evil sex-having women incels misogyny reactionary bullshit

Maybe the Taliban has some good ideas about the repression of women, “fundamentalist” incel suggests

Incel dream girl?

Is bad news for the women of Afghanistan good news for Western incels? Contemplating the resurgent Taliban’s “ultrastrict regulations and penalties for women,” one commenter calling himself Mainländer finds himself rooting for repression, declaring that even if the Taliban take things a bit far, all their rules for women “weren’t invented for no reason.”

“Men naturally love women; feel insane amounts of attraction and love for women,” Mainländer writes.

Do you really think men would come up with such [rules] just for the fun of it?

One just have to take a look at the west to see how women act when “liberated”. Promiscuity, adultery, baby killing, single motherhood, dysfunction, harem societies where only Chad really gets quality sex and love, retarded leftism everywhere, socialism (men getting their money robbed to buxx single moms, etc), average and below men all becoming incels or semi-incels at best and shown 0 empathy, rampant misandry and misandric laws, men getting their lives ruined over false accusations or bullshit such as pixels or saying stuff to women.

Truth is, women DON’T WORK OUTSIDE OF STRICT MALE AUTHORITY. They only ever respect force and turn into the worst creatures who ever walked this earth when unrestrained.

Better book yourself a ticket on the next flight to Kabul then.

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Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Men naturally love women; feel insane amounts of attraction and love for women

Yes, I can just feel all the love radiating off this post.

Thing is, the Taliban has very strict rules for men as well. All men must have a beard, which they are not allowed to shape or trim, and must wear a turban at all times. No listening to music. No pictures of people or animals. Men and women are strictly segregated. No approaching any woman without first being introduced by a male relative.

I’m sure he would be perfectly happy to live under these strictures. After all, there must be some good reason to regulate men so heavily. Rules are for bad people (according to his own logic).


Oh, women work perfectly fine without male authority. It’s incels who implode and threaten to destroy society once women aren’t forced to be around them.

Imagine being the sort of person whose happiness depends on another group being subjugated and traumatized. That’s the dark, rotten center of the Venn diagram of misogynists and white supremacists.

3 years ago

Things men say when their cock is unchosen…

His comment about “harem societies” is particularly funny. He does realise under Islam marriage is permissible between 4 women and 1 men. While the rules surrounding this are strict I doubt the Taliban pays attention to the restrictive aspects.

He would be even more of an incel than he is now.

Also why do so many of these incels blame women alone for decisions it takes two to make? The vast majority of single mothers involved a man in creating that child and then a man choosing not to marry the mother of the child / stay around (and that is not including divorce once again a two person act. The fact men like this struggle to find partners means women as a collective are not daft.

3 years ago


As I understand it, men that father children and abandon them and their mother are just following their biological programming, and so should not be blamed for this or considered bad people.

Whereas women that have children but do not stay with the father are following their biological programming, which is why they should be blamed for this and considered bad people.

It’s just science.

Last edited 3 years ago by Allandrel