
This Thanksgiving I am thankful that Lara Trump is saying batshit stuff on Fox that I can quote

This is fucking diabolical

Lara Trump was on Fox news, discussing inflation before veering off topic and in to the culture wars;

Here’s a transcript, courtesy of Mediaite.

They have told us from the beginning that they want to fundamentally transform America. Well, how do you that? You have to change America from the inside-out. You have to take away our traditions. … ‘Oh, don’t have a turkey, then people won’t come over.’ Last year, remember, they didn’t want us to get together, so I guess we’re lucky they’re letting us have Thanksgiving this year.

How dare the libs try to protect people from COVID.

At really, the core of this, they want to divide Americans up. They don’t want us to have any common ground. They don’t want us to have any shared traditions like Thanksgiving. A lot of places last month actually did away with Halloween because they wanted to be inclusive of the people that didn’t celebrate Halloween.

Er, what? Can I get a citation here on this Halloween thing?

It all goes to fundamentally transforming this country, and the way you do that is you make sure that we have no commonality whatsoever, no traditions as Americans whatsoever. You start chipping away at that, and they don’t care that Thanksgiving costs a lot more.

So wait, the libs are trying to destroy Thanksgiving so that no one will notice rising inflation? That is indeed a new one.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving, if you’re into that sort of thing. I’m planning on shoveling stuffing into my mouth until I pass out.

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3 years ago

“American” = White yet again.

There IS a difference between some Republicans and MAGAs, it seems. Those Republicans who are not really MAGAs say “American” to MEAN “White” consciously, as a conscious ploy – or lie.
MAGAs cannot consciously do anything. They are pure petty resentment and self-victimization.

Republicans and their voters are the worst human beings ever, because they have NO excuse.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
3 years ago


(looks towards kitchen, where a ham is waiting)

(remembers earlier phone call with Dr. Baby Sister, who is doing tofurky again this year, since she and her husband are vegetarians)

(remembers husband’s family tradition of homemade lasagna)

Lara, sweetie, the point is to gather with friends and family and eat something delicious. It doesn’t have to be a turkey. Each family can have its own traditions, without asking your permission or getting the stamp of approval from some mythical Thanksgiving Committee.

I swear, these people get more and more Umbridge every year.

Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
3 years ago

She was a producer on Inside Edition and is married to one of donnie loser’s idiot sons, that tells you everything you need to know about Lara trump.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

I don’t know about where you are, but both Thanksgiving and Halloween happened normally here last month, modulo a few more masks in the costumes and smaller circles of guests at the table than before 2020. Last year, too, again modulo smaller gatherings at both Thanksgiving and Christmas.

And who is to blame for inflation? According to all of my usual sources, wages remain crappy, unions are being told to tell the workers they represent that there just isn’t the money to pay them better, and meanwhile the rich CEOs are rolling in it even more than they had been. Seems to me to be greed that’s to blame. Business executives are keeping wages low, raising prices, and raking it in while nobody questions their right to do so.

Do you remember when we used to have something called “antitrust”, and something called “competition”?

rabid rabbit
rabid rabbit
3 years ago

I’m… pretty sure that places that do away with Halloween (other than for Covid-related reasons) tend to be run by religious fanatics? Like, the exact “Real Murican” white evangelicals who are the right’s mainstays?

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Victorious Parasol:

Cooking Discovery of the Day: prying open a carton of oysters that’s been in the freezer, particularly after the pull-ring breaks off, is an Enrichment Experience—finally requiring a hammer, a bottle opener, and a fair bit of Mature Language.

(Chowder—also featuring shrimp, leeks, barley, king oyster mushrooms, green beans, green turnips, Napa cabbage, wakame, and white miso—accomplished.)

Last edited 3 years ago by Full Metal Ox
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

Can I get a citation here on this Halloween thing?

It is true apparently. Halloween not inclusive enough. But it only seems to be limited to a few places.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

i got my covid booster and it’s fucking me up just as much as my second shot did.

Worked All That Out
Worked All That Out
3 years ago

Eat my ass.

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

They have told us from the beginning that they want to fundamentally transform America. Well, how do you that? You have to change America from the inside-out. You have to take away our traditions.

Um…didn’t the Pilgrims and their successors do precisely that to the people they found already living here?

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ full metal ox

didn’t the Pilgrims and their successors do precisely that to the people they found already living here?

This seems apposite; especially for the time of year.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

@worked that out all

so, no intelligent things coming from you this thanksgiving? what’s the matter? did you have to make the turkey like a woman?

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
3 years ago

@Full Metal Ox:
Speaking of Pilgrims, taking away traditions, and this time of year, this is the regular reminder that there actually was once a War on Christmas in North America… with Christmas celebrations actually being banned in Massachusetts by law and a fine extracted from any lawbreakers. This law was passed in 1659, and it was the Puritans who enacted it. Literally, for several years, businesses could be fined for closing on Christmas Day to give their employees time off.

3 years ago

Elaine the witch

@worked that out all

so, no intelligent things coming from you this thanksgiving?

I guess thanksgiving is no different then any other day for him.

3 years ago

The school district I work for soft-pedals the Halloween stuff so that that parents who are Jehovah’s Witnesses won’t get upset. Some classes have pumpkins, but they just cut the tops off and scoop out the seeds so they’re not making jack-o-lanterns.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

Christmas was of course banned here too, during the interregnum. Even the word itself was banned. Officially it was now Christ-tide; to get rid of the papist ‘mass’ bit. Soldiers were posted in the street to arrest people carrying xmas food.

Most people seemed to have ignored the law though, and carried on partying as before.

When the government looked like seriously trying to enforce the law the populace said “Sod it; we’ll have the king back then.” And the rest as they say, is (horrible) history.

3 years ago

Turkey, huh? Ham in this family. (We didn’t get the memo that Thanksgiving was canceled either.)

@ Worked All That Stuff Out Really Really Hard

Hmmm… Now that is the kind of witty and thought provoking insight we’ve come to expect from you. How ever did we get along without someone of your intellectual caliber here?

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Worked All That Out:

Eat my ass.

No, thank you; it’s undoubtedly bitter and full of bile and venom.

3 years ago

Trigger warning for disturbing content relating to the Pilgrim settlers –

This article refers to white folks being paid for scalping indigenous people, up until 1885. I am ashamed to say that until reading this I HAD NEVER THOUGHT TO QUESTION WHO WAS SCALPING WHOM.

3 years ago

I am quite sure that “they are trying to take away our traditions” is conservative-speak for “they do not share our Real American traditions.”

Likewise, “they do not want us to share any traditions” means “they refuse to be exactly like Us, the Real Americans.”

In short, it’s the usual painting of difference as an existential threat. We are only safe if everyone is exactly like Us.

And of course, when faced with an existential threat, extreme measures must be taken.


Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.

3 years ago

Apologies if someone here posted that article and this is where I came across it! Sometimes it is difficult to keep track of one’s record of atrocities.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

OT, but could use a little tech advice.

Does anyone here know where it might be possible to obtain plain old ordinary headphones? No microphone. No wireless. Just a plain old 3.5mm stereo audio jack at the end of the cord. Compatible with pretty much anything (except for Apple’s overpriced proprietary junk).

3 years ago

At my local department store, headphones are stocked in “computer accessories” whereas headphone-microphone sets are stocked in “gaming accessories”. It was at first confusing to me, since I needed a full set and had never paid attention to anything gaming related.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
3 years ago

At really, the core of this, they want to divide Americans up. They don’t want us to have any common ground. 

This, in the middle of a lengthy rant about how liberals are subhuman and scary and weird and Not Like You And Me, on a network that is rapidly turning into RTLM.

Gerry Sherry
Gerry Sherry
3 years ago

David, I think worked all that out has overstayed his welcome, can we ban him nowhere

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