asian fetishist cringe incels memes misogynoir misogyny pedophilia racism

Saturday Night Meme Fight: Three-way tie for worst

There’s a lot going on in these three similarly formatted memes, all of it bad. This is how too many incels see the world.

(Click on “open image in new tab” to see more readable images.)

It’s pretty clear that the meme maker here has never spoken to, much less dated, either a “prime little girl” (ugh) or a 30-year-old woman. So that’s a little bit of a relief.

Now we enter the “racial fetishization zone.”

Well, I guess we were already in it, but this is a bit more so.

I didn’t realize that weeaboo incels had a “flat chest” fetish, but of course they do; undoubtedly it’s more about age or perceived age than size.

This next meme is somehow even more racist than the other two combined.

Sorry for ruining your evening. Come back often!

H/T — I found all of these in the JustNeckbeardThings subredddit. 1, 2, 3.

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Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
3 years ago

Burn every one of those memes NOW.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
3 years ago

Yikes. I’m just… I can’t even muster anything to that. Yikes. I’m gonna go vomit.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
3 years ago

I’m with BTD. Nothing to say here. Critiquing it would be giving it more respect that it’s worth, and I just can’t muster any mocking, it’s so sickeningly unfunny.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I know this is the least of these meme’s problems, but I’m 99% sure that crab Rangoon is actually an American dish.

ETA: I checked and I was right.

Last edited 3 years ago by weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
3 years ago

That last one is a Mormon. “Fair-skinned and delightsome” is one of their things.

3 years ago

Your grandchildren will look like Slavs

Ah, the basic principle of heritability. Gregor Mendel became posthumously famous for making this exact prediction for various young people in Brno, present-day Czech Republic.

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

Do “virgin” and “Chad” mean anything any more, given the apparent reversal of the terms in the top meme?

I can’t help but notice the recommendation “will give you cute hapa daughters“; no mention of any impact that a tiny petite East Asian mother might have on sons’ genes, huh? Particularly given the incel attitude toward “manlets”?

(And bold of you to predict how your [hypothetical] grandchildren by your [hypothetical] children are going to look—or are you presuming the right [and power] to hand-pick your children’s [hypothetical] spouses as well?)

“Thinks anime is for kids.” We’re talking the same sort given to railing against blue, pink, and green hair dye; what do those Fake Geek Boys think normalized that aesthetic? Versus: “Will watch shoujo anime and K-drama with you.” Those aren’t as esoteric as you’d like them to be—not when they’re all over Netflix (to the point that there are Asian fans grumbling that there went the neighborhood, with an influx of Western viewers coming in failing to understand the cultural context underlying what may be unfamiliar tropes.)

Last edited 3 years ago by Full Metal Ox
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

Guys, guys, guys: As usual, you haven’t thought this through. The “little girl” “obeys Daddy” and “doesn’t leave the house without your company or permission,” but the scary “30-year-old woman” requires you to have “your own place”? This means that you don’t have your own place. You live with your parents. So the house belongs to your parents. And Daddy is . . . your own father?

Your lists are hilarious. And the funniest part is the way you pretend to pick and choose. But nobody wants you. Nobody will have you. You don’t stand a chance with anybody until you do the hard work of becoming a decent human being.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

The “Chad Asian girl” “will give you cute hapa daughters.” Never has a plan to have daughters sounded more ominous.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

Yeah, these guys are both hilarious and ominous.

occasional reader
occasional reader
3 years ago

Off-white ? I do not look like off-white. Does he ever leave his place sometimes ?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

“Virgin White Girl”: “Not a virgin”

”Weird bags of fat”: Breasts are bad.

”Acts like an adult”: Total turnoff! Find yourself a child to raise your children!

”Perfect skin”: Has this guy actually met any teenage girls?

”Obeys daddy and doesn’t ask for much”: Has this guy actually met any teenage girls?

Last edited 3 years ago by Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
3 years ago

I’m joining the “yikes” crowd on this one.

3 years ago

I am also in the yikes crowd.

Like, just… yikes.

3 years ago

I saw an Asian feminist takedown of the second one on facebook once. I should have bookmarked it.

It’s all so ugly.

3 years ago

The creators of these memes can eat ALL the shit.

3 years ago

There are many ways to describe this sort of vile nonsense, but to me the first meme is ludicrous. “Obeys Daddy and doesn’t ask for much?” Pedophilia at its finest. The third meme is …well many horrible things, but I find it not only racist but sickeningly cruel. It’s good that he doesn’t want a black woman. They would do well to stay far away from a man like him. And about his Asian dream….well, if they’re as intelligent as he thinks they are they surely won’t go anywhere near him either.

3 years ago

Sorry, I forgot to mention the second meme. Also nasty and cruel. But these are eye-opening visual representations of the kind of man who posts them.

3 years ago

So much to comment on, but a couple things stood out:

Saw the “weird bags of fat” and thought he couldn’t possibly be talking about boobs. Then I saw the “adorable with a flat chest” and was corrected. (Which is a surprise, given that he is an anime fan and anime is not exactly free of “weird bags of fat”.)

Also, I once lived in an area with a large Asian population. “Saves herself for her husband”? Yeah, sure thing buddy…

Off the top of my head I recall one young woman who fit many of that meme’s criteria, tiny, flat chested, waiting for marriage, etc. However, she was not an anime fan and expected to marry someone like a doctor with a career, so I feel like she wouldn’t have wanted our dear author.

Edit: “Will cook you ants and grasshoppers”? What? Where is this guy from? Someplace with actual Black Africans running around? Because I really doubt any of the African Americans I know have ever cooked ants and grasshoppers.

Last edited 3 years ago by .45
Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

This is really disturbing because there is a big different between finding smaller breast more attractive then larger breast and wanting your wife to be flat chested because its more childlike.

3 years ago

Well this is all horrible.

Gerry Sherry
Gerry Sherry
3 years ago

Your children will look like Slavs.

Well duh it’s because most Slavs have at least some mongol blood in them. Reminder that Genghis Khan was indeed Asian.

Can confirm have those trademark Mongolian cheekbones


tight petite vagina

? ???

3 years ago

David… is in the pay of Big Yikes ;p

3 years ago

“Will cook you ants and grasshoppers”
Actually had fried grasshoppers once- here in Taiwan. Delicious, with a sweet nutty taste. Friend’s teenage Taiwanese daughter came to the restaurant, shuddered in disgust at the grasshoppers and wasps, but sighed in relief that there was some normai food- duck’s heads, with the tongues still intact.

Usually the big western males who come looktng for a submissive Asian wife are the ones meekly following their 100 pound wife while she loads them up with shopping.

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago


And I’ve had ants (having been a reckless gastronautic sort of kid); their best use to the uninitiated might be as a ground condiment similar to sumach—the formic acid imparts a sharp tartness. I unfortunately fell critically ill—not from insectivory—this past spring, and was in no shape to sample cicada pizza.

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