of places last month actually did away with Halloween because they wanted to be inclusive of the people that didn’t celebrate Halloween.
Er, what? Can I get a citation here on this Halloween thing?
It all goes to fundamentally transforming this country, and the way you do that is you make sure that we have no commonality whatsoever, no traditions as Americans whatsoever. You start chipping away at that, and they don’t care that Thanksgiving costs a lot more.
So wait, the libs are trying to destroy Thanksgiving so that no one will notice rising inflation? That is indeed a new one.
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving, if you’re into that sort of thing. I’m planning on shoveling stuffing into my mouth until I pass out.
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I’m pretty sure WATO works in a call center. He mentioned getting in trouble for having too deep of a voice on phone calls or something stupid like that.
I get that you’re upset that everyone is brushing you off and being mean. But did you really expect people to engage in debate and conversation with you when you insult the regulars? What did you actually want to achieve here?
He said he worked in a call center and got told to speak less “Manly”, but he also claimed to work in some “Manly” heavy labor job that women would never want to do or something in a different thread…
… so I’m giving his claims a bit of dubious squinting.
I know there’s no doubt a lot of folks of WATO’s mindset, so it’s probably optimism and false pattern recognition on my part, but WATO’s style and particular hatred of Elaine is giving me pretty strong Acid Kritana vibes? I think WWTH might have also drawn that connection.
Probably not actually an acidic sock, because it’d be naive to think two such individuals couldn’t exist (because they totally could), but he kind of seems like an acidic sock.
@Elaine The Witch,
My understanding of that part of Freud’s work was that he actually reported the father/daughter (and the mother/son?) stuff as something that really happened on a regular basis, but his peers and social group (whose children were the source of his figures) were so upset by that report they forced him to retract it. Thus the whole ‘children – especially daughters – have vivid fantasies of marrying their opposite-sex parents’ thing. His peers refused to publish it otherwise. Or allow him to remain in their group until he changed it more to their liking.
I recently got a nice pair of Skullcandy headphones that are just headphones for $20 at Walmart, but you can buy directly from Skullcandy.ca
Why would I rob you in a dark alley? I would just call animal control.
@RedSilk: So Freud’s friends were child-molesting pervs? Can’t say I’m surprised. That makes me even less surprised that right wingers/miggies like quoting him so much, and not the thousands of later psychologists who weren’t. That and the whole penis envy thing, which… ha! AFAIK, the only actual physical advantage of those is it’s easier to pee standing up.
Miggies don’t want to admit that women are humans, so of course they like Freud. Makes ’em feel all manly to be entirely driven by their id.
Regarding child molestation, let’s see who’s best known for that recently… there’s Matt “Venmo to teenage girls” Gaetz, Roy “Groping vulnerable girls” Moore, and of course Lara’s FIL, who liked walking in on Miss Teen USA dressing rooms and approved of Jeffrey Epstein’s taste in “women”.
Projection as usual.
@Surplus: I’m sure you can have headphones delivered from one of Canada’s many fine retailers. Those Skullcandy ones @Katie mentioned have really good ratings online. I just finally re-located our old noise-cancelling Bose, yay. (They were near but not at where they ought to have been, which is why we were confused.)
@ ikeke35
Thank you for that. You’ve given me a lot to ponder on. There’s a lot to unpack as the kids say.
And yeah, there is that thing of incrementalism vs radical change. For me, I just try to make choices on the basis ‘will the net result be better or worse than it is now?’. The long game like you say. But of course I’m in a very privileged position. I don’t really have any skin in the game. So waiting is a luxury I can afford. Whereas for others waiting is just something thrust upon them.
I like your drink driving analogy though. It does give me hope. I can remember when not only was drink driving socially acceptable, drink drivers were the good guys. People genuinely felt sorry for them when they got caught, and saw the authorities as the persecutors. That has very much changed now of course; and I don’t think that’s something that can very be reversed. It’s like a scales falling from eyes moment. Sort of, what were we thinking!
I was hoping that bigoted views might be similar. Like once people realised how wrong they are then that’s not something people can resile from. I’m hoping that now, where there is a resurgence of openly bigoted views, that’s not ‘new recruits’ as it were, or society as a whole moving towards that. More the last gasp threat displays of cornered people who realise their time is coming to a close.
One can live in hope I guess.
But once again, I really am grateful for your comments there. Thank you for the time you spent on that; I really appreciate it.
@Wanked All That Out
Yes, I’m a narcissistic, gorgeous, rude, smoking hot bitch.
No, I spent Thanksgiving not gorging on unhealthy food but eating what I do every day, and did my usual gym routine plus a butt muscle program I started a few weeks ago that has a LOT more lunges but that, if I keep at it, will sculpt me more towards the “small waist + bubble butt” look that I need for my gold latex bodypaint look to work the way I want. (I’m tiny and already have a slender waist but want a butt that’s a Iittle bit rounder). In addition to the physical workout itself I have to plan my eating to a degree most people couldn’t handle, which means counting calories, weighing brown rice, cooked vegetables (you have to look very carefully at nutrition information on some leafy greens to see if it’s talking about cooked or uncooked), and other foods and sometimes stop what I’m doing to make sure I eat at the right time. This is a LOT of work so being the awesome goddess that I am doesn’t come free.
While other people were out shopping I was putting three different brands of latex bodypaint on and off my calves and ankles for some testing, with my assistant and I taking photos in various different lighting conditions to see which can blend in best over my new hooves (yes, I have them now! So I’ll be downright demonic-looking in my sexiness, haha incels I hope you’re afraid and frustrated.) This meant she and I were moving three different lights all around in between me climbing up and down off my pedestal all afternoon. So I do a LOT of work to achieve every little bit of my glamorous sexy kinky awesomeness.
There is nothing mediocre about my divinity and the crack of my whip, the sound of which alone would probably scare a little creep like you running away for miles before you collapsed from weakness.
Also you’re a loser and I hope you were lonely and miserable this week. I bet all women who see you and deal with you are repulsed by you.
@ stacey
May I ask a technical query? When you do lunges do you go leg forward or leg backwards? People seem to suggest you should go backwards; but when I do the I just fall over.
Also, you doing the dreaded burpees at all?
My program has me doing both forward and backwards lunges but mostly forward it seems.
I love burpees! When there’s a rhythm that makes the metabolic challenge fun!
@ TyrantBitchGoddessStacey
Congrats on the new hooves! I hope they give the effect you’re looking for.
@ stacey
Heh, I’m reminded of the Orwell quote about how there’s nothing wrong with being a minority of one. I’m impressed though; they’re frikkin’ horrible,
Years ago we were in a Krav class and the instructor had us doing something called ‘Hindu Push-ups’. After a while a guy stood up and said “Can I just make clear, I am Hindu; and these have nothing to do with us.”
Do you fall over sideways or forwards when doing lunges?
If you’re falling sideways it’s probably that you’re putting your back foot directly behind your front foot (basically making it like you’re on a tight rope). Instead you want to have your feet on parallel lines (imagine a set of tracks with each foot on one side – the foot moving backwards should stay on its track to ensure your base is wide enough for you to be balanced).
If you’re falling forward you are probably overcompensating for the foot moving backwards. I’d suggest going slowly and attempting to keep your upper body vertical. It helps me to slide my foot along the ground instead of stepping it back. It may also help to extend your arms in front of you as you lunge and bring your arms back to your sides as you stand back up – this might mitigate the desire to lean your torso forward.
@ bumblebug
Hey; that’s it! Yeah. It’s falling over sideways. But I’ve just had a go and I am putting my foot behind the other one. Actually I’m almost crossing over beyond it. Like I’m bringing my leg in diagonally instead of just going straight back. But now I’m aware of that I can compensate. Almost like I’m putting my leg out to the side. But that keeps my balance. Once again; thank you!
It was also a bit harder to balance as I’ve got a busted rotator cuff at the moment; so I’m doing some things with one of those resistance bands. I have it tight round my hands; then I have to extend my arms outwards as I lunge. So that narrows my whole body and makes me a bit wobbly.
Still instability is supposedly a good thing for resistance training. Although having said that, it was instability that buggered up my shoulder.
Just paragraphs and paragraphs of bullshit that nobody asked for, right? Your life sounds fucking boring, anally counting calories and making all those repetitive motions so that your ass can be marginally less repulsive to look at. How anyone finds you even remotely enchanting enough to not want to throw themselves out of the nearest window whenever you’re close by, I’ll never know. You must be the Eighth Wonder of the World – go ahead, you’ve earned the title.
In regards to your inane blathering about how repulsive you imagine me to be, I have yet to detect any signs from women that they find me repellant – I am not uncommonly described as “cute,” though I assume it to be in the anodyne way that a person finds a puppy cute, and not because they want to fuck me.
I’ll bet that if your boy-toys knew what I could do with my mouth, they’d leave your ass in a flaming hot millisecond and never look back.
@Worked All That Out:
I’ll bet that if your boy-toys knew what I could do with my mouth, they’d leave your ass in a flaming hot millisecond and never look back.
A trick you have apparently not yet learned is how to shut it.
@Victorious Parasol
Thank you so much! So far I like them. I’m still getting used to them but I feel great. I love the look and I love how I feel looking this way. I think they’ll help me be even more terrifyingly sexy and will help turn me into even more of an unbearable arrogant supernatural magical divine demonic super-bitch than I already am! (I mean unbearable arrogant supernatural divine demonic super-bitch in that awesome sexy meaning of the phrase!)
@ Full Metal Ox
He’s an odd duck, isn’t he?
ETA: Plus his mouth is attached to a rather unpleasant personality. Some deficiencies can’t be compensated for.
@Wanked All That Out
You’re right, you’ll never know.
@ Vicky P
Well if you ever need to hold a duck accountable this looks like it has some handy tips…
@Wanked All That Out
As long as my presence or my words cause you any negative feelings, which it’s clear they do, I’m happy.
I love it that I upset you and provoke this reaction in you.
Your misery and your frustration is my joy.
@Worked All That Out, the correct spelling of “repellant” is “repellent”. Also, I do not know exactly what you are fighting against here. Please restate!
Worked All That Out is out; I banned him.
@worked all this out
You say stuff like this and yet I just spent an hour riding my husband and then had a hot bath with him. Your going to bed alone tonight because you a disgusting human being who no man or woman wants. I have my happy ever after. All you have is an ass stuffed full of bitterness and vile. Plugged up with the anal plug of insecurity and all alone cause no one will eat your ass. But you being childish is really funny to me. Dance some more baby boy
I’m sorry girl, but what kind of maniac are you. Burpees are the worse.
My doctor has informed though to focus on squats and leg exercises for when I get pregnant though to help with the extra weight. It’s been tough