Attention angry men! If you’re taking a cruise with your wife and she tells you she wants a divorce, the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin has some advice for you: don’t beat her to death in front of your children. No, just push her overboard when no one is looking.
As Anglin explains in a recent post on the Daily Stormer.
A cruise ship is a great place to kill that stupid traitor cunt – but you need to remember this simple rhyme:
* Smash her in the head, you’re dead
* Dump her off the side, you slide
You can easily give the sickening slut a few drinks, get to a spot with no cameras, and give her a quick “booster” off the poop deck.
As Anglin sees it, this kind of murder shouldn’t even really count as murder.
Many men want to murder their filthy whore wives to protect their children. In fact, calling this “murder” is wrong, as it is actually an act of self-defense. …
This man’s wife was trying to divorce him, and he was absolutely in the right to pull the curtains on her worthless life. But he forgot that rhyme, now he’s gonna do the time.
Anglin was inspired to offer this free advice after reading about the case of Kenneth Manzanares, who pleaded guilty to to second-degree murder after beating his wife to death while on an Alaska cruise in 2017.
Though Anglin would have preferred that Manzanares had used the “over the side” method to kill his wife, he’s glad that the couple’s daughters witnessed the savage murder that reportedly left their mother “unrecognizable.”
It was good he did it in front of the children – they are girls and they need to know that the wages of divorce is a humiliating death.
Manzanares’ attorneys tried to blame his actions on a malfunctioning brain. In a filing, the Associated Press reports, they declared that Manzanares
had brain abnormalities that a defense expert deemed consistent with injuries caused by playing contact sports. This, combined with what was at the time an undiagnosed bipolar disorder and “a problematic combination of prescribed medication and alcohol resulted in an aberrant episode of violence,” the filing states.
Manzanares played football, wrestled and boxed when he was younger and had a history of “testosterone supplementation,” the filing stated.
Ultimately, Manzanares was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison for the murder, which is 22 1/2 more years than the defense argued he should get. You can read more about the case here. And more about Anglin in the WHTM archives.
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@Ohlmann – yes, I definitely didn’t mean to imply that all football players/boxers/MMA practitioners are violent, but it’s reasonable to suppose that people with violent tendencies, if they play sports, are more likely to be attracted to sports where they get praised for hitting other people hard. And then we’re supposed to act surprised when that aggression spills over into real life (according to defense attorneys).
The “aberrant” phrasing just rubbed me as disingenuous, another in a long, long line of excuses that get trotted out whenever women are murdered. Men like Manzares don’t just up and suddenly beat their wives to death one day out of a clear blue sky. According to the prosecutors, he had a history of domestic violence.
I agree they are trying to forge him excuses. Basically the lawyer is trying to reject the responsability to doctors and sport regulations.
The thing is, responsabilities are like idea : if you share it with someone, both have it entirely.
(if you find the image unclear, I mean that sport wounds, alcohol and unadapted medication might engage the responsabilities of the involved parties, but the perpetrator still had his free will and explanations on why he did that don’t mean it’s any less dire)
There’s literally a video game about that now.
What’s more,
And you just know this is the kind of jackass who brags that his hands are registered as lethal weapons or something.
Honestly, someone who has knowledge of martial arts should be considered more accountable when tried for a violent crime, IMO.
@Battering : isn’t it harder to plea accidental death when you know how to fight ?
That being said, for domestic violence I don’t quite see what penalizing more people who know how to fight would achieve. I don’t think threats are more forgiveable or less realistic because the guy didn’t do 10 years of karate, and in actual fact knowing boxing isn’t making anyone more dangerous as a domestic abuser.
It’s the kind of reasoning that look good until you look at what it would entail.
I am sure that if they instead of this learn that marriage is a bad idea because your entire existence is then at the whim of someone who considers you property, declining birthrates and/or marriages is also somehow women’s fault
They think everything is women’s fault. We’re to blame no matter what we do.
I have no doubt Manzanares’ brain had problems. Toxic masculinity may even be a result. The concept and associated behavior might resonate more with those who have impairments, jmo. Anyway. Anglin’s as worthless as his opinion. The message the murderer’s daughters will most likely take away is their dad was a sick and possibly evil guy. They’re probably already in therapy, and if so, they’ll have a chance at a somewhat peaceful adulthood.
I sure hope so. But I’m not a lawyer.
> Cyborgette
I bought it a few weeks ago but did not have the time to try it yet. Is it as good as it seems ? Graphisms made me thought of the game “Over the Alps”, which is good, and was one of the reasons (yeah, a phony one, but hey) i bought it.
@occasional reader
No idea unfortunately. I should probably buy it though, if it’s available outside Steam and such.
I have read enough Carl Hiaasen to know that throwing your wife off a cruise ship will never come back to bite you in the arse. Especially not if your wife was a champion diver. That will never haunt you in the most stupidly hilarious way possible.
Carl Hiaasen is basically a journalist for Florida. I wonder how many true stories he’s had to leave out of his books because no one would believe them, even for Florida.
The Mr. and I have a little game. We surf the net side by side and periodically I say “Florida Man…” and he stops reading whatever he’s on and listens eagerly. Sometimes dumb stuff happens elsewhere and he ends with “Not Florida?”
The little girls who witnessed the horrific murder have probably taken the lesson “marriage will get you killed” and won’t have anything to do with men to begin with. If they have children, they’ll be sperm bank, single mom.
They’re quite willing to kill most women in the name of Womanhood, just as they (and many others) would happily murder most persons in the name of The People.