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Chasing those sweet, sexy sheep with The Psychopathic Edge, Twitter PUA

No, The Psychopathic Edge is not an unflattering nickname for the guitarist in U2. The guy who goes by this moniker is a pickup guru with several self-published books to his name and more than three times the number of Twitter followers than I have.

He likes to share his insights about men and women on Twitter. This is his pinned tweet:

He also tries his hand at memes, though he doesn’t seem to have realized that they’re supposed to be funny.

But mostly, he tweets. But going through his tweets I realized fairly quickly that he’s not necessarily as creative as he is prolific; a lot of his tweets simply repeat points he’s made in earlier tweets.

Also, he’s sort of obsessed with animals. Like lions:

And wolves:

And (more so than either lions or wolves) sheep. He’s really obsessed with sheep, especially when they are being eaten by lions or wolves.

How obsessed is he? Let’s roll the tweets. Lions first.

At this point it’s safe to say we understand the basics of his teachings. But it’s not clear he understands the basics of lions. Because lions don’t eat sheep. I mean, sure, they’re lions; when they get the opportunity, they’re happy to eat sheep or just kill them all in a frenzy. But they rarely get that opportunity, because they don’t live near large supplies of sheep. Mostly they eat tasty things like wildebeests and antelopes and other not-quite-fast-enough animals living in their territories.

But that’s not the only thing he gets wrong about lions.

Lions don’t actually live in jungles. They live on savannahs and grasslands. I mean, you’ve seen those Planet Earth shows right?

So what animals do eat sheep on the regular? In the US, coyotes and dogs eat more sheep than all other animals combined, but wolves are occasional sheep-eaters as well. So Psycho’s obsession with the eating habits of wolves makes a little bit more sense than his lamb-lion deal.

Dude, I hate to break it to you but that’s not a wolf. Or a sheep. It’s a tiger.

Dude, dude, that is also not a wolf. It’s a lion. Do you even know what wolves look like?

Ok, that looks like a wolf.

Sometimes Psycho can’t decide if he wants to be a lion or a wolf — so he goes for both.

Hey, it’s tough being the the NUMBER ONE APEX ALPHA PREDATOR in the room all the time; sometimes it’s hard to remember just what kind of APEX ALPHA PREDATOR you are. Not that it matters. Anything with lots of scary teeth and claws and eyes on the front of the head will probably do just fine. Let’s get out there and hunt those sheep!

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ ohlmann

*chicken* are highly social and much more intelligents than it seem.

Indeed. Take ‘pecking order’ for example.

Chickens don’t have to scrap with every other chicken to establish that. They can do the thing of “I can beat up chicken B, and chicken B can beat up chicken C; so I can also beat up chicken C…” etc. And all the other permutations thereof. Groups actually determine pecking order pretty quickly with the mathematically minimum possible number of fights.

That might not sound terribly impressive; but humans can’t do that sort of extrapolation until we’re around 5.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

Sheep or lion? Predator or prey?

Only Sith deal in absolutes.

Anyway, as a DOMINANT ALPHA MALE APEX PREDATOR, I would also point out that we DOMINANT ALPHA MALE APEX PREDATORS don’t give a FUCK what other DOMINANT ALPHA MALE APEX PREDATORS think either. So, fuck you buddy, I’m going my own way… ooops, that’s a different group, sorry.

Also, apex predators are predators that only eat other predators, meaning very few humans, and animals for that matter, actually qualify. Other predators are usually more dangerous and harder to hunt than random herbivores.

Last edited 3 years ago by .45
3 years ago

As my animal-based objections to cosplay psychopath have been well-covered, I will instead ask: If you are the super-duper alpha who doesn’t care what anyone else thinks, why are you constantly posting about it? Why are you even on social media?

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
3 years ago

So, this dude’s a rapist, encouraging other men to be rapists. Usually PUAs at least couch their violence in metaphor or the thinnest veil of deniability, this dude’s just saying that all out loud. Egh. And I have a friend who had her twitter banned for hoping a terf gets the runs. Nice bird site there, jack.

@Big Titty Demon, you’re a hero!

@Alan, I guess that would be an ovinometer?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ scildfreja

 I guess that would be an ovinometer?

One of the reasons CJD wasn’t spotted earlier was that the lab had labelled samples:

A Bovine
B Ovine

You can see how that might have caused a problem.

3 years ago

This is sickening. That line – there are predators and there are prey – was the tagline for a low budget movie called The Freeway Killer – about William Bonin, who murdered boys and young men he’d picked up hitchhiking. In California, during the 1970s. He was executed in 1996.

Another sickening PUA video I saw was titled ‘Be the Ted Bundy of Pickup’. Some commenters asked the asshole to change the title.

3 years ago

@Ohlmann Personally, I would be careful to not call a scorpion less intelligent than a cat without first being very careful to check if there were any scorpions nearby.

3 years ago

@MoreThanGeek : that made me laugh off loud 🙂

@.45 : that definition seem amusing to me, because it imply orcas aren’t apex predators (they eat mooses who aren’t predators, even if it’s not most of their diet) but dolphins are (they eat predators fishes almost exclusively). And yes, by that definition I am not sure I could name a single land apex predator. Probably some eagles and falcons ?

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
3 years ago


Wow wow wow. I am impressed. Also, I don’t care that you’re a demon. You are my new role model. What is the name of your YouTube channel?

I don’t have a YouTube channel. I’d get ripped apart on YouTube for being fat, and as being fat and muscular is precisely how I physically overpowered both men, I don’t care to hear anything about it. I mean, not that I would anyway even if I was just fat and no one ever tried to rape me. As a side note, one of these attempted rapes was in a pool by a total stranger (the other was an immediately-ex boyfriend), so 1) if your fat friends don’t want to go in the pool it may not always be body image issues, don’t push and 2) I’m living proof that “she’s too fat to rape” is not a thing.

As for why I’m fat in the first place, well, that’s to do with a medical condition and ten years of being molested as a child, so you know, not an entirely happy story where nothing ever happened to me.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

Speaking of animals rejecting amorous advances; this came out yesterday.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
3 years ago

If you have to scream over and over again on Twitter that you give subzero fucks, you do, in fact, give fucks. Lots of them.

Following this “life coach” seems like a great way to wind up friendless, jobless, bankrupt, in prison, hospitalized, and/or dead. But hey, at least you were the dominant apex predator in the room for thirty seconds!

3 years ago


; the only reason we are an apex predator is because we operate in packs and can communicate abstract thoughts

Also your namesake: the mighty pointy stick. With pointy sticks, humans fight whales the size of skyscrapers, and survive more times than not.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite
Brony, Social Justice Cenobite
3 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants

If you have to scream over and over again on Twitter that you give subzero fucks, you do, in fact, give fucks. Lots of them.


3 years ago

@Gaebolga : amusingly, your conclusions about mankind strength are the opposite of mine.

For starters, humans are relatively strong for their size. Less so than the other big apes, but humans both have more strength than the average animal their size and can exploit it better too. (the whole bipedal body plan have plenty of problem, but do help use body strength for unplanned uses).

But more importantly, humans are *EXTREMELY* resilient. Like, it’s pretty hard to find an hardier animal. (and that probably would be wolves, who use similar hunting technics and have similar reason to be hardier). Humans tend to shrug off a lot of punishment, and get well much better from grave injury than a ton of other animals. Which make sense ; the longer an animal take to get to adult size, the hardier it need to be to get there, and human take an abnormally long time to mature compared to most animals.

It’s easy to think humans only got here because of intelligence and tools, but intelligence was probably a side effect to other evolution, and very probably developed later on than predation, albeit it’s certain it helped to become better predator at some point.

Also, apparently there’s a scientific hypothesis by which early humans basically wiped more predator species during their 2 millions years time than modern human since the apparition of Homo Sapiens. Which, well, they had ten time more time, granted, but is still all kind of impressive and sad at the same time.

3 years ago

Ohlmann wrote:

It’s easy to think humans only got here because of intelligence and tools, but intelligence was probably a side effect to other evolution, and very probably developed later on than predation, albeit it’s certain it helped to become better predator at some point.

I agree that our intelligence was probably a side effect of other evolutionary developments (probably our social awareness), but my point was about communication; the ability to effectively transmit abstract information allows us to build off the discoveries of previous generations way more efficiently and effectively than other tool-using species who can’t communicate that way. Hell, technology is basically a by-product of that communication; once we started making tools, building on and improving previous designs would pretty much happen by default with abstract communication, as it allows that process to go much faster than it otherwise would.

Communication, transportation, and community are why we are where we are, and they stem from how we evolved: communication and community from the social troop/pack dynamic common to the great apes, and transportation as an extension of our ability to walk for ridiculously long times/distances.

My take, fwiw…

Sheila Crosby
Sheila Crosby
3 years ago

I am now thinking up various not-so-plausible scenarios where these tweets get read out in court, and he’s saying, “But it was just a marketing ploy. I’m not a rapist, that’s just my brand to sell books.”

3 years ago

I dunno ’bout anyone else, but if I chose to model my thinking-attitude-behaviour on something or someone I didn’t directly know … I think I’d do my darndest to know anything and everything about them/it to be sure they’re worthy of my emulation-adulation.

There’s no such thing as an “alpha male” wolf. For a while, people modified their reports by saying there were alpha male-female pairs dominating wolf packs. Finally – and a fair while ago now – they worked out that a wolf pack was literally mum, dad and the kids. The older kids grow up and stay with the family to help with raising the new kids and hunting to feed everyone including themselves. No one, but no one. in the family group is allowed sexual activity or reproduction apart from mum and dad.

They want those things? They have to leave the family and survive on their own until they can partner up and head their own family with their one and only sexual partner.

Some non-conformist. Monogamous family leader obliged to lead food acquisition for the offspring and partner and maintain family cohesion.

3 years ago


So “be the wolf” is actually pretty good relationship advice…

3 years ago

He sounds quite hypergamous.

He also strikes me as the type who will say “fuck vaccines!” and then die of covid.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago


Finally – and a fair while ago now – they worked out that a wolf pack was literally mum, dad and the kids. The older kids grow up and stay with the family to help with raising the new kids and hunting to feed everyone including themselves. No one, but no one. in the family group is allowed sexual activity or reproduction apart from mum and dad.

Sounds like they are actually eusocial, or well on their way to becoming that. Most of the offspring don’t reproduce but help raise the larvae and obtain food for the hive.

So much for the naked mole rat being the only eusocial mammal. The one big difference with wolves will be that there may not be an actual, physical hive easily recognized as such, because the pack constantly moves around within its territory instead of the parent pair, dependents, and caregivers staying put while the hunters fan out. And that in turn is likely because the pack hunting strategy works better moving around as a unit, vs. harvesting from scattered stationary food sources where the fan-out-from-central-hive method works better.

3 years ago


I have no idea if you’re right about that (evolutionary biology is so not my field), but the idea sounds like fantastic SF story fodder.

Another way IRL wolves are amazing: they’re adorable. And they sniff things. Adorably.

I feel like this is probably half the reason that dogs exist.

3 years ago

A lion does not have approach anxiety before he approaches a sheep to eat. HE JUST ACTS.”


Unless it’s a single male or group of single young males, it’s mostly the female lions that do the hunting.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ cyborgette

3 years ago

@Alan, that octopus thing was amazing. And look at this:

What’s more, some throws that happen after intense social interactions aren’t directed at another octopus but into empty space, suggesting the animals might be venting their frustration.

In one case, after a male’s advances to a female were rejected, he threw a shell in a random direction and changed colour.

It’s an octopus incel!

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

A crack evolutionary theory ex culo for you: it was <a href=>Moon Moon</a>—the memetic ditzy wolf the others are embarrassed to be seen with—who would take that pivotal step to become the first dog (“BuT bIG hAirLesS mONKeYs hAVe FOoD?!?”)