You don’t need a PhD in Critical Race Theory to notice that a lot of the knuckleheads talking shit about Simone Biles for dropping out of the Olympics are white dudes who couldn’t do a single cartwheel to save their lives. Piers Morgan. Charlie Kirk. Ben Shapiro.
Oh, and this dude, Doug Gottlieb of Fox Sports, who seems mad that Biles’ mental health isn’t bad enough to keep her from sports altogether.
“Let’s not mislabel a mental health episode, where you don’t perform well because of the immense amount of pressure over being judged as the greatest of all time,” he declared, “and a true mental health issue where you shouldn’t be competing in sports.”
Alas, CNN’s Brianna Keilar happened to notice this trend of “ignorant white dudes talking shit about a black woman who survived sexual abuse at the hands of former team doctor Larry Nassar and went on to become the greatest gymnast ever.” In a segment on the network she tore into Morgan, Kirk, and Gottlieb for their terrible takes, noting that all of them could learn “a thing or two … about mental toughness” from Biles.
The CNN chyron read: “White male talking heads question courage of Simone Biles.” Which seems like a pretty accurate description of what was going on.
But Gottlieb is having a little fit over it.
I dunno, dude. Perhaps they used that chyron because “white male assholes question courage of Simone Biles” wouldn’t have made it past the network censors.
Note: If you decide that for some reason you need to criticize Simone Biles, this clever little decision tree on McSweeny’s will let you know if you can.
H/T — Thanks to Mediaite for covering this controversy so fully.
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Hi I’m out of moderation limbo, let’s give this another try.
My dude. Please show us your creative endeavors. Just to reassure me personally that they don’t involve writing – otherwise the system has failed all of us.
I also wouldn’t mind a glimpse at that support network of yours that you mentionned, because last I checked 8chan and incel groups are very much the OPPOSITE of a support network.
@Sinkable John
Welcome back!
Or is NEET a psychologist. Or possibly a psychic. We need to know.
I vote for Proneeteus to be ban hammered, not because s/he is boring, and feebly rude, because we can deal with that, but for threatening a member of the commentariat (Elaine) with harm.
I refer to this comment:
“why don’t you go get worked over by a pack of shiny chads so that your piss-bitch attitude goes away? You might become more pleasant.”
We may disagree with each other here, but we don’t speak to each other like this.
How are you ? 😀
I don’t think he’s a psychologist. The sort of education you need to get in that field also tends to make you understand that just because you read that one chapter in a YA novel narrated in the villain’s voice, doesn’t mean you should start talking like that.
The job of a psychologist is to knock that sort of shit out of you. So I certainly hope he’s not one, but I also hope he has access to one.
I have emailed David re the ban-hammering.
Terrific. Another consoomer leech trying to redefine their failure as success.
ETA: Thank you, Lizzie.
@Sinkable John : credibly he could have had studied psychology. There’s a fascinating subset of students of a field that very carefully refuse to hear anything that go against their prejudice. They also don’t learn anything so usually they aren’t terribly successful in their studies.
There’s an honestly baffling amount of them in economy courses and human resources school for what I have seen.
Thank fuck there is a massive discrepancy between “people who studied psychology at some point” and actual practicing psychologists. Not that there aren’t some pretty bad ones, but this guy’s below their level still.
Even Jordie P. wouldn’t talk like that, and might ask anyone who does to clean their room.
Anyway it’s kind of all moot anyways, this dude didn’t study anything at all. If he had, we’d have heard of it by now.
@ Prouseless
“There is an infinite amount of time for creative and intellectual endeavors amongst one of my disposition”
And this is what you do with that time? Your mother must be proud.
Me too; does anyone know what happened with her?
OT: why do trolls suck so badly at basic English? Is it some sort of requirement for the position? “You must be this inept at grammar, logic, and persuasion to troll…”
If only we could light up a Scildfreja-signal in the virtual sky! :-s
(Maybe a big “S” on a shield? 🙂 )
I hope she is doing well, wherever she may be (goes without saying that she’s undoubtedly doing good).
Nothing really to add but does Purple Prose know there is no such thing as infinite time for humans? Like eventually, we all die. Just felt the need to point out that one bit of nonsense. Back to better people than me pointing out all the rest of his nonsense.
Also, anyone have Troll Bingo yet?
I am trying to figure out NEET is he telling us that he is supirour to us because he is on the dole (benifits) & lives in his mums basement?
How revealing.
I directly contradicted the troll’s nonsense about normies and, nothing. They whined about intellectual crap after that.
They also wished sexual assault on Elaine because they did not like their attitude. I’ve seen that one before. They are too weak to process the legitimate emotions of a woman so they appeal to sexual violence as a solution, a part of the social problem this blog is about.
Unfortunately with the kind of woman that I am I do come across these types of people a lot. My skin is pretty thick though. As thick as the calluses on my feet. It’s funny to me more then anything else. My favorite thing about these guys is they normally accuse me of marrying a chad. They accuse my computer science, dnd playing, magic the gathering loving husband of being a chad….. Because he’s a marine and can do a bunch of push ups with me sitting on his back. It’s so stupid and so meaningless like they are that it is funny to me.
Also just for some reassurance you can use she/her pronouns with me. I am still pretty sure that I am a woman but I will let you all know if that changes.
I would like to point out because I’ve been rereading over the comments and I notice mine said “prose pussy” this was my autocorrect because the original insult was suppose to be ” prose hussy”. Idk. I thought it was funny last night. But I type the word pussy more then i do hussy so my phone tried to help by changing it to pussy. This is like when it change “kitten in a hijab” to ” kitten in a handjob” and you all get a embarrassing look into what my text conversations are to my husband and best friend since this is what the autocorrect thinks I mean.
@ francis
Truly the greatest among us are always easy to tell apart from the rest by the fact that when they have found a fulfilling way of living, they start lording it over everyone else and being all smug about it.
Incidentally, I feel that I’ve probably been at my highest and lowest, regarding creativity and efficiency, when I’ve been unemployed with nothing to do. Never felt the need to tell random people on the Internet how cucked they are for wageslaving under a two-party system or whatever, though.
@Elaine : theses assholes have proven time and again that they *are* willing to follow up on their threat of violence. Your skin is thick enough for insults and empty threats, but probably not enough to be bulletproof.
And while that specific clown is unlikely to swat you or find a gang to help him, the last two years have shown that one should alway treat their threats as serious in the sense of being worthy to be reported to relevant autorities, if they exists. Which is why I think Lizzie have the right idea asking for a ban.
And yes, their absence of substance mean they easily switch to direct threats. That one also ignored my message about how nobody is normal too, because they have nothing to retort to that anyway.
Oh jees I even typo’d my own name. I been away for too long!
Scildfreja! Good to see you!
I think I speak for most of the regulars here when I say that we’ve missed you!
How are you doing? Everything okay?
Gosh, I’m rusty at this! Please accept my apologies, ProNEETheus! I’ll do my best to be brief. I’m sure you have a lot of primordial fire to deliver, after all. Then again, I haven’t eaten today, and you’ve got a liver there, don’tcha.
Point of order, first, though. I don’t think it’s fair (or even very nice) to pile onto NEET for “living in mom’s basement,” gang (missed you all, hope you’re all well <3 ). That wouldn’t disqualify them from having a correct opinion, after all. No, it’s the fact that their opinion’s a steaming heap of nonsense that disqualifies them.
I’m left to guess that NEET is bragging about being financially independent instead of just being a shut-in, whether by their own earnings or the earnings of someone else. I’m sure they’re not a wage-cuck, are you, NEET? Maybe you’ve had a healthy 329-year-long career as an engineer and are now sitting pretty on a fat retirement fund. Or maybe not! I dunno, just spitballin’ here.
It is fascinating, though, how important that financial security seems to be for them. The foundation of their sentiments of superiority seem to stem from fiscal security; no cucking keeps them from capturing the peak of their potential! Their own person, unlike all of us. We mewling grubs, we chastised cucks; fit bait for worms and little more, to only offer fodder to our betters. Manipulated, capitulated, indoctrinated, spent. We sad masses, dosed with soma, grist for their money-mills.
It’s a typical posture really. Our society generates these sorts of attitudes. The illusion of meritocracy asserts that all success and failure is wholly earned, after all. When the financially-successful soul looks inside and sees a blasted shell of desperation instead of a deep well of competence and fulfillment it’s told it should have, it scrambles to assert the lie. I’m better, I’m smarter, I’m more worthy, it repeats to itself; all we’re hearing is the echo of that internal reverberation. The Just World fallacy is popular and powerful.
We all do that to an extent, it’s just what brains do. It lies to us, tells us that we’re better than we are; an evolved trick to compel us to survive in a world where sometimes reaching out to grab that high-hanging fruit is the thing that’ll keep us alive. Some of us shun that lie as best we’re able. Others embrace it all the more tightly. Like NEET here, asserting immunity to political and psychological manipulation, social superiority, financial dominance. Harden that shell to keep the cracks from splitting.
I’ll end with a little list here, a choral refrain.
Spiritually, it’s barren to separate yourself from others.
Financially I’m fine actually, though I’m legitimately grateful for the concern.
Psychologically, the first step to health is admitting that you have a problem.
Politically, your aloof superiority is manufactured to be exploited by others, it’s the hallmark of the latter half of the 20th century.
Socially, your social opinions are as manufactured as your political ones.
Have a lovely day my duck, I mean that sincerely! You deserve a nice treat.
Hello, Parasol and Gaebolga and just everyone! I’ve missed you too! I sort of needed to step away, to tame the brain-ferrets. They do rampage, but I think I’ve figured out how to at least get them back into their cage when I have to.
All well! I hope you’re all good too. I’m currently unemployed, but I’ve got a nice little nest of cash (which is what the ferrets are chewing on) as I look for my next challenge. Thanks for the career change, COVID! It’s been a bumpy one. How’re you?