blm conspiracy theory critical race theory homophobia misogyny rape rape culture satan

Scott Lively attacks gays as “predators” but thinks Bill Cosby, hetero predator, is just fine

Scott Lively, probably saying something terrible

Scott Lively is a writer, a pastor, an activist, and a raging homophobe. He’s probably best known for writing a thoroughly debunked book arguing that gays did the Holocaust.

In June, in an attempt to “push back” against Pride Month, Lively suggested in a post on World Net Daily that the rainbow flag was a sign of the impending apocalypse, as “Satan, and therefore his Antichrist human host, will cloak himself in the rainbow as an essential element of his claim to be the Messiah.” In another post he took aim at what he calls the “ongoing mass-recruitment of young teenagers into homosexual and/or transgender self-identification.”

If Lively is most (in)famous for his hatred of LGBTQ+ people, he has terrible opinions on other subjects as well — including Bill Cosby, whose recent release from prison features in one of the strangest blog posts I’ve ever read.

Lively begins this post, published yesterday, with a long and rambling defense of conspiracy theories, arguing that

the ultimate conspirators – the Marxists, whose end goal always justifies any means necessary to achieve it – have taken … over [the world] and are remaking it to conform to their insane fantasies. Almost everything in the official narratives now is a lie, and the truth is not only mocked as conspiracy theories, but the entire elite strata is “gaslighting” the public into questioning our sanity for doubting the narratives.

His example of one of these dastardly schemes is what he calls “the Cosby conspiracy.”

“To make my point, I ask you to consider the case of “America’s Dad,” Bill Cosby,” he begins, defending Cosby as a (probably innocent) man being taken down by an evil cabal headed by Barack Obama. Lively starts his argument by pasting in huge chunks of a piece he wrote on the subject back in 2014.

What tips the scale for me in Mr. Cosby’s favor is the timing of these accusations. It seems awfully suspicious that the bravest Black man in America on the issue of irresponsible Black youth and their adult enablers was suddenly re-ensnared in an old scandal just when President Obama and his Marxist fellow-travelers were ginning up a race war in Ferguson, Missouri – by inflaming racial hatred among irresponsible Black youths and their adult enablers.

Looking back on that 2014 column, Lively writes,

I knew in my bones that Cosby was being deliberately taken down by Obama (whom I believe is the “Shadow President” behind Biden). The Marxist race-cult Black Lives Matter had been in existence since 2012 and was going national after Ferguson.

But America’s Dad’s mature, fatherly take on Ferguson was a big problem for Obama and BLM.

And so they apparently recruited dozens of women to step forward with rape accusations against “America’s Dad,” and Cosby was ultimately put away.

You might think that Cosby’s release from prison would undercut this conspiracy theory just an eensy weensy bit, but no, it’s apparently all part of the plan.

So why did they just let Bill Cosby out of jail? Because he’s obviously not a threat to them anymore now that the BLM/CRT [Black Lives Matter/Critical Race Theory] agenda has been institutionalized by the federal government. It’s grown beyond his ability to influence in any substantial way.

That’s even less convincing than the original conspiracy theory.

At the same time, they need to scale back the rage and violence in the inner cities now that Democrats instead of Trump will get the blame for rioting.

And releasing Cosby is supposed to tamp that down?

I predict there will be a limited leftist rehabilitation of Mr. Cosby to serve that end – whether or not he knows that he’s being used.

I predict there will be no such thing. Maybe Glenn Greenwald — the former-leftist–turned-regular-Tucker-Carlson-guest — will say something stupid on the subject. I don’t know.

In my view, he’s been a pawn all along – just as most of the rest of us have become to varying degrees in this evil grand conspiracy of Marxist conquest.

“Father, what did you do during the evil grand conspiracy of Marxist conquest?”

“I was a pawn, son, a pawn.”

You may wonder why I am leaving out all of Lively’s evidence for the alleged Cosby Conspiracy. Because there is none.

You may wonder how Lively explains the vast number of women who stood up to accuse Cosby — 60 in all. He doesn’t.

Who needs evidence, who needs logic, when you have a bogey man like the “evil grand conspiracy of Marxist conquest” you can point at and wave?

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3 years ago

I mean, I guess if you’re a homophobic cishet man with no concept of consent or being sexual in a non-predatory way, then yeah, gay men might seem predatory and dangerous to you, while predatory straight men would just be “normal”/like you, and therefore fine?

It’s fine as long as the predation happens to the gender(s) you’re not, I guess.

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

I knew in my bones that Cosby was being deliberately taken down by Obama (whom I believe is the “Shadow President” behind Biden).

It’s a odd change of pace to hear a bigot credit a Black man with the intelligence necessary for Evil Masterminding.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

“Satan, and therefore his Antichrist human host, will cloak himself in the rainbow as an essential element of his claim to be the Messiah.”

This reminds me of the time a science teacher at my high school informed his class that the peace sign was a broken cross. (Which I guess makes a lot of sense. Jesus was nothing if not militaristic. Oh wait, that’s some other guy.) Anyway, I heard about this from a friend, who went home and researched this issue. The next day she informed the class that the peace sign was two semaphore signals for “N” and “D,” standing for “nuclear disarmament.”

Queen of the Harpies
Queen of the Harpies
3 years ago

These dipshits don’t know what a “Marxist” is anymore than they know what a “communist” or “socialism” is. They just rant about anything that isn’t good ol’ capitalism with a dose of imperialism and theocracy on the side.

Also, World Nut Daily is still around? Was hoping that trashfire would have gone the way of AOL bulletin boards.

As usual, everything goes back to Obama. I’d be just fine with him as our “shadow president”, TBH. And I, for one, welcome our rainbow-draped LGBTQ+ inclusive Satanic Overlord.

Queen of the Harpies
Queen of the Harpies
3 years ago


I heard that “broken cross” rumor before too. Guess I just never gave a crap, much like with most of the scaremongering I heard growing up.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
3 years ago

Not so fun fact: this jerk twice ran for governor of my home state of Massachusetts. Fortunately, he lost both times.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

the ultimate conspirators – the Marxists, whose end goal always justifies any means necessary to achieve it – have taken … over [the world] and are remaking it to conform to their insane fantasies. Almost everything in the official narratives now is a lie, and the truth is not only mocked as conspiracy theories, but the entire elite strata is “gaslighting” the public into questioning our sanity for doubting the narratives.

He writes as capitalists over the past couple of years have openly advocated for letting the pandemic rage because human lives should be sacrificed for business and we have to let the world burn so that fossil fuel profits are protected and the rich don’t have to pay taxes.

3 years ago

I can’t help but notice the recurring theme that Cosby was the one black guy they liked, because he was more than willing to blame all the other black guys for their own oppression. They’re not even subtle about it.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

Ah, Wing Nut Daily. Getting more so as time goes on.

@M K: I think you’ve sussed it out. As much as is possible with this kind of nonsense.

@Karalora: yes, he was the token “good one” to them.

The SWM supremacy has to have their tokens. I don’t know who Agent Orange and crew are using as theirs now that they killed off Herman Cain from one of their Volksgemeinschaft rallies.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
3 years ago

Cosby’s guilty. He admitted it. The lawyers who said his judgment should be overturned said he was guilty as well, but his due process rights had been violated. But he was guilty, and they agreed. So, how is he a victim? Why am I arguing with a fundie goofball anyway? Time for bed.

3 years ago

WWTH : what enrage me most is how their positions don’t make sense even from a greediness point of view. They need to be purposefully evil, stupid, or both. Probably both.

3 years ago

@GSS ex-noob What’s depressing is the reason they held him up as “the good one”–i.e. because he hated all the others as much as they do. That’s what you have to do to be a “good” black person in this country.

3 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

He writes as capitalists over the past couple of years have openly advocated for letting the pandemic rage because human lives should be sacrificed for business and we have to let the world burn so that fossil fuel profits are protected and the rich don’t have to pay taxes.

Urgh, massive pet peeve of mine. In London, in order to justify any “affordable” housing, councils have to include a luxury high-rise on the development. Which of course rich people will then buy flats in as an investment and never, ever use. So we live in a world where despite abundant resources and incredible technology, we are quite literally building useless monoliths in sacrifice to a endlessly greedy and wasteful Money God, just so poor people get to have ACTUAL SHELTER. And apparently it’s the left wing that’s ideological.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Urgh, massive pet peeve of mine. In London, in order to justify any “affordable” housing, councils have to include a luxury high-rise on the development. Which of course rich people will then buy flats in as an investment and never, ever use.

Which then cause the housing prices to go up even higher. That’s been a problem in the US too and it’s starting to spread from major cities into small cities and suburbs.

Ed Baggins
Ed Baggins
3 years ago

I can’t help but notice the recurring theme that Cosby was the one black guy they liked, because he was more than willing to blame all the other black guys for their own oppression. They’re not even subtle about it.

You noticed that also, did you? It’s funny how the minds of bigots works. At first, I thought that their misogyny just outweighed their racism, but now it seems they found a way to have their cake and eat it too. They can defend a Black guy, and at the same time, express their hatred towards his race.

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

Apparently the old ass rapists dad wants to go on a comedy tour.

Queen of the Harpies
Queen of the Harpies
3 years ago

Yeah, Cosby was all “pull your pants up” or whatever, like every other old guy does to the younger generation. Somehow that makes him a hero, but raping people is fine.



“Let me tell you about the time they tried to lock me away for all the serial rapes I committed, but then I got off on a stupid technicality! Boy, did I ever laugh! … How come the rest of you aren’t?”

I hope he gets spit on everywhere he goes.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
3 years ago

@Elaine The Witch, @Queen of the Harpies,

You’re assuming that anyone would want to book Cosby’s act anyplace to begin with. While he was quite good at comedy back in the day, that day ended a couple decades ago. I’m not sure that there’s enough people willing to pay to see him do his routine to make it worthwhile to the various comedy club owners to put up with any potential protests that might occur.

Kinda like how OJ Simson became radioactive after his trial, especially since he never (that I heard of, anyway) did anything to prove himself innocent to the public and get his radioactive statue repealed.