You don’t need a PhD in Critical Race Theory to notice that a lot of the knuckleheads talking shit about Simone Biles for dropping out of the Olympics are white dudes who couldn’t do a single cartwheel to save their lives. Piers Morgan. Charlie Kirk. Ben Shapiro.
Oh, and this dude, Doug Gottlieb of Fox Sports, who seems mad that Biles’ mental health isn’t bad enough to keep her from sports altogether.
“Let’s not mislabel a mental health episode, where you don’t perform well because of the immense amount of pressure over being judged as the greatest of all time,” he declared, “and a true mental health issue where you shouldn’t be competing in sports.”
Alas, CNN’s Brianna Keilar happened to notice this trend of “ignorant white dudes talking shit about a black woman who survived sexual abuse at the hands of former team doctor Larry Nassar and went on to become the greatest gymnast ever.” In a segment on the network she tore into Morgan, Kirk, and Gottlieb for their terrible takes, noting that all of them could learn “a thing or two … about mental toughness” from Biles.
The CNN chyron read: “White male talking heads question courage of Simone Biles.” Which seems like a pretty accurate description of what was going on.
But Gottlieb is having a little fit over it.
I dunno, dude. Perhaps they used that chyron because “white male assholes question courage of Simone Biles” wouldn’t have made it past the network censors.
Note: If you decide that for some reason you need to criticize Simone Biles, this clever little decision tree on McSweeny’s will let you know if you can.
H/T — Thanks to Mediaite for covering this controversy so fully.
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Thanks for this tidbit. So it’s technically a moathenge.
Also, thanks for the Guardian link and the exhibition video link about Doggerland. I too find Doggerland fascinating. The Dutch must feel some spiritual connection to ancient Doggerland people, considering how their country is under threat of being inundated.
Why did they make a blade like that? Magic, of course.
Ooh, yes, quartz blade is pretty. And to @Alan & etc., thanks for the detailed discussion!
Ah, I’m late as usual.
It’s so good to see you around again, I missed you!
@Scildfreja OMG HI LONG TIME NO SEE <3
@ lumipuna
They could end up with a more literal connection. I mentioned above about the severe erosion on the Yorkshire coast. Well, there was a lot of work done to stop that. Big sea walls, groynes and all that. And it worked. Unfortunately it caused massive problems for the Dutch. The material that eroded ended up crossing the North Sea and reinforcing the dykes in Holland (No sniggering at the back Jes!). Without the erosion bolstering them, the dykes began to fail. So a deal was done where we dismantled all the sea defences. Now we’ve Brexitted I wonder if that still applies? Bit of a supervillain blackmail opportunity there I guess. And you can never have enough tulips.
Hi @Sandra and @Jesalin, has been forever <3 Missed you both
This is the shortlist for Astronomy Photo of the Year.
There’s a nice one of Stonehenge.
And lots of other cool images.
But is it even a henge at all, though?
No. It isn’t a henge.
It is THE henge. All others are mere shadows. 😛
(Mpumalanga makes Stonehenge a mere infant. Been sat in it’s valley for the last 20,000 years or so just watching the centuries go by, but local pride will always win out!)