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12 reasons why the MGTOW subreddit deserved to be banned

Yes, they are the baddies.

Yesterday, at long last, Reddit banned the MGTOW and MGTOW2 subreddits for promoting hate.

After I posted the news to Twitter one angry respondent asked why:

What did they do? Please dont tell me they were toxic or some BS, any concrete example on why they got banned?

While I have no insights into the specific reasons the Reddit admins decided to ban the subreddits now, there is certainly abundant evidence of hatefulness on the MGTOW subreddit. I told him to search “MGTOW” on this here blog for examples.

But it occurs to me that he, and others with a similar curiosity, may not have the time to go through the literal 650 posts I’ve written about MGTOWs. (That’s not an exaggeration; if you click the “MGTOW” tag at the top of the pos you will be served with 65 pages worth of old MGTOW posts, each page containing ten posts.)

And so to make it a bit more convenient, here are a few notable quotables I’ve taken from some relatively recent posts of mine on the subject of MGTOWs and what hateful things they were teaching the readers of their subreddit.

This is just part one. I’ll do at least one more post like this because, wow, there’s a lot of terrible stuff in these old posts and I kind of wore myself out cataloguing it.

So here’s some of what they were teaching in the MGTOW subreddit. Some of it is very strange; all of it is awful.

Why we need to “keep women in check.”

Nature tends to correct itself, every single civilization that tried empowering women ended up going to shit, and we’re witnessing the death of a great civilization just because they didn’t keep their bitches in check… Fascinating!

Why women shouldn’t be allowed to work:

Why women who pursue men deserve a public whipping:

How to hate black women even more than you hate white women:

They are generally disgusting and very aggressive, and in the US mostly obese so they’re usually a lot bigger than you. You could still probably handle them with effort, but they have the law on the side as well as black men that will run up to white knight them too.

Very dangerous as a result. Best to not be around these animals.

How to fuck a woman you basically hate:


How to train women like dogs:

If you can train dogs, you can absolutely train women. They are human after all, and not less intelligent than men.

I mean, it’s not like women are evil by nature or something. … The problem is that here in the west, women are raised to be degenerate subhumans, while men are becoming more and more servile and are exploited through and through.

This society REWARDS women for undermining civilization. It cheers for “emancipation” (translation: being degenerate cumdumpsters), makes them non-accountable for destroying relationships (especially marriages), then gives them everything men own after a divorce AND they even get to keep and raise the children.

Why women don’t deserve orgasms:

Why immigrants are as bad as women:

I you give women even more benefits for even less responsibility. Then wonder why they spend less effort in being productive …

Then immigrate lots of low iq muslim migrants and third world people for them. Here in germany i see many young women have some migrant boyfriends. …

Normaly the white man should remove the immegrants back to her country and put the women in her place. …

Many women got pregnant by these low life immegrants. Mother a slut with a low iq father parasite migrant also low iq.

The children will be low iq. The following generation of these people will drop our iq level on a very low point.

Why lesbians don’t exist:

Lesbianism is not real. It’s just women who are sick and tired of unmasculine, wussy, spineless soyboy men. They will magically turn straight for a real sexy, charming man.

Basically, women who cannot find a top 20% man become lesbians. Women who can find a top 20% man but also are kinky sluts become “bi”, but mainly because they know a threesome with another girl would turn their man on


[w]omen are grown up children who pretend to be adults while their actual actions and words remain the same as a child’s (I think the same about weak blue pilled males as well)

A woman can handle more information and logic than a 4 year old, sure. But in general, a woman doesn’t really want to and most of the times can’t go beyond a certain point. My sincere belief is it gives them a physical head ache, just like when I study a new subject in my school with intensity

Why women are lazy (because they’re a food source):

Why women’s wombs should be used to produce iPhones:

Well, at this point my brain is so scrambled by MGTOW logic that I’ll bring this post to an end. Stay tuned for Part 2 and maybe more.

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Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
3 years ago

I never knew I could gestate an IPhone! What wonderful things I learn from the miggies! /sarcasm

rabid rabbit
rabid rabbit
3 years ago

What the hell is a hypergahoe?

As for the female orgasm being useless, even in a worldview where women are only there to be walking wombs, the fact that the possibility of having an orgasm make it likelier that a woman will choose to engage in activities leading to the possibility of pregnancy would suggest otherwise. (Not that these people believe that women are allowed to choose to, of course.)

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
3 years ago

But in general, a woman doesn’t really want to and most of the times can’t go beyond a certain point. My sincere belief is it gives them a physical head ache, just like when I study a new subject in my school with intensity

Bro, stop telling on yourself, geez. It’s ok to not want to do higher education, it’s not ok to externalize your shame about it. Actually many of these dudes need to stop telling on themselves, like Bad At Sex Guy and Other Bad At Sex Guy.

Robert Haynie
Robert Haynie
3 years ago

@rabid rabbit:
Also, if we’re to use that rather biologically mechanistic model, orgasms in both sexes tends to encourage the climaxing participant to remain supine for a period after. (Few people really fell like a brisk jog after hitting the sensory jackpot.) This means that semen, and the sperm carried within, will have a better chance to reach the ovum as well as a longer period to fertilize it.

So, from a strictly male genetic benefit POV, participating in your sexual partner’s climax encourages and improves the likelihood of your genetic legacies continuation. Which does seem to be a frequent focus of these charming people– women are supposed to bear fruit, and orgasms increase the probability that fruit shall be borne.

Now, I doubt that using their arguments to convince them that “If you suck as a lover, you’re actually an even more pathetic beta” is going to bear any fruit of it’s own, but hey, could be fun watching these guys try to puzzle it out.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
3 years ago

I never knew I could gestate an IPhone! 

Trump said his mother gestated a turkey on Thanksgiving every year, and in only a couple hours!

3 years ago

Basically, women who cannot find a top 20% man become lesbians. Women who can find a top 20% man but also are kinky sluts become “bi”, but mainly because they know a threesome with another girl would turn their man on

So, funny story time. Well, “funny”. When I was 22-23 I was at a post-play party. It was for the cast and personal invitees of said cast, and I was part of the cast. Anyway, I’d brought one of my at the time very few dresses kinda just in my bag because I’d known we were doing this and I wanted to look cute. So I changed and stuff.

Anyway, there was some drinking, and this other girl on the cast (Who was much shorter than me) hugged me and then tried to kiss where my nipple would have been had I not been wearing a dress over it. I hadn’t felt this kind of energy from her so I was really surprised and I recoiled. I think that if she’d asked me or, like, given me any warning whatsoever I might not have bc she was very cute and I was crushing on her.

Anyway, I noticed that her boyfriend and a few other guys had been watching us. I think, because she later admitted me that she acts bicurious but doesn’t really have an interest in other women, that she was doing this thing – trying to turn him on by dragging me into it. Which is one of the two things that finally got me to wake up and get away from this girl who did not respect me if we’re being honest. I don’t mean that in a bullshit way – I mean she deliberately kept friends who treated me frankly monstrously. Folks who groped me, or deadnamed me, or misgendered me.

My point has wandered. I think I was trying to say that, as a woman, I’m into women. I’m not into a situation where I’m with a woman but the aim is for some dude to think we’re cute together or whatever.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

My sincere belief is [thinking] gives them a physical head ache, just like when I study a new subject in my school with intensity

If a MGTOW has a sincere belief, that belief is true. That’s how belief works. And now I have a physical (not metaphorical or emotional) headache from thinking about thinking. Ordinarily, I leave that kind of thing to philosophers. Or MGTOW. Because of the headaches.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I still think the best MGTOW theory is the zombifying vagina goo.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
3 years ago

@IgnoreSandra: that sounds like an awful experience. What a shitty thing to do on their part.

3 years ago

To be fair, I am prone to be lazy. Unfortunately women don’t actually get to be lazy as they grow up though, because men just default put a load of unpaid labour on their shoulders and don’t even notice they are doing it.

3 years ago

You could make at least 1000 sequels with the next 12 reason. The only thing preventing that is that it would be cruelty to the writer.

3 years ago

I couldn’t be bothered reading to the end, but it starts well. I am particularly admiring of CocoTheClown’s completely reality-based belief that indoor jobs consist of sitting in a chair talking pointlessly on the phone, just like they show on TV and movies. No doubt he thinks IT means typing furiously while your screen fills up with swirly lights and digits.

Also, how does one become so insulated from the real world that he’s never interacted with nurses, teachers, cleaners or waitstaff, or any of the other predominantly female professions, most of which aren’t office jobs.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mogwitch
Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago


My point has wandered. I think I was trying to say that, as a woman, I’m into women. I’m not into a situation where I’m with a woman but the aim is for some dude to think we’re cute together or whatever.

What you’re also describing is a field encounter with the unfortunate belief that “bi” equals “threesome waiting to happen” and “lesbian” or “ace” equals “challenge”.

(And, indeed, that any sexual orientation equals “obliged to fuck ME!”)

3 years ago


I remember reading a thing by Mary Beard on women’s voices and how they tend to get stripped of humour, nuance and intelligence when people discuss them (“she complained” rather than “she quipped”, for example), and I honestly think that MGTOWs find the idea of women doing anything important so ridiculous that they simply assume them talking or typing at work is just nonsense wittering that the world puts up with because of wokeness or feminazis or whatever. They could have a firewoman telling them to leave a building and they would think it was nagging, with her silly little voice and obviously empty head.

3 years ago

Thinking about it, another very good example of the women’s voices thing was how both misogynists and TERFs (what an interesting overlap! It’s ALMOST as if they have something in common) accused Natalie Winn/Contrapoints of dumbing down her content after her transition and – most revealingly – vocal coaching. Even though her videos have, if anything, just grown more wide-ranging and well researched.

3 years ago

What did they do? Please dont tell me they were toxic or some BS, any concrete example on why they got banned?

I do understand the necessity of treating people, asking questions like this, seriously but I don’t believe they are genuine – most of them at least. Nor that they would look at this compilation of examples and go: “Oh wow… these people really ARE disgusting.”

It’s just my thoughts but what I think is most scary about this is, that misogyny just has a lot in common with cultish beliefs. I’m pretty sure there’s a scarily high number of men (and women) who’re convinced and have normalised misogynistic shit like “all women want rich men” and “all women are superficial” and these people are able to look at something like this and reject the notion that these groups are hate groups cause: “Oh look at this one specific post. I think that’s totally true/ funny/ right!” – so the rest of the vile shit that’s being posted on these boards is just “shit posting” and jokes and has to be relativised.

Additionally these groups are based on ideas that people, who hold a misogynistic mindset, will find “sympathetic”. Cause which man wouldn’t love to get away from those nagging women, am I rite?

There is likely no concrete example this guy would ever accept cause there is no real line to draw when you hate…

It just makes me sad.

Chris Oakley
3 years ago

I’m honestly impressed you could narrow it down to just twelve.

3 years ago

rusalka I’m pretty sure there’s a scarily high number of men (and women) who’re convinced and have normalised misogynistic shit 

Funny you should say that. A week or so ago I recall getting ‘that’ sinking feeling because I recognised exactly that. I cannot remember who or where or what conversation was going on, but this perfectly ordinary, competent, generally well-mannered person responded to someone saying that a woman had turned down a man’s invitation to a pretty conventional outing by suggesting that she would have said yes if he’d been a bradpittgeorgeclooney look alike.

There was no passion, no anger, no outrage, just a routine statement of established “fact”.

3 years ago

I think I was trying to say that, as a woman, I’m into women. I’m not into a situation where I’m with a woman but the aim is for some dude to think we’re cute together or whatever.

First of all: What that girl did was messed up and I’m sorry.

As someone who’s had multiple threesomes I have to admit though that I did do stuff with my female partner to… well… engage my male partner. Why? Cause it’s fun to rile someone on and I like it when my partners have fun! 🙂 – and who would have guessed: I’m not even a “slut”! Being kinda demisexual my pool of partners is extremely exclusive

It’s all really simple but these people will never figure that out nor come anywhere near to enjoy it cause they literally hate who they desire.

I’d pity that kind of existence if I could be sure it doesn’t lead to pain for the people around them.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

We don’t have any Apple tech in the house; can I gestate an Android phone instead?

3 years ago

That last comment wouldn’t have been out of place with the Tleilaxu

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
3 years ago

Please dont tell me they were toxic or some BS

Their chicken recipes certainly were toxic.

Antoinette Hines
Antoinette Hines
3 years ago

Sgt. Schultz!

3 years ago

I kind of skimmed past the hate, you can see stupid hateful stuff on reddit all the time directed towards different races and genders. I mostly read r/nba, which you’d think would be more progressive considering the NBA has mostly minority athletes and women also do coverage and reporting, but it’s really hateful and gets brigaded all the time.

I know there’s conservative sites, I know there was TRP or it’s still around. I looked at MGTOW a couple of times and found it low effort and classless, mostly losers pretending they’re very financially successful and too good for women, however most of that is harmless, and there are equivalent subreddits of women bragging how great their careers are and that they don’t want men.

Definitely don’t think the “hate” argument and those examples explain why it was banned specifically. There’s probably some deeper sociological reason.

Ninja Socialist
Ninja Socialist
3 years ago

@Mogwitch, I’ve often wondered that myself. Incels live in a fantasy world where no woman ever seems to work and earn her own way. We all seem to exist off of ‘betas’ (don’t get me started on the whole debunked alpha/beta bs) whist chasing some elusive top 20% ((even JBP got in on this nonsense). They ignore reality, I’m, sure their mums had jobs, they’ve met women in all manner of professions. They also ignore women who are married to men who aren’t ‘Chads”. In my experience it’s men who hold out for the super hot young thing.