The Transformed Wife is a blogger and a minor Twitter celebrity. In her profile she describes herself as
A wife, a mother, a grandma, and a keeper at home. Loves Jesus and is not afraid to speak Truth because it sets you free!
But I think she’s selling herself short here, because she seems to have forgotten that she is also a bold crusader against the evils of our age: feminism, witchcraft, and grouchiness.
Let’s roll the tape, or rather the tweets:
It’s just too bad God designed women to be so gullible.
Remember: Marriage and babies, good. Putting a hex on the Transformed Wife, very bad.
Apparently witchcraft and feminism are pretty much the same thing.
Uh oh, now she’s naming names!
Whatever you do, don’t dress like a slut, because that too is a sort of witchcraft.
This lady is doing it all wrong:

This tweet sounds a bit like a pitch for a fun rom-com — that is, if your version of fun involves burning in hell for all eternity:
And while you’re going about your non-witchy life, don’t be a grouch! Remember to smile or God will smite you or burn you in hell for all eternity or something.
And don’t worry about the end, which is near!
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@Full Metal Ox
Yes, that could look cool, I agree. And also a caning rod gives you another element to gesture with and adds another element to move with generally and additional elements of length to work with in the pose. I like that. Funny you should mention that because although I still love my bullwhip my “everyday” whip is now a dressage whip for the reason; longer than many caning rods but still awesome for the reasons I say. But your idea is good too in terms of style.
@Battering Lamb
Absolutely. There is so much you can do with that concept. Great point.
My outfit yesterday (for a special creative expression about my hatred of NiceGuys, which I maybe will post about somewhere here) was all tight but I do sometimes really like to work with exactly the theme you mention.
Actually, it sounds like you have great instincts!
I’m familiar with Transformed Wife and her horrible views, I always forget she isn’t married to the Biblical Gender Roles guy
Love to see women with a bullhorn on social media, telling other women to shut up and be submissive and get back in the kitchen. The Bible she’s wielding clearly says “suffer not a woman to teach”.
Whenever fundamentalists go on and on about the association between X and temptation/rebellion/Satan, I assume they’re personally struggling with X. This reads to me like the Twitter account of someone who’s regretting a recent Goop purchase.
My favorite thing about the “men’s thoughts/actions are the fault of those improperly-dressed women” spiel that Lori and those like her use to control women: Jesus had quite a lot to say on this subject, and it was decidedly NOT what these people are saying. He quite clearly made it the man’s problem that he needed to work on.
Where can I have some witchcraft formation ? I feel like my life is *way* too close to her ideal to not think I am doing something wrong.
Not that she would approve of me in any way. Just, I want to put the extra distance to be sure.
Isn’t it awesome? That’s the magic right there 🙂
@ staceysmartypantsremoved^2
Ah, you’ve made me all nostalgic. Any Brit mammotheers of a certain age remember these?
ETA: Speaking of canes. Use of a cane for self defence was a big part of Bartitsu; that Victorian martial art (that Sherlock Holmes used).
You KNOW I appreciate your sense of humor always but, Alan…style! style!
Besides when I’m actually physically with my guys, lots of times for the visual effect we have to be about 6-8 feet spaced apart from each other which is too close for a bullwhip but where I would need something with a little more reach than that.
(I get the humor but there is a lot of actual aesthetic to it which is I sooo totally love!
@ staceysmartypantstwiceremoved
Oh isn’t it just! I should get a straw boater for next time I’m doing some sparring. I am a big fan of Bartitsu; and it’s nice to see it having a bit of a revival.
We do have a thing where we encourage people to train in their street clothes. After all, that’s what you’ll be wearing if it ever goes down. So I have fought a lot in a three piece suit. When that Kingsman film came out we were all “Hey; we should sue!”
Hmm, come to think of it, there’s a great YouTuber called Jill Bearup. She posts stuff like ‘how to fight in a ballgown and corset’. You might find some of the aesthetic stuff interesting.
Very impressive on the bartitsu! And about the fighting in a corset video, that’s really awesome thank you! Yes, the aesthetic is really intriguing and I can and do adapt from stuff like that. Most of my motif is form-fitting and the *base* of it is traditional dancewear inspired but then accessorized.
Here was the outfit I designed for when I held court yesterday for a special commemoration and celebration of NiceGuy tears and an exposition on how much I revile NiceGuys:
Forever 21 seamless mock-neck, super-high-cut leg, open back black knit bodysuit, Ulalaza very high gloss dark-tone tights, Venus black high-heeled strappy sandals, Beltiscool, 3″ high-waist fashion-stitch rectangular silver belt, sterling silver earrings in that have delicate but long thin double-curving S-pattern. Hair in ballet-bun with Rusk Deepshine PlatinumX Gel. (The Ulalaza tights aren’t the easiest to get into and not the most comfortable that I’ve ever had. They are *really* tight and 100 denier but they look too damn amazing not to wear, and I love the extra-high glossy look to my legs.) I did choose one of my bullwhips for this.
Like I was saying earlier I think for a while my “everyday” whip has been a dressage whip – I don’t carry it like in actual dressage, but hold it more “overhanded” so to say, so that I can tap or slap an object in front of me to get tention, signal a demand and so on when taking charge in some social situation. I love my bullwhips still but in my current space unless we rearrange everything I don’t have enough room really to crack it, because unless we move furniture , the line behind which people to whom I’m giving audience have to stand to be physically safe is too far back. But the look of the bullwhip in hand, the look and sound of a crack is just too powerful and commanding not to be part of this and besides this outfit just calls for a bullwhip. And because this was about enjoying the disappointment of entitled NiceGuys I did want to be able to crack it.
Any of our resident witches know a good reversus spell?
If this is what yon woman has transformed into, the original version has to be better.
Edit to add: Lori Alexander. I know that name from somewhere, and not just from reading. Going to bother me now.
@ staceysmartypantsremovedtwiceth
That does sound an amazingly inspired outfit! (I did have to google some of the terms). When I was in London, I was a member of something called Torture Garden. I think you might have enjoyed that. We’d have big parties once a month. It was obviously a BDSM thing; but it was more about the culture and the aesthetics. The girls in our gang would put together some amazing outfits.
But what you said about the dressage whip reminded me. You’d have people coming along and exhibiting/selling stuff. There were some lovely posh horsey people. They sold horse tack etc; but they’d realised there was quite a good secondary market out there for that sort of thing. They got into the spirit of the occasion by wearing their jodhpurs, boots, and big flouncy blousons.
Also, speaking of haute couture, this was something from a while back.
The actual videos they did are pretty practical too.
My knuckles remember the ruler well. Too well. 🙂
@ threp
Heh, yeah. Our school did at least seem to have rules of engagement. Warning shot with the chalk; then if that didn’t work, incoming board rubber.
Yes! I know what you mean. I use a lot of that and Iove it. The first time a guy I’m considering for my stable comes before me he has to be in full tack and harness (my assistants have already screened him long before, first thing really, to make sure his body is of the quality to look good (to me) in that look.) He’ll already be trained a little in how to move in all that gear, but then we do more.
I couldn’t do *any* of this without my two brilliant and amazing and compassionate assistants because so much compassionate and careful communication is essential for this to work but when it does it’s amazing. And so much just physical practice is required.
That’s why obsessed wankers upset me because they don’t realize how much work we do just to get the point of the cool stuff. Yes, it looks amazing and is erotic as hell but it take so much practice and athleticism and sometimes just enduring some physical discomfort for the sake of art. Like when I’m standing in those heels for 45 minutes and not sitting down and holding a pose! But it’s so worth it.
Or better example is when I am riding one of my guys. No I don’t mean ride in some low brow euphemism for intercourse. (Yuck that’s too boring anyway). I literally ride their back; it’s kind of like piggyback haha but not really because they are stooped over more, so that I can sit upright and look regal. Now for that to actually work and look aesthetically awesome it takes physical coordination on the level of practiced partner acrobatics. But is beyond awesome to be straddling that strong muscular back, whip in one hand, his reins in the other. Very exciting yes but the reality requires a lot of effort that casual obsessors just don’t get. I hate misogynists for many reasons but they’re not getting that numbers among them.
Transformed, eh?
@ stacey….2
Yeah; I think that’s common for a lot of ‘glamorous’ industries. People see the finished product, but have no awareness of all the hard work that’s gone into that. Which is the whole point I guess.
But I’ve worked in both the music biz and law. It’s very not like you see in movies! All the drudgery and grind behind the scenes. Also I have friends who work in high fashion and, as you are expertly qualified to appreciate, the practicalities of a photoshoot bear little resemblance to the final images. I like seeing what’s just out of shot of the stunning images finally published. People dangling lights and fans, or standing on step ladders with watering cans.
Thank you. That outfit and all its aesthetics embodies the energy of my feeling of contempt and anger at NiceGuys who express their interest in me anyway even after I make clear that they do not meet my physical standards. It’s about the energy of taking joy in their tears. Especially gross Howard from the other thread.
The Transformed Wife´s has created her own little cozy hell on earth on internet. This is NOTHING compared to the wile garbage she spews at every woman who doesn´t think living as a mans slave is the only way to live.
If it was so natural and correct for women to be the way she recommends, both she, and the Bible wouldn’t need to keep banging on about it. When repeated prohibitions about something show up in history it’s usually a pretty good sign people are not doing what they’re told.
Grumpy ex-witch here.
For the record, I’m atheist nowadays and don’t believe in an afterlife. But, if I’m wrong, and somehow get a choice, I’d choose the pagan afterlife for sure because it so much cooler and all the animals will be there.
Can someone explain the inward-pointed toes in the witch outfit picture? My feet naturally point outwards so that always look uncomfortable to me, and I’ve been wondering if there’s a reason people pose like that.
Re: Bartitsu
I remember seeing “bartitsu (also known as baritsu)” somewhere and thouth that Sir Conan was quite an influential fellow if he could just misspell a word once and it became the “also known as”.
I try not to be a grump. I am definitely not a witch and do not know how I could be.
I guess people have their religion and do what they want. That should be ok. I know this is about some women not being allowed to do what they want. I see that. I also think she looks great like that.