As hard as it may be to believe, Bill Cosby has his supporters, people who believe his word over that of 60 accusers — or who just don’t give a shit if he’s guilty or not.
On Fox News last night, Geraldo Rivera hailed the court decision that overturned what he sees as “mob justice” in the Cosby case, wondering aloud how the entertainer could get his life back after two years in prison. “He paid—he paid big time. His career: destroyed. His reputation: ruined,” Rivera asserted. “Bill Cosby did two years on a case that never should’ve been brought. That is the pound of flesh here.”
Meanwhile, Cosby’s former TV wife — Phylicia Rashad — was sending Cosby some love on Twitter. “FINALLY!!!!” she wrote. “A terrible wrong is being righted- a miscarriage of justice is corrected!”
But the strangest supporter of Cosby to emerge thus far has to be Andrew Anglin, the white supremacist troll who runs the Daily Stormer. Normally Anglin prefers to see black men in prison.
But not in this case, which he hailed in a post today as the “Total Collapse of [the] Feminist Hoax Machine.” Keeping with the theme, he temporarily changed his site’s banner to this:

So in the supreme court in Anglin’s head, misogyny wins over racism, at least as far as Cosby and his 60 accusers are concerned.
Victimized Negro Gentleman Bill Cosby has been freed after having been falsely imprisoned in a feminist hoax.
The entire feminist agenda is now at risk, as everyone is realizing that if you go to a big black buck’s house and take his pills, you’re not a “victim” – you’re a filthy whore.
You may recall that disgraced Men’s Rights activist Paul Elam made a similar suggestion back before the trial, asking rhetorically if Cosby’s accusers were true victims or “just a bunch of drug whoring star fuckers?”
But back to Anglin, who confesses he likes Cosby mainly because Cosby likes to tell other black people to metaphorically and literally pull up their pants.
Cosby was targeted because he was the single useful black man – look at this BuzzFeed article whining about how he told the blacks to stop acting like a bunch of n*ggers.
Cosby’s entire legacy was about telling American blacks to stop whining and blaming white people.
Naturally, Anglin also blamed the Jews.
What they did to Cosby was disgusting. They destroyed his entire legacy when he was 80 years old, because sluts were on a rampage just trying to destroy anyone. Every other black that was accused got off, but they nailed Cosby to the wall, specifically because he is one of the single living American blacks who stood up against the Jewish agenda to tell blacks to blame whites for all their problems.
I half expected them to do a rape hoax against Thomas Sowell next!
Anglin praised Cosby as the “Only. Useful. Black man,” and suggested that he was set up.
{I]t is supposed to be a coincidence he’s the only black man who gets rape hoaxed?
You think that was a coincidence?
Anglin ended the post by welcoming Cosby back to the world of the non-incarcerated. “May you live the remainder of your days in peace,” he wrote, “freed from the chains of this slut system.”
May both Cosby and Anglin live the miserable lives they so richly deserve.
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Anglin hates both women and minorities. Wonder if he flipped a coin for help to form his opinion?
Not to defend Cosby, but was he ever an anti-Semite, too—as Anglin’s forced-teaming banner sure as hell implies?
It has been heart breaking in all my black social media groups to see just how many men (and not an insignificant number of women) have been cheering this decision.
They don’t seem to realise (or to care) that he was released on a technicality.
As I recall, an awful lot of black men got rape hoaxed — for real, as in no evidence at all of guilt — back in the Jim Crow era, and got lynched for it. Usually, this was for either having a consensual affair with a white woman, or to scapegoat a rape that was probably committed by a white person.
No surprise at all than Anglin doesn’t count any of these instances. No doubt he either didn’t think of it at all, or thinks all of those men were actually guilty.
And a certain percentage of his supporters — 90 percent is my best guess — appreciate the fact that he’s a rapist.
I genuinely think that for some, even if they acknowledge the crime did happen somewhere in their consciousness, it just isn’t enough to condemn someone if they like and admire them. Like these women just aren’t important or pure enough to “ruin” the life of a (in their minds) great man over. But I’m absolutely convinced the cognitive dissonance doesn’t go so far that they’d leave their own daughters with him.
Scum attracts scum. And of course racists love to hold up a few “token minorities” so they can say “See, we’re not really racist”. And apparently being a serial rapist is what gets you to count as a “good one” in the books of scumbag misogynists.
(Sorry for all the email stuff, David. Gonna settle on this new identity, though, so please unblock, thanks.)
Anglin wiping sweat from his brow as his finger hovers over two buttons labelled “women are liars” and “blacks are predators”.
He probably just went by the adage ‘bros before hoes’.
I mean I think the reason is pretty straightforward. Like Anglin said, Cosby spouts views that he agrees with. If it were all Cosby’s victims doing that instead of him, Anglin would likely be singing a different tune. (Though it’s hard to imagine the script being flipped like that to begin with…)
Emmett Till would like a word.
In the upside down land of the Daily Stormer, black men are “gentlemen” when they drug, assault, and rape white women, but vicious “thugs” when they date and marry them.
When the Cosby story first started gaining traction, I had a few conversations with Black men who refused to believe the accusations on principle. Some of this, I think, goes back to the history of lynching and the way it was frequently justified by false rape accusations (let’s not forget Emmett Till). That in itself might be understandable, but it seems to go further: it has also been my experience that many Black men will side with white men over women, possibly viewing misogyny as their ticket out of racism? I won’t pretend to understand it, but not everyone understands (or wants to understand) intersectionality, and some people might prefer trying to match up any axis they share with an oppressor as a form of proximity to power. I’m really glad I no longer work with those people so I don’t have to hear what they’d be saying now.
That’s what I think about when I see the comments from someone like Rashad, though. (That, or the fact that many abusers have specific people they don’t abuse so that they can later serve as effective character witnesses…)
It’s interesting to see someone like Anglin return this from the other side. I wouldn’t have thought white supremacists would side with a Black rapist when so much of their fearmongering revolves around the supposed protection of white women from the threat of rape by non-white men. I’ve seen it said in many contexts that the real root of fascist ideology is misogyny and the desire to control women, and this definitely supports that.
I think I know how Anglin chose between racism and misogyny. Most of the victims were black.
@mcbender : intersectionality is not the spontaneous reaction to oppression. The standard reaction is either trying to be the “good one” from the outgroup ; or oppressing an even more ostracized outgroup.
That’s why non white men are often misogynes. That’s also why in european countries a number of muslims are antisemites. That’s also why blacks people and arabs in France are often less than welcoming to gypsies and the like.
Besides, isn’t Anglin on record for basically having taken “confusing the opponents of white supremacism” as his life mission?
My counter to that is “Sisters before Misters”, or if you want to be cruder, “Chicks before Dicks”.
When I first heard of it, I thought “They must want money” because I couldn’t believe that “the nice jello pudding man” could rape so many women and get away with it for so many years. Let’s just say #MeToo really opened my eyes and I was appalled that the system was even worse than I thought.
Not really familiar with this Anglin douchebag (though I’ve probably read other posts about him here), is that his tactic?
Yeah so… this is as suprising as a snowman melting in a sauna.
@Ohlmann: I think not only is intersectionality not a spontaneous reaction. I believe its a concept that many people opressed like to outright reject – and I think I’m not too wrong to assume that’s especially true for men because it’s about status. Siding with someone in the same position as you means you take yourself a step down to stand at the same level instead of proping yourself up on their shoulders.
Intersectionality also speaks to the fact that while different forms of opression can collide and evolve into a new thing for different people, it also illustrates that one form of opression is not like the other. And racism vs. sexism ist a good example on that. Women are after all part of every society, family and almost every single personal life. Racism divides, sexism permeates. It hurts my head (and heart) that this leads to the dehumanisation of women as property. But again: It’s logical.
Controlling (whether by terrorising or manipulating) women will always be as important a goal to these people. And if they can use a black man to that end they’ll do it however they please. They can’t go to their race wars without soldiers after all…
@rusalka : I agree ; and I think men are more likely to reject intersectionality because they are overall higher up on the totem pole.
This horrible male suipremacist website is gleefully boasting about the reals of that monster Bill Cosby. Next they will serenading Harvey Weinstein.
I don”t know if it violates the terms of service, but luckily the Eradica website did and was taken down with everyone’s help.
Here is were you can report it,