anti-Semitism racism reddit tucker carlson white genocide

Tucker Carlson’s Reddit superfans are almost as scary as he is

If public figures can be judged, at least in part, by the qualities of their biggest fans, then Tucker Carlson is a real piece of shit.

I decided to take a look inside Tuckerfan Central on Reddit — i.e. the tucker_carlson subreddit — to see what his fans make of Tucker’s endless disquisitions on the so-called “great replacement,” supposedly a vast and possibly very Jewish conspiracy to rid the world of white people by replacing them with people of color.

It’s basically what the alt-rightsters used to call “white genocide,” with a slightly more respectable, and less hysterical, sounding name. Tucker has never uttered the phrase “white genocide” on his show, to my knowledge at least, but he talks about “replacement” all the time, confident that his true fans will know what he really means.

He need not worry. The Tuckerfans on Reddit hear every one of Tucker’s dogwhistles loud and clear, including this one.

Let’s hear what Reddit’s Tuckerfans have to say on the subject.

Responding to recent news that both the percentage and the raw numbers of white people in the US are slipping, Tuckerfans put their racism on full display.

So why are these demographic changes so upsetting to Tuckerfans?

According to someone called ohn4anderson, “they” — he doesn’t have to spell out exactly whom — “are outbreeding whites in insane numbers.”

“Globalists are traitors,” writes Jerry_Nadler, using a favorite dogwhistle term for Jews. “They are destroying every white nation.”

StrongArmedCivilian7 worries that “they” will treat whites like him no better than whites like him treated them.

[W]e’ll be treated like second class citizens, or worse, if this keeps going.

They’ve already shown that they hate us. Why wouldn’t they go the extra mile and just hunt white people to extinction?

Perhaps because most people aren’t actually genocidal monsters? There’s an awful lot of projection going on here.

Fallout_poster offers an alternate conspiracy theory, suggesting that the real puppetmasters of the Great Replacement are … the Catholics, not the Jews.

They hate you, and they want you and your children dead.

All of this anti-white hatred starts from the Catholic Church, and all of it’s subsidiaries. It’s purpose is to undermine the foundation of Western Civilization and facilitate a worldwide transition to Communism.

DaveRoth1993 points the finger of blame back at white people for letting the demographic changes happen.

This is the future we have accepted. Blame it on the “elites” all you want, but at some point we have to take responsibility for our own weakness. If our people have been so easily subverted and destroyed, are we really worthy of survival? Being “tricked” just stops being a viable excuse at some point.

Muslims don’t care about race. They don’t have some nefarious goal of destroying Europeans through mass immigration. There is another group that does, and it looks like they’re going to pull it off, eventually.

You get one guess as to who this “group” is. (Hint: it’s not the Catholics.)

We’ve No one to blame but ourselves. To be completely honest, I’d rather be surrounded by devout Muslims than limp wristed “conservatives” who have allowed the goal posts to be moved to the point that we are willing to elect Tr*nnys to “own the libs”.

I don’t know what’s going on with the random transphobia in the last sentence there; is he talking about Caitlyn Jenner?

Yobasedaf takes the conspiracy further than most, suggesting that COVID itself is being used to distract from a new wave of non-white refugees. Or perhaps it was invented in the first place to be used as distraction?

The goal? White replacement and erasure. Plain and simple. We’ve known this for a long time, yet no politician supposedly representing our interests (GOP, I’m looking at you) is seemingly willing to do anything about it.

autumn_melancholy explains just how you “catch” the white rage that’s rampant in the subreddit — and manages to be both livid and self-pitying at the same time. (White racists are pretty good at playing the victim.)

You catch it from being discriminated against by mostly white liberals who tells you that you deserve it, telling you that other people have no agency, and can’t be responsible for anything they do or don’t do, that you have to pay for them and what they want, that you are a bad person, for being born white, and that you, no matter how much adversity, poverty, or abuse you have suffered in this life, are systematically responsible for the crimes that others commit, the anger and racial hate in the world, and that you are bad by character of association. That if you don’t get on your fucking knees … you are a bad person, that if you don’t give up your money to someone who doesn’t work as hard as you, your position to someone less qualified than you, your home to a black family, then you are a piece of scum.

That’s how you catch white rage. That white rage is coming to a ballot box near you.

I hope that’s the only place it’s coming. Because we can beat these guys at the ballot box. Not sure we can if it comes to civil war.

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
3 years ago

DaveRoth1993 is so close, yet so far away from getting it.

Yeah, if whiteness is so fragile it’s threatened by people of other races being a bit less oppressed, then whiteness is not actually a good thing.

But I’m pretty sure he’s not capable of grasping that whiteness as a social construct is not the same as having pale skin and being of European descent and can therefore not be reasoned with.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
3 years ago

Tucker is truly in the upper echelons of the worst people ever to regularly appear on TV. And that’s a long, long list with a lot of competition for worst.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
3 years ago

Crip Dyke,

Agreed. And that’s why I fear he will one day become the GOP nominee for president. Maybe even 2024 if Trump doesn’t run. He’s scarier than Trump because Carlson has always been accepted into the elite circles that Trump aspired to, but never fit into. Carlson will be taken more seriously by the beltway press.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

You catch it [white rage] from being discriminated against by mostly white liberals who tells you that you deserve it, telling you that other people have no agency, and can’t be responsible for anything they do or don’t do, that you have to pay for them and what they want, that you are a bad person, for being born white, and that you, no matter how much adversity, poverty, or abuse you have suffered in this life, are systematically responsible for the crimes that others commit, the anger and racial hate in the world, and that you are bad by character of association.

White people are saying this to you? But not to me, also a white person?

3 years ago

@Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile):

Nobody’s saying that, of course. They’re just grotesquely misinterpreting things.

Sometimes it’s because liberals and conservatives speak almost entirely different political languages, and they mostly don’t bother to learn ours. Sometimes they think we’re lying, because they can’t imagine how anyone could believe what we’re saying, so they reinvent us as conservatives, except perversely evil by their standards. (And a lot of their standards are terrible to begin with…) Sometimes they only hear things filtered by people with an agenda, usually to stoke up the culture war between the left and the right… or they *are* one of those people. Regardless, grotesque misinterpretation is very much their thing.

I find it easiest to give an example of what it typically looks like by showing how some conservatives (usually the ones misinformed by people like Tucker, and also the few who are just that stubbornly idiotic) have reacted to Anthony Fauci, who is not even speaking liberal language and might not even be a liberal. [Not direct quotes, as I’m not in the mood to look up the exact wordings.]

Fauci: Unless you’re at severe risk, don’t get a medical grade mask. There’s a shortage, and medical staff need them more. Wear cloth masks instead.

Cons: We don’t need masks? Okay!

Fauci: Now that there’s no longer a shortage, go ahead and get a medical grade mask if you think you might need them.

Cons: You said we don’t need masks! You lied!

Fauci: (Much later) If you’re vaccinated, you don’t need masks outdoors anymore. Be sure to follow state guidelines for indoor locations, regardless of vaccination status.

Cons: Now you’re saying we don’t need masks again. Also, we’re refusing the vaccine.

Current situation [if Fauci reported on it I missed it]: Delta variant cometh. Due to its unusual properties, even if you’re vaccinated, you still might become a Typhoid Mary to the unvaccinated. Mask up at all times again.

Cons: You say one thing, then another. Nobody believes a flip-flopper.

Liberals, Centrists, and Smart Conservatives: *You* are the reason why things are like this. *Please* stop already.

Cons: No! We don’t take orders from liars! Stop lying!!

Not Edward
Not Edward
3 years ago

(Note: For the avoidance of doubt all language in the below is my attempt to describe the views and attitudes of white supremacists such as Tucker Carlton, not a description of my own views or actual reality.)
Tucker Carlson’s concept of “white” is about racial purity and the reduction in the numbers of self-identified “white” people has little to do with demographics as such. The US has its “one drop” rule because to be “white” is to be “untainted” by mixing and association with all those Other People. The white supremacist concept of “white” relies on racism to exist. As fewer and fewer people care about such things the existence of some ethnically pure “white race” is simply dissolving as a concept, not because white people are somehow being “outbred” or “replaced” by those Other People.
If you want clear proof of the above, consider if the concept of “black” in the US was defined according to a similar Tucker-Carlsonesque concept of ethnic purity as “white” is, i.e. it meant being of pure African descent: my understanding is that by that definition there would scarcely be a truly “black” person left in the US. And yet, somehow, it is white people who are being replaced? (The point is not that anyone is being replaced with anyone else, or about who is “black” or who is “white” but rather that these are non-concepts and the whole discussion is meaningless, racist nonsense from start to finish.)

3 years ago

One of the proudest and funniest moments I’ve ever had online was some asshat calling me a “race traitor f-g” and MEANING it!

I sent a bouquet and kisses emoticon to him for that.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
3 years ago

The One Drop rule really is the heart of whiteness, and the core of the racism that makes it. The white part’s the pure part, and everything else is measured as an impurity. White’s not a culture or ethnic identity, it’s a societal role – whether you’re part of the pure group or not. Racism is very much baked into the definition.

Tucky is a horrible dude, an opportunistic predator that needs to be gently rolled into the sea. I don’t think he’d ever make a presidential run, though, he’s perfectly happy where he is. Legions of followers and shadow control of so much of American politics. He’s gonna be with us a long while, tragically. Will no one rid us of this turbulent racist?

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ Scildfreja

Will no one rid us of this turbulent racist?

Can you get him to Canterbury Cathedral?

Moon Custafer
3 years ago

@Not Edward, @Scildfreja Unnyðnes:

I’m reminded of a discussion I saw years ago on how every so often a newspaper in England will do a piece on how morris-dancing is Dying Out, except on closer inspection they usually only talked to some hard-core traditionalist who maintains that it only counts as “real” morris dancing if it’s an all-male side doing the steps as recorded by folklorists shortly before WWI…

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
3 years ago

to me tucker always looks as if he just realised he shat himself.

epitome of incomrepehensibility

the so-called “great replacement,” supposedly a vast and possibly very Jewish conspiracy to rid the world of white people by replacing them with people of color

Small quibble, but Renaud Camus, the guy from France who popularized the “great replacement” idea (Wikipedia link), mostly blames Muslims. As far as I can tell, it’s nazi wannabees like Andrew Anglin who blame Jews.

…Which makes the term “white genocide” doubly insulting, considering what actual group of white people suffered a genocide this past century…okay, that applies to Muslims of European background too in the Bosnian genocide of the 90s… Let’s just say it’s very wrong and insulting all around.

Fallout_poster offers an alternate conspiracy theory, suggesting that the real puppetmasters of the Great Replacement are … the Catholics

That’s not too surprising. Isn’t the KKK against Catholics?

And the Catholic Church (unlike Judaism or current-day Islam) at least has a center of leadership, so conspiracy theories about it might sound more likely. But this…?

It’s purpose is to undermine the foundation of Western Civilization and facilitate a worldwide transition to Communism.

Come on! Dan Brown novels are more plausible.

Last edited 3 years ago by epitome of incomrepehensibility
3 years ago

The goal? White replacement and erasure. Plain and simple. We’ve known this for a long time, yet no politician supposedly representing our interests (GOP, I’m looking at you) is seemingly willing to do anything about it.

Here we have white supremacists stating openly that the GOP is supposed to further their interests.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

It seems there are three religious groups who are especially the targets of conspiracy theories: Jews, Catholics, and Freemasons. (This means “secretly running the world” type conspiracy theories, or at least plotting to take it over, not just plotting to blow something up, where Muslims get accused all the time.)

Interestingly, my own small city has a Masonic lodge in it, along with numerous Catholic thingamabobs, plus Protestant churches and cemeteries. Haven’t noticed a synagogue (or a mosque or similar) in it though, or Orthodox or Coptic Christian things. The nearest big city (population over 1 million) has a Russian Orthodox church near its downtown core though. I don’t recall specifically seeing any but I’d be willing to bet it has mosques and synagogues too.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
3 years ago

to me tucker always looks as if he just realised he shat himself.

I’d say the same about Mitch McConnel, but he also looks proud of it.

Banananananana dakry: still fat and deranged
Banananananana dakry: still fat and deranged
3 years ago

to me tucker always looks as if he just realised he shat himself.

I’d say the same about Mitch McConnel, but he also looks proud of it.

I always thought he looked like he’d been clubbed around the back of the head with a large, heavy object. Tucker, I mean.

Last edited 3 years ago by Banananananana dakry: still fat and deranged
3 years ago

I’m reminded of a discussion I saw years ago on how every so often a newspaper in England will do a piece on how morris-dancing is Dying Out, except on closer inspection they usually only talked to some hard-core traditionalist who maintains that it only counts as “real” morris dancing if it’s an all-male side doing the steps as recorded by folklorists shortly before WWI…

Sounds like something Arnold J Rimmer would say

3 years ago

@Surplus: Umberto Eco’s book “The Prague Cemetery” is a semi-fictional history of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

The non-fiction part is that there were multiple iterations of the same basic text, though earlier versions did have different groups as the masterminds, such as Catholics and Freemasons.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

I’m not sure what the Freemasons’ plans for world domination are; but they seem to be heavily reliant on selling raffle tickets.

I used to go to the Grand lodge in London quite a bit; they have an amazing museum there. I would especially invite people to check out ‘Masonic jewels’. They’re like amazing art pieces; often made by POWs.

And speaking of art, some peeps might find this interesting.

3 years ago

The amount of projection is staggering. It’s pretty visible that what they fear is people treating them like they treat minorities.

3 years ago

Alan – Thanks for that article! I’ve always had a soft spot for Bauhaus design but art history is still such a male-dominated area of study.

Gerald Fnord
Gerald Fnord
3 years ago

I’d like to get that guy who thinks the Catholics are trying to destroy Western Civilisation together with some reactionary Catholics I sometimes read who claim that the Catholics invented it all by themselves, including the Declaration of Independence and Science.