anime nazis bad science elliot rodger eugenics incel genocide incels misogyny racism

Incel: The average person is so ugly we “need to genocide and sterilize 80-90% of humanity to get a decent looking next generation”

Bags on heads might also work

Incel ideology is a complicated mess of hatred and self-hatred. The most famous incel, the mass killer Elliot Rodger, alternated between grandiosity and self-pity, but his deepest anger was directed at the attractive women who ignored him; his intention, on his “day of retribution,” was to massacre “the very girls who represent everything I hate in the female gender: The hottest sorority of UCSB.”

But for all the hatred the incels direct towards the pretty people, they often seem to hate the ugly even more — despite the fact that they think they’re the ugliest ones.

And so you end up with strange manifestos like the one I recently ran across on the forums. In a post and a series of followup comments, the commenter called “Transcended Trucel” set forth his plan to eugenicize the ugly out of future populations by sterilizing those who don’t rank at the top of the attractiveness scale.

Transcended Trucel began by reporting on the results of an allegedly “objective” study he conducted to test the ugliness of his fellow humans.

I just went thru my school text book …

(I think he means yearbook.)

… and college photos. And God damn, the majority of humans are so God damn fucking ugly. Especially gooks, curries and Ethnics. maybe 70% were 4/10, 20-30% 3/10, 10% 5/10+, maybe saw 1 or 2 decent 6/10 Ethnics amongst hundreds maybe thousands plus students. no 7/10 ethnics

Huh, that doesn’t sound terribly scientific. Attaching numbers to people based on your own prejudices hardly seems like an “objective” way to study anything.

But going thru the pictures showed that even most whites are ugly. Amongst like 5-6 hundred white and Jewish kids, only maybe 1 legit 6’4 7/10 Chad motherfucker I saw. A few Chadlite or high tier normies.

So even the allegedly superior race is full of inferiors, even by his racist standards.

But the average white was still below sub5.

So the “average white,” while more attractive than the average “ethnic,” is actually below average? What the hell kind of math is this?

Also only saw maybe 3 Stacy lites, 10-15 high tier beckies, and maybe 15 normal Becky foids.

So even amongst the white foids, the majority were sub5 trash.

He lives in a world in which the average is below average.

Holy fuck you’d need to like genocide and sterilize 80-90% of humanity to get a decent looking next generation of humans.

Oh goody, eugenics.

It’s no wonder foids desire Chad so much. If men had same sex drive as foids, femcels would be a legit thing is my conclusion. As most foids are really fucking medicore or ugly from an objective PSL analysis perspective.

In a followup comment, he added:

I used to deliberate if Gene editing is ethical, and again going thru these photos confirmed that indeed Gene editing is a necessity.

It’s a necessity for a better looking, mentally healthier and happier humanity …

Yeah, good luck with that.

God damn Nazis were really woke for their time, the more I see, the more I realize how woke eugenicists were.

If you ever find yourself on Hitler’s side, in pretty much any argument, maybe retrace your last few logical steps because you are wrong and you are disgusting.

Some of the other commenters had issues with Transcended Trucel’s plan, though not so much the genocide bit. Someone called Metabuxx was afraid that nothing could stop the world’s ugly women from breeding.

But unfortunately, only ugly men are being stopped from reproducing. Ugly whores are fucking like rabbits, so there’s no way this planet will be free of subhumans.

Ah, but Transcended Trucel has a plan to get around that particular obstacle.

In an ideal world ugly men and women are sterilized. Then the ugly men are assigned females by the state. And only Chads and Stacies breed, their excess kids are sent to ugly make/female couples to be raised . This way every few generations, average looks rating of the nation increases and men don’t suffer inceldom. Also ugly men and women can still experience the pleasure and pain of raising kids if they wish.

Wow. He’s clearly thought this through.

Without fakeup the majority of ethnic foids are like 3-3.5/10 and white foids 4-5/10. Humanity truly is too ugly. Wish we lived in an anime graphics world like persona 5, at least most anime females and males look decent and attractive there(6/10-7/10)..

Yes. Please take refuse in an imaginary world. And stay there.

Hopefully China does indeed normalize Gene editing.

Not editing this Gene, I hope.

Once China does, the west and other nations will have no choice to gene edit their own future populations to compete in Olympics/economics.

If China does indeed normalize Gene editing, they should be considered as incel saints. Literally millions and maybe billions of men can be saved from being ugly shitskin/gook/cumskin midgets.

Such a way with words these fellows have. I can’t imagine why no one wants to have anything to do with them.

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3 years ago

I thought wokeness was supposed to be a bad thing. I can’t remember, really.

Nazi wokeness seems to be a bad thing, by almost anyone’s standards.

3 years ago

I rather think gene editing is the future. I mean, I would expect genetic diseases that literally kill people would be considered a little more important than trying to figure out what combinations would result in Hollywood star looks, but what do I know?

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

I used to deliberate if Gene editing is ethical

Of course you did. You ponder, evaluate, examine every issue that you concoct. Then — as is the case for every incel ethicist — you ask yourself, What would Hitler do. And that is your answer.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
3 years ago

If anybody needs me, I’ll be busy trying to keep my head from exploding at the irony of an incel calling someone else “ugly”.

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago


I rather think gene editing is the future. I mean, I would expect genetic diseases that literally kill people would be considered a little more important than trying to figure out what combinations would result in Hollywood star looks, but what do I know?

And never mind that beauty standards are subject to change without notice; the day might come when your designer genes will date you as inevitably as a name like “Jennifer” or the tattoo proclaiming that your reproductive prime occurred during the heyday of hipster jeans.

(Does anyone here remember Alexandria’s Genesis (— a genetic condition invented by a Daria fanfiction writer to explain their OC’s violet eyes, that a lot of credulous folks have circulated as scientific fact? The major logical flaw I can think of: what happens when a gene bestows sexual allure, superhuman health and longevity, no detrimental side effects, and no impairment of fertility? The overwhelming advantages would make it not only less rare but ubiquitous, and the question would become whether your eyes were lavender, amethyst, or aubergine. (And then the Mary Sues would have brown eyes reflecting their ties to the Lost Ancient Ancestral Blood.)

3 years ago

When your baseline for normal human beauty is anime and manga, you need help.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

God damn Nazis were really woke for their time, the more I see, the more I realize how woke eugenicists were.

Well, I did Nazi that coming.

Okay. Maybe I did.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

If we ever do become easily able to splice the genes for appearance, we probably will end up looking like anime characters. Perhaps even sooner for some traits: as it gains acceptance (i.e. as old fuddy-duddies who discriminate against it retire and die off and cease to work in HR) unusual dye-jobs and other things will become more widespread, joining varied and colorful clothes as a method of self-expression until the streets are thronged by a rainbow of hair and eye colors and whatnot.

3 years ago

Re: anime looks – honestly, I think a better thing to invent would be shounen physics. I mean, have you seen what even an ordinary, non-supernatural person can survive in some of those? It would make death by violence and accidents less likely to occur. Then again, that would probably require engineering people to have earth-normal strength in a low-gravity environment to get a close-enough version of those effects. I hear that it’s just barely possible to run on water in lunar gravity…

Though really, I’m all up for full-spectrum hair and eye color options, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Granted, we can already do those things in a crude way (hair dye and colored contacts) it’s just not really acceptable in most social environments, to the point where they often mean difficulty getting emplyment. I suspect that this will be a barrier to researching even superficially cosmetic alterations, let alone generally adopting it – I mean, look how long it took tattooing to be accepted by the general public, and even there it’s still not acceptable in most professional environments.

…And if you can do hair and eye color, it’s not any harder to do skin color. Just saying.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
3 years ago

Welcome to Lake Incelbegone, where all the women are foids, all the men are manlets, and all the children are below average.

Good looks aren’t necessarily inheritable. Plenty of supermodels have ordinary-looking parents, and vice versa.

Also, there’s a lot more to it than genetics. Grooming, makeup, hygiene, access to dental care, diet and exercise, clothing choices, posture, body language, self-confidence, etc. all play a large role.

Last edited 3 years ago by Buttercup Q. Skullpants
3 years ago

I wasn’t expecting any different but his scale really isn’t very scientific and seems to wildly misunderstand the concept of “average”.

The fact is, by our society’s standards (broadly speaking), youth is about 80% of beauty. Particularly female beauty and even more particularly within incel circles (where it’s 100%). So his bullshit scale should account for the fact that the majority of women aren’t 18 and therefore the young women he is looking at will be in attractiveness terms generally higher than average.

Also the fact he finds no Stacy’s and only “3 Stacy lites” is rather revealing. A more reflective person may consider that their standards for beauty must be insanely high, and more based off highly edited IG influencers or invented anime women than what humans actually look like.

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago


Re: anime looks – honestly, I think a better thing to invent would be shounen physics. I mean, have you seen what even an ordinary, non-supernatural person can survive in some of those?

See also the ending of Shaolin Soccer, and how the Wuxia Way has spread throughout the populace:

Last edited 3 years ago by Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

No one intelligent and/or decent wants anything to do with them, that’s why they have their own little safe spaces. “Birds of a feather”, and all that.

3 years ago

I’m guessing my bar is too low, but I’m low-key pleased that this TT person seems to understand both parents affect their children’s looks, unlike some who think women inherit everything from their mothers and men everything from their fathers.

Once China does, the west and other nations will have no choice to gene edit their own future populations to compete in Olympics/economics.

It certainly would be unthinkable that a country be banned from the Olympics for enhancing its athletes.

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
I almost wished there was a database of pictures of people at, say, age 20, next to pictures of their parents at the same age, so that all the variation would be obvious. Not that it would get through to people like incels, but it wouldn’t work anyhow because there’s so much variation on what even counts as “above avarage” in different places and decades.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ masse mysteria

It’s weird though how resemblances pass down the generations.

I have photographs of my maternal grandfather that, at the relevant age, I could have used as passport photos.

My granddad looked more like me than I do!

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

I’m sorry but everyone in modern day animie look like babies with different colored hair and eyes. that’s all

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Masse_Mysteria; @Alan Robertshaw:

And then you’ve got Barack Obama’s someone-refreshed-the-ink-cartridge resemblance to his maternal grandfather:

The above image was used in a classroom exercise on how arbitrarily human features are racialized:

3 years ago

@ Alan Robertshaw
Sometimes it seems family resemblance has about two settings: either people look different but also same, or they look so alike it’s uncanny.

I’ve been told by a person in the know that I supposedly look just like my maternal great-grandmother, but there’s no real evidence of this since there’s just one photo, and it’s kind of grainy. Funny to think that in the near future, there’s no mystery to a nose that skipped two generations because there are so many photos of everyone.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

I had occasion to visit a sit-down restaurant today in Ontario, and I must sadly report that the vaccine passport check was mostly security theater, with a side order of marketing department nosiness as they demanded everyone’s phone numbers, which was not on the government list of things they had to check.

The most critical thing that was on the government list is the thing they skipped entirely: scanning the QR code. You know, the one I had to go to a bunch of extra effort to acquire a week or two ago, beyond the effort it was actually supposed to require.

Which means I could easily have been an unvaccinated person displaying a Photoshopped copy of someone else’s.

I spent the next half-hour or so wondering if anyone else in there actually had done that. To own the libs, say, or just out of general “you can’t tell me what to do!” bloody-mindedness.

I think for the time being I shall return to eating on the patios outside, for so long as weather continues to permit …

(Security theater though it may have been, my risk of infection should be quite low: I’ve had both shots, and the county’s currently got a whole 2 known active cases in isolation, with no new cases reported on each of the past several days. Ditto my risk of spreading anything, as I’ve had both shots and had not been out in well over a week, so if I’d been exposed the previous time I’d been out, let alone on some still-earlier occasion, it wouldn’t have still been incubating or in a contagious presymptomatic state, and in all likelihood it wouldn’t have been able to obtain a foothold at all.)

3 years ago

God, reading incel jargon is wearying.

As for gene editing and anime, be careful what you wish for. Along with genetically engineered catgirls and bishies will come endemic nosebleeds.

rabid rabbit
rabid rabbit
3 years ago


Nazi wokeness seems to be a bad thing, by almost anyone’s standards.

Well, one Nazi slogan was “Deutschland Erwache!” (Germany, wake up!), so I suppose they could argue that “woke” people are violating their copyright.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

So humans need to be made prettier, but incels consider themselves ugly.

Spock eyebrow Highly illogical.

Plus Asians are ugly, but Japanese animated characters are attractive, and the Chinese are going to gene edit their kids… both eyebrows and a sideways tilt of the head like a dog thinking “Baroo?”

But the incels have already taken themselves out of the gene pool, so… mission accomplished?

Plus, there are many MANY conventionally-attractive famous people who looked like complete dorks in their yearbook photos. It’s a bad sample to begin with, even before descending to Nazi levels.

And aren’t the Stacies going to get tired of pumping out kids for someone else to raise?

Having purple hair and tats is fine in even srs bznss offices in San Francisco (Well, when people still went to the office). At any age. Customer-facing high-flying jobs still have a few rules, but basically no one cares. Lawyers still gotta wear suits, though.

@FM Ox: Holy cow, Obama really does look exactly like his mom’s father! Much more than he looks like any of his Kenyan relatives.

My mom met an exchange student from the ancestral town (we left in the 1830s) who looked exactly like she did at that age. The girl said Mom looked exactly like her mother and grandmother. My brother later went to the town and said about every 5th guy looked *exactly* like him, more than I do or any other relatives. People kept coming up to him and asking for directions and such and he was all “Sorry, I’m American.”

3 years ago

My family has a nose that appears to have come down to us from Charlemagne, whose portrait recognizably carries it. This nose has carried over to the Armenian, Dené, and Rwandan branches of the family.

3 years ago

@ Full Metal Ox

Well, as I recall, blue eyes can all be traced back to a single ancestor some 6,000+ years ago. The simplest explaination for why we (I have blue eyes) are so common today is that people all wanted to bang the folks with exotic eyes, which in turn made them not so exotic.

“When everyone is special, no one will be.” -Syndrome, The Incredibles.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


I don’t know if that’s all of it. green eyes are rarer then blue but people still say they want blue over green. Blue is just a pleasant color that I think it was something like the most popular color in the whole world which would make since, sense our oceans and skies are blue.