It’s probably not a shock to learn that Roosh V — former-PUA-turned-Orthodox-Christian — is a COVID “skeptic” who railed against the COVID vaccines and refused to wear a mask. He once dismissed fears of COVID as “a girl thing” and “gay.”
Meanwhile, his Roosh V Forum is abuzz with conspiracy theories outright misinformation about COVID, with Roosh and his remaining followers warning about the supposed dangers of the vaccine, which one follower denounced as a virtual weapon of mass destruction designed to cause literal genocide. Other followers have been sharing tips on resisting against coronavirus laws and where in the world they might go to avoid the allegedly tyrannical lockdowns,
Well, in one of those ironies we see so often today, Roosh has now caught “a flu-like illness” that strongly resembles COVID — by which I mean that there’s a near 100% chance he’s got COVID. And frankly it sounds awful.
“Friends, I’m in bad shape,” he wrote in a post on his forum yesterday.
On Thursday I came down suddenly with a flu-like illness of muscle pain and weakness. For several nights I could hardly sleep and the symptoms progressed to include diarrhea, sore throat, fever, headache, runny nose, coughing (mostly dry), loss of appetite, inability to concentrate, and some brain fog.
Yikes. That sounds a lot like a case of COVID.
I was traveling when it hit so was not able to start a suitable treatment plan (or even eat properly). The illness never got better. I felt like my whole body was being poisoned, and that I could not fight the poison on its own. I had never been sick like this in my life.
Five days after infection, I finally made it home, but a new symptom developed. When I would try to take a deep breath, my lungs would feel a sharp stinging pain and then I would be forced to cough violently. This required me to breath shallow and minimize my movements. When I came home, I took my temperature and it peaked at 104.7 F. My pulse oxygen was 93%.
Yikes again. Dude, I think you’re going to have to admit you have a serious case of COVID.
Naturally he’s turned to the horse paste for relief.
I happened to buy some Ivermectin over a month ago, so I started a regimen. Within 3 hours of taking it, I noticed a slight improvement in my breathing, and my pulse oxygen is now 94%-95%. I’m also taking Vitamin C, Zinc, and Vitamin D. I’m still in rough shape, I can hardly walk a couple of steps, but I hope to turn the corner in the next day or two.
Yeah, I’m not sure that’s going to happen, bro.
Please pray for me!
Alas, that form of treatment is no more effective than horse paste is for humans.
I wonder if this experience will cause Roosh to reflect on his wrong and terrible beliefs and actions. Probably not.
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Lol, I hope he has fever dreams straight out of Heironymous Bosch
@Alan Robertshaw:
This sort of “social infrastructure technical debt” can be fascinating. A few fiction authors do well at depicting that sort of thing, particularly Karl Schroeder (Lady of Mazes and Queen of Candesce, particularly the latter) and Neal Stephenson (Anathem in particular). Beyond that, favor Old World authors: it obviously helps if they’ve lived somewhere with millennia of cultural continuity rather than only 400 or so years of it.
“He keeps a pulse oximeter in his house?”
He probably keeps calipers in his house. Why not a pulse oximeter?
I wondered about this myself.
I wouldn’t put it past him to get conventional treatment and then credit his recovery to whatever the latest quack cure is. And then start selling it.
Do someone know if that gus person is a drive by troll or someone who do irony ? These day my parody meter is broken.
In any case, Ivermectin is a neurotoxin, who work much better on invertebrate than on humans. (hence why the use as dewormer). That it could incidentally treat COVID isn’t out of the realm of the possible, but there’s no experimental proof of that (the contrary even), and there’s no proposed mechanism for that (COVID don’t have much to do with neurons after all), so I don’t hold my breath for it ?
There’s one study that shows it slows viral replication, but only at doses 20 times what the maximum safe dose is theorized to be. Sure, that max dose is a very conservative estimate driven as much by nothing needing such a high dose of ivermectin to treat as by animal studies. But still. If you think a dose 20 times higher than the agreed upon safe limit is a good idea, you need more than “well, the one cell line in the petri dish still looked ok a few hours later”. Not surprisingly, no one has volunteered for that kind of followup.
@Lukas Xavier
Ah yes, I’d forgotten about the grifting opportunities.
It’s been 5 days and still no updates from Roosh, glad someone posted an article on it. I’ve been following him on Gab for updates. I wonder if he went to the hospital or not.
There are suspicions that he really doesn’t have it, that he copied symptoms from some list he got online, and this is a hoax so he can get ‘cured’ by ivermectin. Hard to say.
Please change your site comments to diqus so thousands more will likely join in.
btw, he’s probably faking. as discussed over at sorryantivaxxer.com .. he’s asking for donations.. he’s a fraud and a grifter.. all those symptoms he listed.. 1) not all those symptoms are part of covid and 2) no one gets all the same symptoms as others.. he’s blowing a fraud up people’s asses to get donations.