Lara Trump was on Fox news, discussing inflation before veering off topic and in to the culture wars;
Here’s a transcript, courtesy of Mediaite.
They have told us from the beginning that they want to fundamentally transform America. Well, how do you that? You have to change America from the inside-out. You have to take away our traditions. … ‘Oh, don’t have a turkey, then people won’t come over.’ Last year, remember, they didn’t want us to get together, so I guess we’re lucky they’re letting us have Thanksgiving this year.
How dare the libs try to protect people from COVID.
At really, the core of this, they want to divide Americans up. They don’t want us to have any common ground. They don’t want us to have any shared traditions like Thanksgiving. A lot of places last month actually did away with Halloween because they wanted to be inclusive of the people that didn’t celebrate Halloween.
Er, what? Can I get a citation here on this Halloween thing?
It all goes to fundamentally transforming this country, and the way you do that is you make sure that we have no commonality whatsoever, no traditions as Americans whatsoever. You start chipping away at that, and they don’t care that Thanksgiving costs a lot more.
So wait, the libs are trying to destroy Thanksgiving so that no one will notice rising inflation? That is indeed a new one.
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving, if you’re into that sort of thing. I’m planning on shoveling stuffing into my mouth until I pass out.
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Squeak-ah! Squeak-ah! Sqwheeeeeze…..
Meh. Still boring.
Eurgh…the nearest Staples is about an hour away on foot. And it’s in a mall.
@Worked It All Night:
Okay, okay. Serious question for @Worked That All Out:
You okay, kid? Something happen in the last couple days?
Not gonna eat your ass because ew, but if you’ve got some serious stuff going down, I’d recommend finding a helpline of some sort. You can start out by googling “(your issue or location) helpline” since I don’t have the foggiest notion of where you actually are.
It’d be way more productive than barging in here to a place where you hate everyone and nobody here likes you, either. If you’re in a spiral, you don’t need to interact with people you hate. Spare yourself (and more importantly us) the vitriol.
If you’re able bodied, going for a walk or something can help with some temporary endorphins, but no promises.
If this is actually your usual disposition and there wasn’t something external that made you forget to even try putting words into a salad…
Dude, what are you even doing? No one here actually cares what you think of us, so what do you think you’re gaining? I’m genuinely curious, in the same way that I’m curious about how flat-earthers still manage to flat-earth, in the face of literally all science.
I’m other news, I’m grateful for my dog, who is the best dog. Anyone else with a dog, your dog is also the best dog.
I’m also grateful that my boss still somehow thinks I’m awesome even though I know I’m 95% highly-distractible mediocrity and 5% sprints of intense focus and panache.
Working on that last bit, because I WANT to be more focused all the time. Hopefully I’ll be thankful to a mental health professional when I get in to see one on “Okay, how do we make my brain care when there isn’t an immediate crisis?”
@Surplus: They also offer free shipping.
@Worked That All Out
No more purple prose for us? How very sad. At least your previous delusions of eloquence provided some entertainment.
@worked that all out
Aww. the little chew toy is mad. dance for me monkey. scream some more. be a good boy now and I’ll throw you a bone
None of the nice cocked men that worked all that out fetishes, doesn’t want to eat his ass and he’s really cranky about it so he just has to come here and demand it from strangers. sad little incel.
Usually I’m disappointed when I miss a troll, but Sharted It All Out is so damn boring I don’t even care that I always miss him. How sad and low effort this one is.
Anyway, I’m sad to report that I ate turkey yesterday because I didn’t know it wasn’t allowed and that Thanksgiving was cancelled.
I had some soup my husband heated up for me because I was sick. Then we laid and bed and watched my favorite Christmas move. Nightmare before Christmas
I live in California (there, I’ve scared the MAGAs already) and Thanksgiving is so canceled we’re doing two of them to accommodate all the people and food needed.
I may have eaten my weight in sweet potatoes yesterday.
Now I must go make a pumpkin pie for tomorrow’s Thanksgiving 2.0.
All the side dishes, cranberry relish as well as the stuff that keeps the shape of the can, stuffing, too much turkey and not enough gravy, because there’s NEVER enough gravy. Green beans. Mashed taters. More yams. More wine.
Although we’re all triple-vaccinated, we’ve still managed to go out without our DNA melting.
It’s usually the right-wingers who try to ban Halloween. And of course the right-wing Puritans banned Christmas. No fun allowed except for hunting defenseless animals and people who have some melanin.
Meanwhile, even the Macy’s parade had some actual descendants of the people who lived where NYC now stands speaking their ancestral tongue and dancing. That probably annoyed MAGAs too. Because of course no one lived in North America till 1600.
@Vicky P: My Midwestern WASP aunt’s lasagna was legendary. Her daughter married into an honest to gosh “The Organization That Does Not Exist” Italian family, and even matriarch Nonna approved of it and it was necessary at Christmas.
I know I’m technically even newer than Worked Up is, this is only my second comment on here, and I don’t even know if the snarky first one comparing him to Atun-Shei Films’ Johnny Reb character was ever approved, so it’s not really my place to say anything, but David, I agree with Gerry Sherry, it might be time for Worked All That Out to be encouraged to go elsewhere.
Unrelated note, Worked All That Out, I do retail too. Have done so for almost a decade, and I’ve never felt that it was “unmanly” to use a Customer Service Voice that was softer-spoken than my natural one.
Something that I find incredibly ironic, though? I just did twelve hour shifts on both Wednesday and Friday, and I’ll be going back in for another eight later today. I’m physically and emotionally exhausted. But somehow I’m still managing to mind my manners and show more class than a self-proclaimed Scion of the South, despite my ancestry being mostly French trappers, Irish laborers, illegitimate Scots, and the occasional Metis.
You’re a real fucking piece of shit, you know that? You still can’t write worth a goddamn, and every time I see some shit from you, it’s just like single-sentence bullshit written from the intellectual and emotional level of a tween who’s finally discovered all the words you’re not supposed to say on the radio. Freud believed that bisexuality was caused by insufficient brain development – no doubt, he must have met too many people like you in Vienna. I’ve seen shit scrawled on bathroom stalls more impressive and articulate than anything that’s come out of your underdeveloped brain on this site.
“Aww are you gonna cry now. your just a pissbaby whose to x to y, bla bla bla i don’t know how punctuation works”
I’ve decided to be generous, and assume that you can figure out how to spell “punctuation.” Would be a shame if, in mocking you, I happened to pay you a compliment of some sort.
@Worked All That Out:
“It grieves me much,” replied the peer again,
“Who speaks so well should ever speak in vain.”
Ha! Not sure what Random Angry Internet Man is trying to achieve here. I don’t think anyone is going to be crying at home because he doesn’t like the way they write, given the fact they actually have a life.
Also I find the key to a happy mindset is to accept your mediocrity and strive to do your best, rather than assume you are some kind of special, strong, unfairly put-upon genius who’d be doing so much better if it wasn’t for [insert right-wing buzzword here]. MGTOW is a victim complex born from an overestimation of your own standing and abilities in relation to other people, and the sense of aggrievement that comes when reality contradicts the assumptions of an overinflated ego.
MGTOWs believing that the world at large owes them something beyond human respect and decency, and that they can only get what they deserve by pulling down others, is an illusion that’s hurting them. Instead of working to achieve anything by building relationships, figuring out what you want from life and essentially just putting a basic level of effort in (and here’s a hint, successful and happy people don’t hang out in forums with people politically and spiritually opposed to them saying “eat my ass”), you think the problem is women and other people you don’t like, which is a pathetic cop out. The majority of people are by definition and in your words “mediocre”. You are currently failing to even pass this bar.
He’s just an old-school troll who’s realized his initial schtick has worn off, so he’s throwing shit against the wall to see if anything will stick.
Don’t take anything he says seriously; he clearly doesn’t.
I do wish he wasn’t so thoroughly boring, though; even classic trolls can pull it off with some panache, but clearly this guy doesn’t have it in him.
Why is it that so many trolls seem to think psychiatry ended with Freud?
Because he had spicy hot takes and is very quotable, probably. And he had some misconceptions that are probably very appealing to paternalistic asshats.
Also, reading modern psychological research involves reading a lot more statistical analysis than sweeping speculative essays.
I’m starting to think WATO’s problem at work isn’t so much his intimidating voice, as the fact that he tells customers over the phone to eat his ass.
Did we ever establish what industry the troll is in? Maybe ass-eating is the service he provides? Perhaps he came here to offer a Black Friday deal on ass?
I was so mediocre at work that I took early retirement, and now I just have leisure pursuits to be mediocre at.
@worked all that out
Awww are you mad little boy? You wrote all that because of my few little sentences? Maybe you need to get a life
Nothing about this little baby is intimidating. He could try to rob me in a dark alley way with a gun pointed at me and I’d probably tell him to give me his wallet. His little lip would wobble his voice would crack and he would ve like “respect me! I’m a man” while on the verge of crying while he robs me.
Freud also said it was normal for boys to want to have sex with their mothers, and normal for father’s to have sex with their daughters. I don’t really care what the old pervert thought if bisexuality.
I’m not sure what stores you have access to in Canada, but most of them should be able to do delivery. If what I’m buying is inexpensive enough that I have to pay for shipping, I usually try to add on necessities that will up the total price so that I get free shipping (like toilet paper and shampoo).
I also try to avoid amazon, but they have a good selection of cheap headphones that can ship to almost anywhere.
You could also try B&H. I like them for electronics and they have a good selection of “plain” headphones (https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/products/Headphones/ci/12572?sort=PRICE_LOW_TO_HIGH)