anti-Semitism antifeminism conspiracy theory literal nazis misogyny MRA playing the victim

Men’s Rights Redditor: “A man in the west in 2021 is no different from a Jew in Poland in 1940”

A group of anti-vaxxers caused a stir the other day by wearing yellow stars of David to a protest — suggesting that the alleged oppression they face is analogous to that faced by Jews in Hitler’s Germany.

Naturally, one Men’s Rights Redditor has done them one better, comparing men in general to Jews in 1940s Germany.

“A man in 2021 is a victim,” wrote Ok-Efficiency1842 in a post on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

That’s it. A man in the west in 2021 is no different from a Jew in Poland in 1940 or a Native American in Oklahoma in 1835.

Society hates you and it’s going to punish you for being born. You’re seen as a violent criminal and you’re treated like one no matter what good you do in the world.

The comment was so over-the-top that some of Mr. Efficiency’s Men’s Rights colleagues called foul. But his comment still got 10 net upvotes, suggesting that most of those who saw it saw nothing wrong with the comparison.

I took a stroll back through some of Mr. Efficiency’s other comments and posts on the subreddit and discovered that he has a lot of terrible takes, some just as, well, inspired as this one.

Here he incorporates slavery into the mix.

If I was a black slave in the 1840s south, I wouldn’t give a fuck what harsh words people had for the plantation owners. That’s exactly how men should feel about misogyny. Why should the Jews feel bad that someone called the Waffen SS office inferior or stupid?

Maybe if the Germans didn’t spend all their time oppressing and demonizing the Jews, the Jews would be a bit more respectful.

Men are illegal:

It’s straight-up illegal to just be a man in today’s society yet people still refuse to fight back.

Feminists constantly lie about oppression and mistreatment yet every gullible dipshit in the world believes the even as they rob the whole world blind.

Women can murder children while men are put in cages:

Men are punished for everything. Any mistake, even the smallest one, will destroy a man’s life.

While women can murder their own children and be celebrated as heroes.

The idea that women in the western world have problems that must be solved is complete and utter bullshit. They’re handed everything on a silver platter while men are rounded up and caged like animals.

Women instigate domestic violence because feminism?

Women instigate fights because feminism has made hitting a woman the ultimate sin in the eyes of the public.

Women hide behind feminism to do terrible things and our society allows it because they put women on a fucking pedestal. 

(That last comment got 74 upvotes in the Men’s Rights subreddit.)

Mass shootings are somehow the fault of feminism:

Don’t most mass shooters have a history of domestic violence? If you exclude them from getting the help they need, you can’t be shocked when they explode on the public.

Most mass shooting can be laid solely at the feet of feminism but that upsets a lot of people.

I think the mysterious group he’s referring to in this comment is feminists, but this is the internet so maybe he means Jews?

Men have problems because a certain group of people wants men to have problems. Id you try to solve male homelessness, guess what? A group of people will shut you down because men don’t need help according to these people and you know who I’m talking about.

You can not fix men’s problems without dealing with the people who created them and continue to enable these problems.

Uh, no one is stopping you from “solving” male homelessness, dude. Have at it.

He really hates feminism, huh?

Feminism has done something for men. It’s put an incredibly large number of us in prison and taken our jobs from us. That’s what feminism does for men.

I think the so-called War on Drugs has put a lot of men in prison. Especially men of color. Feminists have nothing to do with that.

It treats all men like predators and monsters then creates a legal system to punish men for simply existing. That should be the legacy of feminism but it’s not because the people in power continue to defend a hateful bitter supremacist movement that wants to subjugate men at all cost.

To wind things up, here’s an excerpt of a comment that Mr. Efficiency posted to the PussyPassDenied subreddit, which probably shouldn’t exist in the first place. It got 222 upvotes.

Women are not your friend, they want your job, they want your money, they want your house. That’s what #MeToo was about. Stealing everything men have built over the last five hundred years and guess what? It was successful. Men need to wake up.


Wait, wait, here’s a better one from the Men’s Rights subreddit, in a thread complaining that women have invaded the Formula One racing subreddit.

Every hobby has been taken over by women. They run the world and they use their sociopolitical power to exclude and discriminate against men.


In conclusion, Mr. Efficiency has got what is possibly the biggest victim complex of all times. Maybe take a break from Reddit, dude.

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3 years ago


I don’t mind your question. And when I try to put myself in the shoes of people who don’t know (and wouldn’t and couldn’t be expected to know or want to know) all the details of my very unconventional life I get why you are asking.

It’s kind of a very radical way of using a lifestyle choice and choices about personal relationships to make what is for me an artistic statement. It’s unconventional but for me it’s a way of radically asserting my power to choose sexual partners and using my entire lifestyle and my most basic choices about human interaction to make an artistic statement about a woman’s right and power to have absolute and unlimited control over her choice of sexual partners.

I’ve mentioned before that I have an assistant. She is actually more than that and works very closely with me as a go-between with other people, including my sponsors and definitely my guys. So we are really very bound and she is so supportive and a confidant who understands why relationships and eroticism and my sexuality are themselves, to me, art projects in the biggest sense.

So to answer your question, no, in my personal life I have no cis male friends. I made a choice to not have any kind of relationship at all with any man at all outside of my worshippers (who, as part of the process of becoming one consented to let my assistant and I know about their gender indentity). My choice in that respect was me making an artistic statement in the broadest sense. I felt powerful and I love it.

I admit it did take me a lot of courage and emotional strength to do this because it did mean I had to end many casual friendships and three really good friendships. But they were wonderful men and respected my choice and formerly we were close enough as friends that they understood me and WHY as an artist this was important to me and that rather than intentionally cruel it was an artistic choice. Most of the male friendships that I ended were with men I had no physical sexual attraction to, but two were with guys that were and are absolutely gorgeous tall ripped hunks. One now is one of my worshippers but I’m no longer his friend Stacey and he knows me only now as Mistress-Goddess and that works. The other respected and said he actually admired the radical nature of my artistic choice but that kind of relationship wasn’t for him. I reconciled myself to the loss because I have to accept the consequences of my choices. But it showed that the bullshit incel claim that a conventionally attractive woman can get any guy to do anything is wrong.

In online spaces like this I talk more openly because we respect each other’s privacy here and not everyone chooses to say anything about their gender identity and they obviously don’t have to.

3 years ago


but also a caution of maybe don’t assume you know for sure what the gender identity or secondary sexual characteristics of your acquaintances are. 

You are right to make that reminder. I probably need to hear it. Thank you.

3 years ago

I know I’m talking about some choices that most people find really unusual but if what I do in life upsets NiceGuys and Incels, then I’m really happy

Last edited 3 years ago by TyrantBitchGoddessStacey
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

Don’t know if this is of any interest to anyone; but I post just in case.

It’s a webinar.

Spotlight: To Survive on This Shore: Photographs of Transgender and Gender Non Conforming Older Adults

To Survive on This Shore, a collaboration between Jess Dugan, photographer, and Vanessa Fabbre, social worker and assistant professor at Washington University in St. Louis researching the intersection of LGBTQ issues and ageing. For over five years, Dugan and Fabbre sought subjects throughout the United States whose experiences exist within the complex intersections of gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, sexuality, socioeconomic class and geographic location. 

The exhibition includes twenty-two photographs, each paired with text illuminating the stories of those photographed. The exhibition and catalogue provide a nuanced view into the struggles and joys of growing older as a transgender person and offer a poignant reflection on what it means to live authentically despite seemingly insurmountable odds.

In this webinar, we talk to producer Barrett Barrera Projects and photographer Jess Dugan about the nuances of touring this show and the potential educational programming surrounding it.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
3 years ago


I find it unusual but interesting, though admittedly I’m seeing it from a theatrical perspective (shades of helping the theater techies during college). So I keep thinking of it in terms of props and storytelling choices. Thank you for sharing what you feel is appropriate to share in this forum.

Hypatia's Daughter
Hypatia's Daughter
3 years ago

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
I think it’s been a while since I praised you for so ably creating the perfect turn of phrase. But you deserve another internet for this one:

If you’re going to personally take credit for everything good in the world, then you must also personally take blame for everything bad. You don’t get to outsource evil, my dude.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

@Alan: Thanks for the fact that “Nazi” actually IS an insult! I bet all the neo-Nazis don’t know that. Also for the info on Shilling and Cartland.

Ben and Jerry’s has been owned by Unilever for years, so of course you’d get pushback. They do have a lot of non-dairy flavors, though. I can see Laughing Cow having a case, since everyone knows cows don’t actually laugh. That would be creepy.

@Vicky P: All the world’s a stage; the Goddess Stacey is merely literalizing it for fun, profit, and maybe social change. Plus annoying the manboys.

I’m sure the (not)incels would be astonished to realize than many, many women aren’t interested in extra-large penises. They can be painful! If all a straight woman wants is a large cylinder in her vagina, there are infinite ways to have that which don’t involve actual men. The man to whom the penis is attached is much more important, as is his skill at using said appendage, and his other techniques.

I think we need more citronella around here.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

@contrapangloss: Good AM/PM to you as well! I also appreciate your witty thread contributions. Best of luck on your journey, and thank you for the reminder not to make assumptions about anyone, be they friend or stranger.

Society hates you and it’s going to punish you for being born. You’re seen as a violent criminal and you’re treated like one no matter what good you do in the world.

From Brock Turner to Brett Kavanaugh, how many times have we heard “Don’t ruin his future over one mistake, he’s a good kid?” Remember when the police bought Dylan Roof Burger King after he murdered nine people? Or George Zimmerman, allowed to walk free and now raking in a fortune with speaking appearances and shitty paintings of stolen stock American flag images? White men are coddled to an unbelievable extent by the justice system. We’re watching it unfold yet again, right now, in real time with Kyle Rittenhouse.

Men who feel fearful are allowed to “patrol” with guns and shoot whoever they like with near impunity, so long as the victim is of lower social status. Stand Your Ground laws were written for the benefit of white men. Not blacks, and certainly not women. Just ask Marissa Alexander.

This is such a laughable fantasy, written by someone who pays more attention to the world inside their head than the world as it is.

3 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Justice system? You are mistaken. I will now mansplain. We do not have a justice system, we have a legal system. No less than a judge in said system pointed that out to me.

3 years ago

@Victorious Parasol
@GSS ex-noob

My assistant and some of my sponsors have a theater background and all my guys in their outside lives are creative people. For me, it’s performance and storytelling AND real and something I’m living fully all at the same time. It helps me understand that was is “real” is more than the narrow world of most people’s everyday lives. When I think about all the hours it takes to get into my full body latex bodypaint, all the prep, the hair coloring, all the rehearsing of how I move and stand, being aware of blocking and spacing so I can use my whip, and which cracks I can do where, yeah because those practicalities are bound up in this world I’m reminded of the limitations of this world and it feels like “just” a performance. Yet when I’m in it all and with my guys and receiving their supplication in the space that is in that scene the throne room of my temple and giving my commands I’m in that “domme-space” akin to what Elaine rightly calls subspace and then it’s as real as any all else. And making that real is so powerful because it’s all about me, and the me that it’s all about is a woman in complete control and that mental emotional and sensuous place feels to me and is a really powerful obliteration of patriarchy. I love love love how the sexuality of it all and my ability to have exactly and only the men that I want so infuriates misogynists!!!!

Last edited 3 years ago by TyrantBitchGoddessStacey
Ninja Socialist
Ninja Socialist
3 years ago

Women kill their children and are seen as heroes? Where? Men are jailed for everything? Where? I just read an article about a young man who raped teen girls when he was 17 and his family helped him groom them. None of these predators got jail time. Women are stealing men’s jobs? No, sweetie, we’re simply taking jobs you guys kept us out of forever. Sorry you actually have to compete for them now. Women run everything? On what planet, my dude?

3 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to explain. I can’t say I completely understand but I respect your choice.

3 years ago

@Worked All That Out

I find it rather ironic you, who presumably thinks of themselves as a defender of men and their rights, insult men in your post. Telling submissive men their sons will be inferior men is a great way to win them over, I’m sure.

Though, frankly, it’s the least bad thing you said–when you talk about women, I can feel your hatred and disgust.

Ninja Socialist
Ninja Socialist
3 years ago

So Worked It All Out is the resident annoying incel now?

Ninja Socialist
Ninja Socialist
3 years ago

@Worked It All Out: You state that women can’t look after themselves? And that we expect men to pay for us? What planet do you live on? We work, we have jobs, pay or own way and if married are still expected to do the majority of LOOKING AGTER EVERYONE ELSE on top of working. Many men want mommys.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


Many adult men I’ve noticed want a woman that will act like their mother but let them fuck her for some reason. That’s the relationship they want. They wanted to be unconditionally loved and taken care of like a child. They want their wife to love them like a mother loves her baby, but then they also want to have sex with her. Make you think freud just projected everything that men actually are onto women.

3 years ago

@Elaine The Witch

I think this has some correlation with certain men becoming jealous when their partner has a baby, and acting up over the fact they don’t have their undivided attention anymore. Also the disturbing fact over a third of domestic abuse starts in pregnancy.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


Please don’t tell me that when I’m trying to have a baby

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

@Ninja and Elaine: For a lot of women, that’s a relationship killer. It’s really hard to go back and forth between “pick up my socks and scrub my undies all day, now fuck me all night”. It’s a turnoff. Not just in the sense of being too exhausted after doing the house chores and caregiving all day, but also the mental taboo of switching one’s partner from helpless dependent to adult sexual being. Individual women may or may not have a “maternal instinct”, but in general we’re not conditioned to find children or childlike behavior sexually attractive.

MRAs don’t realize this, and continue to insist that helping out around the house is a display of soy beta weakness. Then they’re shocked when their wives aren’t in the mood, and even more shocked when the divorce comes seemingly out of nowhere.

@.45: I will now mansplain your mansplaining even further, and posit that we don’t have a legal system either. It’s a system for protecting the property of wealthy white men, period.

Last edited 3 years ago by Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


Even when you do have that Maternal instinct, that’s something that’s just for children. Like you feel that only for babies and children. not the man you make those children with. It just amazes me seeing mras or incels or whatever complaining about women wanting them to be adults to have a relationship and sex. like they actually complain about the fact you have to be an adult and act like an adult to have an adult relationship.

my husband and I we both work, we both clean, he cooks more then I do because he’s better at it. he does the dishes because dishes really mess up my sensory stuff and if I do it there just going to pile up to the end of the weak.

We’re nerds yes, we watch anime, watch cartoons, play video games, read comics, sometimes don’t get out of the forever lazys and leave the couch during the winter, I have stuffed animals still, I like going to Disney movies. All of that. There are childish moments and interest yes because being all adult all the time would be boring but we do our adult responsibilities.

Laundry gets done, bills get paid. meals get prepped. budgeting happens. Sometimes I have to veto his purchases of something that we don’t need. and sometimes he has to do that to me too. (but one day those 300 dollar platform boots will be mine so help me god)

I do my best to make him happy and he does the same for me. and sometimes those things that make me happy is that he took out the recycling and trash before he went out on his run early in the morning. The man gets up at like 5 am. I’m still asleep for another hour and a half but I wake up things that were on my list to take care of are already off of it. That’s what women want. Someone that loves them and makes their life easier, not harder. He is my beloved, my partner, the love of my life. we do things for each other to make things easier for one another. That’s what an adult relationship looks like

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ elaine

one day those 300 dollar platform boots will be mine

Well your beaux is a military man, so just remind him of the importance of ‘boots on the ground’.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


To be fair I type that while looking up at the top shelf of our closet and seeing my actual 8 other pair of boots that I own.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ elaine

I believe it was Gandhi who said “You can never have too many pairs of boots.” Or maybe it was that bloke from the shoe shop. Either way it’s a valid point.

3 years ago


To be fair I type that while looking up at the top shelf of our closet and seeing my actual 8 other pair of boots that I own.

You are a woman out of my own heart!
I bet you have great style!

Gerald Fnord
Gerald Fnord
3 years ago

Funny, I’ve never felt myself to have been made illegal.

Morever, as someone who lost tens of relatives who were Jews in Poland in 1940, none of whom survived the Holocaust, I’ll suggest this guy is a clown who at the very least ought to suffer a travelling Klingon Discommendation everywhere he goes.