Incels are endlessly creative in coming up with new ways to blame others for their problems — especially when they get a chance to blame a woman.
On the incels.is forums a commenter called Draco found himself looking at scientific papers about pedophilia — a popular topic amongst “jailbait”-obsessed incels — and discovered one that compared the heights of pedophiles and non-pedophiles, finding that the pedophiles were notably shorter.
Well, this got Draco’s incel brain spinning. And it wasn’t long before he found a way to blame it all on “foids” — derogatory incel slang for women.
“My theory,” he began,
is that short pedophiles have been rejected by women and mocked by society so much that they only feel comfortable approaching children.
That’s not how it works, but go on.
I’m not defending pedophiles or trying to justifying them because pedophilia is horrendous, but i’m just saying that the trauma of the children abused by pedophiles is (once again) on the hands of foids: their hypergamy made those (short) men go [c]razy and turned them into sick monsters.
Yeah, that’s not how it works either.
They should feel responsible for every child abused because they could have avoided it by having sex with that short man stopping him from becoming a degenerate monster.
Once again, the incel “solution” is for women to have sex with men they don’t want to have sex with.
And naturally the other incel commenters in the thread were mostly on board with Draco’s, er, analysis.
“Makes sense,” wrote one.
As a manlet you are a laughing stock to everyone, especially women. Children are the only ones who will look up to you (literally) and treat you like a man.
“[B]lood is upon the foids,” wrote another commenter.
But not everyone was convinced.
“I think you’re wrong in assuming that it feels comfortable to approach children,”wrote someone called Wizard32.
I’m shy as hell around adult women but I would feel WAY more comfortable approaching an adult foid than a teen or preteen.
Maybe your reasoning could’ve worked a century or so ago but there’s so much of a pedo-panic that it will always be amazingly easier to approach adult women than to approach kids based on the amount of potential ostracizing you’re talking about.
I hope all of these “observations” are based on hypotheticals and that this guy isn’t “approaching” anyone.
Wizard32 continud, suggesting that the real issue is whether or not incels can get with virgins.
TBH this probably is less about approachability and more about “I didn’t get there first”.
Gigachad gets 100% of foid virginities so sub-chads can only aspire to get the girls Chad gets bored of and dumps.
This doesn’t mean that sub-chads can’t approach and fuck gigachad’s leftovers: they can, but their heart will never be in it: the dream has died.
So obviously you’re going to fetishize a virgin who hasn’t pair-bonded with a Chad, over a foid who will always prefer her preceding gigachad lover, and can’t give you her first time.
Fucking eww.
He then went on to defend Jeffrey Epstein against charges of pedophilia. Because, dontcha know, he was into “mid-pubescent teenagers not pre-pubescent pre-teens.”
Another commenter stepped up to second this “it’s not technically pedophilia” line.
“[T]his is about hebephilia not pedophilia. actual pedophilia is very rare, as for the post im manlet as fuck and i like lolis the most out of any age group of foids.
Gross. But what else can we expect from am incels.is thread on pedophilia?
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That’s quite a task I’ve been assigned: having sex with all short men. And I have to remain a virgin. Do I have to marry all of them too? Do I have to support them financially? Do I have to have children with them? I’m not sure I can take on this project.
Kat, you raise some interesting logistical questions there. I note he has also failed to blame the mothers of the short men, bit of an oversight really.
Epstein himself actually prided himself on his “hebephilia” and used it as a justification to himself. However, the (still children) 14-18 year old girls we’ve heard about are the ones he and Maxwell groomed in countries with comprehensive state police systems, and there are suggestions he procured younger children from less wealthy countries.
But they don’t want foids, because foids are used up gigachad leftovers. That’s why they’re pedophiles.
That’s the same sort of “reasoning” that concludes women become lesbians because they’re man haters, not because they’re attracted to women.
I’ve put up with some bad short-jokes in my time but … that’s a curb-stomper.
It’s like they never pissed off a short-guy …
As a Leverage fan, I feel obligated to point out that Christian Kane is only 5 foot 10, and he’s sexy AF. Sense of humor, exudes confidence and competence … oh, yeah.
I don’t know who that is, but that’s slightly above average male height for the US, so I don’t know what that “only” is doing there.
@Moggie: I was about to comment the same thing. Where I live it is a bit short (180.8 cm being the average for men here, 167,5 cm for women).
@Victorious Parasol:
As a Leverage fan, I feel obligated to point out that Christian Kane is only 5 foot 10, and he’s sexy AF. Sense of humor, exudes confidence and competence … oh, yeah.
I see estimates of Kane’s height ranging from 5’11 to as low as 5’8””; note also that, as Eliot Spencer, he has a functional fighter’s physique rather than an action figure 8-pack: http://letsstealsomethiefjuice.tumblr.com/post/621384544243875840
(And look who not only got married to a considerably taller woman but reproduced:
Yes, pedophilia against really young children tends to be rarer than pedophilia against teenagers, but it still happens. Here are some examples of mass pedophilia abuse:
John Jay Report – Wikipedia
10,667 total cases recorded; 81% of the victims were male, and 56.62% (6,040) were 12 to 17.
Boy Scouts of America sex abuse cases – Wikipedia
More than 92,000 cases. All were obviously male victims.
Bacha Bazi boys are aged 8 to 17 and are abused by adult men, in Afghanistan. It’s not clear if it’s still continuing under the rule of the Taliban, but boys (and men) are also being sexually abused (alongside women and girls) by the Taliban still, even if it wasn’t continuing under them.
To elaborate, I said “only” about Christian Kane’s height because many incels seem to think anything below 6 feet tall is short. Personally, if I weren’t happily married, I’d trip him and beat him to the floor.
Now, usually if a woman says something like this about a celebrity who is in the “wrong height” range by incels standards, the incel reaction tends to be something along the lines of “Doesn’t count – his celebrity compensates for inches, and you wouldn’t thirst for him if he weren’t famous.” Um, not how my brain works. His celebrity made me aware of him, but I find him attractive because he ticks a number of boxes for me. I’ve had gal pals swoon over actors or musicians who superficially are my type but don’t quite ring my bell.
@Full Metal Ox: I was going to bring him up too. Gorgeous eyes, nice hands, great voice, sense of humor, who cares about his height?
Tom Cruise has never done it for me, but many women find him sexy and he’s short AF. I think all his wives have been taller than him.
I’m 5’4′ on a good day and my high school boyfriend was a little shorter. He never got above 5’8″ the last time I saw him, which was when we were about 25.
Plenty of short men who aren’t super-good looking, famous, or rich have managed to have sex without resorting to children. Something about having good personalities?
@GSS ex-noob
Or just being decent would probably stack the deck in favor of a short guy who wanted a relationship with a woman. Sorry, incels.
Victorious Parasol,
I think you meant to say Christian Kane from Angel? That’s how I know him anyway 🙂
Anyway, since I’ve had sex with some short guys, am I off the hook or are child molesters still my fault?
@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
Ha! Well, while Angel was where I first saw him, and I thought he did a great job there, it wasn’t until Leverage that I really became a fan. Also loved watching his work in The Librarians.
Late to the discussion, as usual, but don’t short men typically have short fathers? So their fathers managed to reproduce but they can’t?
Speaking of incels, a comparison of incels vs ‘femcels’.
A major difference appears to be that whereas incels blame women for their lack of dating success, femcels blame themselves,
@Alan, so incels and femcels agree: women are to blame!
@ moggie
Heh yeah; I never thought of it like that!
Pah, the only man I dated before my current partner was about my height. 5’3”, 5’4” at most.
Also very attractive. I liked that I could look him in the eye easily. But neither equals emotional compatibility, it turned out. And he was the one who broke up with me.
Anyway, obviously height insecurity’s no excuse to posit fucked-up things about women and teenage girls (seriously, leave them alone unless you’re their age), but I do sympathize with the anxiety about being too short. Because that was me throughout grade school – for some reason I thought being the shortest kid in my class was inherently embarrassing.
@epitome: Thankfully, I was only the second-shortest kid in my grade school class, so I had that… but still was annoyed at ALWAYS being in the front row, etc.
@Alan Robertshaw @Moggie Reading the article, the specific things the femcels say are mostly about men, their femcel status is caused by the behavior of men, (combined with their physical ugliness). To be clear, male incels 100% call themselves ugly. I’ve seen the word “Lookism” attributed to male incels a dozen times, so its weird that this article says it is a femcel invention. They both claim that the opposite sex is ignores them because they are ugly. Though the article also shows the femcels talking about how they are NOT shallow.
The difference is that the femcels don’t have the same burning rage as the incels. The difference is one group is sad and the other mad. The weird thing is these emotions are associated with femininity and masculinity. With the way masculinity is often constructed, a man could reclaim his masculinity with performative anger or even violence. Meanwhile I can’t imagine someone would reclaim femininity with anger, that is just not how it is traditionally socially constructed. Femcels do blame men, it just feels weird to say “blame” when there is zero aggression in that blame.
I suppose the incel’s solution is still government assigned girlfriends, or computer assisted arranged marriages, or any system where you have exactly one sexual partner during your lifetime but a third party gets to decide who that is. Though if there is a third party matchmaker they would probably pair the incels with the femcels, and I really don’t know if the incels would like that.
@Victorious Parasol
incels twist all of that to fit their standards. my husband is 5’7, and I still had an incel telling me it didn’t count because he’s marine so obviously all marines are chads.
@ Elaine
Oh, I can believe that. These guys shift goalposts to avoid reality, after all.