The old Men’s Rights theory was that women were oppressed once upon a time, but not any more. The slightly newer Men’s Rights theory is that women have never been oppressed — they were pampered by their men, like a cosseted pet.
“It depends how you define oppression,” explains Brave-Evidence2793 on the Men’s RIghts subreddit.
A pet kept in a home (happy, healthy, cared for, fed, safe, and warm) is seen as oppression but the same animal on the street (hungry, alone, cold, unsafe, no healthcare) is seen as not oppression.
Er, what? Who other than PETA thinks that pets are oppressed?
Basically how feminism treats gender. They see women being cared for as slavery, and the men who are not cared for and have to take care of themselves (while also being expected to care for a woman) to be the slavers.
What world do you live in, dude? It’s not this one.
It’s like a bunch of fat cats pushing signs for #petequality, and then whining about all the discrimination they get when told “you can stop being treated like a pet when you take care of yourself for once”
What the fuck kind of drugs are you on, dude? Are you talking to cats or to women? Because cats don’t give a shit what you tell them because they don’t know what words are (apart from their names and “dinner”). Women might have a more, well, interesting reaction to this weird theory of yours.
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Aside from the fact that this guy sure as hell wouldn’t think it a glorious idea if someone offered him the “comfortable” life of a slave- I mean pet…
What the heck does this even mean? So is he saying that women still get discriminated- I mean, get treated like “pets” – because they don’t “take care of themselves”?
Where the fuck are these women not taking care of themselves? Women are working, women own shit, women take care of whole fucking families (or is it suddenly men who’re solely cooking, cleaning, taking care of children while the women are sitting on shelves pushing stuff off of them?)
I mean what exactly would a woman need to do so this dude could say: “Sure enough you’re your own woman, you now deserve the privilege of personhood?”
I was asking myself for a moment why they’re still trying so hard to make up “reasonings” for their desire to treat women like they’re subhuman. It’s not like they have to keep face to one another. But of course: they do it because they know their hate makes them horrible and evil, so they need to come up with these ridiculous justifications to continue living the illusion that they’re the good ones.
Heh. That visual made me laugh!
The kicker is that these guys’ treatment of women doesn’t even rise to the standard of pets. Nobody abandons a pet as soon as they “hit the wall”/are no longer cute or convenient or fun, except for selfish assholes who never should have had one in the first place. If someone cheated on their pet or referred to them as “petoids”, we’d be calling the ASPCA. MRAs constantly advocate for all that and worse, with women.
They don’t even pick up women’s poop, which is a requirement with most forms of pet ownership.
Now, this actually reminds me of a petplay story I once saw on my local kink forum.
Meanwhile, the OP is just a low effort attempt to rehash a tired old MRA talking point, by presenting it through a novel metaphor. It’s the claim that women are taken care for by men/society in some vague but allegedly substantial manner, and that feminists are ignoring this privilege while demanding more independence and respect for women.
Proponents or traditional patriarchy have always tried to chalk the gender opression as women naturally having a “different but equal” role compared to men. For the MRAs, the question of whether women actually should be treated in “different but equal” manner or not is totally secondary compared to the raging unfairness of feminists supposedly trying to have it both ways.
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:
Nobody abandons a pet as soon as they “hit the wall”/are no longer cute or convenient or fun, except for selfish assholes who never should have had one in the first place.
Which is unfortunately a sizable demographic: there are people who absolutely have to have their real live Easter rabbit, or their Finding Nemo clownfish, or their Harry Potter snowy owl, or their 101 Dalmatians Dalmatian (1), or their slow loris that raises its little arms adorably when tickled(2), and then dump the animal at a rescue or The Nice Farm Upstate once its needs become overwhelming or a newer and shiner fad animal comes along.
(1) A snappish and temperamental breed, prone to birth defects; old-time firefighters kept them as guard dogs, to deter horsejacking while the wagon was parked at a fire site.)
(2) A defensive reaction, which releases venom from its poison sacs—or would, had the little guy not been defanged upon capture. With nail clippers and without anaesthetic.
@ Buttercup
Cheats on their pets? Some cats and dogs take it a little personal when their human comes home smelling like another animal. Just sayin’.
Anyway, this whole pampered pets thing is kind of funny when you think about another article David posted about men being mogged because women were driving while they sat in the passenger’s seat.
MRA Logic: If I do it to you, it is a sign of respect. If you do it to me it is the gravest insult.
Show the gratitude the way my cat does for us. Drop a still living mouse with all of its legs ripped off onto the pillow while she sits there all proud.
@Full Metal Ox
Thank you for the note in the other thread! Yes, I love what you posted! So, so creative!
Yes, I like appearing in a form where I have horns, wings and a tail, although I’ve never quite gotten the whole look and effect to work exactly the way I wanted it to yet. But thanks to companies that cater to cosplayers there are wonderful articulated and motorized remote control wings and tails too that before my time people had to pay a lot more to get movie studio special effects level help to do.
The main problem is that lately when I’m holding court formally in my temple I’ve been doing full gold colored latex with gold hair coloring. That alone takes hours to get into once you consider the prep. I love it though and look amazing. The first time I did that was a few years ago when I was actually still working as a hostess but it was a huge hit. It does work well too with being a goddess in charge of worshippers, for sure!
I want to have horns, wings and a tail with that look but the wings I’ve used so far have a back unit that’s too big and won’t look right under the latex and will mess up the lines of my figure but we are looking into others. If I ever get a space with theater flying wires that would be ideal. I would love to be able to fly around in my own temple space while my worshippers are on the ground in their assigned places…what a great way to assert my authority! 🙂
Well sorry for the digression! Thank you so much for the creative inspiration!
Something something caged birds sing…
Honestly sounds like this dude needs someone to pup play with him or otherwise role play at being cared-for.
Having a lot of experience with that (not the pup play but other role-taking where I’m caring for another being that I also have authority over)…for him as well as me it depends on having a depth of understanding and empathy that this jerk doesn’t sound like he has or could have.
Darn it, I’m always knocking things off the couch, and my husband picks them up.
I AM a cat!
What this makes my cat in turn, I dunno, but he’s definitely the boss of both of us except when it comes to medical care. Because we can pick him up and stuff him in the crate to get his shots, his neutering, and give him pills.
It’s almost like relationships are complicated.
Human rights is a very complex topic with a long history. As is known from ancient times, men had more rights, more opportunities, power and control, and so on.
I didn’t really like your post, because the comparisons are somehow strange. I advise you to view a large informative collection on the topic of women’s rights at the link in my profile, experts from the fields of sociology, political science, history, economics and law worked on these materials, so you will definitely find many useful truthful things there to expand your understanding of this issue.