deplatforming red pill reddit

The Red Pill subreddits have packed up their considerable baggage and left Reddit, hopefully for good

The Red Pill’s exodus was a little less dramatic

Last night, I sent my browser to a familiar place — the often comical Ask The Red Pill subreddit — only to discover a ghost town. The threads had been locked down — no more replies possible — and a note stickied to the top of the page reported that “We have moved to Forums.Red – Posting here is locked.” Clicking on the link sends you to the new location, which at the moment seems as much of a ghost town as the original.

But it’s not just AskTRP that’s shutting down; the moderators of the main Red Pill subreddit are closing up shop as well. A miniature manifesto explained why. Apparently it’s down to the “passive aggressive” tactics of the “soyboys” who run Reddit.

Over the years Reddit admin have made it more and more clear that they will perform an ideological purge on their website. Some say it’s for marketing or to attract investors, but whatever the reason it’s clear that ideological homogeny is their goal, and therefore ideas that exist outside the overton window must be destroyed.

And, as with all little boys who chug too much soy, they are completely unable to be direct or aggressive, resorting to passive aggression and lies. Let’s just say honor and integrity are not big ones for team soy.

Dudes, you’re the ones running a hate subreddit.

Over the years they’ve done quite a bit to try to destroy us as a group. Doxxings our mod team memebers, quarantining our perfectly acceptable forums, telling us that male abuse doesn’t exist , among other dastardly things.

If you follow that link you’ll see some old drama involving the subreddit; needless to say the admins did not actually claim that abuse of males doesn’t exist.

Reddit admin have done a great job of making a nebulous set of rules that are poorly defined and impossible not to break.

Weird that the vast majority of other subreddits somehow manage this allegedly impossible task.

When asked for clarification, they do not communicate with their community leaders . They are cowards hoping to destroy the communities one cut at a time.

To be fair, these points are more or less true. Reddit could and should have closed down the Red Pill subreddit years ago but instead took a more, yes, passive aggressive approach, qurantining the sub but not actually banning it outright.

Must like the fascists they aspire to become, they retrofit new rules to use to punish us for wrong think, all the while not speaking a word to us about what their expectations might be.

I don’t think that’s actually how fascism works.

They secretly add words and phrases to a global blacklist and ban you regardless of context for certain unspeakables.

Probably a good idea.

They’ve been slowly picking off our mod team, one at a time, for using every day words, under the guise of hate speech- which, as we all know, is a weapon that exists solely in the minds of those who wield it.

Naturally, the Red Pill mods offer no evidence of any of this. Not that the Reddit admins aren’t allowed to ban people for whatever reason they want; it’s their site.

This is one giant shit test, and the admin think we’ve been playing along to keep along. We have not.

During the last few years, we’ve slowly siphoned off tens of thousands of users on to our new platforms: and, all while pretending our “great fight” with the admin was somehow us expecting them to be rational adults and have a dialog with us.

What a dastardly plan that you conducted in the open where everyone could see exactly what you were doing. Given that Reddit could have banned the Red Pill Subreddit, or any of its offshoots, at any time it would have been outright foolish to no have a backup.

We knew the injustices were never to be resolved, but every time a new event occurred, we got ourselves a few new thousand subscribers that we would not have had otherwise.

Again, this is why Reddit should have banned rather than quarantined the subreddit, which grew by leaps and bounds after the quarantining. Deplatforming works, but you have to actually deplatform.

Please join us on our new homes: and

I can happily report that the new site is so confusingly organized that it will likely drive many of those coming over to it to just plain give up. It’s likely never to reach the number of subscribers The Red Pill had on Reddit.

But I won’t give up on you guys. You’re too good a source for material.

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3 years ago

Seems like what the_donald did. Maybe the Reddit admins will ban the red pill subreddit in a few months and pat themselves on the back for it.

3 years ago

Shorter TheRedPill statement:


GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

And nothing of value was lost.

epitome of incomrepehensibility

They’ve been slowly picking off our mod team, one at a time, for using every day words, under the guise of hate speech- which, as we all know, is a weapon that exists solely in the minds of those who wield it.

This sentence is confusing, but it seems to be saying that hate speech is whatever people want it to mean. Uh…no. Of course the definition isn’t completely fixed and unchangeable, same with any other abstract noun (or any word in general), but that doesn’t mean it’s completely fluid either. You can go to a dictionary and find definitions. Or go to Reddit itself:

Communities and users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.


So excuse me if I don’t regard “hate speech is whatever someone wants it to mean, waah” as terribly credible.

Last edited 3 years ago by epitome of incomrepehensibility
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

They’ve been slowly picking off our mod team, one at a time, for using every day words, under the guise of hate speech- which, as we all know, is a weapon that exists solely in the minds of those who wield it.

All you did was use everyday words? Oh no. I’m sure you meant no offense whatsoever and are completely misunderstood. But misandry — now, that’s a thing. And it shouldn’t be tolerated.

3 years ago

May they keep going their own way, and not look back.

3 years ago

It will forever be a mystery to me how red pillers can be both arch capitalists one minute and decry the evils of big tech (and every other outcome of capitalism they find inconvenient) the next. Why don’t they just build their own reddit instead of crap unusable forums, huh? Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, boys!

3 years ago

Ah, yes, Reddit. That infamous leftist domain of group-think.

Last edited 3 years ago by Allandrel
3 years ago

And fascist regimes, so well known for being unclear about their expectations.

3 years ago

@Amtep : I could actually agree with the concept fascists often aren’t clear about their expectations. They may have a clear idea of what they want (albeit that’s not a sure thing either), but they sure refuse to express it clearly.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

Bloomberg’s gone full MAGA. You might recall the owner tried to buy the Dem (not R) nomination last spring, and failed. Well, now look:

Yep, that’s referring to it as the “Wuhan virus”. Previously I’d only seen openly far-right outfits like Breitbart and Fox call it that.

Given the business-friendly character of Bloomberg, I can’t say this comes as a complete shock, though. But it does seem to support the notion that the only difference between “moderate” conservatives and even “centrists” and the far right is the quality of the masks they wear …

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

Off-topic, but this demanded to be shared: cis men versus cis women, reacting to an electronic menstrual cramp simulator:


3 years ago

@ Surplus to Requirements: The headline could have been clearer, but it’s referring to coronoavirus sequences from the city of Wuhan, not calling COVID-19 the Wuhan Virus.

Carla van der Meer
Carla van der Meer
3 years ago

These guys have zero self awareness..

Last edited 3 years ago by Carla van der Meer
Carla van der Meer
Carla van der Meer
3 years ago

@Full Metal Ox: I’ve seen several of those vids along with one that simulated contractions from childbirth. All the men went in thinking women were lying about how painful these things are. For the childbirth simulator they stuck to the early, less painful contractions and these men were screeching in pain, writhing and begging for it to stop. Weaker sex, my ass.

3 years ago

Can they do r/conservative next please. That place is a vile cess pit.