anime nazis bad science elliot rodger eugenics incel genocide incels misogyny racism

Incel: The average person is so ugly we “need to genocide and sterilize 80-90% of humanity to get a decent looking next generation”

Bags on heads might also work

Incel ideology is a complicated mess of hatred and self-hatred. The most famous incel, the mass killer Elliot Rodger, alternated between grandiosity and self-pity, but his deepest anger was directed at the attractive women who ignored him; his intention, on his “day of retribution,” was to massacre “the very girls who represent everything I hate in the female gender: The hottest sorority of UCSB.”

But for all the hatred the incels direct towards the pretty people, they often seem to hate the ugly even more — despite the fact that they think they’re the ugliest ones.

And so you end up with strange manifestos like the one I recently ran across on the forums. In a post and a series of followup comments, the commenter called “Transcended Trucel” set forth his plan to eugenicize the ugly out of future populations by sterilizing those who don’t rank at the top of the attractiveness scale.

Transcended Trucel began by reporting on the results of an allegedly “objective” study he conducted to test the ugliness of his fellow humans.

I just went thru my school text book …

(I think he means yearbook.)

… and college photos. And God damn, the majority of humans are so God damn fucking ugly. Especially gooks, curries and Ethnics. maybe 70% were 4/10, 20-30% 3/10, 10% 5/10+, maybe saw 1 or 2 decent 6/10 Ethnics amongst hundreds maybe thousands plus students. no 7/10 ethnics

Huh, that doesn’t sound terribly scientific. Attaching numbers to people based on your own prejudices hardly seems like an “objective” way to study anything.

But going thru the pictures showed that even most whites are ugly. Amongst like 5-6 hundred white and Jewish kids, only maybe 1 legit 6’4 7/10 Chad motherfucker I saw. A few Chadlite or high tier normies.

So even the allegedly superior race is full of inferiors, even by his racist standards.

But the average white was still below sub5.

So the “average white,” while more attractive than the average “ethnic,” is actually below average? What the hell kind of math is this?

Also only saw maybe 3 Stacy lites, 10-15 high tier beckies, and maybe 15 normal Becky foids.

So even amongst the white foids, the majority were sub5 trash.

He lives in a world in which the average is below average.

Holy fuck you’d need to like genocide and sterilize 80-90% of humanity to get a decent looking next generation of humans.

Oh goody, eugenics.

It’s no wonder foids desire Chad so much. If men had same sex drive as foids, femcels would be a legit thing is my conclusion. As most foids are really fucking medicore or ugly from an objective PSL analysis perspective.

In a followup comment, he added:

I used to deliberate if Gene editing is ethical, and again going thru these photos confirmed that indeed Gene editing is a necessity.

It’s a necessity for a better looking, mentally healthier and happier humanity …

Yeah, good luck with that.

God damn Nazis were really woke for their time, the more I see, the more I realize how woke eugenicists were.

If you ever find yourself on Hitler’s side, in pretty much any argument, maybe retrace your last few logical steps because you are wrong and you are disgusting.

Some of the other commenters had issues with Transcended Trucel’s plan, though not so much the genocide bit. Someone called Metabuxx was afraid that nothing could stop the world’s ugly women from breeding.

But unfortunately, only ugly men are being stopped from reproducing. Ugly whores are fucking like rabbits, so there’s no way this planet will be free of subhumans.

Ah, but Transcended Trucel has a plan to get around that particular obstacle.

In an ideal world ugly men and women are sterilized. Then the ugly men are assigned females by the state. And only Chads and Stacies breed, their excess kids are sent to ugly make/female couples to be raised . This way every few generations, average looks rating of the nation increases and men don’t suffer inceldom. Also ugly men and women can still experience the pleasure and pain of raising kids if they wish.

Wow. He’s clearly thought this through.

Without fakeup the majority of ethnic foids are like 3-3.5/10 and white foids 4-5/10. Humanity truly is too ugly. Wish we lived in an anime graphics world like persona 5, at least most anime females and males look decent and attractive there(6/10-7/10)..

Yes. Please take refuse in an imaginary world. And stay there.

Hopefully China does indeed normalize Gene editing.

Not editing this Gene, I hope.

Once China does, the west and other nations will have no choice to gene edit their own future populations to compete in Olympics/economics.

If China does indeed normalize Gene editing, they should be considered as incel saints. Literally millions and maybe billions of men can be saved from being ugly shitskin/gook/cumskin midgets.

Such a way with words these fellows have. I can’t imagine why no one wants to have anything to do with them.

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3 years ago

on topic:

I’m not going to fault the OP for their seeming misuse of the word “average”. First, the word is sometimes used in the colloquial sense of “most common” or “ordinary”. That may not be considered technically accurate, but it actually kind of is – while the “mode” average is rarely used in statistics, it’s close enough in meaning to “most common” for it to be a semi-valid use of the term.

And even ignoring that, would anyone have a problem with stating (for example) that “the average person has not traveled to the moon”? (I guess one could object and state that the average person has had roughly a billionth of a trip to the moon, but that’s only if you insist that average only refers to mean average, which isn’t really right.) Of course, there is a definite problem with this particular person’s idea of beauty, but the problem is that they consider the average person to be ugly rather than the average person to be ugly.

re: eye color

There are people who want yellow or purple eyes, or otherwise find the idea of them attractive. Yellow eyes are rare in the extreme (and as far as I’m aware, are more like golden brown; vivid yellow ones are probably impossible) while purple eyes don’t really exist. Regardless, eye color’s pretty trivial; as I said, if you can do eye color and hair color, you can also do skin color, and it would be interesting to see if any unnatural skin colors (or patterns!) ever become popular.

…There’s going to be a drow subculture, isn’t there?

@Full Metal Ox:

Okay, that’s fairly amusing. Wanna see something really funny, though? (Assuming you’re a weirdo like me who actually likes clowns)

Having issues inserting

Last edited 3 years ago by Snowberry
3 years ago

…Couldn’t get the video to embed, link works though.

3 years ago

Has it never occurred to this sad clown that yearbook photos (and school photos generally) are all just poorly taken, and make even the coolest kids look like dweebs?

3 years ago

@ Elaine the Witch

I dunno, I actually have a thing for brown eyes, though my first crush had the bluest of blue eyes, so hardly carved in stone here.

Anyway, since they haven’t proven blue eyes are associated with any particular evolutionary advantage, I still would assume starting with just one and becoming a major fraction of the world population over time probably has a lot to do with them being rather exotic back in the day. The idea that blue is desirable today could simply be our society’s obsession with the blonde supermodel archetype. I notice hazel is a popular choice for female characters in fiction.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

I’d fucking love to have purple eyes. the second eye dye becomes a thing you can bet your asses I’m getting ride of brown eyes for purple witch eyes. I’ve got about maybe 20 years of eyesight left in me so if I can spend it looking into my own purple eyes, I’m gonna fucking do it.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

@. 45

My husbands eyes are so dark brown they are basically black and they are the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. I do think green eyes are pretty but I never feel right looking into many humans eyes. I’ve spent a lot of time looking into my cats and dogs eyes though and they are very pretty.

Angiportus Librarysaver
Angiportus Librarysaver
3 years ago

“Ugly” is so subjective anyway….unless you’re talking about the behavior of people like Trucel.

3 years ago

I am loathe to type this sentence, but even the Nazis weren’t fucking around with eugenics for something as shallow as pure aesthetics. They had a monstrous ideology, but they believed (very wrongly) that they would make the world better, not just prettier. This shit sounds like a middle school bully and Nazism had a lovechild. If your ideology makes Nazis look thoughtful, something is very wrong.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

There’s pretty strong evidence that people are perceived as more attractive if they are in groups, rather than on their own. So his strategy is actually a bit counter-productive.

As to what traits people would aim for if gene editing became routine, I guess we can get an idea from what ‘cosmetic’ procedures are popular now.

3 years ago

@ Bina

Has it never occurred to this sad clown that yearbook photos (and school photos generally) are all just poorly taken, and make even the coolest kids look like dweebs?

Tbh it would seem incel-y to think that a bad photo would be the truest representation of a person. If the photo is good, there’s likely photoshop, make-up, or (gasp!) nice lighting involved, and that’s all lies – smoke and mirrors people use to deceive you.

The only people with a chance at happiness are the gigachads and überstacies who look good without any of that trickery. /s

3 years ago

I suspect that incels hate anyone they deem “ugly” who are with other people, or at least not the same bitter wells of bile and hate because it holds a mirror up to them. And exposed their lie that they are single because of their looks, and rather they are friendless and alone because they are vicious misanthropic hateful self made monsters. So they attack them with special hate. The way TERFs attack trans allies, or Nazis attack white anti Nazis etc… Bigots who claim their hate is natural will always have a special place in their blackened hearts for those who prove, just from their existence, that there is another way, and their hate isn’t natural.

3 years ago

I’m the opposite of this guy. If I were rating people’s attractiveness, the average would be above average. My daughter accuses me of thinking everyone is cute.

3 years ago

The thing about eye color is that as far as pigmentation goes the only eye color is brown. Blue eyes (and other non-brown colors) happen because refraction in the cornea gives the same effect as refraction in the upper atmosphere: blue eyes are literally the color of blue skies, shaded by however much pigment is present, which gives different shades of blue and green.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani

A lot of the obituaries on actress Elizabeth Taylor mentioned her unusual purple eyes. Looking at color photos of her that weren’t PhotoShopped, it seems that the ‘purple’ is just an unusual shade of blue. They weren’t anywhere close to what most folks think of when they think of purple the color.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

I have met exactly one person with yellow eyes in my life. They were yellow with maybe the teensiest bit of green sometimes, no brown. Nice guy, otherwise average-looking, but his eyes kinda freaked me out TBH.

epitome of incomrepehensibility

Should not have been surprised when the racism started. But it’s a bit odd to see older and newer racial slurs tacked together like that.

Anyway, “gene” autocorrecting to capital-letter “Gene” seems to be a thing, judging from a biology paper I was editing earlier this week.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

@Epitome isn’t gene also a name?

epitome of incomrepehensibility

@Elaine – Yes, that’s why it was doing that. But it did look a little funny in context!

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago


A lot of the obituaries on actress Elizabeth Taylor mentioned her unusual purple eyes. Looking at color photos of her that weren’t PhotoShopped, it seems that the ‘purple’ is just an unusual shade of blue. They weren’t anywhere close to what most folks think of when they think of purple the color.

The irony is that Taylor did have a genuine ocular mutation: distichiasis, an extra row of eyelashes: