capybaras off topic open thread

Capybara break: Scratchies Edition

Hey, so I’m working on a piece about the Plymouth shooter, and it’s taking a bit longer than expected.

So in the meantime, here’s an assortment of capybara gifs. The theme today is “scratchies.”

Scratchies and … vicious bird attacks!

And as promised, BIRD ATTACK!

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3 years ago

What kinds of things are ok for an “open thread” ?

Well, we one example of a good subject is the grossness of NiceGuys and how they whine.

Another great topic is how all people and women especially get to choose their own partners.

Another great topic would be your tears, which I like so, so much.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ .45 & contrapangloss

Firstly my sympathies 45. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you feel better real soon.

And I would apply for membership of the ‘If I don’t have a walk I go up the walls’ group. I’m really the same. I so recognise the symptoms you’re saying about there; especially the pacing. I was stuck in a 4 hour zoom the other day; and I still managed to clock up 7km just walking up and down from my desk. I’m basically just a big dog.

3 years ago


I did not say anything. And you already say all that to me. I already apologized. I was going to say something about exercise, like the others. I don’t do that much so I was kind of thinking about it more. I know it’s important to some people.
Like you for example. I am being polite here. Why do you respond to me this way? Others said that being a good person just for it’s own sake is whats important.

3 years ago


I’m going to say this so Stacy doesn’t have to. Although, she’s more than welcome to say whatever she wants.

I’m saying this because I can, and feel like I need to.


You’ve already irreparably burned your bridge with her, and she is not obligated to be nice to you just because you apologized. That’s not how apologies work. Apologies do not grant forgiveness. They are an invitation to grant forgiveness, and can be turned down.

Leave her alone, even if you feel slighted by what she’s saying to you.

Move on.

She’s not going to like you any better, because you keep asking her to be nice. Or shaming her for being angry with you. It was a bad mistep you made; and sometimes mistakes are not repairable. The “but you should be nice to me because others say that’s how you are a good person” is gaslight-y as heck.

Stop it.

That bridge is burned.

Leave her alone.

Talk about exercise if you want, but stop being a creeper towards Stacy.

If you can’t manage that, I will ask David for a banhammer.

3 years ago


I hope you read all my comments in the other thread, David’s most recent post.

And I hope that you are insulted, frustrated, upset and miserable.

3 years ago


Read them and be upset.

And try to remember that even if you were a kind, decent, intelligent man as many men, including some here are and which you definitely ARE NOT even if you were, I would absolutely disqualify you from any of the experiences I mention because *of your body* and it not meeting my standards. That is my right and as others have explained to you is not the same as body-shaming.

Let that sink in Howard.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
3 years ago

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)

Is there a solution of some type that folks here can recommend for use on items that can’t be tossed into a dryer or really wouldn’t like contact with a wet spray (i.e. books, stuffed toys, knickknacks, things like that)?

Wrap them in plastic, bag them, 24 hours in the freezer. Done.

That might work for the non-bedbugs, but my understanding is that bedbugs can possibly survive some pretty cold conditions. Colder than what the average food freezer usually gets, at least.

I may try that out anyway on the items that I’m sure won’t suffer by a short visit in the freezer.


Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
3 years ago

I’m tired.

As many of y’all know, I work in healthcare. Earlier this week I had a physician e-mail me letting me know that they’d be out of pocket because they just tested positive for COVID. Not the first time that has happened. It’s not even the first time that sort of thing has happened this month.

I find myself wishing I could do something else, but then the guilt kicks in because a) we need all the HL7-savvy people we can get or patient care will be affected and b) I’ve spent years doing this.

3 years ago

@Victorious Parasol

I’m sorry you are tired.

What is in your heart? What, in your heart, do you truly want to do? *Truly*?

I so appreciate your inciteful and caring and thoughtful comments on this blog. You are appreciated. I want you to know that.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ Vicky P

I feel for you so much. But please, take some time for some self care if you need it.

You have that common ailment of compassionate people; putting other people’s interests ahead of your own. And I get that, intellectually. How it’s hard to relax or enjoy yourself knowing there’s suffering in the world etc.

But you both deserve, and need, to look after yourself too. The old put your own oxygen mask on first thing. After all, you can’t help anyone else if you’ve run yourself into the ground. So have some guilt free chilling in whatever form that takes.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
3 years ago


Thank you. What you wrote means a lot.

I’m not sure what I want long-term just now because I’m too heart-sick to think properly. Short-term, the plan is to take advantage of Mr. Parasol having a long weekend and get in some major marital snugglebunnies. And make chili, because I need Texas comfort food now that my county is down to NINE (if not fewer by the time of this writing) ICU beds, and our governor isn’t authorizing overflow space because he’s as mean as a sheep-killing dog and thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow.

@Alan Robertshaw

I’m going to do my best to get some me time this weekend. Tonight that will also include sitting on the couch and petting my Greebolike cat (he’s just a big softie, really).

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

@Stacy: Aw, I don’t think there’s any more candy left in him.

I *don’t* prefer tall men, they give me a crick in my neck. But I still wouldn’t want him.

(Okay, maybe a little candy.)

@VParasol: I hope your chili, the Mr. and the cat do you some good. Maybe a primal scream?

I still love that last GIF too much.

3 years ago

@Victorious Parasol

It sounds like you are doing some really important self-care, basically, and you deserve it. I trust that you will find the right thing for you that gives you happiness now and in the long term. In the meantime, I am sending you supportive energy. You are valued.

3 years ago

@GSS ex-noob

Aw, I don’t think there’s any more candy left in him.

You mean there’s no more fun in troll-batting gross creepy NiceGuy Howard?

There might be. He inspired a whole performance art piece in me. I wrote about it in the other thread and if he responds inappropriately I will make very clear my displeasure.

3 years ago

@ All

Thanks for the advice. I mostly just wanted to, as I said, vent. Aside from some pacing, I have not done any walking and have focused on doing some paperwork and attending to some bills, then focusing on the far more productive activities of video gaming and watching TV. I haven’t done so much screen time in a while, hopefully I’ll improve before I get bored of it.

@ contrapangloss

No, my heart rate can get to feeling like it is pounding hard for no reason, but never do I feel like it has gone slow.

And good luck Victorious. I used to work in a related field and things were stressful enough every now and again some of my coworkers would go cry in the bathroom. Customers never seemed to realize how much strain we were under and this was before Covid. I hear from my contacts it has gotten worse now.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
3 years ago

I had some naptime yesterday, and kitty snuggling, and now I have a pot of chili burbling on the stovetop. With Hatch chiles I roasted before chopping.

@Alan Robertshaw – saw this on Twitter and thought of you.

Visited a country fair yesterday for the first time in years to watch the English Sheepdog trials. Cruel and farcical. Not one was legally represented. Wasn’t even clear what the allegations were.


Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ Vicky P

I bumped into a farmer the other day. He said “I have 98 sheep; can you help me round them up?”

I said “Sure. You have 100 sheep.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Alan Robertshaw