Dunning–Kruger effect evil fat fatties red pill transmisogyny transphobia video games

Ingenious Red Pill Redditor comes up with a new way to be wrong about trans people

Do video games make you trans?

New, or just new to me? I don’t think I’ve seen this particular theory before. From the AskTheRedPill subreddit, which is pretty much always wrong about everything:

Are fat people who don't work out, and who have reduced testosterone levels as a consequence, more like to be trans / non-binary etc? (self.asktrp)

submitted 13 hours ago * by prankster999

Not sure if this is the sub for this... But I just found out about a YouTuber by the name of Jim Sterling who came out as non-binary a few months ago. The thing is... he's a gamer and is extremely overweight.

And it got me thinking... The gaming community contains a lot of people who are overweight... And it's also a community that contains a lot of people who identify as LBQT etc.

Is there any correlation between not working out, leading a sedentary lifestyle, being overweight, and wanting to identify as trans / non-binary etc?

Needless to say, the discussion inspired by this question is not really sparkling with wit and/or intelligence.

According to someone called RedLifts,

I think it’s a complex mixture of psychological issues caused by trauma, poor diet and pornography abuse but I have no evidence just self awareness and observation

MatingAdvice thought it was also because of

some agenda pushed by Big Gay and Big Transgender corporations to sell media, pharmaceuticals (hormones, etc) and other stuff.

Gotta watch out for Big Gay and Big Trans!

And speaking of self-awareness, and in this case an absolute lack of it, lieutenantdong had this brilliant thought:

Couldnt say but if i had to put a reason to it, its because they want it to be easier and be more accepted like people that arent men. (a lower burden of performance)

Apparently no one has an easier life than a trans woman!

Meanwhile, 11-Eleven-11 thinks he’s got it all figured out:

Its the lifestyle that makes him fat and warps his brain. He’s addicted to porn (probably the straw that breaks the camels back), video games, and sugary drinks and high carb foods. And he doesn’t do any physical activity so his test levels are extremely low. Mix all that in with low confidence in his appearence and probably loneliness then boom, you get a fat mentally ill trans larper.

Go LARP yourself, buster.

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GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

And speaking of ancient Rome, gladiators had a solid core of muscle and a protective fat layer over that. Get stabbed in a muscle, you lose some of your fighting ability. Get stabbed in an organ and it’s lights out. Get stabbed in your layer of fat and you can keep going.

They also mostly ate beans.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ gss ex noob

Get stabbed in your layer of fat and you can keep going.

They put on the layer specifically to get stabbed. It was all part of the show.

A lot of the tropes we associate with gladiatorial combat were more relevant to the executions of criminals and prisoners of war.

Now of course, gladiators could and did get killed in the arena. But that was far from being the standard outcome. The top gladiators were expensive to train; and they developed fan followings. So long as the loser put up a good fight; then the crowd were very likely to ‘vote’ that they should be spared (a lot of the time that vote was about as influential on the outcome as the the public vote in a TV talent show is today).

So fighting on heroically whilst gushing blood went down well. But of course no gladiator actually wanted wounds reaching their muscles or major blood vessels. So a bit of padding and a few superficial cuts did the trick.

A top gladiator might only fight a few times a year and retire after a few seasons. Although (most were) technically slaves; many of them saved up quite a packet. And of course; they earned a lot of money from endorsements.

They also mostly ate beans

Another term for gladiators was hordearii; meaning barley-men. Because of the veggie diet.

Last edited 3 years ago by Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

The more I learn about ancient Roman gladiators, the more they sound like pro wrestlers.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Off topic, but has everyone seen this?

Relevant to the MRA mocking roots of this blog. Dude salty about having to pay child support makes his final payment by dumping a shit ton of pennies on the front lawn right in front of his daughter.

Predictably, dudes are jumping to his defense by saying maybe the ex and kids had it coming because and we shouldn’t judge him for being frustrated, blah blah blah.

3 years ago

Closer to boxing or MMA in that the gladiatorial kayfabe didn’t extend to scripted storylines with predetermined winners. Other than that, the main difference is that modern prizefighters aren’t allowed edged weapons.

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

One of the weirdest things about gladiators is that they were sort of unionised. They had collegia. These were effectively mutual societies; with official senatorial recognition.

But as to their superstar status…

“He (Tiberius) gave a gladiatorial show in memory of his father, and a second in honor of his grandfather Drusus, at different times and in different places, the former in the Forum and the latter in the amphitheatre, inducing some retired gladiators to appear with the rest by the payment of a hundred thousand sesterces to each.” ~ Suetonius

A Roman legionary was paid 900 sesterces a year. (Contrary to popular belief, they probably weren’t paid in salt. Pliny said that’s what happened in the ‘olden times’ but there’s no other evidence for that. But there’s plenty of historical accounts of soldiers mutinying when the cash was delayed)

Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ dali

Gladiatorial contests had referees (often two) called summa rudis. They were usually retired gladiators themselves. They could do the usual ref stuff. Tell the fighters when to break, order time outs etc. But they were also known to give instructions to gladiators to pad things out a bit to ensure the bout ran to time.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
3 years ago

@Ohlmann, .45

Great! Same page then. 🙂


Another term for gladiators was hordearii; meaning barley-men. Because of the veggie diet.

We’ve found the original soy-boys.

3 years ago

Re: hordearii

I have this vague understanding that barley and beans based diet would have been standard for poor people, whereas anyone with even modest means would prefer wheat over barley (and probably dairy/fish/meat over beans). So perhaps gladiators were specially known as “barley eaters” for performing a relatively ascetic lifestyle compared to their means – one might say a wealthy man’s version of poor people cuisine? Same would go for the not eating meat thing.

3 years ago

Thank god for James Stephanie Sterling, doing the lord’s work by raising the blood pressure of online dipshits.

3 years ago

Being overweight makes you trans?
I mean my sergeants in the Army were desperate to get me heavier cause I was underweight, but sure

Xennial Dot Warner
Xennial Dot Warner
3 years ago

J. Stephanie Sterling is fat or at least hefty. They are also nonbinary. It remains that plenty of very fat binary people and very skinny nonbinary people alike exist; therefore, “prankster999” is so far up his own ass that he can see his teeth from behind.

And do these clowns ever consider that people who are already “othered” may just be somewhat less inclined to be judgmental?

Last edited 3 years ago by Xennial Dot Warner
3 years ago

So what I’m hearing is all incels are or will become trans? …fascinating.

3 years ago

@GSS ex-noob perhaps that was even what was believed at the time, but the reality is that it’s easier to build muscle when you have a caloric surplus. That’s why you don’t see bodybuilders bodies on anyone but bodybuilders.

3 years ago

@ted : there can be several explanation for a single thing.

You need fat for endurance, and gladiators probably need quite a bit of endurance. That don’t preclude that building muscles is easier on surplus caloire. That still don’t preclude that being slightly fat can make bruises less lethal or easier to heal or both.

Also, notably body builders look like body builders because they are dehydrated, not just because they don’t have much fat.

3 years ago

I see someone already mentioned that the only thing James Stephanie Sterling is known for, besides the video game commentary, is that she’s a pro wrestler.

Miss Pearl
3 years ago

The confusing part is that JSS is happily married and poly, with what appears to be one child in residence (for at least some point). Like, they want to project this idea that the critic is every lonely sad boy stereotype ever onto them.

They don’t seem to understand they play a character. I wonder if the costume bits confuse them?

Also I want to see a cross over with Lady Foppington from Contrapoints and Lord Hardcore

mouse sparrow
mouse sparrow
3 years ago

So why are you singling out Ohlmann when MEA and BlackBloc are also misgendering them?

You said they use they/them, but those two are calling them her.

No, no you are not.