It’s probably not a shock to learn that Roosh V — former-PUA-turned-Orthodox-Christian — is a COVID “skeptic” who railed against the COVID vaccines and refused to wear a mask. He once dismissed fears of COVID as “a girl thing” and “gay.”
Meanwhile, his Roosh V Forum is abuzz with conspiracy theories outright misinformation about COVID, with Roosh and his remaining followers warning about the supposed dangers of the vaccine, which one follower denounced as a virtual weapon of mass destruction designed to cause literal genocide. Other followers have been sharing tips on resisting against coronavirus laws and where in the world they might go to avoid the allegedly tyrannical lockdowns,
Well, in one of those ironies we see so often today, Roosh has now caught “a flu-like illness” that strongly resembles COVID — by which I mean that there’s a near 100% chance he’s got COVID. And frankly it sounds awful.
“Friends, I’m in bad shape,” he wrote in a post on his forum yesterday.
On Thursday I came down suddenly with a flu-like illness of muscle pain and weakness. For several nights I could hardly sleep and the symptoms progressed to include diarrhea, sore throat, fever, headache, runny nose, coughing (mostly dry), loss of appetite, inability to concentrate, and some brain fog.
Yikes. That sounds a lot like a case of COVID.
I was traveling when it hit so was not able to start a suitable treatment plan (or even eat properly). The illness never got better. I felt like my whole body was being poisoned, and that I could not fight the poison on its own. I had never been sick like this in my life.
Five days after infection, I finally made it home, but a new symptom developed. When I would try to take a deep breath, my lungs would feel a sharp stinging pain and then I would be forced to cough violently. This required me to breath shallow and minimize my movements. When I came home, I took my temperature and it peaked at 104.7 F. My pulse oxygen was 93%.
Yikes again. Dude, I think you’re going to have to admit you have a serious case of COVID.
Naturally he’s turned to the horse paste for relief.
I happened to buy some Ivermectin over a month ago, so I started a regimen. Within 3 hours of taking it, I noticed a slight improvement in my breathing, and my pulse oxygen is now 94%-95%. I’m also taking Vitamin C, Zinc, and Vitamin D. I’m still in rough shape, I can hardly walk a couple of steps, but I hope to turn the corner in the next day or two.
Yeah, I’m not sure that’s going to happen, bro.
Please pray for me!
Alas, that form of treatment is no more effective than horse paste is for humans.
I wonder if this experience will cause Roosh to reflect on his wrong and terrible beliefs and actions. Probably not.
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He keeps a pulse oximeter in his house?
How do you ‘happen’ to buy stuff like that; is it in the middle aisle at Aldi or something?
But no-one should be taking drugs designed for horses!
Except maybe 1990s ravers.
“I happened to buy some Ivermectin.”
As one does,…
Maybe he’s got COVID. If so, that’s a shame.
Or maybe he’s not ill but has a new way of grabbing attention.
Either way, he’s still a terrible person.
So he was just walking around with COVID for several days? How many other people had he infected?
“All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike someone they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed anyone, but I have read some obituary notices with great pleasure.”—Clarence Darrow
I don’t wish any anti-vaxxor death, but I do wish they wouldn’t work so hard to kill other people along with themselves.
(Looks like it worked!)
Zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin D got me through Covid last year (pre-vax). But I’m younger than Roosh, took precautions, and got lucky with a mild case.
I really can’t find any sympathy for Roosh, an admitted rapist who made money off turning lost and angry young men into even angrier misogynist by feeding them hatred and giving them a scapegoat for all their failures instead of telling them to work on themselves. If women get hurt in the bargain what does Roosh the douche care, he hates us too and he made money and a sick kind of fame out of it. Screw this guy. He makes me wish there really was a hell because he’d no doubt have reserved seating in the worst part.
SuperRationalMan is probably going to live, because most people who get COVID do, but of course the man who says that men are logical and women are irrational is then going to announce to the world that he’s proved that ivermectin cures COVID, because that’s how science works when you’re a super-rational Eastern Orthodox Christian man.
No one done the decent thing and wished the virus a speedy recovery yet?
Amusingly, the word raver looks very much like it was a cognate of Finnish ravuri (race horse).
Now he’s a Herman Cain award nominee. How…surprising. /s
Sounds plausible, if he’s the sort of person who’d also pre-emptively buy Ivermectin. In other words, not entirely unconcerned about covid, bur rather ideologically opposed to establishment/left approved solutions. He’s apparently not getting tested either, even though he seems to think it’s likely covid. I get a sense that he’s hesitant to seek medical help, or perhaps lacks good access to treatment. IDK if he lives alone these days; in that case there’d be no one else to help him get to hospital if he gets too sick to call 911 for himself.
Maybe he’s “not scared” in the sense that he refuses to consider the possibility of death or very severe illness, let alone longterm disability. If those were a serious threat, he’d have to admit that the “leftist hysteria” about avoiding the disease (rather than just toughing it out) is justified. Therefore, the disease must be beatable with his own masculine strength and some simple home medications. Going to hospital would suggest he’s “weaker” than most people (esp. of his age) who get covid, and therefore unacceptable.
Crip Dyke wrote:
My small pedant pet peeve is wishing that David would refer to Roosh as “Armenian Christian” or “Armenian Orthodox”, because people usually assume “Orthodox Christian” to mean Eastern Orthodox, which is very different. Frankly, he mostly sounds like a generic US conservative Christian asshole.
(Just to confuse people further, Armenian Apostolic Church belongs in an ancient branch of Christianity formally known as Oriental Orthodoxy. Presumably, many people might assume that’s a synonym for Eastern Orthodoxy.)
(I’m not personally EO or anything, just pedant by cultural heritage)
Thanks, Lumi!
Obviously I am not a Christianity expert. I’ll remember that Armenian Orthodox is separate from Eastern Orthodox (is separate from Oriental Orthodox).
At least I hope I’ll remember that so your educational efforts aren’t wasted…. 😛
@Nequam: That’s still one of the best Batman movies ever.
As for Roosh, here’s to hoping that he hasn’t had contact with anyone he could infect in quite a while. Does he still believe wiping his ass is too much effort?
You don’t have to be a science-denying asshat to have an oxygen meter lying around. When COVID hit, we bought one so if either of us got sick, we’d know when it was time to seek medical help. It was about $15 and provides us with a little reassurance when my allergies act up.
Note – I catch every respiratory ailment that comes by, and even though I always get a flu shot, just before COVID hit, I caught whatever strain the flu shot didn’t cover that year. I was sick for almost 2 months. Taking as few chances as possible, thank you.
@Victorious Parasol, Lumipuna
I mean, there are 3 in my house. But no Ivermectin, I didn’t happen to buy any. Probably never will, don’t think I’ll ever raise horses, even if I had the land.
I’m not gonna cry if the rapist dies of a covid.
Crip Dyke – I’m not that much an expert either.
I understand that early Christians of various kinds tried to frame their own doctrine, using Greek terminology, as both Orthodox (meaning “correct path”, in blatant assertion) and Catholic (meaning “common/universal”, presumably in some kind of argumentum ad populum). Eventually, in Western usage, “Catholic” came to mean mainstream Western Christianity (later often in contrast to Protestant spinoffs, who also initially saw themselves as the Real Catholics), while “Orthodox” became a lump term for at least two main branches of Christianity in the Eastern Mediterranean region.
I’m not sure why the largest branch of Eastern Christianity, which was based mainly in eastern Europe and Anatolia, came to be called “Eastern” Orthodoxy. Perhaps it was originally meant to clarify a distinction to Catholicism ie. “Western Orthodoxy”? The second largest branch, largely unfamiliar to Westerners, is mainly based in Egypt, Syria and Armenia. They eventually came to be known in scholarly literature as Oriental Orthodox or Non-Chalcedonian* Christians. Traditionally, they called themselves simply “Orthodox”, while the Chalcedonian* (including both EO and Western) Christians called them derisively as “Monophysites”**.
*Referring to an early split named after the Council of Chalcedon in 5th century, long before the breakup between Western and EO Christians.
**A strawman-ish description of the Chalcedonian dissent view regarding the relationship between the two natures of Christ.
I hate everything about everything right now. I hate how pleased I am by this person’s suffering. I don’t like this version of myself at all.
I find the history of religions pretty fascinating. Including all the various schisms; and how that lead to the different sects we have today.
One particularly interesting, to me, consequence is why this ladder has had to stay in place since at least 1728!