#tradwife antifeminist women gender policing homophobia slut shaming

The Transformed Wife wages holy war against witches, grumpy people

The Transformed Wife is a blogger and a minor Twitter celebrity. In her profile she describes herself as

A wife, a mother, a grandma, and a keeper at home. Loves Jesus and is not afraid to speak Truth because it sets you free!

But I think she’s selling herself short here, because she seems to have forgotten that she is also a bold crusader against the evils of our age: feminism, witchcraft, and grouchiness.

Let’s roll the tape, or rather the tweets:

It’s just too bad God designed women to be so gullible.

Remember: Marriage and babies, good. Putting a hex on the Transformed Wife, very bad.

Apparently witchcraft and feminism are pretty much the same thing.

Uh oh, now she’s naming names!

Whatever you do, don’t dress like a slut, because that too is a sort of witchcraft.

This lady is doing it all wrong:

This tweet sounds a bit like a pitch for a fun rom-com — that is, if your version of fun involves burning in hell for all eternity:

And while you’re going about your non-witchy life, don’t be a grouch! Remember to smile or God will smite you or burn you in hell for all eternity or something.

And don’t worry about the end, which is near!


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Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

To be fair I know a lot of women who are into Wicca which is often thought as as witch craft.

3 years ago

The good thing with trying to be a good person and not choose a religion and try to hack its afterlife is that you’re likely to not have too bad a deal regardless of what happen

  • nothing : well, your action would not have changed anything
  • christian : you probably need a prolonged stay in purgatory but deadly sins are for the most part not things you wanted to do anyway and the books explain that being virtuous is better than pious anyway
  • greek : you’re a bit FUBAR by not having enough to pay the styx journey :/ if you found a way around that, you should have a decent afterlife, albeit the really good one will probably be denied. Plus, IIRC you can drink the styx and try again.
  • egyptian : you will explicitely be judged on your virtue anyway. IIRC not having proper egyptian burial will make the travel to the judge nastier, but still doable

You can continue the list. Rarely do you absolutely need to be of that religion, as opposed to not be a shithead.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
3 years ago

I don’t know, I consider myself more a magus than a witch. I manipulate symbols into the proper arrangements in order to change the world through reworking people’s perceptions of it.

(In other words, I’m a writer.)

I can definitely be grumpy at times, though. Especially when having to listen to people like this.

I think I’ve seen some of Jill Bearup’s stuff before. If it wasn’t her it was somebody else doing much of the same thing. At the very least, I remember a video regarding proper breastplate armour design for women which included a physical demonstration of how to properly handle a sword while wearing one…

3 years ago

Can someone explain the inward-pointed toes in the witch outfit picture

I’m not sure exactly but I think it’s because it’s a frontal display and she might want to draw the viewer’s eye to the lines made by the curve of right hip being more out. So her left leg will have a slightly different line because she seems to have less weight on it. If she were to point that left toe out more that leg would have a different line.

I don’t know for sure but that’s just my personal take on it.

I’ve been wondering if there’s a reason people pose like that.

I can’t say for others but I would use that pose, especially in an outfit like hers, when I want to invoke a kind half-relaxed half-formal, almost contemplative sense.

(That’s speaking from the perspective of the kind of art I do and the life that I have, of course, which isn’t too common I realize.)

Honestly I prefer a showgirl style classic bevel or will go into as close to a sous-sus as I can in whatever kind of shoes I’m in because I like how, if I’m on a platform, and I’m in an outfit like that, then relative to the viewer, at the center of the visual frame is shape of my mons pubis as contoured by the material of the bodysuit or leotard. It would still be somewhat with that model’s pose but not as much because of the slight asymmetry of her hips.

3 years ago


Why are you in this thread?

3 years ago


Last edited 3 years ago by Howard
3 years ago


You told me or suggested I guess, to come and read this post. And all the comments to it. Including and especially yours. You said that over in your comments in the open thread. It was not long ago even.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ masse mysteria

Sir Conan was quite an influential fellow 

Indeed. It seems he must have read about Bartitsu in an article in The Times; which had the same mis-spelling. But he used that spelling in the story and, as you point out, that’s the one that stuck.

Poor old Barton-Wright. Maybe he should have changed his name to match? He’s quite an interesting chap though; and was very good friends with Edith Garrud; the lady who taught ju-jitsu to the Suffragists.
I suspect though there may be other examples of things that we describe incorrectly because someone influential got it wrong.

3 years ago


Then in that case you read about the bullshit that slut-shamed women face that David wrote about in the original post and if you really read my comments carefully you reas about my awesome outfit here:

which I designed with you, Howard, and other men just like you in mind. You and men like you were very much my inspiration for that amazing outfit and the beautiful and amazing event for which I wore it.

3 years ago

I have zero faith that Howard will get my meaning but who knows.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ jenora

breastplate armour

Yeah; that’s Jill. She’s done a few vids on the aesthetic vs practical side of armour. Of course; even in antiquity there were people who went ‘Sod not being stabbable; I want to look cool”. That Batman film costume wasn’t the first example of superfluous nipples in history.

@ thread

Re: religion generally. I’m with Marcus Aurelius on this (as I am with most things).

“Just live a good life. If there are gods and they are just; then they won’t care whether you worshipped them. If there are gods and they are unjust then they’re not worth worshipping anyway. And if there are no gods then at least people will say nice things about you after you die.”

(Might be paraphrasing a bit there; but that’s the gist.)

Last edited 3 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

I was so angry on Wednesday night that I decided to channel it into the perfect creative performance piece. I just did this last evening and it was awesome.

I made a point of trying to come up with an outfit and a look that would make that commenter and every NiceGuy completely upset and disappointed and let me REJOICE at how upset and disappointed they are that I choose whomever I wish on whatever basis I wish.

I stayed up late on Wednesday night after all those crappy messages that pissed me off, just to start working on the plans, and texted my assistants to tell them what I wanted to do.   I slept late but got up early and my assistants and I got stuff together.     I sometimes use my main space as kind of a throne room type motif where I more or less hold court.  I mean “holding court” as in I’m in a regal or goddess-like capacity  in relation to the others present in terms of the energy of the scene/performance, which I often extemporize but in this case we planned it out.  And I say throne room but I’m usually not sitting but standing on a platform because I can do a lot more with different poses to create the visual if I’m standing.   I did kind of a monologue.  I say monologue but it was really a RANT, and planned as one where I just let the emotions flow and channeled them into the words.

As for the outfit, I gave a lot of thought to it as I wanted one that would really upset a NiceGuy who had approached me, like that gross, creepy DISRESPECTFUL one did after reminded him that I had no interest in him.   And that is definitely a point that I want to reinforce a lot.     The outfit I mentioned earlier with the Forever 21 mock-neck bodysuit, Ulalaza high gloss tights and silver belt and bullwhip and my hair up was awesome anyway but it is GREAT for enjoying NiceGuy tears.   All the energy behind it is for enjoying  NiceGuy tears.

I know what I’m writing here is long but it’s really only a shortened version of an even longer piece I wrote on my (private, invitation only) personal blog, which my sponsors LOVED so I made good points there.

We invited in addition to my sponsors only a few others.  There were a few men there who I am more or less friends (and whom respect my wishes and I obviously trust or they wouldn’t be allowed to something like this.)  But my assistants kind of warned those who attended what a mood I was in, and especially the men that they might be in for an earful and there was no guarantee that I wouldn’t throw them out halfway through if I got worked up enough and only to show up if they were OK with that possibility.

I did sort of a monologue, stream of consciousness.  The artistic goal was personal expression from depth of soul on the issue of women’s sexual autonomy, and the exploration of the challenges that faces from patriarchy.  I was really pissed off and angered about how on this blog, which I love reading, that commenter who BETTER know who he is, tried to conflate the broader concept of body-positivity, which is a beautiful and important thing, with an individual’s absolute right to have their sexual preferences.   So many commenters here explained that in better terms and with more patience than that Entitled Gross Creep deserved.

I guess you could say  like a monologue but what it really is, is an actual rant about how much I hate NiceGuys.  A  lot of it was with me almost yelling.  Well, I was not quite yelling but my voice was raised.  I just let the emotions flow;  if I’m in a place where I know it’s safe and there’s enough room when I am making a point and really emotional about it I’ll do a cattleman’s crack for emphasis.   We had changed the furniture around so I could do a cattleman’s crack that way and I did a lot.    I went on a lot about how the only guys I will ever even consider as partners have to be totally ripped.   Yes, you have a to be a good person and creative and be able to relate with me creatively but I really wanted to make a big deal, just to upset NiceGuys and incels, of how much the physical requirements are something I insist on.   I had a long part about a guy who I’m sexually interested in must have great abs and shoulders because I like those, and the importance of height.    I got worked up enough that I did decide about halfway through  I wanted NO men present that I wasn’t sexually attracted to, even if they were friends that were otherwise respectful to me, so I threw out all of the men present except one who is very handsome and has a great body and made a big deal of why I was doing that.  (They had been warned, like I said, so my assistants afterwards said my sponsors were totally cool with it and that if we are going to the edge with performance art, we are going to the edge and that all had consented so that was OK.  I liked that so much because I got a lot out of it.) The one guy is allowed to stay because he is handsome with great shoulders, arms and great abs is a wonderful genuine guy also with a great heart and truly caring and he has been friends with me for a while. The other guys I made leave are also wonderful people but that wasn’t my criteria right then and the raw emotional energy of that fact itself was part of the performance and really kind of the point of it.

I was standing on a platform and mostly kept my pose in a classic bevel (except for my right arm, because I am right handed and had my whip in that hand).  Obviously I shifted to do my cattleman’s crack but tried to go right back into the bevel as smoothly as I could.  I have practiced that some so I can.  It looks great when I do that, and I think that plus the outfit was perfect for this theme.   One of my assistants and one of my sponsors said that a women who attended is a painter and got some inspirational idea from it.  You have no idea what a huge honor that is for me.  But the real pleasure and reward comes from knowing that NiceGuys, incels, and MGTOWs are upset.

I hope this post makes every NiceGuy who finds what I do “interesting” (or whatever the fuck they will obsessively call it) completely miserable. If it stokes their imagination and excitement and they are upset about my physical requirements I am immensely happy.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

Speaking of cool witches’ outfits…

comment image

Jesalin, Sapphic Goddess of Lust
Jesalin, Sapphic Goddess of Lust
3 years ago

Bartitsu? So..Way of the Bar Tit?

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
3 years ago

Well, there were certainly examples of massively overstated codpieces in armour as well.

And with the usual weird way my mind skips about, I’m suddenly remembering the Aaron Allston book Doc Sidhe.

(Basic conceit of the book is that the Faerie Realm exists, and is constantly a little behind our realm in terms of time, and had just caught up to our 1930s, so you had Pulp fae with the title character being Doc Savage as a fae creature. Reason I thought of it was that the main character, who was from our world, decided to deal with one of Doc Sidhe’s enemies who was known for attacking below the belt by putting cold iron spikes on his codpiece.)

And I’m with you on the religion side of things. Granted, so were others in my family. In the 50th anniversary book put out by the local Anglican church for my parents (my mother having been secretary of that church for years) it explicitly stated that my father had ‘decided religion was not for him’. I grew up as pretty much a ‘C and E C of E’, even if my mother and sister went rather more regularly.

(Christmas and Easter Church of England, for those not familiar with the reference. In other words, somebody who only ever bothered going to church on the big days.)

Granted, I think being church secretary and being able to see how the sausage was made resulted in my mother being somewhat less religious as well, though she was always more of a ‘church as the centre of community’ person than a ‘church as moral arbiter’ person.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ jenora

there were certainly examples of massively overstated codpieces in armour as well.

Let’s see if this works…

comment image

I’m with you on the religion side of things.

There’s a supposed Native American idea I like. That the bridge into heaven is guarded by every animal you’ve ever met in your life; and it’s up to them whether you get across.

I don’t know how authentic that is. I have heard it from actual Native Americans; but in vegan circles, so who knows? I like the idea though.

the title character being Doc Savage

Hey; Doc Savage is one of my role models; he’s still down with us kids!!!

3 years ago

@Alan, is that picture a young Nanny Ogg? She looks no better than she ought to be, as Granny might say.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ moggie

Indeed it is! The cosplayer did a bit of a photoshoot.

comment image

3 years ago

The Transformed Wife (Lori Alexander) managed to push the envelope of fundamentalism much further than other evangelicals. Normally, you’ll hear evangelicals say something like “An ancient text says you can’t do X, so no one in modern times should be allowed to do X.” But Alexander managed to take things much further last December, when she argued that you can’t do something in modern times because an ancient text doesn’t say you must.

wonkette (dot) com/transformed-wife-servants-meme
Her exact words were

Do you know that there’s nowhere in the Bible that commands women to be economically independent? Yes, many will use the Proverbs 31 woman as an example but even in Proverbs 31, there’s no command for women to earn money.

Of course, that makes her a hypocrite, because there is nowhere in the Bible that commands people of any gender to share opinions on the internet, or to vote for candidates from the Republican Party in the United States, and yet people like the “Transformed Wife” do it anyways.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ bcb

That crops up in legal theory. Generally common law jurisdictions operate on ‘negative freedom’. That is to say, everything is permissible unless specifically prohibited. Some systems operate on ‘positive freedom’. Your rights will be explicitly set out somewhere. Thats why civil law countries tended to be big on written constitutions.

So she’s very much in the latter camp it seems. Which is weird cos Jesus arguably wasn’t.

3 years ago

Hey @Stacey?

I’ve got a bit of an ask for you, and no is a perfectly acceptable answer.

When you want to post a super long or particularly detailed bit about your art, would you be willing to use the spoiler formatting button David’s got on the blog?

Example Block!
Like when I really, really wanted to talk about exploding whales on the Ship That Blocked The Suez Canal open thread, and didn’t want to make people read about exploding whales unless they wanted to.

Spoiler blocks are a way to make it so whoever is reading gets to affirmatively opt-in to reading. So the folks reading are more engaged with what they read, and the folks with queasy stomachs don’t need to take part in the discussion of explodingness.

I’m ace, and engaging with your art makes me incredibly uncomfortable. That’s my problem, and not yours. And I don’t want to prevent or discourage you from sharing, at all. Sharing is obviously very important to you, and folks in the comments seem to appreciate your forthright nature a LOT.

The spoiler blocks are just a tool we could use, if you’re willing. And most of your posts are fine! This would just be a courtesy for long/detailed stuff?

If you’re not willing, it’s okay. As I said earlier, my problem and not yours.

I can find other ways to deal.

3 years ago

A few thoughts about this thread:

*Hunting Girl by Jethro Tull intensifies*

Concerning the performance art business, it reminds me of Megamind.

“Oh, you’re a villain alright, just not a super one.”
“What’s the difference?”

Also, I heard anecdotally that city people tend to turn their feet inward ala pigeon toed, while country people splay them out. The claim being that splaying your feet out helps with rough and uneven ground while city people are more concerned with not stubbing their toes, subconsciously adapting to their usual terrain. Not sure how true that may be, and it presumably has nothing to do with the witch’s pose, but it came to mind.

3 years ago

I always assumed toe direction had to do with leg “structure”. For example, my feet point out, but it’s because if I point my knees forward then my toes point out. For me to even point my toes straight ahead my knees end up pointing inward in a slightly uncomfortable position. To get my toes pointing inwards is extremely uncomfortable on my hips.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ .45

I like David Mitchell’s politically correct supervillain, Captain Drayfox…

“And all shall kneel before me!!! Unless of course they have some cultural objection to kneeling; in which case I shall be happy to accept their obsequience in some other way that doesn’t make them uncomfortable!”

As for ‘art as resistance’, now there’s a topic. I can feel a polemic coming on. I’ll adopt contrapangloss’ suggestion to use the spoiler tags.

3 years ago

I would normally email this to David directly but I can’t seem to find the address. It’s frankly a bit depressing but might be worth its own topic after you finish with the dumbfuck British incel shooter:

How Men’s Rights Groups Helped Rewrite Regulations on Campus Rape