Is bad news for the women of Afghanistan good news for Western incels? Contemplating the resurgent Taliban’s “ultrastrict regulations and penalties for women,” one Incels.is commenter calling himself Mainländer finds himself rooting for repression, declaring that even if the Taliban take things a bit far, all their rules for women “weren’t invented for no reason.”
“Men naturally love women; feel insane amounts of attraction and love for women,” Mainländer writes.
Do you really think men would come up with such [rules] just for the fun of it?
One just have to take a look at the west to see how women act when “liberated”. Promiscuity, adultery, baby killing, single motherhood, dysfunction, harem societies where only Chad really gets quality sex and love, retarded leftism everywhere, socialism (men getting their money robbed to buxx single moms, etc), average and below men all becoming incels or semi-incels at best and shown 0 empathy, rampant misandry and misandric laws, men getting their lives ruined over false accusations or bullshit such as pixels or saying stuff to women.
Truth is, women DON’T WORK OUTSIDE OF STRICT MALE AUTHORITY. They only ever respect force and turn into the worst creatures who ever walked this earth when unrestrained.
Better book yourself a ticket on the next flight to Kabul then.
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“Better book yourself a ticket on the next flight to Kabul then.”
Bet they don’t want him either — and I suspect he knows it. Sad truth. Poor guy.
But, that’s the attitude of most foreign countries toward Americans who don’t have money to invest. Too bad.
Before this, I’d wondered about the exact definition of socialism, but now it’s all clear: it’s when the government steals money from men and gives it to single moms. Dunno why I hadn’t thought of that before.
…”Songwritercel”? I thought the performing arts were supposed to be an occupation that would attract women’s adulation? (Of course, if your repertoire consists of the like of, “Foids Are Full Of Chad Cooties”, “My Canthal Tilt Is A Chick Repellent”, and “Menarche Is Too Late”, there could be your problem. Note: the above song titles are purely hypothetical.)
(And, in the process of trying to determine what this guy might have composed beside bigoted rodomontades, I happened upon this prize specimen: the way to induce ‘gina tingles in Stacy The Unattainable is to threaten her in the course of a school shooting:
Well, true. Shitty reasons to be exact. To hold power over us, for example.
How unlucky for us, and this sad, self-deceiving (and self-made) shit that the Internet exists to baby his endless, self-pitying lies, and hate-filled projections.
How impotent can even someone like him appear to the world! And he’ll top it within a week, may less!
We could give him mastery of the world and all living things, but he’d feel the same, because that loathing is for himself – and that’s the lie he most cherishes; that he will never give up.
His ugliness and loneliness is what think make him special!!!
Wait, he’s dissing “harem societies” and yet advocates *Afghanistan*?
Makes as little sense as these saddos always do. Always self-contradictory.
“Average men becoming incels?” There’s nothing “average” about incels, sorry.
And here he is — or so he’d like us to believe. An intellectual quietly reading a good book. That beautiful woman adores him.
Hey, I read. A lot. Where is the guy who adores me because I read.
Oh right, I’m part of what’s wrong with postmodern women. I want what men, certainly not women, are rightfully owed.
Wait. I’m looking at that photo again. He’s a man. She’s a girl.
To be fair, not to mention realistic, I know that part of the reason my boyfriend and I are together is that we’re both big readers. We like to talk about books and words and even spelling. Well, I like to talk about spelling because I’m a practically flawless speller.* He, on the other hand, is a flawed speller.
My point is that my boyfriend and I have fun talking about this thing we both enjoy. Incels, as far as I can determine, never have fun. That’s because they’re walking bags of hatred.
*That’s right, incels: I’m a postmodern woman and a postmodern braggart.
And now I’m looking at that photo (above) again. Is that guy reading the Bible? Does this incel have a clue about Jesus’ relationships with women, such as the scholarly view that Mary Magdalene was his favorite disciple. But here I am talking about a clue and an incel in the same sentence.
Speaking of women and Jesus, have you seen this book yet?
It came out earlier this year, and seems to be a hit among Biblical scholars. The writer has a blog over on Patheos, where he discussed some of the reasoning behind certain of his book choices, if you want to get a feel for what kind of guy the writer is.
These boys feed each other so much bs and self pity that it seems like they come from another planet. Either that or they’ve been raised in a lab, separated from reality. They only need to go outside to see that all kinds of men are having all sorts of relationships. It’s so frustrating because no matter what anyone says to them they have a stupid response designed to allow them to remain in their hateful bubble and avoid personal responsibility forever.
@Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
This book is new to me. Thanks for the referral!
I saw this in the Amazon blurb: “James McGrath makes the stories of women in the New Testament come alive, and sheds fresh light on the figure of Jesus as well.”
This quote reminds me of the Old Testament story about Lot and his wife. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot and his unnamed wife fled, and Lot’s wife — despite being warned by an angel not to look back at the destroyed city — looked back at Sodom and turned to salt. I read a feminist retelling of this story in Lilith, a feminist Jewish magazine, many years ago. I haven’t been able to locate this particular retelling on the Internet. In the retelling that I read, Lot’s wife loved the city and she loved the people she had to leave behind. She wasn’t a foolish woman: she was a woman devoted to others.
I always wondered if maybe it was because Lot sucked and she wanted out.
It’s amazing to me how a simple thing such as, you know, not saying the stuff to women doesn’t seem to have been an option. I’ve managed to escape so much drama just by choosing to not say stuff. Simply amazing how that works. Maybe it’s because I’m not a man.
Anyway, what’s pixels in this context? I’m lost on that bit of lingo.
@Big Titty Demon:
Pixels, in this context, would be referring to videogames. Some gamers take great exception when a game’s depiction of women is criticized in any way. (I refer you to the Gamergate nonsense of some years back for understanding this kind of nonsense.)
I doubt that the Taliban actually approves of videogames at all, actually. And if they did allow them, they’re require them to be altered to match their interpretation of Sharia.
Somehow I don’t think out incel commentator is actually advocating digital burkas.
@Kat, @Redsilkphoenix – you might like this short story (on AO3) which appears to have been written by somebody who knows their onions, as they say across the water (as far as I can tell, that is; I am not well up on matters biblical).
This Is Jezebel by mostlydeadlanguages
This quote reminds me of the Old Testament story about Lot and his wife. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot and his unnamed wife fled, and Lot’s wife — despite being warned by an angel not to look back at the destroyed city — looked back at Sodom and turned to salt. I read a feminist retelling of this story in Lilith, a feminist Jewish magazine, many years ago. I haven’t been able to locate this particular retelling on the Internet. In the retelling that I read, Lot’s wife loved the city and she loved the people she had to leave behind. She wasn’t a foolish woman: she was a woman devoted to others.
Would this be the one?
@opposable thumbs:
@Kat, @Redsilkphoenix – you might like this short story (on AO3) which appears to have been written by somebody who knows their onions, as they say across the water (as far as I can tell, that is; I am not well up on matters
This Is Jezebel by mostlydeadlanguages
Which brings to mind Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s question in The Woman’s Bible: what account would Baalist historians have given us of Jezebel’s character?
I’m loving all the religious discussion.
I really like this guy’s videos on religion; and this is a good one.
@Robert Haynie
Then there is how they react when a female character isn’t ‘feminine’ enough for them . If a woman in a video game doesn’t look like a scantly clad super model they throw a fit.
Or when a female character who was portrayed as scantily clad in an animated or comic book series is suddenly given clothes that cover her decently. Exhibit A: the reaction by certain guys to the announcement that Faye in the live-action remake of Cowboy Bebop would be wearing more clothes than her anime counterpart.
Thanks! I’m looking forward to reading it.
@Full Metal Ox
No, that’s not the one — but it’s a really good one. I read it last night.
I used to see ads for The Woman’s Bible in the back of Ms. magazine. Sounds intriguing.
@Big Titty Demon
Yeah, I could see how Lot’s wife might have wanted out of that marriage after Lot offered their daughters to the crowd of men. Patriarchy is one thing. Utter betrayal of your children is very much another.
I mean, Pixels was a terrible movie, but did it really ruin lives?
I read that stunning story. Thank you. It makes a lot more sense than the story in the Bible. So much is left out of so many biblical narratives, due no doubt to the wish of patriarchs to make themselves look better. Thus the stories are muddy and muddled — and the patriarchy still looks really, really bad.
@Alan Robertshaw
Interesting video. Thanks!
@Kat, I’m glad you liked it! I thought it was stunning too. (only about 1,500 words in case anyone else feels like having a look 🙂 No idea about the author, but they certainly seem to know their stuff)
@ kat
If the patriarchs ever existed it was quite some time before their stories began to be put into writing. But the stories were certainly written to serve a particular narrative.
This is an excellent series on how the Bible came into being. Refers to all the legit research and provides all citations and sources.