Well, this guy’s got it all figured out.

I love that he’s got all the little details worked out, like the extra PDF copy, the email notification, all that. It’s FOOLPROOF, I tell ya!
This was the best (by which I mean worst) response in the comments, from a fellow called Gaiinahat:
No. It’s unnecessary. Men just have to be smart about it, or suffer the consequences. Bring your own condoms. Use your own condoms. Flush your condoms when you’re done. If she don’t want to use condoms, don’t have sex. It’s not rocket science. Just use common freaking sense.
“BuT iM oN tHe PiLL!” If I didn’t see you take it, and I didn’t see the doctor shoot it into you, as far as I’m concerned, you’re not on the pill. “BuT iM aLlErGiC tO cOnDoMs!” Then I guess it’s just you and your vibrating rabbit tonight. I’m going to go find a chick who ISN’T “allergic” to condoms. There are women out there who will call you out and say, “Hey, my friend needs some dick. You in or you out?” Let’s go, bitch, I’m in.
Men, don’t be stupid. A piece of ass is not worth it. All it takes is one time.
Oh, by the way, if someone is allergic to condoms, by which they probably mean that they’re allergic to latex, guess what, you can buy other kinds of condoms that aren’t made of latex. In other news, I’m guessing the guy who wrote this comment is 14 years old and does not actually go around giving ultimatums to “bitches.”
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Have any of these men considered getting a vasectomy?
OT but oh my GOD this article is hilarious and jaw dropping and the comments are even wilder… I can’t even!!
yes, it’s Breitbart, what a surprise!
This is interesting; and sort of related.
A study into what people have sought in a marriage partner over time.
Basically they did an analysis of marriage adverts and keywords.
Now I’m not sure exactly how representative a sample that is. I believe even today in the age of Tinder and the like, most people still meet partners through things like mutual friends and shared activities. That must have been even moreso back in the day.
But if anyone brings up ‘gold digging’ or hypergamy then it does at least provide some support for debunking that. See here for example:
@ rzs
That was interesting; cheers.
It’s funny, back in the early days of covid, a billion years ago, I was chatting to some USian friends about reverse psychology. The idea being that, in order to boost vaccine uptake in the red states, the CDC should leak a fake email as if it was from the DNC saying something like “Mwahaha, if we can trick Republican voters into not taking the vaccine the resulting deaths should be enough to swing the vote in key states!”
So maybe Howard is on to us?
It’s 2021 and these dweebs are still convinced that the average child support payment not only pays for the total expenses of a child, but includes enough leftover to make a custodial parent rich. Amazing.
Even for its supposed purpose, this proposal is ass-backwards. gonewildman5 does not seem to consider that women are perfectly capable of lying about being on birth control without ever having bought any to begin with. No purchase = no waiver = dude is still on the hook for child support.
Does anyone know of any research on the relative frequency of sperm-jacking vs stealthing? Because I seriously doubt that sperm-jacking is more common.
And I notice he’s assuming that the only reason that birth control would fail is deliberate sabotage.
I’m one of those women who are allergic to latex and KNOW there are non-latex condoms and have had men wear them with me
Conservatives aren’t self aware enough, apparently to understand that they should be embarrassed to be willing to kill themselves just to own the libs. It’s such a self own for them to be advertising how easily manipulated, self-destructive and childish they are.
@Ann Hatzakis: that’s why I used them. A latex allergy (and a worse one to the related mango, curse its tropical fruity goodness). But being a person who will eat sheep, I had no moral qualms about using them as condoms.
@personalpest: That’s what I always wonder too. That way they could guarantee they’d never get any women pregnant. No worries about child support, ever! “Problem” solved!
And frankly, keeping these “men” from having anything to do with children is a great idea. Can you imagine being some kid who has to get by with not enough money because you have a deadbeat dad, or a child who has to have contact with one of these hateful bozos as their father? Shudder.
I forgive “LegalRights'” for the shitty format, but not the shitty content.
I really wish I could find the research paper I’d read a while back, but it was into partners who’d interfered with birth control in order to become parents. And slightly more men did it (poking holes in condoms, microwaving….pills? I don’t even know if that would work) than women.
@Sheila Crosby
Sorry to jump into the thread late but I’m pretty certain the idea of sperm jacking comes entirely from this one article by Liz Jones (it’s certainly the only thing I’ve ever seen cited as “proof” of the practice in the manosphere).
Liz Jones is obviously a deeply strange and unpleasant person but given her columnist style was to write ridiculous and personally unflattering things (which I’m convinced the Daily Mail loved because it paints women so badly), I wouldn’t be surprised if this was made up in a desperate attempt at notoriety. Her career certainly flagged when people got bored of her schtick.
(edited to add that even this example shows a woman in a long term relationship rather than just trying to fall pregnant with whatever random they meet, which echoes what people were saying earlier.)
Not quite a necro, so… Just wanted to add that there are plenty of latex-free condoms other than glorified sausage skins (at least here in UK). I remember ages ago them being made from polyurethane which made a constant crackling sound, but nowadays they’re polyisoprene and don’t have that problem.
@Alan Robershaw – they’ve talked themselves into reverse psychology! ??? a new low, but maybe it will actually work?
@weirwoodtreehugger – agreed. the super right wing is projecting again, because this is how they would think, what they think would work on THEM! I mean srsly? I don’t think people actually want them to die. at least, I don’t. I want them to get the fucking vaccine so they don’t take anyone else with them when they catch it!!
@ rzs
I haven’t had a chance to read all the comments here, but I’m sure most people here must have noticed the completely illogical non-sequitar of what he’s saying.
If we except his rather dubious claim that “lying about being on birth control to get get pregnant for child support is pretty common”, how does it then follow that we should force women are who are legitimately taking steps to prevent an unwanted by using birth control to sign waivers making them solely financially responsible for the pregnancy caused by two people who chose to have sex?
Is he saying that we should punish women who are being honest and responsible as revenge for all those supposed women out there who are tricking men into getting them pregnant?
But of course.
Omfg do NOT flush condoms, you should be fined by the water department.