Dunning–Kruger effect MGTOW misogyny reddit

“Men are the prize,” declares man who is very clearly not a prize

Over in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, an excitable fellow by the name of ClutchNes is giving a little pep talk to his peers.

“What society gets wrong and what needs to change is…..the concept that females are the prize,” he declares, setting forth his basic thesis.

no, they are not. Men are prize, NOW MORE THAN EVER.

Let me jazz that up a little for you:

Men are the protector, the provider, those who keep the system running, those who are doing the dirty and demanding jobs.

Have you ever been to a hospital? A nursing home? A female Roller Derby match? Hard to see how any of these would survive more than a couple of hours without women doing a lot of the grunt work.

it’s no surprise that women are extremely entitled and don’t have to fear consequences to take responsibility for their actions, because society is still pretending that women are the prize.

What consequences are women supposed to be avoiding, exactly? If you prick them, do they not bleed? If you tickle them, do they not laugh?

Might want to get permission before doing any of that.

how the fuck are they the prize? they bring nothing but their wet holes to the table,

No, that was Judy Chicago.

can’t even fucking cook

I’m not sure MGTOWs really have any right to criticize anyone else’s cooking.

or take care of the household, don’t bring any useful skills, wasting time on nonsense, overpriced crap and social media, zero to none real hobbies and topics you can discuss with them.

Dude, one of your hobbies is writing poorly reasoned and barely literate screeds about the alleged superiority of men, so, again, I’m not sure you really have much to brag about, hobby-wise.

I don’t get it, fuck gynocentrism and fuck feminism, this world will fucking burn to the ground once the females are in total control.

“The females” aren’t actually all that interested in total control. Unless we’re talking about my cats.

If we are honest, even back then women were nothing else but trophies, a prize for “decent” men, a tool to control the men and make them obedient tax payers, world builders, career men, because women being the prize NEVER made sense, it should always been that men are the prize, the only difference is how to convince men to still get their shit together and be the best man they can be, REGARDLESS of women – and this is what movements like MGTOW are trying to do, that’s the real mindset, philosophy and spirit.

IF MGTOW is supposed to be making you “the best man you could be,” I’d have to say that it is doing a terrible job.

I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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3 years ago

Did all these men just meet one selfish person and decide that all women are like that? I’ve met horrible people, too, of both common genders.

It’s funny that he says “once the females are in control” Just like racists, they’re scared of being treated the way they treat others. And while people may vent at times when angry, very few actually want to harm men or get revenge, again, unlike many men.

Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

Meanwhile, here’s a man arguably Going His Own Way (he’s a widower working for a monastery, with plans eventually to take up vows) who’s found something far more constructive to occupy his time: Jeff Horchoff has established himself as a bee rescuer.

3 years ago

dirty and demanding jobs.

Lol. As always with these types, I challenge this dude to do two shifts in a busy commercial kitchen. I’ve seen one of these macho “I can handle anything” types go out for a smoke break halfway through the shift and just never come back in.

Last edited 3 years ago by Dalillama
Carla van der Meer
Carla van der Meer
3 years ago

Maybe if he actually went away he’d be less obsessed by the sick notion of anyone being seen as a prize. Dude, no one wants you, the door is that way…please be our guest and leave. Just stop whining about women all over the place.

3 years ago

The combination of living in a world that bears no relationship to reality, with the certainty that one belongs on the top rung of the ladder by right, is quite striking.

3 years ago

Ok im a mgtow but these articles crack me up so well done, gotta admit theres some truth to it sometimes, you should try being a mgtow admin whos job it is to keep all the incels out of certain groups, do you have any idea how many hide under the banner and how much patience it takes? and yeh im not surprised half these dudes got rolled by the misus or rejected, crappy job plus beer gut, poor hygeine and poor comms aint gona get you that victoria secrets model lol

3 years ago

@Full Metal Ox
That‘s it… I know quite a few men who have rich and fulfilling lives without having or seeking a significant other. None of them are facing the persecution that MGTOWs claim, and rather than being alternately hunted or shamed by bands of female harpies, they get along pretty well with women platonically and professionally. I guess it probably would be harder if they wanted to work with children, sadly, but some of them are nurses and one runs a yarn store, and I actually think most women tend to admire them for thriving in traditionally female environments.

I suspect it’s not entirely easy diverging a little from the social norm, but just being a single man is not a subject of oppression in mainstream society, and it’s not even that much marginalised. MGTOWs seem to be floundering for a reason why no one likes them, while not admitting they might have some personal responsibility for it.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

Impressive that this is one sentence:

If we are honest, even back then women were nothing else but trophies,

So even in times gone by, women were trophies, their only purpose being to enhance the status of the men they were with,

a prize for “decent” men,

a prize, yes, but the kind of prize that is handed out to men, not the kind of prize that a man is, which is a prize that has merit on its own,

a tool to control the men

and women are not only a trophy and a prize but also actually a tool that controls men,

and make them obedient tax payers, world builders, career men,

forcing men to pay their taxes and go to work and build worlds,

because women being the prize NEVER made sense,

because women are more of a Crackerjack prize, not the prize in the way that men, the payers of taxes, builders of worlds, and pursuers of careers (because women forced then to do it), are,

it should always been that men are the prize,

but despite the fact that women-as-prizes force men to pay taxes, build worlds, and pursue careers and thus become men-as-prizes, women have never actually been the prize, it’s always been men who are the true prizes — but not everybody knows that,

the only difference is how to convince men to still get their shit together and be the best man they can be,

but everyone will come to know that men are the real prizes once men, those people who pay taxes, build worlds, and pursue careers because women force them to do it, start doing those things on their own,


without women (those fake prizes) pushing them to pay taxes, build worlds, and pursue careers,

– and this is what movements like MGTOW are trying to do, that’s the real mindset, philosophy and spirit.

and Men Going Their Own Way (“men going their own way” means men going the same way as women, both online and IRL, so that men can call women names and threaten them) will inspire men, the true prizes, to pay taxes, build worlds, and pursue careers without having a woman to spur them on.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

Its mind boggling to me that Reddit still allows this rubbish after banning the gender critical subreddits.

Anyway reading the thread it unsurprisingly quickly morphs into miggies howling on how awful it is women won’t get back into the kitchen and make them a sandwich and how they miss the good old days when women could/had to rely on one man to well feed themselves.

Making it seem that they’re not content to go their own way.

Like this one post got 13 upvotes:
”Society used to prioritize marriage from the standpoint of the importance of having children.
Having a successful marriage in pre-feminist times required the wife to offer something of value besides what’s between her legs and for the man to offer value beyond what’s between his legs.
Men worked to provide money and resources. Women worked to make a home and raise children. Neither party could succeed unless the other party did their job.
Today, women compete to do something that men can do too (usually better): career-building. The process has required them to sacrifice their value in the market. In the bargain, they’ve made marriage too risky of a proposition considering the specter of likely divorce always present on the horizon.
I don’t expect things to get better in my lifetime. But I do expect them to get better eventually. The day must come when women realize that when they compete in career-making, they will lose because that’s always been a man’s game. And if they return to homemaking as their vocation, the possibility of divorce will all but vanish.
As always, the ball is in their court.”

Also let’s ignore the fact the majority working mothers who are married do like the vast majority of the childcare work in addition to bringing in an income.

3 years ago

It’s funny that he says “once the females are in control” 

You know this would hint that women aren’t already in control. So men have to be in control right? That would seem like a contradiction in miggie dogma. Until you remember the current tenet of that dogma is women bad.
Women don’t work? Bad. They’re so Lazy. How come men have to do everything? They just leech.
Women work? Bad. How come they don’t stop being selfish and look after kids! Someone has to. How come they try to take men duties? They’re not as good at it.
Women exists in anywhere at any place at anytime: Bad. How come that place couldn’t have given that place to a man?

3 years ago

I supposed if We Hunted the Mammoth ever wanted to change its name might as well go with the equally inane We are the Prize. (Mammoth 2 Electric Boogaloo NOW MORE THAN EVER)

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ full metal ox

Thank you for that. Please have this one.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

Left to their own devices, bees get quite creative with hive design. When they’re not making valentines day decorations; they build air conditioning units (This airflow pattern keeps the temperature in the hive constant)

comment image

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

God-fucking-damn the Republicans for creating this climate 🙁

3 years ago

This little nugget caught my eye:

or take care of the household, don’t bring any useful skills, wasting time on nonsense, overpriced crap and social media, zero to none real hobbies and topics you can discuss with them.

First – *women* waste time on social media? Does all their reddit BS not count? And their attacks on Twitter posts they don’t like? etc. etc. etc.

Second – as a person whose life revolves around her hobbies (and I use that term reluctantly – the things I do go way beyond a “hobby”, and don’t get me going on my most despised term of all, “maker”), what do they consider “real” hobbies? I doubt many of these fools are doing much of anything worthwhile. My first thought is something traditionally “manly”, like woodworking, or blacksmithing…but my gut tells me they aren’t accomplishing much in that area, because it takes actual patience, work, and drive to master those skills (true of any “hobby”, of course). You have to be willing to learn and focus on improving yourself and your abilities. Do I think any of them would actually apply themselves like that?

F No.

3 years ago

You’ll see a lot of women doing grunt work at a male roller derby bout, too. There’s no restriction on who can be an SO or an NSO.

Also, “female roller derby match” is a redundancy. Yes, male roller derby exists. But roller derby is one of the very few sports where, when you say, “roller derby”, the default player is a woman, and the overwhelming majority of players are women.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has a Doomsday Clock indicating how close we might be to nuclear war.

I’m wondering if we need a “how close to a new holocaust” version of that, one per country.

To judge by this:

the United States’s would be at about one minute to midnight now.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
3 years ago

This guy’s a prize, all right… a booby prize.
@Surplus To Requirements: Are you sure that clock hasn’t already gone past midnight?

3 years ago


First – *women* waste time on social media? Does all their reddit BS not count? And their attacks on Twitter posts they don’t like? etc. etc. etc.

No, see, men are the PRIZE! They are inherently valuable! Therefore they are entitled to leisure time on social media or however else they choose to spend it! It’s only wasted time when women do it, because those useless weaklings should be spending all their time cooking and cleaning and looking after the children!

Re: the hobbies thing, you notice that whenever these jerks start talking about Important and Useful Male Hobbies vs. Stupid Female Hobbies, they never actually list examples of either?

3 years ago

“zero to none real hobbies” excuse me while I fall down laughing. If I can find time for it between collecting fountain pens and vintage cameras, writing to my many far-flung pen friends, photographing abandoned buildings and running a Facebook group dedicated to that, antiquing, doing cross stitch and embroidery, making collages, dabbling in watercolors, updating the journal I’ve kept for almost 40 years, writing haiku, making diamond paintings, and of course reading. While working full-time hours and cooking food that is a damn site better than the hideous slop that MGTOWs like to brag about.

Last edited 3 years ago by sarah_kay_gee
3 years ago

Anyone else start thinking Highlander when they saw that headline? Anyone? Anyone?


Last edited 3 years ago by Archer
3 years ago

Re: the hobbies thing, you notice that whenever these jerks start talking about Important and Useful Male Hobbies vs. Stupid Female Hobbies, they never actually list examples of either?


I think the vagueness is there in part to allow other misogynists to fill in the gaps with their own. Avoid stepping on the toes of other misogynists who likely don’t have hobbies that serve instrumental goal.
You know like playing video games for fun.
They’re supposed go “yeah my hobbies are certainly better than those dumb femoids”
It could be watching movies or ranting about women online being stuck up.

3 years ago


Sorry to be the killjoy here, but the heart shaped beehive is actually the result of a person guiding it.

I know, I was sad too but the real story is heartwarming noetheless:

We Regret To Inform You The Heart-Shaped Honeycomb Is Not What The Internet Says It Is

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

They’ve changed it up. Instead of my power, today they keep remotely causing my Bell Home Hub to hang, interrupting my activities and forcing me to go and manually reboot it (and then wait around three minutes for it to be up and running fully again).

This is harassment. How do I expose whoever’s orchestrating it and force them to stop?

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

@Surplus to Requirements

dude get help. last time I’m ever saying it to you. your paranoids and going through delusions

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