anti-Semitism coronavirus drama kings literal nazis the wayward press

Natural Getting the COVID vaccine is pretty much exactly like being gassed in a Nazi death camp

These are happening too

Natural News is a health site gone bad, given over to New Age quackery and right-wing conspiracy theories. It won’t shock you to learn that the people running the site aren’t exactly big fans of the COVID vaccine.

But it might surprise to see just how much they hate the vaccines and the lengths the site will go to try and discredit them. Consider the post that recently ran there under the headline (deep breath now):

Bad logic of vaccine zealots is like Nazis claiming Jews were “procrastinating” for failing to report to concentration death camps and gas chambers

Let’s try to break this down. Thankfully the post itself, written by S.D. Wells is a little easier to follow than the headline.

Vaccine promoters and fanatics describe anyone who refuses the deadly China Flu jabs as experiencing “hesitancy” and guilty of “procrastination” because those fanatical vax-freaks don’t want to talk about all the injuries and deaths caused by the Covid vaccines, and vaccines in general, as the true cause.

Hey, I claimed it was easier to follow. I didn’t say it made any sense.

Anyone who has not gone through with the gene therapy, blood-clotting, heart inflaming inoculations for China Flu are not “hesitant” or “procrastinating.” We’re not talking about crossing a busy street or putting off mowing the lawn here. We talking about deadly, invasive medical procedures where the risks far outweigh the benefits, if there even are any.

This allegedly “invasive”medical procedure consists of a quick prick in the arm. But neve rmind, because HERE COME THE NAZIs!

The CDC and WHO are trying to downplay the dangers of vaccination, like the Nazis explained to the Jews who didn’t want to board the trains that they were just going to ghettos were they will be joined by like people.

Not sure these things are in any way comparable, but let’s continue on to see if they explain this strange logic in more length.

The Nazis also told the Jews they were going into mass shower facilities, when in fact the SS police were dropping deadly insecticide pellets in the air ducts and trapping the Jews until they were gassed to death. Nothing to see here except some stinky smoke from the “processing plant.” Anyone with gas chamber “hesitancy” should stop procrastinating and walk on in.

Nah, it’s still not making much sense. this attempt to equate a jab in the arm with the world’s most infamous mass killings.

Oddly, the more they try to flesh out their “logic” the more confusing it gets.

How can the CDC and FDA convince the other 50% of Americans that the vaccine gas chambers are “safe and effective?”

Are you procrastinating getting all of these “side effects” induced in your body and brain so you won’t catch the common cold or the flu? You must be a right wing extremist or something. You’ll be getting a “friendly” visit from Jill Biden and some armed FEMA goons (SS-Vaccine-Police) called “Strike Force” soon to end your hesitancy and that nagging procrastination problem.

It’s true that BIden has talked about sending teams door-to-door to try to nudge more people into getting the shots, but we’re not talking armed Gestapo thugs. Calling these doorbell-ringers a “strike force” seems to have been a really bad choice, though; along with Natural News, Infowars and other far-right conspiracy mongers are having a field day predicting the worst.

No worries. There are re-education camps in America where you can be bussed or taken by train where the CDC and FDA can help you overcome (by forced vaccination at gunpoint) your petty fears and dispel those senseless myths about the gas chambers (dirty Covid vaccines).

I don’t think they mean any of this literally; they’re just sort of taking the Nazi comparison to its logical conclusion. But I can’t help but wonder how many readers will assume it’s the literal truth.

The article ends with a casually chilling bit of self-promotion:

[C]heck out for updates on these crimes against humanity and the upcoming vaccine holocaust.

Ah, yes, the “vaccine holocaust.” Is that what they’re calling it these days? I cal it “getting a shot that may save your life.”

Despite it all — the scaremongering, the lies, the whole Nazi thing — I do have to give the folks at a one-handed clap for at least remembering that the Nazis were the bad guys, which is rare on the far-right these days.

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weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

If you’re going to compare something you don’t like to Nazism, maybe don’t be racist (China Flu) while doing it?

3 years ago

The rate and intensity of Making Shit Up will only accelerate as the evidence shows it is unvaccinated people who are dying, and vaccinated people are suffering no ill effects from the shot. The news only confirms this every day.

I would just ask someone who refuses to get vaccinated, “Can I have your car when you die?”

3 years ago

Mike “the health deranger” Adams is an unrepentant troll hustling readers into buying his dodgy snake oil. Anything on Natural news is guaranteed to be not even wrong.

Last edited 3 years ago by gijoel
Robert Haynie
Robert Haynie
3 years ago

Well, hell. Natural News. Every once in a while I get reminded that this happy barrel of ill-educated pseudo-skeptical waste still exists.

Seriously, for the benefit of other readers, I should like to point out that, as regards any useful medical or scientific knowledge, Natural News (and anything else spewed by Mike Adams, AKA “The Health Ranger”) is in the same bucket as, Godlike Productions, and the Institute for Creation Research as far as scientific rigor goes. That is, they haven’t got any. (Although at least the ICR is only about a 6000 year old Earth, and not rejecting any and all evidence based medicine.)

Although if you really want to check up on a collection of paranoid conspiracy theory that rivals QAnon for insanity, but is more interested in the dangers of everything that Big Pharma is trying to do to our collective physical corpus than the threats of pedophiliac pizza parlors, well, that’s the site for you.

3 years ago

Yay anti vaxxers, just what we need in the middle of Delta variant proliferation.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

Natural News has gone far right? Didn’t they used to be part of the granola left? Of course they always were purveyors of woo, but the anti-China racism seems new …

3 years ago

@Surplus to Requirements
Natural News has been anti-Democrat since at least! Obama. I’m guessing they were never left, but I could be wrong.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
3 years ago

An organization lying to the “sheeple” in order to prevent them from taking steps to save their own lives? Natural News is describing themselves here. They’re a much better fit for this analogy.

Are you procrastinating getting all of these “side effects” induced in your body and brain so you won’t catch the common cold or the flu? 

Wait till their readers discover the swell side effects of long Covid!

3 years ago

Mike Adams is a frequent guest on InfoWars. That’s all you need to know about Natural News. The fastest way to get me to unfollow you on social media is to post something from that dumpster fire that isn’t preceded by the phrase “check out this absolute pile of horse-hockey”.

Some Chick
Some Chick
3 years ago

They’s still calling it the “China Flu?” I thought even they had given up that tired racist dog whistle. Also, Mike Adams can’t seem to make up his mind about Nazis. Some days he thinks they weren’t that bad. Some days they’re so bad, they’re the WHO. Like sarah_kay_gee said, he’s tight with Alex Jones. So I guess internal consistency is just too much to ask. Or rational thought. Or being not racist.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
3 years ago

@gijoel: Dang, you beat me to it. I’m a regular RationalWiki reader and I was about thirty seconds away from posting a link to their article about (Not So)NaturalNews.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
3 years ago

Wow. I’ve had the, been ‘gassed’, so I guess I’m posting this from the Other Side…. woooooooooooooowoooooooooooooooo… 😀

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

Me and my husband have both had our double Pfizer.

We seem to still be corporeal, because the cat gets fed regularly.

My long-term effects from the shot were a sore arm for a couple days, and one day when I just noped out of everything except napping and bodily functions.

@jsrtheta: Let’s get these people to put it in writing. Us normal folks could be rolling in big property!

3 years ago

Given that all conspiracy theories are at most two degrees removed from anti-semitism I’d guess a moderate percentage of people buying this are also Holocaust deniers.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
3 years ago

Off-topic, but HuffPost is reporting that notorious far right publisher William Regnery II has just died.

3 years ago

It’s rather odd when Holocaust deniers compare everything they don’t like to the Holocaust, though. If the things you don’t like aren’t happening, then why are you complaining about them?

3 years ago

Oh dear. Just had my first shot.

Maybe my arm will be a bit sore tomorrow. But I and the other victims seemed perfectly happy sitting out our 15 minutes in the waiting area after our shots.

(Of course, my biggest fear is that the vaccination won’t “take” because of my seriously compromised immune system – chemotherapy and kill-the-immune-system drugs make that a real possibility. Doc and I discussed this and concluded that I’d probably do better to wait until a third or booster shot program starts and go with that.)

Sheila Crosby
3 years ago

Survival rate of Nazi gas chamber: 0% (Well, a few poor souls were still alive when they were pulled out, but they were all dead 10 minutes later.)

Survival rate of COVID-19 vaccine: 99.999%

I don’t think that’s the same thing, really.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sheila Crosby
Queen of the Harpies
Queen of the Harpies
3 years ago

The people buddying up to actual neo-nazis have no business making holocaust analogies. Not to mention they’re the scaremongerers responsible for all this anti-science tinfoil hattery that’s causing millions of deaths around the globe. All these scumbags ever do is project.

3 years ago

I had news of my female cousin who caught covid almost one year ago. She still only barely can walk up the stair of her house because covid fucked up her breath ability. She still have recurring pains and flu like syndrom.

That’s why I am so done with theses assholes. Biden should quite litteraly make vaccination mandatory, like what Macron did. Even survivors sometime have terrifying side effect.

3 years ago

Husbeast and I finished our Pfizer regimen in mid May. We both had sore arms both times and my only other symptom was not being able to stay awake the next day; just a massive case of the sleepies. Husbeast was able to go to work.

I was pleasantly VERY surprised by this because I have fibro and anything that messes with my system (colds, flu, food poisoning, etc.) causes a flare-up with loads of pain. And this? Didn’t! I mean, I seriously would have gone to the ER after my second Shingrix if I hadn’t had cannabis. (Couch lock is a state I don’t normally get to, but sometimes if the pain is bad…)

The day after the “sleepies” I actually felt really good, but that was probably just a temporary feeling of emotional relief from being afraid and anxious for months on end of contracting the ‘rona.

3 years ago

I may as well add my two cents here. I had the usual sore arm and even worked the days of and after. Dunno if Microsoft can track me now or I am sterile, but I’ve been exposed to Covid positive people since and nada. Seems to be working as advertised.

3 years ago

I’ve got that one friend who keeps peppering me with “news” stories, often with graphic photos: one recently showed an opened up brain with not one, but two, massive shiny blood clots, one the size of a bratwurst. Another insists that the vaccine injects the spike protein and this causes the cell to start producing the virus.

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago


I’ve got that one friend who keeps peppering me with “news” stories, often with graphic photos: one recently showed an opened up brain with not one, but two, massive shiny blood clots, one the size of a bratwurst. Another insists that the vaccine injects the spike protein and this causes the cell to start producing the virus.

I’m reminded of the sort of anti-abortionists who love subjecting people (including The Precious Innocent Children!) to gruesome full-color imagery of abortions.

Last edited 3 years ago by Full Metal Ox
epitome of incomrepehensibility

From a poetry group I know a hippie sort in his sixties, not a right-winger, who’s suspicious of vaccines. (For that, he clashed with someone else in that group who’s teaching science as her second career.)

But I think the anti-vax opinions are more common among Trump supporters, from what I can tell. Not that there can’t be some overlap.

About the article here, I can’t laugh at how ridiculous the comparison is, because it makes me uncomfortable. Even though it was only distant relatives of relatives who were killed this way.

Maybe it’s not a proximity thing; I felt similarly when Tucker Carlson was comparing vaccine passports to segregation of Black Americans. Specifically, a “what the fuck are you even talking about??” sort of feeling.