Here’s a new one. A commenter on the Incels.is forums complains that he doesn’t enjoy video games any more. Not because he’s played all his games to death and he’s sick of them. Not that he’s just lost interest in games in general. No, as he sees it, it’s all about the Chads.
“”Do you play video games cause you want to, or are you forced to?” Rot&Repeat asked his fellow incels in a recent thread. It’s an odd question even for some place as odd as the Incels.is forums.
Honestly half the time i don’t want to play vidya for half the day while i rot. Most normal people play video games for fun cause they did everything else they wanted to do. That is truly the best way to enjoy it. It’s kind of like when as a kid you finished school for the day, did all your homework, and played at the park with friends so now you have 2 hours to play games. The time is short but it feels more fun and well spent.
I also blame my fucking parents. Instead of helping me socialize, they just let me be on the computer all day. They knew that this way they could avoid parenting. Only chads can really enjoy games. You are forced to
That was quite the journey, huh?
Let me suggest an alternate explanation that doesn’t involve Chads. A loss of interest in things you used to find pleasurable is a pretty standard effect of depression. The solution to this problem doesn’t involve turning yourself magically into a Chad who can enjoy games. It involves getting a therapist and/or seeing a psychiatrist. It’s certainoy a better choice than to spend your days joylessly playing games you once loved while seething about how easy Chad allegedly has it.
Rot&Repeat’s post got a mixed reaction from the Incels.is regulars. Some agreed with him; others responded that no one was forcing anyone to play video games.
And then things went entirely off the rails. Rot&Repeat got into an argument with another incel who’s been spending a good deal of money buying a new gaming PC when he could have been spending it … on sex tourism in some developing country.
Oh, and CONTENT WARNING: Talk of suicide.
“Well I got a fat bank account that I’m burning thru as fast as I can before I kill myself on my 30th birthday,” wrote Wizcel .
This is my last year alive and I am copemaxxing to the best of my ability. I do not want to leave anything behind when I die because I do not want any sex haver to benefit from my death so I am going to spend every last penny that I have before I go. I got quite a bit of money to burn thru.
Rot&Repeat offered the allegedly suicidal commenter little sympathy.
I feel sorry but it confirms it. You have a shit load of money but no will to live cause whats the point of all this material wealth when you’re fucking empty inside. Did you atleast think of thirdworldmaxxing? Even a relationship built on your money sounds more fulfulling than dying alone
Wizcel wasn’t having it.
No. Better incel than cuck. I’m not going to lower myself by fucking some 3rd world gook. I have my dignity and pride and I will die with it. I refuse to betabuxx. I would rather be miserable and keep all of the money to myself than to spend it on some narcissistic hole who did nothing to deserve it.
Also betabuxxing will not fill the hole in your life. The only way to fill your life is to be Chad and have women lusting after you just for existing and having everyone wanting to be your friend just because what a “great”(good looking) guy you are. Money can’t buy that.
However being a richcel is infinitely better than being a poorcel. I have all of the comforts and copes of life. You can copemaxx by saying that your life would be better if you betabuxx with your hard-earned money for some whore who only cares about your money. I’m not going to do that.
At this point the discussion took yet another turn and the regulars started debating whether or not it was worth “throwing money at Jewish companies” to pay for new games or fancy systems.
And then the talk returned to the pros and cons of suicide and I stopped reading because life is too short and too precious to waste on this shit.
Maybe I’ll go play some video games.
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A few years ago, I went on the Incels Reddit (back when they had it, and Trump hadn’t been elected yet). I expected to find flame wars, trolls, & misogynists. I was shocked at what I found instead, an unreal level of depression and rage. I came there to flame war with misogynists, and ended up trying to cheer those guys up. I wasn’t the only feminist user account who tried that.
The story which “broke” me was this Pepe cartoon guy whose father asked him about his absolute lack of social life. The convo didn’t go well, and his father lost it, holing up in a room crying while looking at a photo album at his son as a child with all that promise ahead of him. So that particular Incel borrowed his father’s car, pretended he would hang with friends, and then staying in a parking lot for hours (overnight). All to cheer his father up…. I can’t be mad at them.
This is your brain. This is your brain on spite.
Too much work. They’d rather complain. They’d rather be miserable. They’d rather hate.
I don’t think Sony or Nintendo are jewish companies there, Bucko. Nor is that company founded by Bill & Melinda Gates. .
I’ll admit that I have no ideal about Steam, but yeah, I’m pretty sure that there weren’t very many Jews living in Japan in the 1940s when Sony was founded to say nothing of the 1880s when Nintendo was founded.
You know there are moments where I wonder how someone arrives at this absolutely unnecessary amount of self-pity and hate. And then I read this and I guess: Sure, I guess I can see how neglect can turn you into a bitter person. But then I remember: Lots of people experience far worse neglect, even abuse by their parents and still become happy functional adults. The one common thing I see in incels is that their misery comes from a place of privilege. Even in those who have somewhat valid complaints it comes back to complaining about minuscule shit… like… what the hell is this dude even talking about!? I was a highly introvert child and ancious as fuck. The only thing I hated more than school was making new friends, but I knew it was the only way to get away from the mean ones I already had. And the last thing I’d ever blame my parents for was “not helping me socialize”. That’s something that all of us have to learn on our own. I’ll maybe make exceptions for people who grew up in the woods but I doubt this guy did…
It’s still going to end up in the hands of sex havers. The correct move is to be buried with your bitcoin.
Ah yes, filling the hole in your own life by creating holes in others’ lives. Foolproof.
@ crip dyke
You might find these interesting:
There’s been a permanent Jewish presence in Japan since the 19th Century pogroms. The first proper synagogue opened in 1895.
That doesn’t negate your point though.
@ buttercup
You bring a torch; I’ll get my shovel.
Been enjoying Horizon Zero Dawn right now. I’m wanting Aloy to team up with Senua from Hellblade and Gris from her namesake game coupled with the Untitled Goose as their team mascot/therapy animal and go on adventures.
@Cygnia: Have not played Horizon Zero Dawn yet (it’s on the list but waiting for a sale) but second Senua. Man that game was awesome (and intense). Played Prey (2017) recently and was really taken in by the themes there (as well as the fact that the characters are pretty diverse (most of the main characters are of asian descent, but plenty of other backgrounds as well). Interesting take on some moral choice ideas as well.
Of it, kid. Not with it. Assuming (generously) that you’re not just being a wanker for internet pity points.
I was expecting a rant about how games force you to play as Chad, and any admiration you get from the sexy, sexy women in the game is actually directed at Chad, and that’s cucked, or something. This was worse.
Hark! A Vagrant had a strip about Sugihara back in the day.
I am awaiting anxiously Disgaea 6 on end of june.
It’s the kind of game incels will never be able to appreciate, since a big part of the internal development of the heroes in each game is letting go the grudge of the past and accept that people can be well meaning despite having done bad stuff.
I feel similarly sometimes when I’m just sort of vacantly staring at the TV for hours and hours wanting to either do another leisure activity, like reading, or do something productive, but I can’t bring myself to initiate those actions. It feels pretty bad. I have sex sometimes. That has no impact on how often I get stuck like that or how bad it feels. Sex or lack of sex has nothing to do with it.
Sometimes I read the full-on Nazi shit that incels say about “g*oks” and “Jewish companies” and whatever, and I think back to the early early incels who would come here to comment that there was no hate in their movement. It’s just loveless guys comforting other loveless guys, they said.
@ masse mysteria
Thanks for that. Although this is a very serious subject, that cartoon really made me smile, and it is very much on point of course.
You’re welcome. I think that strip was probably the first time I ever heard about Sugihara, and I immediately felt that I should have heard about the whole thing earlier. Another great one like that was this one about Mary Anning, even though it’s also exceedingly silly.
It is curious that they’ve developed their own language that has only the most tenuous link to English.
@ rusalka
“I’ll maybe make exceptions for people who grew up in the woods”
Funny, I somewhat resemble that remark. However, even though I sometimes am disgusted at the time I waste on video games and find little joy in them in such moods, do in fact blame my parents for certain things I do not wish to divulge here, I nevertheless do not point the finger at more sucessful “sex havers” over it. It is almost as though my personal problems are not related to some dude with an 8″ cock and sixty thousand nocks on the bedpost named Chad…
Maybe his parents were self absorbed.
Maybe they didn’t realise how bad it was getting.
Maybe his parents were stressed out by something or other, like earning a living, or each other, or clinical depression, or…
Maybe ever time his parents tried to get him to socialise he flat out refused and/or threw a tatrum until they gave up.
Even “burying yourself with your bitcoins” doesn’t work for that. If you’re converting government-backed money into cryptocurrency, then the government-backed currency will go back into the hands of sex-havers. Even if you’re paid bitcoin only, it’s hard to get that down to neutral, let alone spite. If you really want to maximize messing things up, you need to get paid without producing any sort of economic value, hoard most of it like a miser, cash it out as physical currency, set the money on fire, then commit suicide. (The suicide part is because you might get held accountable otherwise, and part of being held accountable may include making up for part of the value you destroyed.) Whatever small bit of damage you did to the economy will affect incels as well as sex-havers – but given that incels inflict most of their damage on each other already, it’s not like that’s out of character.
The majority are misogynistic asshats yet you “can’t be mad at them”?
Good for you.
Don’t post your incel sympathy here.
@Sheila Crosby: I’m thinking the last of your points.
That, and his “buxx” should be going towards a decent therapist.
I had really great parents that tired their best when I was a kid to help me socialize despite my anxiety that would manifest into full blown terror. there were a couple years where my parents wasted money on summer camp because I would be in such a panic the morning I was suppose to go. it wasn’t even crying. I just started shaking, vomiting, and curling into a little dissociated ball. This was not sleep away camp just so you are aware. This was for day camp that I would go to and then come home to at like 5 in the afternoon. The third year it finally went okay for me to go and that was because my mother planned to have someone I know there with me ever second of the day. Like I don’t know why I was so scared of being around new people. I went to public school but it was a small school so most of the children I was with I had known since I was 3. Or I was with my parents or my cousins. I had socialization that way but you put me in a new situations with new people outside of those circles it was just full blown terror.
I’m glad my mom didn’t give up though. I made some great friends, learned a lot of useful things, made a lot great memories and found a way out of my shell. Not ever parent can do that though, not ever couple has the resources or the time to be able to handle the specific needs of a child, especially a child with special needs. To be older then 12 and blame your parents for something like that is the deepest form of self absorb asshole I can think of. Even if you have been abused and neglected when you reach adulthood its your job to work through your trauma and to let that go. My parents might have been great but I had to let go of a lot of trauma around men to be able to be the person my husband deserves to be married to. Incels just want to rot in their self pitty.
Bitcoin is taking a bit of a beating at the moment. If you want to bribe your way into a cushy afterlife, then you might be better off with some clay pots and a few bits of jewellery. Like in the olden days.
@Snowberry: burning currency, which has exchange value but not use value, won’t cause much of an effect besides perhaps a minor decrease in inflation, which some people would thank you for. The only damage your hypothetical incel does there is with the initial theft, and that damage is done also if one steals and then enjoys the fruits of that theft rather than torching it.
No, to do real damage requires destroying things with use value, or directly harming people, and sadly the incels seem to mostly understand this, hence the occasional spree shootings and the constant lauding of the spree shooters.
The maximum efficiency in causing damage, though, would obviously be attained by starting a war. We should fear the possibility of an incel getting high in a military chain of command or attaining high office; though, the incel mindset seems to go along with chronic underachievment, so this may be unlikely. Incels getting access to a WMD through non-official channels could be somewhat likelier, but so far the incels have tended toward underachievement in such illegitimate fields of endeavor as terrorism, too. Rodger didn’t manage to get a single one of his originally intended targets, thwarted by a mere locked door.
The disturbing question-mark here then swirls around the process of incelogenesis. What turns someone incel? Does it have a make-or-break moment in adolescence, or can a forty-something mining engineer with access to a shed full of dynamite go incel? What about the guys in the bunkers with pairs of keys? A lab worker at a BSL4 facility?
Whether they can become an incel, strictly speaking, may not matter though. Disgruntled non-incel adult members of the workforce have been known to shoot up their office or other workplace, or kill their family and then themselves, or shoot up a country music jamboree in Vegas. There have been instances of pilots, threatened with setbacks in their career or personal life, masking normalcy for long enough to get behind the controls of a passenger plane, only to lock out the copilot on their next bathroom break and then fly the thing straight into the ground. The perpetrators of these kinds of not-overtly-political mass murders have not all been incels, but they have, to my knowledge, all been men; the only female mass killers I’ve heard of were politically radicalized, and there are very few even of them.
Toxic masculinity seems to be the underlying risk factor. And there’s no doubt that it has been internalized by some of those lab workers and bunker watchmen and mining engineers. If not addressed broadly, as a public health intervention of some kind, it may yet kill us all.