dating tips MGTOW MGTOWs explain sex misogyny

“When a woman doesn’t orgasm, she is telling you her vagina is broken,” and other sex tips from the MGTOW subreddit

Today, some practical advice for the straight men from the MGTOW subreddit. The topic? Female orgasms and how not to give them, a subject on which your typical MGTOW has vast experience.

A fellow called ironmanknowsjoe sets the tone for the discussion:

A man doesn’t have to give a woman anything. That includes orgasms.

Our old friend fiend DangZagnut sets forth his philosophy of sex:

If she doesn’t cum it’s her problem.

When a woman doesn’t orgasm, she is explicitly telling you her vagina is broken, and she feels bad, and should feel bad. She’s an incomplete woman, and it’s entirely her fault for being some kind of freak. This is an excellent time to hold her down, nut in her, and tell her female orgasms don’t matter.

Remember: when looking to MGTOWs for advice on sex, or on anything really, just make sure to do the exact opposite of whatever they recommend.

It’s not my job to make her orgasm, it’s my job to make me orgasm.

if she doesn’t, it’s her problem, she can break out the power tools when I’m done or whatever makes her happy. …

If I don’t orgasm, I don’t blame her. Her job is to lay there like a starfish with a bored expression on her face, while I do all the work. If she wants to orgasm during intercourse, she should fantasize about someone else, it’s not like I’m not doing the same.

I don’t know why these guys love to explain just how bad as sex they are.

An anonymous commenter has similarly strict rules about orgasms.

The female orgasm is literally the most selfish and pointless thing in the world.

First, it has ZERO biological purpose and socially, dating and sex is already all about women.

How so?

A man has to make himself datable (physically and financially) then he has to approach a woman. Then he has to pick a place, entertain her all night and pretend to give a shit about her mindless nonsense, then he has to pay for the date and then, if he did all the “right things” he gets to have sex.

This is such an old-fashioned way of dating that I can’t help but wonder if he’s been on any dates at all in the past twenty years. Or ever.

This should be the part that’s for the man, but NOPE, he still has to now worry about pleasing her and if he fails in his final task of making her orgasm, he’s labeled as some kind of failure.

Fuck that. You take me out on a date and pay for my dinner and make me laugh and I’ll worry about making you orgasm.

As if. You’re not going to have an orgasm with this dude this way either. He would probably spend the whole date complaining that you were emasculating him by paying.

There’s really no way to win other than to think and act the exact opposite of whatever MGTOWs say.

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3 years ago

Good God, some people really hate sex and yet seem to be obsessed with it.

On another note, David, you need to make a quick spell check on that post. You’ve got a “now” instead of a “how” in your first paragraph, “as sex” instead of “at sex” after your third quote.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
3 years ago

I read the title of the article and I knew it was going to be awful, but this

This is an excellent time to hold her down, nut in her, and tell her female orgasms don’t matter.

is even more disgusting than I’d expected.

I don’t know why I keep hoping to see some scrap of empathy from these dudes. So far I never have.

3 years ago

A man has to make himself datable (physically and financially)

It is amazing to me that the genuinely believe that this only applies to men. That women don’t also have to make themselves dateable.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

And if your date chooses to have agency in bed, she’s a slut. (And contaminated goods, because she must have learned that somewhere.)

3 years ago

“A man has to make himself datable (physically and financially)”


“then he has to approach a woman.”

Got it.

“Then he has to pick a place”


“entertain her all night”

She keeps coming back for more, so I guess…

“and pretend to give a shit about her mindless nonsense”

Oh-uh, I wasn’t pretending. Fellas, is it gay if you give a shit?

I suppose I should thank them for setting such a low bar and making me look good, but damn…

R. Bridger
R. Bridger
3 years ago

they think life is a dating sim ? if you select the right dialogue options and give her the right items, then you win, and the reward is sex. what a joke.

3 years ago

Sex to me has been better when the other person I’m with is really active.
I’ve had sees where someone laid there bored but it wasn’t particularly pleasurable.

Also, causing a woman to have an orgasm or her enjoying having sex with you kinda increases the odds of a repeat for well sex.

But in any case MGTOWs shouldn’t be talking about sex with women. They’re supposed to be going their own way.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

What if… and this is just crazy talk… many of these guys have GTOW?

Because it sounds like most of them have never met a woman except the mom who brings their food to the basement.

3 years ago
Eh I’m not a fan of this view of insults. Plenty decent men do live with their parents a lot of the time due to economic forces where doing so is simply more practical.

Crip Dyke
3 years ago

I read this a couple hours ago. I might have commented then, but couldn’t.

There’s a lot of stupid stuff in the manosphere and I like laughing at it. There’s also a large number of things that are terrible but raise complicated issues and I feel it’s good to talk about them.

The subject of David’s OP here just made me sick to my stomach, literally nauseated. Particularly this:

When a woman doesn’t orgasm, she is explicitly telling you her vagina is broken, and she feels bad, and should feel bad. She’s an incomplete woman, and it’s entirely her fault for being some kind of freak. This is an excellent time to hold her down, nut in her, and tell her female orgasms don’t matter.

I would never send someone to prison for writing this kind of thing, but make no mistake, I find the odds that someone who would write this in all serious is someone who has abused and raped in the past to be so high I can’t read this without thinking of the women he has probably hurt.

I don’t feel amused or superior. I don’t feel an opportunity to grow or to have a discussion that could help a community grow.

I just feel stabbed in the gut with a poison blade, desperate to puke the toxins out.

3 years ago

Back when I first heard about the Miggies, several years ago, it at least mostly made sense for them to talk about women so much, because they were all about the reverse Lysistrata plot.

After it became obvious that their refusal to have sex would not meaningfully be noticed by anyone or meaningfully punish women (because they were just a tiny group screaming into the void and not an actual social movement), they then tried to justify not having sex with women in other ways – while still obsessing over having sex with women. It’s a lot like a not-eating-cake group which spends half its time complaining about how cake is revolting and no one should eat it, and half its time complaining about how unfair it is that other people eat cake.

Now it’s like they’re changing into a new kind of PUA subculture, except somehow a little more toxic.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

@Snowberry: That’s a good analysis. Like most of the right wing/manosphere, they’re doing it partly for attention. Yelling louder so someone will notice them for something.

@Crip Dyke: it made me nauseous too. Let’s hope he’s only fantasizing and hasn’t ever really been that close to a woman.

And these guys wonder why they can’t get girlfriends…

Ninja Socialist
Ninja Socialist
3 years ago

I’m not sure why these guys want to have sex with people they so clearly despise. It would be nice if they’d stop whimpering about women all day and maybe fix themselves before they hurt someone.

Ninja Socialist
Ninja Socialist
3 years ago

@Steph, they somehow manage to ignore all the hairstyling, plucking, dieting, waxing, make-up, clothes etc (never mind having to sit through boring dates with dull men who tell awful jokes and only talk about themselves and still trying to be interesting) that most of us do while dating.. It’s like they’ve never met any actual women in their lives.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ninja Socialist
Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

I feel like if a woman suggest to do in bed that i do with my husband, which is we start out with me on top so i can grind and get the stimulation I need to orgasm and then changed positions for him, they would run out of the room screaming. These are the type of people I imagine don’t like changing positions and just want to keep the woman in a position where she can’t do anything

Elaine The Witch
Elaine The Witch
3 years ago

Also I started my new summer job and way to many creepy old men have a little mermaid fetish. The comments that have been said to me while their granddaughter/ daughter are out of ear shot have made my skin crawl. Even more when you think about Ariel being 16.

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
3 years ago

But for miggies the only women that blip on their radar are the ones they want to have sex with and they “obviously” woke up like that with no effort involved. Hurl.

Also, I concur that these guys sound like abusers or worse. A lot of dehumanizing going on.

3 years ago

pretend to give a shit about her mindless nonsense”

Pretty bold for someone who spends their time posting to the MGTOW forum.

“When a woman doesn’t orgasm, she is explicitly telling you her vagina is broken, and she feels bad, and should feel bad. She’s an incomplete woman, and it’s entirely her fault for being some kind of freak.”

Isn’t this like fifties-era bad and rejected psychology? The whole Freud vaginal vs. clitoral orgasms thing. I always assume I have a handle on modern misogyny but then something which feels truly left-field and antiquated pops up and surprises me.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
3 years ago

Yelling louder so someone will notice them for something

What scares me is that they’re not stopping at yelling.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

Early Tinder

I like the tactical use of a cat here.

comment image

Chris Oakley
3 years ago

I…I got nothin’.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Just because you don’t know how to use the equipment, doesn’t mean it’s broken.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
3 years ago

Just because you don’t know how to use the equipment, doesn’t mean it’s broken.

I were thinking of one of my grandad’s sayings: “A poor workman blames their tools or the materials.”

He’d have not been over impressed with this lot.

3 years ago

@ Elaine The Witch

You: “I feel like if a woman suggest to do in bed that i do with my husband”

This dude: “if she doesn’t, it’s her problem, she can break out the power tools when I’m done or whatever makes her happy.”

Or whatever makes her happy…

By his own logic, he should be down with your position. (Pun not intended, but left in anyway.)

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
3 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger; @Threp:

Just because you don’t know how to use the equipment, doesn’t mean it’s broken.

I were thinking of one of my grandad’s sayings: “A poor workman blames their tools or the materials.”

He’d have not been over impressed with this lot.

And consider the option of following the damn instructions.