Do you remember when alt-rightsters wouldn’t shut up about “white genocide,” the alleged plot by our hidden (((puppetmasters))) to get rid of the white race by convincing people of color and white people to have biracial babies together? By their logic, anything that encouraged mixed marriages/relationships, from multiracial underwear ads to mixed-race emojis to anal porn, was an act of genocide against the white race.
Now the Gender Critical activists — as I noted in a post here last December — are using the same logic to argue that pro-trans activists are promoting “lesbian erasure” as former butch lesbians come out as trans men.
Well, fast-forward 8 months and some Gender Critical memester has taken this logic one step further with this meme denouncing, yes, “tomboy genocide,” which I found posted on the FightFemaleErasure subreddit (an attempt by Gender Critical Redditors to circumvent the ban on the Gender Critical subreddit).

The logic underlying the meme is the same as the “lesbian erasure” argument: by promoting trans rights, trans activists are somehow pressuring “tomboys” — that is, young women with “boyish” traits — to give up their identity and transition into trans men. If enough “tomboys” do this we end up with no tomboys — which of course means TOMBOY GENOCIDE.
Of course, this assumes that every trans man is really just a confused tomboy who got conned into getting top surgery.
It never occurs to the Gender Crits that maybe some of the tomboys they knew in years gone by were trans men who for a variety of reasons hadn’t decided to transition, or didn’t realize it was an actual real-world option. The relatively greater awareness of trans people these days has led to an uptick in people transitioning — especially trans men. That doesn’t mean they’re all getting conned or pressured or “trended” into it; it may be that transitioning to men seemed too radical a step to take back when trans men were virtually invisible in the culture.
When I went looking for other examples of this new meme I discovered yet more evidence of the Gender Critical/alt-right mind meld: one of the first search results was to this cartoon posted on 4chan, illustrating the “tomboy genocide” logic.

This cartoon is a reworking of this graphic, in which a “femboy” victim is being brainwashed by “Big Trans” into becoming a trans woman. (I think this cartoon is supposed to be satirical, but it’s hard to tell these days.)

I also discovered an assortment of other “tomboy” memes.

You’ll have to figure them out — and explain them to me — because I’m not sure where they’re coming from. Are tomboys having some sort of cultural moment I’m unaware of, or is this just a bunch of 4channers pining for a “boyfriend with tits?”
H/T — r/AgainstHateSubreddits
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There are so many questions, but clearly the most important one is… why is Globo Homo’s head a diamond prism?
Or maybe… why do tomboys have to be shorter than average? What happens to tall tomboys?
Wow, their heads will explode if they ever find out trans tomboys are A Thing.
This kind of thing occasionally comes up with TERFs who at least vaguely resemble actual feminists. It’s basically using gender-nonconforming cis people as a club to bash trans and nonbinary people. It’s not really different from white supremacists using “model minorities” (usually east asians) to bash other racial minorities. That doesn’t mean that either tomboys or femboys get a seat on the TERFy pseudo-feminist table, though. Gender isn’t real, but so long as men are socialized to inflict harm on women, no AMAB person can ever be trusted and sufficiently masculine women can’t fully be trusted either… or so their ideology goes, anyway.
(Side note: Intersex people are generally acknowledged if you bring them up, but then they get treated as irrelevant exceptions and brushed aside, because there really isn’t any place for them, good or bad, in any sort of gender or sex essentialist ideology. And really, “what about teh intersex” probably isn’t a great argument; even where it’s a valid comparison, it’s going to be seen as an attempt at derailing, and I don’t know whether intersex people generally appreciate being used that way.)
To explain the last three mind melting memes about tomboys I would say number one is simply a derisive and misogynistic take on tomboy themselves.
It basically state that tomboy like to laugh of “girly things”, but waste their time and money on equally shitty things; that they act “alpha”, but are actually sexually submissive; that they act tough, but are tiny and wimpy and actually like to be bossed around. In other words, something akin to they act like boys just because they haven’t met “real men” sort of bullshit.
The second meme is actually completely the opposite. It basically state that girls who act much like guys are both cute and desirable and the “best of both world”. The third one is pretty much in the same vein by basically establishing tomboys as “hawt”.
In other words, some people are very angry toward transgender people because they have this strange belief that they will eradicate the subject of their sexual fantasy. It’s a bit messed up.
@Big Titty Demon
The reason they don’t consider tall and strong tomboy is because that would be like an incel talking about women who don’t have sex with Chad (it’s simply going against the fantasy); all women have sex with Chad, yes even you, actually especially you; you are not woman? well you are having sex with Chad anyway. That’s the rule. That’s why they hate you and since they are “based” they are right and you are wrong. Also, misogynistic people have the tendency to refer to women with masculine attitude and size as “dykes” instead of tomboy.
It’s so weird to me that they are pretending to care about tomboys as their defense when (in my experience) these are the type of people to hate actual tomboys. I guess any excuse to act like a clown…
Their heads will explode when they discover the concept of femme transgender men. (And I assume tomboy transgender women.)
Nah, that already fits into their worldview, they call them men. Of course they call all trans women ‘men’ anyway so it’s not exactly a departure of any kind for them.
At least some of them are aware. As for transwomen, if you’re femme, you’re appropriating womanhood and reinforcing the patriarchy, whether you meant to or not. Wouldn’t it be so much easier and less troublesome if you chose to be a femme male instead? If you’re masc, you don’t really believe you’re a woman and not fooling anybody.
For transmen, if you’re masc, you’re trying to escape the oppression of women and maybe trying join in with the patriarchy to oppress other women as well. If you’re femme, you’re a lesbian who’s confusing gender with orientation. I’m not actually sure what they think of gay femme transmen, though, quite because a lot of their ideas about transmen revolves around them being into women.
Regardless, “trans don’t real” (and often “gender don’t real”) is one of the cores of TERF ideology, and trans (and nonbinary) people must be explained as actually something else.
“I think this cartoon is supposed to be satirical, but it’s hard to tell these days.”
It looks like someone aping “Kelly” from The Onion, but with less knobbly art.
…And finally, I don’t know if there’s some sort of tomboy fetish thing going around 4chan or elsewhere, but I just realized that “boyfriend with t**s might hold a clue. Speculation, but they might be based on a desire for women who see themselves as a “woman” from a male point of view and thus don’t object to being treated in a sexist manner. And see and treat other women the same way. And don’t waste time on dumb girly stuff. Something along those lines which is nonthreatening to toxic masculinity. If so, that would be comically missing the point – a tomboy doesn’t necessarily “think like a man”, but if they did, they’re probably not going to want to be treated like sexists want to treat women.
Maybe that’s being uncharitable, as it might just be about sharing interests or something similarly ordinary expressed in a problematic way, but you know… 4chan. The place is kind of a cesspit.
Pfft, why then is she wearing — at a minimum — mascara, blush (lots of it), and eyebrow pencil. Plus, I’m pretty sure she got that hair style at a hair salon and those plucked eyebrows from an esthetician.
This tomboy appears to have only one tooth. She might want to blow her cash on a dentist.
Aren’t these 4chan guys the same ones that are frightened of hairy-legged feminists. But apparently tomboys are sexxxy.
There he is on his hands and knees in an (extremely awkward) bow before the supreme one. But it’s still all about him. She’s the one revealing her torso while he is a silhouette. More important, she’s the one looking alarmed at this unabashed display of male sexuality. She had no idea that she had that effect on men.
Or, I don’t know, maybe they knew back then that they would eventually come out as trans but they judged the future Gender Crits to be unsafe to confide in?
Is that too science fiction?
These are just for people that have a fetish for women with short hair, and muscles, but somehow big boobs and also only weighs a 100 pounds but will do cool dude things and not make them do boring women things like compliment their make up and go clothes shopping. it’s just a misogynist fantasy. its like the whole, “girl who eats crap like I do but doesn’t get fat and doesn’t bother me with diet stuff”
Terfs dragging poor Masumi Sera into this…
Guys on the MGTOW forums state that they don’t want to deal with women. How are they wanting to abuse women, if they don’t want anything to do with them. They ban men from their forum, if those men bring contacting a woman.
I’m just trying to understand why you’re against men who don’t want anything to do with women?
Take it up with Reddit:
How is not wanting to be bothered with toxic people promoting hate? I’m lost. Help
me understand. Maybe I’m missing something.
MGTOWs are passive and peaceful. I’m against them, because they refuse to take up for themselves and fight back.
It seems like MGTOW are the ones being bullied
Oh, really? Explain these then:
Doesn’t seem very peaceful.
Doesn’t seem very peaceful here either.
Nor here.
Doesn’t seem very peaceful or passive.
Add in that MGTOWs are basically a mix of bitter divorcees and incels with sour grapes (the first group’s sob story being “she didn’t come crawling back” and the second “she never showed up to begin with”), and the generally incestuous relationships among the various right-wing groups (incels, MRAs, PUAs, MGTOWs, the alt-right, the Republican Party, QAnon, and various openly neo-Nazi groups), and your suggestion that MGTOWs are harmless seems laughable.
Besides, their rhetoric spreads misogyny, which is already plenty harmful.
I’m sorry, I’ve learned to just ignore anything with a Wojak in it as a defense mechanism. My eyes just glazed over many of your examples.
@ Surplus.
uhm and how is any of that abusive. Those
men were responding to toxic women.
They’re better than me, because when a woman abuses me, I beat her ass.
Define “abuses”.
Violating my personal space is abuse.
Calling me out of my name without just cause is abuse
Damaging or stealing my property is abuse.
Unwanted physical contact is abuse
The guys on the MGTOW sites also post “disturbing” memes and topics, because they antifa and neo feminists are lurking. They know how to get under your skin.
Obviously it works
@David F.
Can we have the ban hammer for this one?
Insurgency is a classic abuser. He disguises who he is until someone shows an interest in him. Then his true self emerges.
I’ve contacted David F. and asked for a ban hammer.