I‘m not sure which of these is worse. This first message is from a father to his son, who is also a father, and it’s mostly about how shitty the “females” of the world have been to both of them, allegedly.

This one is, if anything, even ruder to the mothers of the world.

Have a happy non-MGTOW Fathers’ Day, everyone.
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@Surplus : there’s a reason for which to be interned in most country you need either to be willing to be interned, or have a judge decide you need to be interned. Which is exactly what you say.
That being said, currently suicidal peoples and people in mental crisis of some sorts tend to be dealt by either the police or medics, and neither really are trained for that. I have seen quite often people who
> In theory, there’s a defense right now: don’t actually break the law, try to have an active enough social life to be alibied for every minute of every day, don’t arm yourself, and stay very still in the presence of police so there’s no way they can think (or just argue later) that you are drawing a weapon on them.
Depending on your social status, that’s either useless or very overkill.
If you don’t break the law in major way and are relatively privilegied (typically being white), you won’t ever have problems with cops. They actually have a lot of work to do, and few incentives to just create troubles.
On the other hand, if you are in the crosshair of the cops, all the alibis in the world won’t help. One of the constant across all western countries is how all cops can pretty much invent anything and get away with it, at least in the short run, so even if you follow all that they will invent you were armed or say you attacked them bare fisted.
I don’t think having an active social life is helpful for what you say, and TBH it seem to come out of nowhere.
Magical. (I guess the colour in that one has been just a wee bit pushed, considering it’s the middle of the night, but even so, wow) (so I looked up the name – it’s named for pasture by the elder-tree farmstead??? which, if so, presumably dates from several thousand years after the stone circle. Hard to get one’s head round the thought of people living so long ago in such a different world)
@ opposablethumbs
Yeah, I was wondering how he took that. It seems that somehow he’s got a long exposure but without the blurring. Maybe it’s some sort of night vision filter thing? The reason I think that is, that glow on the horizon. That can only be a place called Lamorna, which is a little cove. But there it looks like Manhattan. So somehow he’s really upped the light levels. We’re bound to have a photography expert(s) on here so maybe they can suggest.
Having said that, the stones are shot through with some sort of reflective rock; and one of them is a single block of quartz. So if you go there when the moon is bright it really does glow like that.
Thanks for the internet hugs and other kind words, folks. Much appreciated. Would write more, but I have a cat standing on me.
@ Vicky P
And hugs from me too. I hope your cat lets you go when you’ve had enough cat cuddles. Assuming one ever can have enough.
Victorious Parasol, adding this late, but I’m sorry for your loss. Internet hugs to you.
That first one isn’t too good at being a miggie if he’s got kids AND grandkids. That’s 2 generations of FAIL. FAIL at everything.
@VP: Hugs. It does get easier.
Also late. Sorry for your loss, Victorious.
Thanks again. Dad’s been gone since 2013, but every year hits me differently. The worst years are when my birthday coincides with Father’s Day, because I was born on that particular Sunday, and thus was my dad’s first excuse to celebrate. That wasn’t the case this year, but what can I say … grief has its own logic.
“To all the men who didn’t want to have children”, you should have wrapped it, and are just as “selfish” as the mother. Learn from it.
Hugs if you want them.
Great pics.
Those Litterbox comics amuse me. I’ve seen them before. But as they’re mostly about parenting, I can’t relate.
I’m not entirely sure what to do about the whole policing system, but they very much need more training and screening, and much less access to military weapons.
@ Mostly_Lurking
You know, I don’t quite get this whole access to military weaponry concern. In the US, AKA the police shooting capital of the rich countries, 99% of police killings are done with their sidearms, which are not procured through access to the military. (For that matter, assuming we are talking about the modern police use of Glocks, they were using them before the military decided to try them.)
If the idea is that they shouldn’t have guns with seventeen round mags or something, why not just say that? (And many of the killings are done with less than six shots too, so not sure what that even has to do with anything for that matter either.)
You have a point about the sidearms. I guess I just don’t like seeing this trend of cops with heavily armored vehicles and high powered weapons. Leave that to the SWAT Team if necessary. I think it fosters a sense of being at “war” with the people they are ostensibly supposed to protect.