Those who deliberately retain their semen say the practice sharpens their mind and their senses, makes them to smell better, renders them irresistible to women.
Having followed the Semen Retention for several years I can only say Im not convinced that any of that is true. I can’t ay anything about the alleged better smell, but if retaining semen makes you s much smarter, why are most of the posts there so completely stupid?
Bu there’s one thing that semen retention does seem to do to more than a few of its practitioners: it makes them more paranoid. After I wrote a couple of relatively light-hearted posts about that peculiar subreddit, one of the regulars accused me of being an agent of the Globalist Media elite personally tasked with destroying the Semen Retention subreddit.
I haven’t written about them for a while now but they seem as paranoid as ever, Indeed, in one recent post on the subreddit, one diligent retainer warns his colleagues to “please be watchful” because there are evil forces out there trying to sabotage their sacred mission.
Undoubtedly, many men are starting to wake up to the truth of what happens to us after masturbation. As such, it is realistic to assume that this will flip the apple cart that is owned by the porn industry and special interest groups that want the common man to become weaker and less of a threat.
What “special interest group” is he talking about that wants men to fap away their sacred essence? Feminists? Communists? Teh Jews?
With this said, I must urge every one of you to carefully read whatever you choose to read on this forum with special care and vigilance. There are bound to be trolls of a more haphazard and sophisticated breed on our forum. Trolls of which might plant cleverly placed words in their statements as a means of leading you all astray and back into animalistic-sub-human behaviors associated with masturbation.
Damn, those trolls must be working at some other level than the rest of us. They have secret words they can work into otherwise innocent-seeming posts that will cause readers to become overwhelmed by a desire to fap?
Please tread carefully. For where there is light, darkness will always try to plant its ugly foot into it and smash it to pieces.
You mean like this?

Ill be in my bunk.
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they do seem a little tense. I’ve heard there are ways to relieve that…
I knew it!!1!
A commenter who is unconvinced about the no-fap life speaks up:
Lowly and feminine? Yeah, those terms are certainly synonymous.
These successful people: are they men?
They must be, @Kat – I mean, it’s not like women are people, after all!
Why oh why would anyone deny themselves this? I mean aside from religious/health/orientation reasons. Ordinary dudes bragging that they don’t…it boggles my mind.
I’m tempted to ask, honestly, what’s the point in bothering with these people? They don’t say anything new, ever. You could rerun one of your older articles on them and most people would barely notice. Then I remembered that new readers/lurkers find this site all the time, and mentioning them from time to time at least informs newbies that the nofappers are one of those weird misogynistic groups which exist. There just isn’t a whole lot to say about them though.
Fortunately their harm is largely self-inflicted and unlikely to result in anything worse than the usual casual misogyny, unlike most of the other such groups mentioned here. Unless it’s a gateway to worse groups, but that’s probably really hard to determine.
I’m not a man, so what truth is this? What happens?
Sure, because minor physical exertion always makes you weaker. That’s why it’s such a horrible thing to go for walks. The shoe industry is trying to pull the wool over your eyes and encourage it. Shame on them.
Haphazard and sophisticated? I mean, that’s necessarily a contradiction, just an odd pair of adjectives to put together. Kinda poetic.
Correct. Men — the sex havers — are people. Women — who have sex happen to them — are accessories to people.
@Snowberry: I suspect it’s just that every so often one of them comes up with some notion that’s so… warped? astonishing? that it’s hard to look away.
I think cause and effect are somewhat reversed here. At the very least, you likely have to have one foot in paranoid conspiracy theory land to actually participate in the subreddit, as I can’t imagine it being a terribly welcoming place to anybody else.
Came here for the fnord, was not disappointed.
Actually, I’m all too happy to let them keep it in their pants, and what they’re covering. They’re potentially putting themselves at greater risk for prostate cancer, but I guess that’s their problem.
Funny how humans are one of the only types of animals that have sex while having so many hang-ups and misconceptions about it. Aside from refraining from obviously harmful/bad acts like assault and, to a degree, incest, most forms of consensual sex between adults should be perfectly fine, and flying solo should be a non-issue. This is just a by-product of purity culture that’s actually affecting men (instead of women) for once.
seems like funny but it’s true.
((Posting this to the right thread now, since I finally got all my errands done for the day and everything.))
Personally I’d like to know what end goal these nofappers/semen retainers are aiming for by not rubbing one out on a regular basis. Like, what are they planning on doing with all that stored energy they say they now have? For example, monks from assorted religions also aren’t (supposed to be) fapping, but they’re using that saved energy to get closer to their God(s). Are the nofappers/semen retainers using their stored energy to create works of art, making the world a better place via volunteering to help Habitat for Humanity (for example), or something along those lines? Or are they just doing it to have something to humblebrag about?
@ Redsilkphoenix
Wasn’t it the conclusion of other articles on this site that the advantages of nofap lie in then living your best life with your motorcycle while eating steamed green beans with steaks that barely touched anything hot? You know, to prove you don’t need no hoe to cook for you and stuff?
As always, I kind of wonder half jokingly: What if these guys are 100% correct, and their methods are in fact leading them to live their best lives and be their best selves? That would be… depressing.
Re: the notion that semen retention makes men magically attractive to women
The logical conclusion from that would be that if you’re the person (presumed woman) having sex with an SR guy, you’re the one who will lose interest immediately after he comes.
epitome of incomrepehensibility:
This was exactly a recent President’s hypothesis, as he explained when asked why he didn’t exercise. (My guess is that this same person doesn’t masturbate much, as he considers it the habit of ‘loosers’ who can’t conquer women or afford prostitutes or are hobbled by respect for their vows.) (Predictably, the ‘Oathkeepers’ are now ~100% backers of the most flagrant and notorious oaths-breaker in public life.)