Lara Trump was on Fox news, discussing inflation before veering off topic and in to the culture wars;
Here’s a transcript, courtesy of Mediaite.
They have told us from the beginning that they want to fundamentally transform America. Well, how do you that? You have to change America from the inside-out. You have to take away our traditions. … ‘Oh, don’t have a turkey, then people won’t come over.’ Last year, remember, they didn’t want us to get together, so I guess we’re lucky they’re letting us have Thanksgiving this year.
How dare the libs try to protect people from COVID.
At really, the core of this, they want to divide Americans up. They don’t want us to have any common ground. They don’t want us to have any shared traditions like Thanksgiving. A lot of places last month actually did away with Halloween because they wanted to be inclusive of the people that didn’t celebrate Halloween.
Er, what? Can I get a citation here on this Halloween thing?
It all goes to fundamentally transforming this country, and the way you do that is you make sure that we have no commonality whatsoever, no traditions as Americans whatsoever. You start chipping away at that, and they don’t care that Thanksgiving costs a lot more.
So wait, the libs are trying to destroy Thanksgiving so that no one will notice rising inflation? That is indeed a new one.
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving, if you’re into that sort of thing. I’m planning on shoveling stuffing into my mouth until I pass out.
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This is another reason I don’t want their “thought wasps” in my head!
we ain’t never been together or unified as a people. After all, beating up lgbtq people, raping women, exploiting immigrants and children, enslaving and lynching black people and just killing Indigenous people outright, sounds pretty divisive to me!
All of these activities were some of Americas favorite pastimes, and statements like hers show not just a complete ignorance of the history of their atrocities towards others, but an erasure of “America’s” (ie. white people’s) primary “traditions”!
Nevertheless, I am a fan of Chris Rock’s saying that the current generation of white people (usually whichever is most current) are some of the “nicest” ones to exist in this country. Despite some of their more recent and concerning activities, I hope this is a trend that continues.
@ ikeke35
You’ll no doubt be familiar with MLK’s quote:
“the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
I’d be interested in your thoughts on that. You obviously have a much better personal perspective on this than I ever could.
FWIW to me, if that is the case, then it seems more like it’s one of those stock market graphs than a curve. Like, it may trend in an upward direction, but there’s lots of peaks and troughs on the way.
I mean, at the moment things seem to be very much a bit retrograde. I hope it’s a temporary thing, and that if/when the pendulum swings back it sort of over-compensates and that we therefore move a bit closer to the desired outcome.
Hope some of that makes sense; but like I say, I’d be very interested in your insights there.
With how the last few years have gone, the moral arc of the universe is a cold comfort
Alan Robertshaw
FWIW to me, if that is the case, then it seems more like it’s one of those stock market graphs than a curve. Like, it may trend in an upward direction, but there’s lots of peaks and troughs on the way.
I’m not as easy on this as I once was. As a boomer, second wave feminist and past union rep I’d thought for a couple of decades or so that we’d done well. Things were looking up – around the mid 80s to 90s.
Then it all seemed to be crumbling away. It was no longer a source of comfort or pride that women could now get their own bank accounts and buy cars and houses without male guarantors, but all those other issues – like, say, refuges for families fleeing domestic violence, were becoming more urgent rather than less. Unions and workers’ wages, conditions and rights were going down the toilet with a very loud gurgle. And race? We had previously been a genuine haven for Vietnamese escaping their tattered country. And now we were absolutely diabolical when it came to people fleeing the Middle East and Africa.
More recently, I’ve been reading a lot about indigenous society pre-invasion. I’ve been dismayed at my own ignorance. Worse though is raising the topic with friends and family members. All of a sudden people who are normally kind and generous can reveal themselves as being bigoted beyond my comprehension. I sort of expected that they’d be like me. I anticipated a lot of reactions like my own – Good Heavens I never knew that – and similar admissions of ignorance or bias. Not so wonderful, I’m afraid.
I like to think that things would be getting better, but – along with people still, after all the shocking fires and floods – dismissing climate change, I’m getting less and less pleased with our “progress”.
@Excreted All That Out:
Don’t you think we should get to know each other better first? Also, to be frank, I don’t have a clue what you look like, and thus I have no idea whether there’d even be any attraction there.
Oh, hell.
Looks like everything we’ve done for the past 2 years, the deprivation, waiting for the jabs and finally getting them, all of it was for nothing.
I need to know who I should be angry at over this.
And what I should do with what little time presumably remains to me.
Headphones: https://www.target.com/p/sony-zx-series-wired-on-ear-headphones-mdr-zx110/-/A-82273465?preselect=14139449#lnk=sametab
Evolution? Anti-maskers? Anti-vaxxers?
My small family is doing our thanksgiving today because I was too lazy yesterday and it was just my husband and I. We’re also having a tofurkey stuffed loaf because we’re vegetarian. It definitely still smells like Thanksgiving in my home right now.
Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s a Target store within my travel range here.
I doubt there’s much anti-mask anti-vax right wing conspiracy BS in Botswana. A better target might be greedy pharma companies who have lobbied to block giving poor countries patent waivers.
Of course, it’s too late now. Those idiots might just have made worthless the very same products they were trying to force poor countries to pay through the nose for … and doomed us all into the bargain.
Alan Robertshaw:
Im like MLK in that respect. I take the extremely long view. As a Black woman that’s how I keep myself in this fight no matter how f*cking tired I get of trying to convince the worst of us that they need to be better, or arguing that the apathetic need to care. This is how I stay energized. I take the epochal view. Americans are better than they were 100 years ago (I know my history!), and better than they were 75, 50, or 25 years ago. (Trust me. They are better!)
The process is slow and frustrating as all hell, because we want them to be better RIGHT NOW! We want them to be good NOW! The PTB want things to remain exactly the way things have always been, because they benefit from the status quo, and will fight tooth and nail to continue that, and if possible, turn the clock back.
But clocks don’t run backward. Time doesn’t go backward. They will lose. They. Have always lost. They will always lose because the world changes, and we are the ones who make that change. Those people are the wind against which we move. (Sometimes it’s merely breezy, but sometimes, like the current period, it feels like a hurricane.)
There was an analogy I read on another blog post several years ago which Kewish people may appreciate. When you begin anti-racism, (and most PoC have no choice or say about doing so) it is like being born in the desert. You can see your destination, and know where you want to go, more or less, but you know you’re never gonna reach it in your lifetime. When you’re a member of a marginalized community you get born in the desert, and your kids will be born there too, and their kids will probably be born in that desert. I didn’t have any choice about it, and I dont quit because every step I take forward, doesnt just bring me closer to the goal, but means one less step for those who get born in the desert after me.
Yes, we absolutely should be concerned and fight against the bad shit they’re doing right now, because that’s how you get people to do better, even if we have to drag a lot of people kicking and screaming into the idea of civility, Justice, and decency. Actually Black people will tell you, it’s a good thing right now that so many of them are being so blatant, because everyone who cares can openly see what they’re up against. All of these people are coming out of the woodwork all at once because the pressure that all marginalized people are placing on them, is squeezing them out. They’re showing us who their real faces. It hurts like hell but this is a good thing. And if we survive all of this, (???) we will come out the other side better than we were 20 years ago, or ten, or five!
Remember when drunk driving was an issue. It’s taken over thirty years but MADD made tremendous inroads in demonizing and even stopping it in that time. Remember when smoking became an issue. It took more than twenty years to reach the point of eliminating indoor smoking. It took over forty years to stop the demonization of marijuana use, and even legalizing it in some places.
I like to refer to this as The Vampiric Long View. That’s how I my mind works.
@Surplus to Requirements, bumblebug:
As far as I know, Target doesn’t operate in Canada anymore. They absolutely botched their attempt at breaking into the Canadian market and lost a lot of money on it.
My understanding is that the mistake they made was that in most other non-U.S. countries where Target operates, the operator is essentially a franchisee with local people running it and Target supplying the marketing. When they moved into Canada, they tried to run it themselves, and ran into issues with different tax structures, different shipping requirements, different employment laws, and even different box sizes which threw off their shelf optimization system. The people who had set it up assumed they could use the same back-end system to run both the U.S. and Canada, and that wasn’t the case. From what I heard, it literally got to the point where there were so many things that had to be hand-tweaked to get them running that absolutely nobody knew what was going on at the large scale, because everybody at the store level had to fudge their reports to actually get anything done. The end result was a shambling disaster where nobody knew just how bad it was until it was several steps past recoverable.
And all because the people who started it completely ignored the number of differences in operating between Canada and the U.S., and tried to run the Canadian operations out of the U.S. rather than getting anybody local who knew how things worked.
Eat my ass all night long.
I’m thankful I’m not related to Lara Trump.
And that my high school alma mater won their annual Thanksgiving football game.
And now he’s not even trying . How sad it that.
Awww… Somebody wants attention.
As for the latest variant, I’m not panicking yet. It sounds like it is more infectious and could slip past vaccines, but not necessarily prove more deadly. (And the slipping past vaccines is going to come up in the future as large portions of society remain unvaccinated to develop more variants, but infecting the vaccinated is needed for any given variant to truely be successful.)
@.45, Fabe
Drink castor oil and surgically attach your lips to your anus.
Whats going on here? Did a 12 year old steal His account?
You are very rude, narcissistic people. Your mental laziness knows no bounds, you expect to be handed things that are not commensurate with your actual talents, abilities, or willingness to work. You are all so profoundly mediocre, that it almost becomes a sign of distinction.
And now the IMAX level of projection.
Jenora Feuer
… the people who started it completely ignored the number of differences in operating between Canada and the U.S.
Hah! Almost as bad as the morons (can’t remember which particular morons, but it was one of the big hardware/homeware places) who tried to take on the Australian market. They literally treated Australia as an extension of their US operations.
So Xmas time … instead of beach umbrellas and swimming pool equipment for the 40C+ weather of an Oz summer, they stocked warm winter work gloves and snow management tools. And vice versa for our winter, their summer. Lost buckets of money.
@ Shirked It All Out
Excuse me while I laugh a bit. I will probably think back on your little talk of willingness to work next week when I am doing construction in 30 degree weather and laugh some more, so you have proved to be of some benefit to me after all.
I’m not joking. I was feeling a bit down, but you cheered me up here. I literally LOLed.
Also, I’ll pass on the Human Centipede fetish stuff if you don’t mind. To each their own.
@Worked All That Out
This coming from the MGTOW who’s whole platform is deluded conspiracy, empty assertions without citation, and straight up telling people to “Eat his ass”. Your attepts to claim that your dissenters are “rude, narcissistic and mentally lazy” is nothing more than projection where you falsely accuse others of what your guilty of.
But that’s the intentional point; you don’t care about actually seeking truth, fact or progress: your just a feeble little man-child who just hates women and wants to be an agent of malice and harm and vexation to them.
They don’t make chew toys like they used to. The latest one broke after just a couple days.
Who the fuck are you calling chew toy? Don’t take that tone with me, that “hmm hmm sweaty *sips wine* chew toy chew toy hm hm hmm sweateh…” You can fuck right off with that horseshit, I’m not having it.
ETA: Eat my fucking ass.
Ok, literally “LOL, what?”