There’s a lot going on in these three similarly formatted memes, all of it bad. This is how too many incels see the world.
(Click on “open image in new tab” to see more readable images.)

It’s pretty clear that the meme maker here has never spoken to, much less dated, either a “prime little girl” (ugh) or a 30-year-old woman. So that’s a little bit of a relief.
Now we enter the “racial fetishization zone.”
Well, I guess we were already in it, but this is a bit more so.

I didn’t realize that weeaboo incels had a “flat chest” fetish, but of course they do; undoubtedly it’s more about age or perceived age than size.
This next meme is somehow even more racist than the other two combined.

Sorry for ruining your evening. Come back often!
H/T — I found all of these in the JustNeckbeardThings subredddit. 1, 2, 3.
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Given that incels are all about looks and facial structure, why’d the dude making the ultra-racist meme pick a black woman who looked like that? (Probably something along the lines of, “We can fetishize and demean them, oh yay!”)
And what’s so bad about eating insects, if you’re going to eat meat at all? Besides, aren’t crickets a snack in some places in Korea (which last I heard was in Asia, not Africa)?
Alllll the YIKES.
That last one really doesn’t make sense, since IMO the Asian woman is average looking (on their scale) and has kind of an annoyed expression, whereas the Black woman is stunningly, eye-catchingly beautiful.
Barack Obama is a mixed-race African-American with European ancestry. The last meme is inaccurate.
All of this is terrible but the racist trash in particular was particularly vile (which sadly was likely the point given it came from some white supremacist sack of boiler sludge).
For everyone currently in the “Yikes” crowd: is it okay if a member of “fuck that bullshit”; joins the ranks?
Since there doesn’t seem to be a good response to this horribleness, how about completely changing the subject?
I made some really great knish the other day (recipe at my blog, if you’re interested) and I have decided to try to experiment with different knish fillings including a fall one with pumpkin, yam, potato, nutmeg, and allspice. (That is a future effort, but if i can come up with a recipe I like, I’ll post the recipe for that filling as well.)
Anyone else cooked any good food lately? Anything you’re proud of or even just happy with? Recipe to share?
@epitome of incomprehensibility
I am especially impressed that his list describes her as a “nappy-headed ho” (quoting Don Imus), when her hair is absolutely magnificent. It’s like if he said “clumsy and uncoordinated” under a picture of Simone Biles.
Now I’ve had more time to think about this I’m more saddened by the “weird bags of fat” thing because it feels so much in the grand old misogynist tradition of shaming women for physical attributes that denote they are a grown adult.
@ crip dyke
I’ll offer this timely (Northern Hemisphere) reminder…
(Seriously though, do check for kitties and hedgehogs.)
I need a shower.
I have nothing to add to the on-topic discussion and will gratefully glom on to Cryp Dyke’s food suggestion.
Content warning for Alan: Cooking of meat (sorry, I’m still living with and cooking for two devoted carnivores)
Our clearing out of Husbeast’s late mother’s belongings continues in fits and starts. We recently found a classic Crock Pot and I’ve been noodling around with it. I have nearly perfected pulled pork and recently made nummy teriyaki pulled pork rice bowls with broccoli. They were better than the ones from WaBa.
My chicken from the other day was decidedly overdone, though. Instead of falling off the bone, the bones were literally falling out of the chicken! It was edible but just on the edge of being mushy. I am thinking that the recipe book that was in the box is for a different (larger) model because I cannot fit an entire chicken in it and several of the recipes in the booklet call for that. The chicken from the other day was breasts w/ribs and bone-in thighs.
@ hambeast
Aww, that is so sweet of you! But you don’t have to worry, notwithstanding my rants about animal cruelty, I’m pretty desensitised to such things. The nature of my legal works means I have to watch a lot of footage of animal abuse (and read a lot of cat autopsy reports
As to your chicken issues, it may be it’s the recipe itself that’s a bit old. Modern chickens have much higher protein to fat ratios than they used to and are killed earlier. So they cook a bit quicker.
I “love” how a woman expecting you to have your own place, a job, and a car is just as unreasonable as expecting you to have a nine inch penis and buy her jewelry every week.
Mr., Futrelle, can we get a pedophilia tag on this please (next to where it says Asian fetishist, cringe, etc)?
Today for the first time ever I tried to make fish soup with fresh herrings. I usually prefer salmon, or at least similar fish, but herring is supposedly better for the environment. Besides, it’s difficult to find really fresh salmon and/or cheap fatty salmon cuts in supermarkets. There’s a fishmonger in downtown Helsinki, but it’s impractical for me to travel there just for the fish.
The herring soup wasn’t much satisfying, though. Clearly, herrings are meant to be smoked, grilled, pan-fried or pickled.
@Allandrel, GSS and epitome – None of the photos match the text! The “old and haggard” White Virgin looks very young and energetic, while the 30 year old with “worn out skin” has a lovely complexion and looks anything but worn out.
Their standards are so skewed to think these attractive women embody “scary” and “repellant”.
@Crip Dyke – that knish recipe sounds delicious! I haven’t cooked much lately, but my next ambition is to try an apple galette. I’ve been binging LOTR with son #1 this week while he’s waiting to get out of quarantine.
This is not even funny-awful… this is just repulsive.
Yep. That was my reaction as well.
My (Alan-safe) plans for supper: a pottage of instant barley, chickpeas, leeks, spinach, and wakame, with white miso as the umami flavorant, a lot of black pepper, and a garnish of roasted peanuts.
@Crip Dyke,
A dish that is essentially a ball of dough filled with ‘stuff’ that a cook happens to have lying around then boils in a pot of liquid seems to be a popular favorite across several cultures. You have knish, the Poles have pierogis / pirogi, the Chinese have potstickers, and there are likely more variations than just those. It’s interesting that so many places seemingly came up with that basic dish independently of each other.
On a more serious note, that first meme put me in mind of an article I saw several years ago. Some folks at one of the ‘tween celebrity magazines noticed that a member of whatever boy band was popular then – I’m wanting to say it was One Direction but not 100% sure – was allegedly having a ‘romance’ with a woman in her thirties. What was really going on I didn’t know or care; for all I know they were just really good friends hanging out.
What this magazine did about this alleged relationship was to run a full-page photo of this woman (I think she was some sort of music producer back then) and invited their tween / early teen readers to just savage this woman’s looks. Crows feet, ‘sagging’ skin on the arms, you name it they were encouraging their readers to nitpick and use her ‘flaws’ as ‘proof’ a withered thirty year-old hag shouldn’t be allowed to breathe the same air as ‘their’ boyband property. And I recall thinking ‘gee, that’s going to blow up on those kids in a couple of decades when they themselves turn thirty’.
If someone wants, I can try and track down the page I first saw that on, and see if my sieve-like memory holds up.
@ full metal ox
Ooh, that sounds nice. I bet Esau would have been well up for that!
@Alan Robertshaw:
Ooh, that sounds nice. I bet Esau would have been well up for that!
Adjusted, of course, for ingredient availability—my recipe, including an East Asian condiment, a New World legume, and a North Pacific seaweed, is very much a snapshot of my place, time, and cultural trade history (as well as personal eccentricities.)
(This is one thing that cracks me up about the Paleo Diet and its rules-lawyering: what cave person [and let’s just admit that they’re presuming Northern European] would’ve had access to salmon, coconut, blueberries, bison, chocolate, apples, avocados, and psyllium?)
What this magazine did about this alleged relationship was to run a full-page photo of this woman (I think she was some sort of music producer back then) and invited their tween / early teen readers to just savage this woman’s looks. Crows feet, ‘sagging’ skin on the arms, you name it they were encouraging their readers to nitpick and use her ‘flaws’ as ‘proof’ a withered thirty year-old hag shouldn’t be allowed to breathe the same air as ‘their’ boyband property. And I recall thinking ‘gee, that’s going to blow up on those kids in a couple of decades when they themselves turn thirty’.
If someone wants, I can try and track down the page I first saw that on, and see if my sieve-like memory holds up.
You needn’t; I can attest that was the same response Yoko Ono got for having had the temerity to snag a real live Beatle while in her mid-thirties (not to mention Asian! And not even the sort who gets typecast as an Adorable Little China Doll!) Oh, and let’s not forget that she was to blame for breaking up the Beatles. And for all of Lennon’s subsequent career and creative decisions that the fandom didn’t like.)
I haven’t had a good knish in ages, since the transplants from NYC who ran the proper Jewish deli passed away. @Crip Dyke’s seasonal idea sounds fabulous!
@Hambeast: I too have an OG crockpot, and it’s just the best. Sure, it’d be nice to have a new one, but this one was free, and I like the simplicity. An actual knob you turn to high, low, or off. I don’t do chicken in it much, but agree with you on the amazing results with pork roasts. You can just do one with some kind of liquid and then shred and sauce it differently each day. My easy recipe is 1) take roast that just fits in the pot comfortably 2) cover it in pepper and garlic power 3) dump can of pineapple chunks in juice over it and cook.
@RedSilk: the Mongols named a lot of them though. Everything from mandu (Korean potstickers) to mantoo (Afghani) to manti (Turkish). All along the Silk Road, you could make a noise like that and you’d get some kind of stuffing in dough. I have tried several national varieties of it, and they’re all good.
One summer our friends and we went from church fair to church fair (and temples) every weekend and ate all the food from Jewish to Coptic to Greek to Mexican to Japanese to Italian, I forget the others. We discovered two things:
1) all the grandmas toting giant pans of delicacies looked alike
2) everybody has dough covered in honey as a dessert. Baked or mostly fried.
It was all superb. And people are people, so as @TacticalProgressive said, fuck that bullshit above.
@ full metal ox
Have you read any of Jean M Auel’s books? Once you get past all the unnecessary shagging she goes into some very interesting recipes. And she is well up on the research so they’re all perfectly plausible. I know that’s Neo rather than Paleo of course and your point about the modern interpretation is well made.
But Yoko Ono. Well, seeing as we’re looking for distractions from the horrible subject matter of the post permit me a ramble.
I’m a big fan of Yoko. I’ve actually met her, twice. She’s perfectly nice; but she is one of the strangest people I’ve met. I don’t mean that in a pejorative way; it’s part of why I like her and her works. But she’s the nearest I’ve ever come to meeting someone totally alien. It’s like she thinks on an entirely different level; and she’s doing her best to dumb it down for you.
And as for the Beatles thing. Well firstly when John Lennon was wooing her, she was really the celebrity and he was just the fanboy. The Beatles were rightly famous of course; but Yoko was recognised by the art crowd Lennon was so desperate to be a part of as a genuine genius.
Secondly, why the Beatles broke up is not a simple tale; but it’s certainly not Yoko’s fault. She was always very encouraging of the band; and we know from some private recordings of the band that, contrary to popular belief, they were intending to make another album after Let It Be. If there was a single proximate cause of the break up, I would put it down to Paul McCartney engaging Lee Eastman as his personal manager, rather than sticking with the rest of the group.
ETA: This is a nice potted summary of Yoko’s career.
The original crockpot (with no stupid LCD, LED or other digital controls) is still so popular that you can find them anywhere Crockpots are sold. I just bought one in Target to replace a 20 year old one I dropped on the floor. Even the Family Dollar store carries them.
I do so love that Mr “Loser at Life” thinks it would be bad to marry a Black woman because “she will give your child a lower IQ than you.” First, that would imply that his child would have the IQ of a flatworm. I cannot imagine any woman being having a lower IQ than him and his genes would not give the poor woman much to work with.
And secondly, these are the wankers who measure a woman’s worth as a mate based solely on her looks. And they want their women to be dumber than them to make themselves look smart. If we ever end us in an Idiocracy, it will be solely due to the propensity of stupid men to value looks over intelligence in women.
Hi all,
I know this is OT but I just wanted to say hello and sorry I haven’t been around much. Although I didn’t really talk much so maybe nobody noticed lol. But I have been having some serious self worth issues and even seeing the incel and other sexist shit here has been making it worse. My ex used to shame me the same way. But I love and miss all of you and I’ll be back when I am able.
And of course my iPad forgot my saved user name and I mistyped it. *facepalm
@Full Metal Ox
Or any of the Beatles? From what I understand Linda McCarthy got similar treatment when she marred Paul. Then again, I only suspect that because when she died, one of the Beatles’ original fans wrote either a letter to the editor or posted on an online forum that she did hate Linda when she was younger for ‘stealing’ a Beatle, but once she grew up she realized what Paul must’ve seen in Linda to marry her and was sorry for her earlier attitude.
Also the reference to the Paleo diet reminds me of a comment that a syndicated medical doctor columnist once said about it. Someone wrote in to him about what he thought about the supposed health benefits of Paleo, and he said (paraphrased) that there wasn’t a way to tell if that diet prevented things like heart disease because most people back then died before reaching the age that stuff tended to develop. Primitive lifestyles not exactly being easy on the body and everything.
And something minor that jumped out at me in that second meme: the guy who (presumably) expects everyone around him to speak perfect English whenever he has to interact with them, and (possibly) makes fun of the young female anime fans who learn enough Japanese to follow their favorite shows in their original language…is rejecting the white girl who “only knows one language” but badly wants the Asian girl “who knows three languages and is willing to teach him hers”. Uh-huh.
Dude, if you really want more people in your life who can speak at least one other language besides English, go encourage your friends to download some of the ‘learn a second language’ apps being offered on iTunes and GooglePlay. Or download one yourself and teach yourself one or more languages and stop expecting your dream girlfriend to do all that work without your help.