The government’s eagerly anticipated report on UFOs came out yesterday — all nine pages of it. And it seems to have been a disappointment to almost everyone reading it. There was no grand alien reveal, jut a bunch of videos of “unidentified aerial phenomena” the government has been unable to explain. It leaves behind many more questions than answers.
Consider the Daily Stormer’s head Nazi Andrew Anglin one of the unimpressed.
In a post today, he offers his thoughts on aliens, the nature of the universe, and Jews. Let’s just start with the aliens.
“I know this whole thing is a big hoax,” he writes.
Here’s the deal: all of these videos come from the government.
Nearly every single person on earth has a camera in their pocket at all times in current year. And yet we do not see people recording these supposed UFOs. We only see the government recording them.
Then the government comes out and tells you about these videos they recorded, and you’re supposed to say “why is the government hiding this from us???”?
It’s absurd.
That’s not actually the worst argument I’ve run across on the topic of UFOs.
“There are no aliens.,” Anglin concludes. “There is apparently an agenda to shill fake aliens at people.”
At this point Anglin seems to take a huge bong hit. (Allegedly.)
Everything these days is a hoax. The entire world is based on hoaxes. The Holocaust hoax is the moral foundation of our society, while the global warming hoax and the coronavirus hoax are offering the structural framework.
Well that’s all completely wrong.
There is a decent chance they are going to go on TV and claim that aliens have contacted the United Nations and told them to give people more vaccines and teach critical race theory to transsexual infants.
I’m no prophet, but I feel safe in predicting that they’re not going to do this.
In a weird digression from his main topic, Anglin also predicts that
The only place you are going to have freedom of speech is China. Period. China is the last frontier of humanoid civilization.

Sorry, I was so surprised at that theory that I fell off my stump.
At this point, it seems, Anglin has recovered enough from his bong hit (allegedly) that he starts to make some sense again. At least on the subject of aliens. Not so much everything else.
But yeah – there aren’t any aliens. This is stupid. You can’t travel through space, it’s too far. It would take thousands of years to travel through space. You could potentially do that if you wanted to colonize another planet. You would have to send frozen embryos and then have robots birth them in artificial wombs. It is possible and I basically think it should be done at some point, actually. But there are no “visiting aliens” coming here, and I don’t think aliens even exist at all.
At this point, Anglin sets aside his bong and takes a big swig from a Venti cup full of Ayahuasca. (Allegedly.)
I’m just going to go all the way: all physical matter, including the infinity of space, is a projection of the collective human consciousness. Spirit preceded matter, and it is our consciousness that is holding reality together.
Our consciousness. That of human beings.
We are the only intelligent life in this universe because it is our consciousness that created this universe.
We have turned it into a Hell because we rejected Christ.
It could just as easily be a paradise.
Far freaking out, I guess.
Anglin then turns to history.
The demon-worshiping Romans killed our Saints and fed our people to lions as the pigs cheered, and we took Rome with the power of faith.
We can do that again. It’s not really even difficult. You just have to want it and then do it.
When it’s over, and every knee bows, there is going to have to be a permanent solution to this thing with the Jews.
Well that was an abrupt, but sadly not unexpected, turn at the very end there. Anglin is, after all, a Nazi piece of shit, the kind of Nazi who jokes about bringing about another “final solution” even as he denies that the Holocaust was real.
When the aliens come, let’s just hope they send him to some shitty planet where he can reflect on his life and the choices he made.
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“The only place you are going to have freedom of speech is China. Period. China is the last frontier of humanoid civilization.”
Um no Anglin, there is currently no “free speech” in China, just like there was no “free speech” in Germany, back in what you consider to be the “good old days” when it was controlled by Nazis. The fact that you can be jailed for criticizing the government over there, means that free speech pretty much does not exist over there. Oh and Anglin, I wouldn’t recommend going over there and operating under the assumption that you could criticize the Chinese Communist Party or anyone in the government over there and get away with it because you’re white. I might actually double dare you to do it, but I don’t want to put human rights activists in a position where they will actually have to defend a Nazi.
Come to think of it, Anglin, if aliens are anything like you, you better hope and pray that we never make contact with them, or when we do, we’re the ones who are far in advance of them, and we are the ones who created an advanced interstellar civilization long before the did, otherwise humanity is pretty much doomed.
Under a strict interpretation of the wording, Article 38 can theoretically claim jurisdiction over anyone anywhere in the world:
This Law shall apply to offences under this Law committed against the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region from outside the Region by a person who is not a permanent resident of the Region.
— Hong Kong national security law Chapter III, Part 6, Article 38
The aliens wee about to land and they head of Anglin and left. He’s not only a hite supremacist, he’s a human supremacist. Is he stull in hiding somewhere?
Aliens on meeting Anglin: Shalom! We’re looking for some people to make up a minyan….
A while ago, XKCD had a joke about a guy who masterfully, in a few sentences, turns every discussion into his favorite geeky topic – the mystery of carcinization (that is, the fascinating tendency of various crustacean lineages to convergently evolve into a crablike body form).
Anglin comes off very much like that, when he picks up whatever is currently causing buzz in the media, and uses it as an excuse to start ranting about Jews, survival of the white race and the degeneracy of modern Western society.
OT, but they just fucked around with my power again.
For two and a half hours again.
How do I get back to the way things were back in May? All through 2020 and the first five months of 2021 the power here was rock solid. I need it back that way again. How do I make that happen?
Too much racist, nonsensical garbage in the main post, so I’ll just say I hate the argument that “everybody has a camera now, so if nobody’s filmed it, iT nEvEr hApPeNEd!!1”
Tons of shit happens all the time that nobody films and this argument is about as dumb as it gets.
That said, though I want to believe intelligent life exists outside this planet (not that there’s much here), the surest sign of it existing is that none of them have tried to contact us. At this point, humanity is little more than a disease. Aliens would do well to steer clear of us until we have our shit together, at least better than this.
Uh no. Maybe don’t post that kind of racist, ableist, eugenicist crap.
Uh no. Maybe don’t post that kind of racist, ableist, eugenicist crap.
Edit: sorry for the double post, some Android browsers seem to be dodgy on this site.
I understand nowadays there’s plenty of layman photography/video of unexplained aerial phenomena. Some of it cannot even be explained by experts (mainly of astronomy and meteorology), if they come across it. This tends to not make headlines about “revealed secret evidence” because nobody thought those random people were hiding some important evidence in the first place.
Notably, neither modern military surveillance technology nor phone wielding randos have produced credible evidence specifically pointing to alien spacecraft, or personal encounters with extraterrestrial aliens (or angels or demons or bigfoot, for that matter). While our recording technology has evolved in leaps and bounds, UFOs in the colloquial meaning of alien visitors remain at the level of hearsay (or conspiracy theories, if you believe the US government or whatever is actually hiding the real evidence).
Anglin talks here like the new material is purporting to show something important, even while he’s dismissing any closer examination. As I noted in my previous comment, he comes off as painfully uninterested in whatever topic he’s currently using as a launching pad for his rant.
I think we’re supposed to get a comforting sense of government tranparency, instead of whining because we now realize these fairly unremarkable videos were initially kept secret from us. Perhaps it’s also a distraction, but hardly a government plot to foster the popular myth about alien visitations. I don’t see what the point of that would be.
@Mostly : in addition to the ableist point, a lot of diseases are living being. Bacterias and fungis aren’t inherently worse or badder than carnivorous animals. Which themselves aren’t worse or badder than herbivorous animals, because they still eat living being, some of which are proven to have a perception of their surrounding. (and saying photosynthetic being are purer would similarly ignore, well, just about everything in how plants works)
Disease is similar to parasite in that we put strong moral connotation on them, but theses moral connotations are artificial ; and the notion of “disease” or “parasite” are easy to grasp for human and all but impossible to actually define biologically.
As to extraterrial life, the thing is you’re antropomorphizing it a lot thinking that :
A – they have to be able to perceive us as sentient being or vice versa
B – they would care about any kind of morality we can recognize
C – our internal conflict would be in the way of cooperation
There’s also the non anthropomorphic but rather strange idea that other civilizations would not have their own problems and internal strife. I would fully expect a civilization old enough to get spacecrafts to be well acquainted with conflicts.
“Nearly every single person on earth has a camera in their pocket at all times in current year. And yet we do not see people recording these supposed UFOs. We only see the government recording them.”
Anglin? There’s entire websites devoted to collecting people’s photos and recordings of hundreds (if not thousands) of UFOs. Every newspaper has literally dozens on file, stretching back decades.
And, while people may well have cameras in their pocket at all times, one of the odd things about normal humans who are not running from the law is that we rarely ever look up.
The odds are pretty slim that aliens would contact Earth during the incredibly narrow slice of history that cellphone cameras have existed. How do we know they didn’t already buzz us during the time of the dinosaurs?
@ buttercup
“I want to take a closer look at those big lizards. Let’s park over by that Yucatán peninsula thing.”
Eh? How is Agent Smith’s view of humanity racist, ableist and eugenicist? Not picking out any one race or ability there or even suggesting careful breeding will change anything.
.45 : I see that as pretty ableist, because by definition it’s killing anything that don’t conform to a narrow view instead of trying to accept diversity or try to improve stuff.
It’s not. For Agent Smith, who is literally not human. For a person to consider humanity a disease though – well, it ain’t someone I’d be trusting with anything.
Statistically speaking, it’s pretty much certain that the cosmos contains other tool-making sapients. We will never, ever meet them. The “Great Filter” is quite simply distance, which is not nearly as simple to cross as Drake “equation” fans believe.
@Dalillama : we have encountered some of them, like otters and various kind of ape. (and to an extant, you probably could say ants too). I suspect if we ever encounter and identify as such extraplanetarial life, we will be very similarly surprised by how they won’t be like we expect.
As for distance as the great filter, we flatly don’t have any inkling of an idea of whether that’s true. Our entirely theoretical models are inching toward “life is very rare”, but we have extremely few hard data about that, *and* other life forms might be very common but very hard to detect. Like, if the dark matter actually exist, any life form made from it could pretty much fly through New York and we won’t be any wiser to it. Similarly, maybe life develop very often and exist on most solar system ; we simply know they don’t blast electromagnetic signals in all direction.
There was a comedy routine I remember watching as a child, in the late 1970s or early 80s. I don’t remember the comedian’s name. Anyway, he wanted to know why aliens didn’t land at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)?
I tend to agree with Dalailama. The distances are simply too immense.
We most certainly do. The simple fact of the matter is that even if every star we can see in the sky had planets inhabited by tool-users with complex technologies, we would never, ever meet them, because they are simply too far away to visit. The entire Earth working together couldn’t build an interstellar spacecraft that would have the slightest chance of reaching Proxima Centauri with a living crew; even if we could, the project would take centuries to be completed and more centuries to pan out. The entire planet working together on a project that will take centuries and have zero practical benefit to anyone ever is something that will not ever happen, and there’s no reason to suppose that aliens would be any more capable of that than we are. Indeed, one fundamental flaw of the whole Drake proposal is the assumption that all tool-users would automatically want to travel to the stars, rather than looking out into the void and deciding there’s nothing out there they care about, say.
A while ago, XKCD had a joke about a guy who masterfully, in a few sentences, turns every discussion into his favorite geeky topic – the mystery of carcinization (that is, the fascinating tendency of various crustacean lineages to convergently evolve into a crablike body form).
Which, in turn, affords me a cue to hold forth on one of my geeky special interests: Old Time Radio. Fibber McGee and Molly (perhaps best remembered for pioneering the Closet Avalanche trope) was sponsored by Johnson’s Wax. The writers chose to turn their commercial obligations into a running gag on the Watsonian level: one recurrent neighborhood character was Harlow “Waxy” Wilcox, a door-to-door salesman dreaded for his ability to derail any conversation on any subject whatsoever onto the subject of his beloved product.
There’s a quote from an ex-navy pilot, Ryan Graves, claiming that pilots saw UFOs off the Atlantic coast “every day for at least a couple years” – including ones which hovered. And yet, somehow, it didn’t occur to anyone to deploy imaging technology which could do better than showing a fuzzy blob?
I’m surprised Anglin didn’t mention North Korea. I’d expect him to be fond of the way the government does things there, too.