anti-Semitism conspiracy theory incels misogyny

Why the Jews want to make everyone a lonely incel, according to incel philosopher RetardedChinlet

Got the blues? Blame the Jews.

At least that’s the argument of one conspiracy-minded incel, who thinks the (((people who run the world))) want the rest of us alone and lonely — and ready to buy lots of consumer goods to take the edge off our misery.

“It’s actually pretty obvious why (((they))) want to create as many incels as possible,” writes someone called RetardedChinlet in a recent post.

Imagine of the sheer amount of joy and satisfaction that a happy relationship with sex, affection and companionship provides. What is the problem for k*kes here? Normal, healthy relationships are free of charge and outside (((their))) direct control.

“Free of charge?” There are a lot of ways that things are more expensive for singles than people in couples — rent per person, for one thing — but eventually most “healthy” relationships end up producing kids, and kids end up costing a lot more than it costs to raise, say, a couple of cats.

If (((they))) were to destroy the culture of monogamous relationships, (((they))) would be left with sad and depressed people that would need to find the their joy from products and entertainment (((they))) provide.

And monogamous couples don’t spend money on products or entertainment?

This is a goal (((they))) have wonderfully been able to attain via mainstream media, Tinder, Instagram and so forth.

Er, how exactly?

I sure as shit eat unhealthy food, watch (((their))) films, play (((their))) games and browse (((their))) websites to cope with my loneliness and frustration.

Aw, don’t sell yourself short, my man. You also write terrible antisemitic rants on, which doesn’t cost you a cent.

I’m the perfect fucking consoomer for (((them))) and this is possible entirely thanks to the fact that I am unable to find a female to spend my life with, a problem which (((they))) are behind. Lonely people are the best consoomers.

Ok, dude, but how exactly are (((they))) able to undermine your love life? I’m guessing it’s your less-than-charming personality — on full display in this crude, bigoted rant — that’s scaring off the ladies, not the Jews.

But if the Jews were actually trying to destroy your love life, I can’t say I would blame them. No woman deserves to have to put up with your bullshit.

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Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


okay you didn’t have to be a dick about it

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

The average salary for therapists in Canada is just shy of $70,000 per annum.

I guess 30 foot yachts and maid services must be really cheap there.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

I grieved when my last awesome therapist retired. And my husband had one who was so amazing I’d sit in because we had such fun. Covered by our HMO (with limits, of course, because HMO).

I am happily married for approximately forever, and yet my husband and I watch movies, TV, we’re both on the Internet right now, and we eat junk food, just like this guy. We did when dating, and all the years since. While still managing to have sex and not be anti-Semitic. Heck, our ringbearer and flower girl were Jewish, so those kids and their parents who came cross country to the wedding sure weren’t supporting single-dom.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

I didn’t say therapists were necessarily that wealthy themselves. Just that, at least here, their services seem to be priced out of reach of clients who aren’t; and insurance, at least the provincial public insurance programs, doesn’t seem to cover it. I think there might be private insurance that covers it but you only get that if you have a white-collar job, i.e. you’re in the top 20% or so by income distribution …

@GSS ex-noob: Eh? A Jew? I could have sworn the ringbearer was a hobbit. Maybe it’s time I re-watched at least the first film …

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ surplus

I didn’t say therapists were necessarily that wealthy themselves.

You did kinda imply it, with all the references to the millionaire lifestyle. And I do think it was a bit unfair to suggest they deliberately fail in their jobs, just to retain clients. I’m fortunate that I’ve never had to engage their services, but as mentioned, I have friends who do that job, and they’re totally dedicated people who try their best to help.

I could have sworn the ringbearer was a hobbit

I went to a wedding where the ring bearer was a dog. It was ever so cute. Although some of us were secretly hoping Poppy (for twas her name) might swallow the ring. Just to see how committed the couple were to exchanging the rings.

(As to work in general, it’s nearly 1:00 am here, and I still have a client on the blooming phone)

Ninja Socialist
Ninja Socialist
3 years ago

I guess he never considered the fact couples buy tons of things. Dating, weddings, travel, homes, furnishings, and all the eventual items needed for a family are a capitalists wet dream. He also ignored the fact that once people are parents they are pretty much stuck, often in jobs they hate, because they have families to feed. Homeboy didn’t really think this one through, just like everything incels believe.

Ninja Socialist
Ninja Socialist
3 years ago

@Surplus. Not all people who find long term partners leave dating apps entirely. Plenty of them use it to cheat. Sorry, I’m cynical when it comes to human nature.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
3 years ago


The time in my life that I went to therapy, I was making ~5k/year above the poverty line, so I reckon people wouldn’t say I was pretending to be rich on the weekend, or even lower middle class by income.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

Over here therapy is available on the NHS. Although I understand there is a bit of a post code lottery. Some areas are much better served than others.

But just looking at NHS salaries for therapists. They range from £18,673 per year to £44,248 per year; depending on grade.

3 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Yeah definitely a postcode lottery, and mental health services for more severe cases have been pretty much decimated.


mental health in the uk
It’s why I kind of hate the “just reach out” and “mental health awareness” messaging that abounds everywhere. I remember reading that it was gov policy to buttress actual practical help with awareness (while quietly dismantling the help, of course). You can reach out and find absolutely nothing. People I know have been devastated to realise that suicide ideation actually disqualifies you from loads of services because you are too much of a risk. One even felt “tricked” by a seemingly empathetic nurse into revealing those thoughts, only to be told they can’t help them and if they feel at crisis to go to A&E.

The terrifying thing if the illness isn’t treatable with counselling (after the inevitable waiting list) and pills, the treatment just… stops. Aside from being bounced from one medication to another. I guess once people get to a certain point they may be committed, but from my observation it’s left to unqualified, exhausted and often rapidly unravelling family members to try to look after their loved ones.

Last edited 3 years ago by LollyPop
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ lollypop

Indeed. I used to do some MHT cases; and even through that there were some obvious discrepancies with allocation of resources. Like central London just felt overwhelmed and at breaking point; whereas out in the sticks it seemed they just had more facilities, and just time, to deal.

That fed back into how people felt about approaching the NHS for help. A lot of people were understandably cautious about reporting symptoms. There was always that risk that you could just end up being sectioned.

3 years ago

@ surplus
I work as a cleaner and I have a therapist

epitome of incomrepehensibility

@Full Metal Ox – “entitlepantsedness” made me smile.

Ditto @Surplus – “I could have sworn the ringbearer was a hobbit.”

Anyway, yeah, therapy can be expensive. Ten years ago I paid $80/hr for psych counseling.

So I’m lucky Quebec has a system where public health offers 10 free sessions. I used that last year. Didn’t happen right away – after the doctor’s referral, I waited three months. My anxiety was worse than usual for various reasons, and the therapy did help bring things back to a manageable level, though I’m still working on overcoming fears of various sorts.

Now I’m thinking of the two doctors who said I had a mild version of anxiety disorder. If mine’s mild, I feel horrible for people who have moderate or severe versions. Because yeesh.

But $70K/year seems very rich to me. I dunno. The most I’ve made per year is a bit over $18K, and last year it was only $9K because of the pandemic. And I’m middle class, probably lower middle class, but still. My parents have a house, I have a graduate degree, I work in education…like, I’m not poor. But things tend to be a little cheaper here than in the Toronto area.

Last edited 3 years ago by epitome of incomrepehensibility