block that metaphor misogyny MRA poop reddit

Men’s Rights Redditor discovers the poopy power of metaphor

TheRandomedOne 5 points 19 hours ago 
Ignore would be better option unless you have a lot of free time and already have new job lining up.

They are human shaped so it is easy to forget that those are just putrid parasite in an excrement of a gynocentric society they are only there because diversity hire or some other BS and they wouldn't be so hostile in the first place without unproductive HR scum to back them up their opinion are nothing but regurgitated dogmatic scum and you won't change their mind because there are no mind in there but an excess waste of an internet opinion mold into dogma like a shit smeared on a toilet wall.

Even if you ignore the fact that these societal parasite can land you in jail, would you engage in conversation with smeared shit on a toilet wall ?

So, over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the fellas are discussing whether one should engage with, or simply ignore, any man-hating women in one’s general vicinity.

One fellow, seemingly new to the idea of metaphor (and rather too excited about it), poops out this, er, advice.

(For best results, try reading this aloud in as few breaths as possible.)

Thanks for sharing, poop-boy.

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3 years ago

And then they wonder why they’re incels. Couldn’t be that they’re projecting, either, now could it?

3 years ago

This is among the worst versions of “girls have cooties” I’ve ever seen.

3 years ago

Imagine discovering you work with someone who thinks this of you. How gross and scary.

3 years ago

“Hey babe, you’re pretty good looking for a human shaped pile of shit, can I bang your tits?”

“Damn. Why can’t I get a girlfriend? Must be my cheekbones…”

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

Would I engage in conversation with smeared shit on a toilet wall?

No, conversation — verbal or nonverbal — isn’t possible with something that isn’t alive.

That said, this question is directed at incels. Their honest answer would have to be, Yes, if talking to smeared shit would get me status points.

happy cat
happy cat
3 years ago

So, this person wants to ignore women?
I don’t think they’re going to miss him!

3 years ago

I don’t have to imagine it, he was hired the same week as me. He lasted about two weeks as the lazy, arrogant and unhelpful jerk that nobody liked. Then one of the women in the kitchen gently told him off for leaving without telling anyone the previous noght and he started in on misogynistic and ablist tirade, and added racial slurs when the sous-chef intervened. He was then fired and escorted off the premises by the nearest member of the waitstaff, who threatened him with bodily harm should he ever be seen again.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

That sounded like an MRA version of “What Does The Fox Say?”

Good luck finding another job that doesn’t require adult behavior and interactions with women.

3 years ago

Can you send someone to HR for crimes against punctuation?

3 years ago

That sounded like an MRA version of “What Does The Fox Say?”

Good luck finding another job that doesn’t require adult behavior and interactions with women.

Unfortunately with the frat boy culture in some places that may not be a problem

3 years ago

This incel culture seems as misanthropic as they are misogynistic. Their unattractiveness is way deeper than skindeep.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

@Fabe – I’m trying to think of any job where they never have to see or speak to a woman, Even firefighters have to interact with the public. Maybe construction or mining? MRAs love to complain about those.

3 years ago

It’s like an evil child version of James Joyce.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:

@Fabe – I’m trying to think of any job where they never have to see or speak to a woman, Even firefighters have to interact with the public. Maybe construction or mining? MRAs love to complain about those.

I was going to suggest Simonopetra—a Greek Orthodox monastery whose “NO GIRLS ALLOWED” policy is so strict that even the livestock are all male—but apparently even they’ve been compromised:

(And I suspect that it wouldn’t take your average incel long to betray himself by sneering about The “Blessed” “Virgin” Mary cucking Joseph.)

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

And nothing of value was lost.

I think I can speak for just about all women when I say “Please, if you think this, DO avoid talking to women.”

3 years ago

I’ve heard about people talking shite, but this is ridiculous.

That approach to interpersonal relationships is going to lead to (probably already is) a distinct lack of interest in them from any other reasonable person.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

So this guy’s all about poop, a few days ago we had a farty one.

Paging Dr. Freud?

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:

That sounded like an MRA version of “What Does The Fox Say?”

Presenting a series of actual foxes’ reactions to “What Does The Fox Say?”

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ full metal ox

Aww. I love the squeaks foxes make when they’re being tickled.

But speaking of cute animals; Happy Halloween everyone!!!

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