Our old friend fiend Roosh V — the erstwhile PUA who has renounced his old life and converted to Christianity — recently read a book. It’s called “Orthodoxy And The Religion Of The Future,” and it’s by some dude called Father Seraphim Rose.
The book — apparently really big in Russia, according to Roosh — is basically a warning against “New Age” and other allegedly demonic forms of spirituality and/or beliefs.
As Roosh puts it in his extended review,
The book offers a summary of all false religious phenomena that are helping to condemn souls in our modern times, such as New Age beliefs, mediumistic practices, “alien” sightings, and pseudo-demonic forms of church worship.
Wait, what’s that about aliens?
According to the good Father, whom Roosh quotes at great length,
UFO encounters are but a contemporary form of an occult phenomenon which has existed throughout the centuries. Men have abandoned Christianity and look for “saviours” from outer space, and therefore the phenomenon supplies images of spacecraft and space beings. …
It is clear that the manifestations of today’s flying saucers are quite within the “technology” of demons; indeed, nothing else can explain them as well. …
A couple of paper plates coated in silver paint and hanging off a string can explain them, too. Plus Photoshop.
UFOs are but the newest of the mediumistic techniques by which the devil gains initiates into his occult realm. They are a terrible sign that man has become susceptible to demonic influence as never before in the Christian era. In the 19th century it was usually necessary to seek out dark séance rooms in order to enter into contact with demons, but now one need only look into the sky …

We live near the end of this fearful age of demonic triumph and rejoicing, when the eerie “humanoids” (another of the masks of the demons) have become visible to thousands of people and by their absurd encounters take possession of the souls of those men from whom God’s grace has departed.
Dang, these demons aren’t messing around, huh?
Roosh again:
Orthodoxy has a credible and rational explanation for paranormal activity, and the definitive sign to me that alien sightings come from a place of evil is that the United States government is using them to distract the population from its horrible crimes through a drip-drop method of propaganda release that is keeping apostate Christians in heightened anticipation for some type of major alien encounter they think will be beneficial to mankind but which will really be used to control them just like all other Satanic schemes.
With that in mind, here’s a video that might cause Roosh’s head to explode. (You can skip the first minute or so if you’re in a hurry.)
Evidently there’s a lot of other demonic shit going around, according to Father S — watch out for Yoga and speaking in tongues! Roosh sums it all up with an appropriately apocalyptic conclusion:
This book is an excellent wake-up call for lapsed Christians, whether Orthodox or not. There are a lot of demonic traps out there and the sad reality is that most Christians are so oblivious to them that they open demonic doors thinking that it will bring them closer to the god of easy Christianity, who gives spiritual experiences from paltry spiritual labor.
Apparently Roosh wants to lower the minimum wage for “spiritual labor.”
And now we are arriving at the end of human history where a system of globalization is ready to welcome Antichrist, even if the human managers of this system don’t know exactly how they’re bringing it about. Whether consciously or not, world leaders will accelerate a mass persecution of Christians who would not accept Antichrist, and this persecution has already begun in germ stage.
I look forward to Roosh’s impending post on vaccines as the Mark of the Beast.
Who knows, maybe some of us will be alive when the Antichrist comes, but until then, I highly advise you to read Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future so you have a fighting chance to say no to the innumerable benefits that Satan will offer you to snatch away your salvation before the final moment.
Well, ok then. You want to set a date for that “final moment?” It would really help with planning.
Yeah, I didn’t think so.
By the way, here’s what the animated version of the graphic above looks like. Blingee is down and I’m still trying to figure out how to properly work the new site I’m using.

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I’m more involved in venti-istic practices.
I reckon he’s just freaking out because Stacey is trying to source some wings.
Also, once a UFO has landed then it’s just an O.
Also also, I love that song! I’ll trade you for this. Hmm, where’s me sparkly pants?
The 15th century has a lot to answer for.
There’s a lot going on stylistically there that I like; form fitting and boots for the women and good looking cis male bodies in harnesses. (The harnesses aren’t strict enough for my tastes but I get it. Style is style.)
Did Roosh grow up in this religion and return to it? His zealotry seems so intense its weird if it came out if nowhere, although I guess new converts can be pretty dedicated. Maybe he’s hoping if he goes hard enough on the Christianity thing God will overlook… well, everything.
@ stacey
I’ve seen a performer use those running blade things to get hooved feet. Then you have that sort of reverse knee joint thing going on for extra authenticity. I’ve also seen people use those painter and decorator stilts for height. They might be a bit clunky though.
It’s a pity you’re not over here. I have some friends who make all that latex clothing. They do some amazing outfits. Although I was more impressed that they did the Oompa Loompa costumes for that film (They didn’t have any in stock though; boo!)
We are in contact with some people in the UK for wings. And we have some people here that are working on the motion sensors that I’ll wear under my latex to control the motorized part of my wings and tail so that I’m controlling them at will like they’re naturally part of me. Well, when I do this they will be. We’re planning an extended “evolution”, really an ascension where I transition into wearing it all every day for some period (maybe two weeks, seeing how it goes) although for practical reasons it means I’ll be secluded from everyone else every day except for the few hours when I’m in all of it. I have to do it that way because I can’t wear the full body encased latex paint job except for a few hours and with wings, tail, not to mention hooves it’s going to be exhausting and besides it’ll take hours to get in and out of it. But the cool thing is if I commit to it and do my meditation and emotional and spiritual focus preparation I won’t just be a girl in an impressive costume but will actually be a Mistress-Goddess of immense power. I would so love to take down a NiceGuy as Her.
Two weeks seems about right depending on my stamina and the logistical support I can arrange but maybe a month long enough so that the people in my life catch themselves actually starting to think “holy shit, this is real…”
Of course I know it is already real because that’s how all this works but some people here know what I mean.
Oh no, there’s going to be a debate between Roosh and Giorgio Tsoukalos from Ancient Aliens at some point, isn’t there?
@ Stacey
I am very impressed by all the effort you put into this. I guess it’s like we were saying a while ago about how people don’t always realise the drudgery and practicalities behind the glamour that they get to see. Although that’s all part of the magic of course.
And speaking of Space.
Talk coming up with a genuine space lady. I’ve done a few of these with the JAXA people now, and they’re all really interesting. They’re all so enthusiastic and lovely, and very happy to candidly answer questions.
Well, from those in the audience who aren’t just gaping open jawed and whose sole contribution isn’t: “You’ve been into f***ing space!!!”
Hey, Roosh, thanks for the warning about space demons. Is your God going to forgive you for writing your series of Bang books, which include your confession of having raped a woman? To be clear, I’m sure you raped many women — but I’ve seen only one confession from you.
Thanks, yes you’re right it is a ton of work though worth it and I do a lot. But I owe so much to others like my sponsors obviously but also my amazing assistants, my architect, the companies who provide all the wide range of stuff we need, my sewing store, my gym,, my lawyer, and my close friends who inspire and support me.
Tisk, if you’re going to post “Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft” you should post the original.
Klaatu were the Canadian trio of Dee Long, Terry Draper, and John Woloschuk. But after their debut album was released journalist Steve Smith speculated they were a secretly reunited Beatles, and the rumour soon took off. The lack of photos and credits, live appearances by the band, and the Beatlesque sound of much of their material, kept it going.
David, your illustration game is on point today, even more than usual.
Alan: if it lands but you still don’t know what it is, it’s a UO. And if it’s a hubcap that’s been flung like a Frisbee and is still in the air, it’s a FO. Which is the appropriate response to all this.
WWTH: Will the judging of the debate also have a hair and beard category?
Both songs embedded here are older than Roosh, so it’s not like this is a new thing, and also who calls themselves “Seraphim Rose” outside of some anime, video game, or bad fanfic?
Ohh, wait, bad fanfic, I just answered my own question.
Roosh suffers from scrupulosity about other people not having scrupulosity.
Maybe all the imaginary demons would go away if he confronted the real demon, i.e. his past history of being a rapist.
@GSS: wouldn’t a flying hubcap be an IFO?
IDK if UFO cults and new age spirituality have been recently booming in Russia, but otherwise this Christian author sounds very hip for the 1970s.
Speaking of Christian weirdness:
Right Wing Cope Twitterissä: “https://t.co/KmRhXMC0d6” / Twitter
In short, someone squinted to see a likeness between a press photo of Kayleigh McEnany and a European painting of Virgin Mary, thus proving that the rightwing has-been-celebrity is descended from the Holy Virgin, and hence also from Jesus Christ, because how the fuck do bloodlines even work?
Many of the replies point out that artistic depictions of Virgin Mary aren’t meant to be and couldn’t be historically realistic portrayals. (For that matter, someone noted that McEnany’s face isn’t much realistic either.) Many confidently assert that real Mary would’ve been notably more dark-skinned. Many are just baffled because they aren’t used to seeing speculation on Jesus’s larger family, and can’t see why the abovementioned claim should be relevant from even Christian point of view. Some replies note that the alleged likeness is really a stretch.
A few people note that anyone from Middle East 2000 years ago who has living descendants today would have lots of them – like hundreds of millions. Conversely, any particular physical family likeness would be lost after a few generations due to genetic mixing, let alone dozens of generations. Some magic notwithstanding, those descendants would be both indistinguishable from the rest of humanity and not special in any way.
However, a thought then occurred to me: We could expect to see family likeness and genetic similarity in some of Mary’s female line descendants if those lines had been reproducing (almost) exclusively via parthenogenesis.
While generations upon generations of parthenogenic Mary descendants would be cool, I’m still VERY glad (for personal and professional reasons) that parthenogenesis is not really a viable option for mammals.
Thank goodness for imprinting!
…Unfortunately, we will need to circumvent imprinting if our society ever wants to go fully to “any two humans can have bio kids together if they want” but that’s a problem for the actual scientists.
Also, that last bit is kind of tongue-in-cheek: gene modification of humans is an ethical quandary of epic proportions.
“[A] credible and rational explanation…”
My guess, without reading any of that thread, is that the OP was thinking The DaVinci Code and that anyone related to Jesus had supernatural powers that were passed down over the generations. That Jesus had blood relatives that became disciples of his (St. James the Just is one of his brothers) and who continued to live in that area for at least a few centuries after he died (wars scattered them, I believe) is generally accepted by modern historians. Any one of them also having supernatural powers, not so much. 😛
Hence why the comparison of Kayleigh McEnany to the Virgin Mary. If they’re really related, then McEnay must have supernatural powers too, just like Jesus! And thus the True Ruler of the World! Or something like that.
Just my 2¢, for what it’s worth.
Nah, just another member of the Brotherhood of Mutants. Probably Mystique up to her usual tricks.
I doubt they’re attributing supernatural powers as such to McEnany. It seems more likely that this is about:
1) “Proving” that the Holy Family really existed (and that the claimant’s version of Christianity is therefore Definitely True), since nonexistent people could hardly have left descendants.
2) Associating the Virgin Mary’s/Jesus’s holiness with the views being promoted on FAUX News. “Our side has the heir of Jesus! Our side must be the good one!”
@Lumipuna I thought the same and looked it up. The book actually came out in 1975. So it really was fairly up-to-date when it was new fifty years ago.
@ Alan Robertshaw
When I first met Mr. Parasol’s family, I spent a good portion of the first day whispering to him, “There’s STUFF in your HOUSE that has been in SPACE!” Because there was – his dad had received some commemorative certificates for working on various missions, and they all had some little thing stuck to it (spectrograph results, usually) with a note saying that this little thing had been on this-and-such craft that had been used for the mission.
Mr. Parasol spent a good portion of the first day whispering to me, “This is Houston, m’love. There’s a lot of stuff here that’s been in space.”
ETA: PS – if anyone asked my FIL about space demons, he’d probably clam up on the grounds that by “space demons” they meant “Soviets,” because it’s an unspoken understanding that he did Cold War stuff while he was with NASA, but he does not talk about it. He’s a very practical man and would be bewildered that someone would believe there are literal demons in space.
@ Vicky P
Pertinent to the other thread, I know I’ll just end up doing my usual thing of saying “You’ve been in space!” to that astronaut lady. Which is probably mansplaining as I bet she knows that.