MGTOW misogyny racism white supremacy

Garbage man husbands and the feminine orgasm shit: MGTOW potpourri

You can learn a lot about women from the fellows in the MGTOW movement, especially if you don’t mind that everything you learn is completely wrong.

So here are an assortment of wrong answers about women (and sometimes men) that I’ve wrung from the MGTOW subreddit recently.

Are women as a whole a good business to entangle yourself with?

According to a MGTOW called Aniani05,

Women as a whole are a bad business to entangle yourself with, however the best female you can find out there is a virgin between 18-21, and even then she can fuck you up beyond imagination.

Where does that place 25+ bitches? in the streets. No commitments for thots older than 25.

Do some women hate men because they cannot conceive of anything more beautiful than themselves?

According to a MGTOW called finnisugar the answer is yes, or perhaps no, I didn’t really understand what he was getting at.

From a faith standpoint, some women hate men because they cannot conceive of anything more beautiful than themselves. But God made man in His image, and women from men. So we’ll always be a step below. A woman can choose to appreciate, respect and admire that, or a woman can choose to resent that. But whatever she chooses, men and what they are capable of building from the ground up, what they are capable of protecting and defending, are more beautiful than women can ever be. And some women can’t handle that.

Are women not aware of what they are missing because they simply can’t fathom the greatness of being a man?

It’s a big “yes” from fuetdevic.

Women are not aware of what they are missing because they simply can’t fathom the greatness of being a man. The pleasure we obtain from new skills and knowledge is unconceivable to them. They try to push the femenine orgasm shit as if we were missing out on something. Reality is their life is doomed to be miserable while we only improve and get plesure out of the journey.

Are women proud to introduce their garbage man husband?

Reddit_hypnosis says “nope.”

Women use mechanics but apparently don’t like marrying them. They have their trash collected, but aren’t exactly proud to introduce their garbage man husband. They have their products checked out by male cashiers in the grocery stores, but wouldn’t be proud to marry a cash register clerk.

And these are all still proud hard working positions not based on degeneracy of any kind.

Ok, dude, but what about this garbage-man-loving woman?

White MGTOWs, like joemetsfan here, also have opinions about black people.

Usually they’re not very flattering.

[W]hy aren’t we allowed to have our own communities without blacks? You are brainwashed by the diversity is strength nonsense. Desegregation is the worst thing to ever happen to white people. The fact that we are forced to accept them and accommodate them by lowering standards in every aspect of society proves that. Look at South Africa today, for example, they blame the evil apartheid for their problems but they have not even accomplished a civilized society run by themselves anywhere on this planet.

To be fair, pretty much any society would be better than one run by a bunch of MGTOWs.

Enjoy the rest of your Friday, or whatever day it is for you right now reading this.

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3 years ago

Off the top of my head, I don’t know any women married to a garbage man, but I know one who is married to a farmer and she seems pretty proud of him. Does that count for anything?

R. Bridger
R. Bridger
3 years ago

do…. do they think women can’t learn new skills and knowledge?

Mrs. Obed Marsh
Mrs. Obed Marsh
3 years ago

@R. Bridger: Correct. One of their dogmas is that women can never be as good at most things as men are, and that everyone who insists otherwise is either delusional or lying to keep the wokes happy.

Ninja Socialist
Ninja Socialist
3 years ago

These hateful clowns live in a fantasy world. They have to know that women go to school, have hobbies and take joy in learning new things but they have to invent nasty fantasies in order to dehumanize us and allow them to feel superior.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
3 years ago

@R.Bridger: They don’t think, period.

@Ninja Socialist: Most of them are lucky if they can even remember their own names.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
3 years ago

But God made man in His image, and women from men. So we’ll always be a step below. A woman can choose to appreciate, respect and admire that, or a woman can choose to resent that.

I choose option C, not to believe I’m a step below at all. Phew! Managed to avoid all that unhealthy resentment in one fell swoop.

The pleasure we obtain from new skills and knowledge is unconceivable to them.

Can confirm. I cannot conceive of these dudes obtaining any pleasure from new skills or knowledge, only whining about women on the internet, if that.

3 years ago

Locally garbage worker is a pretty good catch, they have a strong union, insurance and an actual pension fund. Maybe women aren’t bragging because they don’t want anyone else to feel bad. Or steal them. There’s only so many garbage men.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

They have their trash collected, but aren’t exactly proud to introduce their garbage man husband.

A woman might be proud to introduce her garbage collector husband. He might have some outstanding personal qualities. He definitely has a steady, reasonably well paid essential job. But a garbage man husband? That’s something entirely different: a MGTOW or someone similarly repulsive. And no woman would be proud to be married to a garbage man.

Sheila Crosby
Sheila Crosby
3 years ago

I married an unemployed man. I didn’t expect him to stay unemployed, and he found a job in about 4 months, but I wasn’t ashamed of him before that.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
3 years ago

I married a man who went from a job as a systems analyst at a large corporation to a cook in a small town nursing home. I’ve always been proud of him. He’s retired now.

Lou C. Purr
Lou C. Purr
3 years ago

Working-class men marry working-class women. I’m guessing these guys don’t think that lunch ladies, manicurists, and maids are good enough for their precious selves? I mean, they’re correct that there aren’t a lot of high-powered executive women bragging about their janitor husbands, but the same still goes if you reverse the genders.

3 years ago

Ooh! I have a story related to women being ashamed of their husband’s profession…

Back when I was a wee child, our next door neighbors were an older childless couple. The woman (I’ll call her Mrs. K) was what my mom called a “odd bird” and would never discuss with my parents her husband’s occupation among the other eccentricities she had. Neither could my dad get Mr. K to divulge although he did intimate that it was because it embarrassed Mrs. K but they both would just insistently change the subject. This naturally caused a bit of mild consternation in the neighborhood and idle speculation about what he did for a living.

They weren’t by any means poor, I mean they were comfortably able to be a one-income family, go out to eat a lot, take vacations, and the house was immaculate, so why the secrecy?

Forward a few years to when Mr. K retired and finally told my dad that he’d been a taxi driver for over 25 years (and a Teamster like my dad!) and please not to let on that he’d leaked the info. My mom told me, but neither of my parents ever told anyone else and neither did I (until now.) We all thought it was quite strange to be so embarrassed by that profession, but there you are!

Mrs. K, by the way, never seemed ashamed of Mr. K himself, mind you.

As far as things like this and the (fictional) garbage man story, I think it’s mainly because we as a society haven’t sufficiently valued the essential work done by many professionals rather than the specific scorn of horrible feeeeeeeemoids who are #all like that.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

[Black people] have not even accomplished a civilized society run by themselves anywhere on this planet.

There are three enormous pyramids near the Nile that say otherwise, bucko.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago


And one beautiful disaster of a pyramid to prove they weren’t made by aliens because humans fucked up so badly on that one.

3 years ago

Imagine how fucked up a society must be to regard a hedge fund manager as more respectable than a garbage collector or mechanic.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

OT personal news: I am partially back up and running normally. Lots of files are copying, there’s still stuff to reinstall, but I’m closer to “back to normal” than I am to where I was two days ago.

One wrinkle was that the new machine came in a mini-tower, with zero free drive bays and zero free connectors for power or data for drives. I tried switching out its drive for the one salvaged from the old box, but it wouldn’t boot from it (even with things like UEFI turned off). Returned it to normal and disassembled an old external drive I was no longer using because it had developed wonkiness and was likely not trustworthy to hold data. Replaced the drive in the enclosure with the one I wanted to copy data off, reassembled it, plugged it in, and it worked. So now the old machine’s internal drive is an external USB drive.

Another is that the new machine came with the notorious Windows 10, so I’ve had to spend some time defanging its telemetry, adware, auto-update etc. components so I’ll be the one in charge of those things.

I still have much to catch up on, and more installing/taming-10/etc. work to do, for at least the rest of today. For instance I still haven’t deactivated the shell extensions responsible for the constant pitches for Bing and OneDrive in seemingly every right click menu in the system, though I have stopped it sending every start menu search to Bing, as it really is none of Microsoft’s business what apps I install or use on my machine …

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

Great Zimbabwe wants a word with that last guy.

My husband has been everything from unemployed to pulling down nearly $100K/year during our marriage. So what?

I agree with @Kat: nothing wrong with being a trash collector, it evidently pays okay, is useful to everyone, and it’s a job that can’t be outsourced to some other country.

But MGTOWs and incels are the real garbage men, and nobody wants them. So they’re accidentally correct, but still in a wrong way.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

One of my mates is a bin man. He and his mates make a fair bit on the side recovering old collectables and putting them on Ebay. He also has a really good personal collection of classic Star Wars toys.

In Turkey the binmen set up a library with all the old books people throw out.

comment image

3 years ago

@Moggie: Amen to that.

As for myself, I entered the job market in 1983 or ’84, I don’t remember. I was a teenager then. I’ve noticed a pattern concerning my career: As my work became less, I have earned MORE money, not less. Of course, people are paid for responsibility and knowledge, not necessarily ‘work’. However, I don’t believe it’s a fair exchange, at least not in my case.

3 years ago

This woman thought garbage men were so great she wrote a whole book about working with them. And it’s fascinating.

epitome of incomrepehensibility

@Surplus – Glad to hear that things are going better with the computer. But with Windows there’s always the annoying matter of changing default settings.

As for the MGTOW blather:

The pleasure we obtain from new skills and knowledge is unconceivable to them. 

Oh yeah? I’m a nervous wreck a lot of the time, but I wouldn’t have taken a Sanskrit class this summer if I didn’t take pleasure in “new skills and knowledge” (it counted towards the degree, sure, but I could’ve done something easier).

Edited to add “oh, cool!” to what @Alan reported. All I got out of scavenging was cans to return to the grocery store for 5 cents each.

Last edited 3 years ago by epitome of incomrepehensibility
3 years ago

I have a crush on my bin lady. She won’t let me ride on the step at the back, sadly, because of health and safety rules. All my life I have wanted to ride on the step at the back of the bin truck.

More in bin-folk appreciation: when I first moved to Amsterdam, the town street sweepers and rubbish collectors were on strike. For six weeks. In Summer. You can imagine the state the canals were in, shudder. Mind you, the rats were having the time of their lives!

Some Chick
Some Chick
3 years ago

“Women won’t marry mechanics, etc.” doesn’t explain all the married male mechanics, trash collectors, cashiers. Like people, have they ever tried talking to people? (Don’t answer than one.)
Also, several countries and lots of history books would like a word with that last jackass.

Last edited 3 years ago by Some Chick