age gap creepy PUA red pill reddit

This “Ask the Red Pill” question might just turn your stomach

As I noted not long ago, the Ask The Red Pill subreddit has locked itself down and moved to a new non-Reddit address. But the old posts are all still there, and this little blast from 11 days in the past is pretty much guaranteed to creep you out. Even if you have to read it twice before it starts to make sense.

The topic: how to best improve the prospects of an aging creep who wants to date women less than half his age. Except this aging creep isn’t even aging yet. He just wants to be ready for when he is.

For all the guys who are 50+ getting <25, do you have kids? Wondering if if kids decrease or increases SMV. Is kid free a better option? (self.asktrp)

submitted 11 days ago by Somanyquestions567

If so, how old are your kids? Was thinking if kids are college age it may be easier to relate to younger or it could go the opposite and the view you as a dad. Just looking for experiences.

That’s right. He’s debating whether or not he should have kids now so that when they hit college he can date girls roughly their age. Apparently he thinks that raising kids will prepare him well for … dating kids.

We can only hope that this question is hypothetical and that there’s no chance this questioner will be breeding with anyone in the near future, if ever. But I feel pretty safe in assuming that’s the position he’s in, because he just absolutely radiates creepitude.

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3 years ago

Dude, you shouldn’t have kids. Not because that’ll increase your creeping chances, but because you sound like a garbage person who’s unlikely to be a good father.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
3 years ago

There’s a guy who’s never heard of the Westermarck effect.

3 years ago

@Threp (formerly Shadowplay): I’d never heard of the Westermarck Effect before. Even thinking about such a thing as our Red Pill friend is – seems highly, well, unusual to me.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I suspect the college aged girls will be way more interested in his college aged kids, even if he’s all hep to their slang and hippity hop music.

Just a wild guess.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

The college aged girls will be all “Ewww, your dad is always creeping on me. Can we hang out at my place instead?”

Not that he’s ever going to procreate, one hopes.

3 years ago

Is he planning on hitting on teenage girls while still married, or planning to stay married only long enough to have kids and then keeping primary or equal custody of children? Because I’m not sure he’s thinking about how easily either can backfire. That’s not even getting into the part where kids aren’t robots and especially once they hit college age they’re probably not going to go along with anything like that.

Queen of the Harpies
Queen of the Harpies
3 years ago

Don’t even want to think about how a dude this disgusting would treat any daughters, to say nothing of how he’d raise his sons. Fortunately, most guys like this radiate sexual-repellent auras. Most women are gonna steer clear of him.

3 years ago

I actually know a couple of guys who did in fact get it on with at least one sub 25 year old each while in their fifties. So, I actually think I might have some relevant advice for this fella.

First off, whoa. Slow down buddy. Your standards are way too high. Chasing a twenty year old college student is not likely to pay off. You need to focus on drug addicts who already have a boyfriend or two they are known to cheat on with every guy inside a fifty mile radius.

Also, don’t worry about the kids. An asshole like you won’t get custody in the divorce. Sorry, not sorry.

This probably goes without saying, but money maxxing is your approach here. Don’t worry, you don’t need much. A few hundred dangled in front of her will do.

Expect a month or two of unsafe sex before you come home to a ransacked house with all the valuables gone and your hot(?) chicka in the wind. You can then go crying to the few bridges you haven’t burned and your ex will have a good laugh when she hears about it.

Disclaimer: You may or may not get your ass kicked by the other boyfriend or boyfriends in the picture. Just part of the package. Deal with it.

3 years ago

Don’t have kids. For the best interests of the kids, kids should be brought into this world only when they’re loved and wanted, not to perform some task the parent has in mind.

Especially a task this obscenely creepy.

Also, I was recently in the age range he’s asking about and my reaction to the (many, MANY) old fucking men who’ve hit on me in various explicit ways has always been “Eww, you’re like twice my age”. That’s the kind of response most women have to this sort of thing.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
3 years ago

Just out of idle curiosity, what was the response from this subreddit’s members to that question? I’d look myself, but I’m currently signed in and don’t want this subreddit in my history.

Chris Oakley
3 years ago

It ain’t my stomach I’m worried about, it’s my head. Reading nonsense like Ask The Red Pill increases my risk of migraines.

3 years ago
  1. “But! I can’t wait until she’s 18! That’s three whole years from now! I’m in love with her in the present tense and I gotta do what I gotta do! End of conversation!”
  2. “So, I have devised a cunning plan. I’ll marry a woman who’s past her sell-by date and is desperate to have somebody/anybody put a ring on her finger, and then I’ll make sure she conceives a daughter, then I’ll wait 15 years till the kid is just the right age and I’ll hit on all her friends. My malevolent brilliance is staggering.”
Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
3 years ago

Excellent advice for these creeps, .45. The risk for going after college women is they’ll call you Pops, or if you have sons their age, hit on the sons, or maybe your daughters. Anyway, you’d lose in either case.

Last edited 3 years ago by Katherine the Adequate