I found this wall of text posted to the BlatantMisogyny subreddit, and I really, really, really want it to be true.
Unlike most walls of text, this one will reward you enormously if you read it straight through to the end. If you find yourself troubled by the lack of punctuation just pretend you’re reading Molly Bloom’s soliloquy from James Joyce’s Ulysses.

Ladies, line up for this one. He’s a keeper.
But I am a little confused, because according to the boys in the Semen Retention subreddit, “holding your nut back” for an extended period of time makes you smarter and more confident and magnetically attractive to the ladies. Maybe it also causes farts? Someone needs to do a proper study of this to see who is right, but it’s not going to be me because of all the farting.
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This guy complains like an ash borer beetle lost in a forest of fake ash beeches.
This is probably insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but I’m slightly in awe at the implication that no one has to use their hands outside of jail.
Are… are we all* in jail?
*Excl. those who lack hands.
Shorter that guy:
“People are playing the vidya games WRONG! It must be because they’re COMMIES!”
Today a video popped up in my youtube recommendations that was judging by the title and comments I read (didn’t watch the video) was pretty much a rant against accessibility setting in games . Guess if you’re color blind you’re not allowed to play video games.
You will see this a lot any time an ongoing game like an MMORPG announces new accessibility features. The complaint generally seems to be that the developers are “wasting development time and resources on features that don’t matter” instead of spending those resources on things that do matter, like whatever element of gameplay the complainer in question focuses on.
It is the same tantrum thrown any time they see something that is not explicitly and exclusively for them.
Case in point: Complaints that the new CGI He-Man and the Masters of the Universe cartoon on Netflix, and its accompanying toyline, are aimed at little kids rather than adult fans of the original. That there is also a Netflix MOTU series, and an accompanying toyline, aimed at said adult fans being produced at the same time, does not matter – EVERYTHING must be explicitly and exclusively for the Real Fans.
Besides the randomness, it’s the old boring attitude of “the only feeemales who exist to me are the ones I want to bang.” Thought experiment for this guy: imagine women thinking the same thing about men. Fair or not fair?
@Dalillama – Somehow I got it into my head that you were talking about virgins, not sloths, only pooping once a week. Was a bit confused for a while 😛
Moggie- This animated version of some of the tweets is awesome!
Slapping my desktop laughing at “…I’m not in MF’ing jail any more…”