4chan bad science misogyny penises

4Channer: We need a Manhattan Project for big dicks

Everyone loves a massive hog

The world has had enough of small penises. We need our top scientists to get to work on the problem immediately so that in the future every dick-bearing human will have a massive whanger.

Or so says this 4Channer:

Don’t listen to the naysayers like that dude at the end there. We desperately need a new Manhattan Project to make future dicks huge. Though preferably not explosive or radioactive. Unless you’re into that sort of thing.

H/T — I found this screencap on Reddit but can’t remember where.

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Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

I’m a woman who enjoys a big dick, but I’m in the minority. size queens are not the norm here people. porn has these guy messed up.

Sheila Crosby
Sheila Crosby
3 years ago

At least some teenage girls have escaped the Taliban.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


Oh god

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@Sheila Crosby:

Okay, Hollywood—how about making that action film? With Afghani actresses and without an A-list White Savior as protagonist?

3 years ago

The genital battle comic is here

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Big dicks, like expensive sports cars and giant muscles and guns and Chuck Norris movies, are one of those things men assume women like because they like them. There’s a sort of lazy solipsism that operates among men for whom sex is just another status marker, and women are just a species of inferior man.

*(Some women are into those things, but not the majority)

3 years ago

Traditionally, at this point Walter would reappear in the comments to talk about the importance of a big swinging dick in the male dominance hierarchy.

Sheila Crosby
Sheila Crosby
3 years ago

@Full Metal Ox
Oh I like that idea! Particularly since the mastermind appears to be an Afghani woman.

3 years ago

As Woody Allen memorably said, penis envy is a Thing, and only men have it.

I wish these guys would quit pretending that this is about what women do and don’t like. In the event that a Manhattan Project Dick Enhancement drive goes through and is successful, I foresee a future in which men gather together in private to compare their measurements, while women are left to their own devices.

3 years ago

I really love “top priority for scientists everywhere.”

That’s right, seismologists! Forget about earthquakes, you’re supposed to do genetic engineering now!

Because of course all scientists are Reed Richards.

3 years ago

@Elaine The Witch.
True size queen are not the norm, but their equivalent for small size (size duchess?) are non-existent.
Fortunately most women don’t care.

And I don’t really think porn is what make guys believe bigger is better.
You don’t need to watch porn to hear dick size shaming.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
3 years ago

As Woody Allen memorably said, penis envy is a Thing, and only men have it.

Shit, that’s good. The source kinda taints it though.

Ten Bears
3 years ago

Gotta’ wonder about guys that sit around thinking about dicks all day.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that …

3 years ago

This 4Chan anon gives me an impression of some guy who’s just casually shitposting about big dicks*, probably trying to make other men feel insecure about their penis size. Even if he’s sincerely misguided about what women like, it’s still just a flimsy excuse for him.

*Not very different from our old friend Walter, actually. He at least was honest that he saw a big penis as good an sich.
3 years ago

Counterpoint: imagine getting your genitals technologically enhanced… but then one day the technology underpinning your junk becomes obsolete.

3 years ago

@[email protected]:

Counterpoint: imagine getting your genitals technologically enhanced… but then one day the technology underpinning your junk becomes obsolete.

If Cory Doctorow wrote porn…

rabid rabbit
rabid rabbit
3 years ago

@Crip Dyke:

Now there’s a possibility that I could mate with a radioactive giant dick? How could I say no?

I keep going back and forth over the better response, so as a firm believer in people’s right to choose, I’ll just leave both and let you pick:

1 — responding only to the first of those two sentences: It’s not even that hard to find one to mate with. Hell, this blog is dedicated to tracking them.

2 — responding to both: Well, StaceySmartyPantsTwiceRemoved’s been giving a pretty good tutorial on that in the other threads, dealing with Howard.

3 years ago

Completely OT:

linguists and historians and @Alan, oh my 🙂

is this for you?

apparently the entire content of the dictionary is available on line (I just saw this, I haven’t checked it out yet)

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ opposablethumbs

Ooh, that is of interest to me. Thank you!

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago


“Last night, in the middle of the act, my dick stopped vibrating and went limp. A little voice said, ‘error contacting license servers’. Can you believe it?!”

“Sounds like you need better WiFi, dude!”

“Nah. Did some research and it’s possible to reflash it with a mutant offspring of DDWRT. Open source, no artificial scarcity bullshit.”

“Oh, be careful when updating your firmware! It wouldn’t do if something went wrong and it bricked your device.”

“At least they all have failsafes these days to ensure that, if the worst happens, you can still pee out of them. The lawsuits after 2043’s plague of deaths and hospitalizations from ruptured bladders saw to that.”

3 years ago

What really bakes my noodle is the fascination some men have with the size of flaccid penes.

Why does it matter how fast a car looks when it’s parked?

Content warning:

I’ve become convinced that part of this whole issue is how teenage boys perceive their peens while masturbating. I was never able to see mine, and I was never aware of what it looked like until I was well into my twenties. What other men’s looked like has never been an interest of mine, even when I wanted to have sex with them.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
3 years ago


Lucky you having a 24 hour store within hobbling range.

Oh it’s really neither of those things, being a mile and a half away and closing at 10. But I just have to make it or starve and/or be unclean, so… ?‍♀️ I imagine at a significantly higher northern latitude the sun wouldn’t necessarily be down even by ten though.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

So I’m listening to this podcast, And I’m learning about how much men really care about there dicks with a thing called a “herm” which a pillar type stature that has the head and face of a man and then further down on the Colom is just a dick and balls of the man’s dick. because these man carried about their dicks so much they wanted all of the world to know what it looked like after they died.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

The sun is always down by 10 here (near 45° north latitude) but near the summer solstice it isn’t full dark yet by 10.

On the other hand that is no guarantee about the temperature. It’s hot and sticky here right now, at 2:00 in the morning.

3 years ago


I once dated a woman who was into small dicks. Not in an exclusionary way, but still. Humans can develop sexual interests in all kinds of things, and women are not exempt by virtue of some innate purity or whatever.

And uh no, porn absolutely messes up men’s notions about sex. There are many many many studies backing this up, and if you want anecdotes just look at r/AITA or any other place where creepy dude stuff gets some daylight on it. The more ridiculous horror stories you see about e.g. hentai fans are hopefully outliers, but last I checked 99% of men look at porn, and these days they’re often getting into it as boys – sometimes very young.

(No, I’m not a SWERF or 100% anti-porn. But I do think adult entertainment as a capitalist industry has done a vast amount of harm, and want to see its profiteers face some justice.)