anti-Semitism antifeminism conspiracy theory literal nazis misogyny MRA playing the victim

Men’s Rights Redditor: “A man in the west in 2021 is no different from a Jew in Poland in 1940”

A group of anti-vaxxers caused a stir the other day by wearing yellow stars of David to a protest — suggesting that the alleged oppression they face is analogous to that faced by Jews in Hitler’s Germany.

Naturally, one Men’s Rights Redditor has done them one better, comparing men in general to Jews in 1940s Germany.

“A man in 2021 is a victim,” wrote Ok-Efficiency1842 in a post on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

That’s it. A man in the west in 2021 is no different from a Jew in Poland in 1940 or a Native American in Oklahoma in 1835.

Society hates you and it’s going to punish you for being born. You’re seen as a violent criminal and you’re treated like one no matter what good you do in the world.

The comment was so over-the-top that some of Mr. Efficiency’s Men’s Rights colleagues called foul. But his comment still got 10 net upvotes, suggesting that most of those who saw it saw nothing wrong with the comparison.

I took a stroll back through some of Mr. Efficiency’s other comments and posts on the subreddit and discovered that he has a lot of terrible takes, some just as, well, inspired as this one.

Here he incorporates slavery into the mix.

If I was a black slave in the 1840s south, I wouldn’t give a fuck what harsh words people had for the plantation owners. That’s exactly how men should feel about misogyny. Why should the Jews feel bad that someone called the Waffen SS office inferior or stupid?

Maybe if the Germans didn’t spend all their time oppressing and demonizing the Jews, the Jews would be a bit more respectful.

Men are illegal:

It’s straight-up illegal to just be a man in today’s society yet people still refuse to fight back.

Feminists constantly lie about oppression and mistreatment yet every gullible dipshit in the world believes the even as they rob the whole world blind.

Women can murder children while men are put in cages:

Men are punished for everything. Any mistake, even the smallest one, will destroy a man’s life.

While women can murder their own children and be celebrated as heroes.

The idea that women in the western world have problems that must be solved is complete and utter bullshit. They’re handed everything on a silver platter while men are rounded up and caged like animals.

Women instigate domestic violence because feminism?

Women instigate fights because feminism has made hitting a woman the ultimate sin in the eyes of the public.

Women hide behind feminism to do terrible things and our society allows it because they put women on a fucking pedestal. 

(That last comment got 74 upvotes in the Men’s Rights subreddit.)

Mass shootings are somehow the fault of feminism:

Don’t most mass shooters have a history of domestic violence? If you exclude them from getting the help they need, you can’t be shocked when they explode on the public.

Most mass shooting can be laid solely at the feet of feminism but that upsets a lot of people.

I think the mysterious group he’s referring to in this comment is feminists, but this is the internet so maybe he means Jews?

Men have problems because a certain group of people wants men to have problems. Id you try to solve male homelessness, guess what? A group of people will shut you down because men don’t need help according to these people and you know who I’m talking about.

You can not fix men’s problems without dealing with the people who created them and continue to enable these problems.

Uh, no one is stopping you from “solving” male homelessness, dude. Have at it.

He really hates feminism, huh?

Feminism has done something for men. It’s put an incredibly large number of us in prison and taken our jobs from us. That’s what feminism does for men.

I think the so-called War on Drugs has put a lot of men in prison. Especially men of color. Feminists have nothing to do with that.

It treats all men like predators and monsters then creates a legal system to punish men for simply existing. That should be the legacy of feminism but it’s not because the people in power continue to defend a hateful bitter supremacist movement that wants to subjugate men at all cost.

To wind things up, here’s an excerpt of a comment that Mr. Efficiency posted to the PussyPassDenied subreddit, which probably shouldn’t exist in the first place. It got 222 upvotes.

Women are not your friend, they want your job, they want your money, they want your house. That’s what #MeToo was about. Stealing everything men have built over the last five hundred years and guess what? It was successful. Men need to wake up.


Wait, wait, here’s a better one from the Men’s Rights subreddit, in a thread complaining that women have invaded the Formula One racing subreddit.

Every hobby has been taken over by women. They run the world and they use their sociopolitical power to exclude and discriminate against men.


In conclusion, Mr. Efficiency has got what is possibly the biggest victim complex of all times. Maybe take a break from Reddit, dude.

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3 years ago

Hahahahah… and for today only, a special bonus hah. Please enjoy responsibly. Not available on all blogs. See management for details.

3 years ago

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rabid rabbit
rabid rabbit
3 years ago

So when he talks about women getting away with killing their babies, does he just mean abortion or does he actually think real live women go around killing infants and getting praised for it?

Because, y’know, I could be wrong, but the last few cases of infanticide I’ve heard of (where the mother was the perpetrator) have not tended to result in cheering crowds.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

Today’s men have suffered more than any other group in the history of the world. Also all other planets. And yet men aren’t allowed to call their oppressors (women) inferior or stupid. What a farce.

Also, the Nazis were bad. It should have been okay to call them inferior or stupid when they were in power because they were oppressing and demonizing Jews. In addition, a group who cannot be named (could it be Jews?) is running the world.

Furthermore, mass shooters were excluded from getting the help they needed when they were committing domestic violence. That’s why they became mass shooters. We shouldn’t be shocked when they explode on the public. Feminism is to blame.

Maybe these men need to lobby to change some laws. I don’t know which laws because this commenter didn’t name any. But given that Congress is overwhelmingly (73 percent) male, it’s possible that men will find some sympathy there. Also, the president is a man, and six out of the nine Supreme Court justices are men. Plus the pope: he’s a man. In my opinion, this group called men has a fighting chance of survival.

3 years ago

And just in time for the story in todays news about the wealthy white youngster in New York who raped four teenage girls, plea-bargained it down to third-degree rape, and the judge found that to be too harsd and gave him probation.

Worked All That Out
Worked All That Out
3 years ago

You laugh, but the day will come when men, including the so-called “good ones” like the one behind this risible blog, will find themselves transported to facilities built and maintained by AI in order to dispose of us for either being insufficiently attractive or otherwise being deemed a net pull on the planet’s resources.

Women are unwilling to use or expend energy, so they lie and point to their holes in hopes of entrancing some male participant into doing all the hard work, both mentally and physically, for the advancement of the species. They can’t very well do without us, due to their inability to take care of themselves, but they want what we make without having to actually deal with us on any level beyond satisfying their sexual urges. There are two ways to solve this; they can either breed with submissive males until they have created an extraordinarily docile race of emasculated weenies, or they can depend on male vitality and dynamism to create its very undoing – “automation.”

Due to being incorrigibly attracted to psychopathic bad-boys with perfect jaws and cocks the size of the Eifel Tower, it is terribly unlikely that women will go with option one. Thus, they will seek to accelerate men’s demise using our own powers of advancement against us, until we’ve accelerated right off the cliff while the cows sit back and laugh at us. Once everything has been automated, women will no doubt use men’s chivalry against us to push through some sort of worldwide legislation predicated upon protecting them from us by eliminating us via disposal centers and replacing us with gadgets. Much braying will be made about the “progress” for the environment and the species that such a scheme will be foretold to bring about, while only sexy, stupid men are kept alive for women’s enjoyment.

Last edited 3 years ago by Worked All That Out
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

You laugh, but the day will come when men, including the so-called “good ones” like the one behind this risible blog, will find themselves transported to facilities built and maintained by AI in order to dispose of us for either being insufficiently attractive or otherwise being deemed a net pull on the planet’s resources.

You seem to know a lot about this plot, so you must know the date it will occur. Please share that information with us: what is the exact date that men will be transported to these facilities?

Worked All That Out
Worked All That Out
3 years ago


I am unable to tell you the exact date that such an event will occur, but that by no means implies that it isn’t an accurate prediction to make, considering all presently known factors. I can’t foresee the exact date when my supervisor will take their next dump, but I have enough experience living as a human and analyzing trends to know that there is a high probability of it occurring sometime in the near future. For a mind so cognizant as mine, and so adept at reading the currents, this is all so elementary, and largely progresses logically from certain indisputable principles, as though it were conceived in the mind of Euclid.

Last edited 3 years ago by Worked All That Out
3 years ago


Women are unwilling to use or expend energy, so they lie and point to their holes in hopes of entrancing some male participant into doing all the hard work, both mentally and physically, for the advancement of the species.

Ada Lovelace, Hedy Lamarr, Grace Hopper, Florence Parpart, Stephanie Kwolek, Josephine Cochrane, Ida R. Forbes, Dr. Shirley Jackson, Alice H. Parker, Dr. Patricia Bath, Alice Ball.

You can thank these women (the last few who are also black) for the computers, wifi, gps, home heating, hot showers, and medicine that make your life comfortable. This is just a short list of things I thought you in particular might find “useful”. The list is of course significantly longer if you include contributions to what the rest of society considers useful (ie NASA’s calculations, home appliances that women stereotypically use, tools for grooming and child rearing, the arts, etc).

What have you produced through the expenditure of your manly mental and physical energy that in any way measures up?

3 years ago

@Worked that all out

Well, that certainly was a lot of words, my dude.

Look, the American government can’t even vote for and pass a budget on time.

You really think they’re gonna write up a package, pass, actually fund and develop an AI capable of all that?

You really think women and feminists, who weren’t able to keep Texas from implementing a terribly draconian abortion law, have THAT much pull in the government?


If so, I’ve got some real estate on Pluto to sell you.

I wish women and minorities were better represented in the US government. I’m too lazy to cite this late on a work night, but there’ve been studies that show things work better with greater diversity in leadership and managerial positions.

I’ve literally never seen a feminist offer up the B-movie sci-fi plot you’ve concocted, so I don’t wish for that.

Which is good, because I’d be doomed to a life of disappointment, because it’s not gonna happen.

3 years ago

On another note, I hate this idea that women want men’s jobs. As a woman in a male dominated field, I don’t want a man’s job. I want my own job. I just happen to be very interested in science and I’m better at it than a lot of men.

3 years ago


As a woman in a male dominated field, I don’t want a man’s job. I want my own job.

That is … a good point. I like that take.

Got to go to bed, but wanted to acknowledge the good at the end of the day, and that was good.

Also good: dogs, being able to afford rent and internet, a nice book, tea.

Last edited 3 years ago by Contrapangloss
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

I am unable to tell you the exact date that such an event will occur

Huh. I was sure that you had Worked All That Out.

I can’t foresee the exact date when my supervisor will take their next dump

I’m nowhere near as smart as you (claim to be), but I’m gonna go with November 18, 2021. Hope that helps.

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

Unsolicited Pop-Cultural Fun Fact: today is the canonical birthday of Mickey and Minnie Mouse, as well as Doctor Strange.

rabid rabbit
rabid rabbit
3 years ago


You know, that’s the sort of thing that always reminds me how The Godfather opens with the father of a girl who’s been raped coming to Don Corleone for help because the justice system basically let the kids off for being good little white boys. What people who’ve only seen the film don’t realize is how Corleone responds, mainly by having the good little white boys beaten to such a pulp that they’ll have to spend several months in hospital. It really only just struck me how in the novel, that’s one of the things that both gets you on the mob’s side, and also makes you realize that they’re not nice people, and now I’m curious why they didn’t keep that scene in the film, except that maybe seeing the Not-Brett-Kavanaugh twins getting put into hospital would have made the mob too unsympathetic for the general audience.

All of which is to say that while I deplore vigilante justice, that scene in the novel is deeply satisfying.

ETA: @Full Metal Ox, please don’t tell me that Mickey and Minnie are canonically twins. That would be too twisted even for me, and I speak as someone who’s read that one Mickey/Minnie porn.

Last edited 3 years ago by rabid rabbit
3 years ago

So David will be handing this blog over to a woman any day now, right? Meninists are ridiculous.

3 years ago

Much braying will be made about the “progress” for the environment and the species that such a scheme will be foretold to bring about, while only sexy, stupid men are kept alive for women’s enjoyment.

Ah that’ a shame, I thought my partner might survive the cull, but it seems his intelligence will detract from his chadliness. As it is I will simply have to look cooly on as he is marched to the AI-controlled death chambers, along with my father, brothers, brothers-in-law, nephews and friends. When these predictions come from a mind so cognizant, so adept at reading the currents, so agile in their ability to weave threads of the future logically from certain indisputable principles, it is hard to argue with their conclusions.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ bumblebug

To add to your list, only today an RAF friend told me about this!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

while the cows sit back and laugh at us

As part of our missions to spoil everything for everyone, there’s a series of lawsuits now against animal product manufacturers who try to claim the animals are happy; including the ‘Laughing Cow’ brand. There have been some pre-court successes, with companies agreeing to change packaging. Although Ben & Jerry’s put up a fight! Thought they were meant to be hippies. I do like that last line though. Even though I’d be happy to talk to the cows; until they came home.

Plaintiff also alleged the representations constituted a breach of express warranty and/or resulted in unjust enrichment. However, both allegations failed. As to the warranty claim, the Court found the advertiser’s use of “happy” merely constituted the seller’s opinion, rather than an objective statement that could form the basis of the bargain. That sounds sensible, given the inherent difficulty in interviewing the cows for confirmation.

Ehlers v. Ben & Jerry’s Homemade, No. 2:19-cv-00194 (D. Vt. 2020)

Last edited 3 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
Buttercup Q. Skullpants

@WATO: I think you’ll find that men (yes, the same men who are responsible for building and doing and achieving absolutely everything in all of recorded history, according to you) are largely responsible for planning and executing genocides. Dictators, generals, officers, soldiers, concentration camp guards, inventors of gas chambers and guns and implements of war? Virtually all men.

Women carrying out a genocide would be a first. That idea totally contradicts your galaxy-brained assertion that women sit around passively doing nothing except “pointing at their holes”. (And don’t try to weasel out of it by claiming that women are going to trick men into somehow doing all the dirty work of declaring themselves illegal and transporting themselves to the camps. That makes zero sense.)

If you’re going to personally take credit for everything good in the world, then you must also personally take blame for everything bad. You don’t get to outsource evil, my dude.

Last edited 3 years ago by Buttercup Q. Skullpants
3 years ago

@rabit rabbit

He may be referring to the myths (i.e., lies) about abortion promoted by the forced-birth crowd, like that doctors routinely murder healthy newborns right after delivery and call it an abortion. (The Former Guy promoted that one as absolute fact, naturally.)

Gerry Sherry
Gerry Sherry
3 years ago

@buttercup q skullpants

I believe in many of the genocides women were banned from participating too.
And where they were allowed they were given very minor roles, not to downplay the impact those roles might have had on their captives.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
3 years ago

Oh, the troll’s back. I thought maybe he’d gone off to find better arguments, but nope.


I also would’ve accepted “gone off to improve his writing,” but alas.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ kat

It should have been okay to call them inferior or stupid when they were in power

Well the word Nazi itself was intended as an insult; along those very lines.

During the years that led to WWII, the word “Nazi” was used as a derogatory term against the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP, translated in English as National Socialist German Worker’s Party.

Originally, the term was used in Germany before the rise of NSDAP as a colloquial and derogatory word referring to an awkward, backward, and clumsy peasant. It would go on to be used as a mockery of the name Ignatz—a German variation of Ignatius.

Indeed, Ignatz was a name common in Bavaria, the region from which the NSDAP emerged. This came to haunt them as opponents tried to draw parallels between the widely mocked name and the party.

However, neither the term nor any of its derivatives were used within Germany. Anyone doing so might face serious consequences. But the exiles ended up spreading the term across Europe and beyond.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw
Hey, I did not know that. Thanks for the info.

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