alpha males cock carousel conspiracy theory divorce MGTOW misogyny

MGTOWs have lots of thoughts about the divorce of Bill and Melinda Gates and some of them are really quite remarkably weird

The formerly happy couple

The just-announced divorce of Bill and Melinda Gates has the boys of the MGTOW subreddit all riled up.

On the one hand, they’re upset that Melinda will get any portion of her soon-to-be ex-husband’s vast wealth. On the other hand, a lot of MGTOWs don’t actually like Bill Gates, so they kind of figure that whatever happens with his money is fine by them.

But that’s really just the tip of the MGTOW iceberg here; some of their thoughts are quite a lot weirder than those.

Let’s look at some of the more, well, colorful of the responses from these Men Going Their Own Way.

It’s Not Fair for Her to Get Any of His Billions of Dolloars (sic).

Jesus Fucking Christ.

This makes my blood boil. I don’t care how cucked Bill Gates is. The law shouldn’t require him to pay billions. How in hell can you justify this woman robbing literally billion dolloars?

The Cock Carousel Awaiteth, M’Lady

Bill Gates wasn’t enough ‘Clown’ for her (sexy, charming, fun and entertaining) just a beta boy billionaire so she’s looking for a bad boy boy toy (she can spend his billions on).

Or Maybe Not:

She’s past her prime. Only reason she might find a guy is because of her money. She wasn’t even a 5 to begin with.

Bill Gone Wild

I kinda would like to see Gates get an ultra hot 18 year old third world chick within a few weeks. She could choke on that. No amount of billions can undo the wall.

Alpha Fucks, etc:

Watch her get a handful of live-in male escorts in her new mansion, while Bill has to pay for them. Alpha fucks, beta bucks.

Then watch him do exactly the same.

They both can, and will, do better than each other.

A Win for Bill:

This is a win for bill, fuck the divorce settlement, it won’t make a dent long term, Bezos proved that with McKenzie. No man in his 70s wants to fuck his 60ish year old wife of his children when they could be fucking 20-30 year olds in their prime.

The Brad Pitt Pyramid Scheme:

Brad Pitt and Depp didn’t provide enough tingles.

Gates and Bezos couldn’t satisfy their list for new stuff.

There is no satisfying these vampires. It’s a pyramid scheme.

The Slippery Slope to Stalin

Bill has done some stuff lately that might have caused bad Karma…

Sure he’s not the last of the Woke tech Billionaires thats gonna get bent over…

Humorous part when they get it, cant say schitt! They supported the PC crap…

Thats the problem with idealistic ideologies; eventually no one is safe.

Eventually idealism is taken over by a mega predator… Hitler took over the National Socialists, which started as a back to the land & Liberal movement, sounded very much like the Counter Culture…

Stalin took over Communisim…

Mao did same…

All three exterminated millions…

Jeffrey Epstein Was Murdered

I don’t think [Gates] is a cuck. He is a kiddie diddler that has been to Epstein island. I doubt they ever had sex. The kids are probably test tube babies from Bills sperm.

Her role as a distraction from that is now over and they are going separate ways.

Honestly Not Even Mad at Her:

Good for her. Im honestly not even mad at her. The guy is a fucking evil cold blooded lizard and the fucker has a god complex so i’m just counting the days he has until he is gone from this world and stops blabbing about blocking the sun and using Indian/African kids as vaccine guinea pigs. I’m pretty numb to anything bad that happens to this dude at this point.

In Other Words, a Traitor

He deserves everything he gets in divorce court because he’s a male feminist. In other words, a traitor.

Since When Did Everyone on r/MGTOW Become QAnoners?

I think she realized he is going to be executed or spend life in prison and is saving herself and her kids. Whitehats will probably go a his money and she might be able to keep more of it if they divorce.

The Old Switcheroo

I hate to break it to you guys but the “man” you know as Bill Gates is actually a woman who was used to replace the original Bill Gates. And Melinda is a man who replaced the original Melinda. 

Yeah, That Sounds Like Something Someone Would Say on /pol/

Someone on /pol/ made a really good observation that this is likely a move to demotivate white marriage.

Forget the Gates Divorce and Listen to My Bizarre Plan Which Isn’t Even Vaguely Convincing

I’m getting embryos this month at that would be the end of association with the agency’s donor since there are no further benefits to be derived from her. She legally is not a parent under the law by the contract she signed which was created by the special legal firm whuch does these things. Then I’m moving on immediately to secure other females who will carry for me members of my animal family and those females too will be disposed off after 9 months. Then I’m getting a couple of au pairs to take care of my new members. Imagine no bitching, no stress at home, only peaceful raising my kids without fear of them ever being taken away. How is all that for who determines association? That’s what your hard work, money and ingenuity can do for you bros. The world was built by smart men and you have options to use their advanced technology. Plan your future and invest your hard earned money in what benefits you.

Sorry, no more. After that last one I sort of need to lie down for awhile.

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Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
3 years ago

I’m getting embryos this month… [elaborate womanless baby-rearing plan]

Not only is all of this super expensive – on the order of $60-70K even before you hire the 2 full time au pairs – it’s laughably fake. I don’t even know where to start. You don’t just stroll into the embryo store, pick up a couple of embryos, and then find a surrogate, no questions asked. Your ducks have to be in a row before you start jumping through the hoops. There will be questions. The owner of the embryos, the social worker, the lawyers, the doctors and nurses – all want to make sure the embryos are going to a good home.

It’s possible to do it on your own, but harder as a man. It’s a long and grueling process. You have to have a lot of cash and want children very, very much (and not just because you want to stick it to women). It’s not for the casual or the faint of heart.

Also, don’t these guys have a horror of raising other men’s children? Why adopt embryos? Why not do IVF or IUI with the surrogate?

3 years ago

This makes my blood boil. I don’t care how cucked Bill Gates is. The law shouldn’t require him to pay billions. How in hell can you justify this woman robbing literally billion dolloars?

It was already jointly hers when they were married, so she’s not robbing anything. Do MGTOWs believe married women can’t own property? Is it because they believe married women are property?

There is no satisfying these vampires. It’s a pyramid scheme.

See, all you need to do is marry three spouses, and then each of your spouses will marry three new spouses…

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

Nobody is asking the obviously salient question here: who did Bill cheat on Melinda with?

Seth S
Seth S
3 years ago

It might sound a little tinfoil-hattish, but I’m wondering if there is something to the Epstein related accusations… he might have privately admitted something to his wife that we don’t know about and she decided she should split regardless of whether the feds chase it up (they probably won’t. Do rich people on Bill’s order ever have to face real consequences?)

3 years ago

Then I’m getting a couple of au pairs to take care of my new members.

It is very interesting to me that someone who believes women are useless and don’t do anything wants to employ two people (let’s face it, young girls) from a notoriously underpaid and exploited profession to bring up their kids. Sorry. Members. It’s ALMOST as if he is completely insulated from a kind of unpaid labour which he doesn’t think is very important and hasn’t even considered he might do it himself.

No man in his 70s wants to fuck his 60ish year old wife of his children when they could be fucking 20-30 year olds in their prime.

MGTOWs always make straight male sexuality sound absolutely exhausting.

Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
3 years ago

Washington is a community property state. Everything acquired AFTER they got married belongs to both of them. It’s just a matter of deciding who gets what. Anything they each owned BEFORE the marriage is their own personal property. Why do MGTOWs have so much trouble understanding this concept?
BTW, the concept of community property goes back to the California gold rush. Married prospectors often worked the gold fields with their wives and California law makers recognized the EQUAL contribution of BOTH spouses to the family’s income.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago

Then I’m getting a couple of au pairs to take care of my new members.

Please. You can’t even take care of your one old member. How are you going to take care of two new members. Not only that, a man is allotted one and only one member in his entire lifetime. I call BS.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
3 years ago

No man in his 70s wants to fuck his 60ish year old wife of his children when they could be fucking 20-30 year olds in their prime.

Does the pronoun switch midway through this sentence mean the poster envisions both Bill and Melinda getting 20-30-year-olds? If so that’s rather generous by manosphere standards.

3 years ago

Worried about the comment I left yesterday reading as a tacit endorsement of the status quo, so to be clear, I don’t think Bill or Melinda Gates or anyone else should be permitted to hoard world-changing wealth all to themselves. I want to challenge the manosphere assumption that all property within an m/f marriage belongs to the man including his wife, but I don’t want to do it in a “rah-rah, get ’em, girl, woman billionaires are great” kind of way.

3 years ago

Nobody is asking the obviously salient question here: who did Bill cheat on Melinda with

Why must a divorce be precipitated by cheating? Their youngest child is now an adult. This is when divorces happen regardless of the cause.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

OT but I believe we have some Game of Thrones fans here.

I went for a walk over the bank holiday. Came across some people filming. Apparently it’s for GOT. I’ve never actually seen it so I’m afraid I can’t offer much by way of spoilers.


Fbzr crbcyr va ybat pbngf orvat zbbql ba n ornpu.
3 years ago

Hey, remember when Oxford was going to release its patent on a COVID vaccine to the public, but Bill Gates convinced them to instead sell the patent to a company Gates owned stock in?

3 years ago

No man in his 70s wants to fuck his 60ish year old wife of his children 

I’m sorry, but I’m not particularly interested in fucking the 60 year old wife OF my children either… ?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
3 years ago

I kinda would like to see Gates get an ultra hot 18 year old third world chick within a few weeks. She could choke on that. No amount of billions can undo the wall.

Imagine thinking that billionaires need to be divorced to abuse vulnerable teenagers

3 years ago

A reasonable person who might unfortunately have been led to believe that women are gold-diggers by nature, would look at this situation and go “Huh, apparently I was wrong and women’s attraction is more complicated than always going for the richest guy.”

A manospherian doubles down: “See, women are SO HYPERGAMOUS that even BILL GATES’S fortune isn’t enough!!!!” Then he works himself into such a lather that he burns out the part of his brain that remembers what “pyramid scheme” means.

3 years ago

I’m hung up on that last one. The “females” who will carry his “animal family”: are they… human? Are the animals human? Was this written by Dr Moreau? Or perhaps by an alien passing as human?

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 years ago

That last one is nonsensical even by miggie standards. @Moggie’s idea comes closest to making sense of it.

If Bill wanted to keep all of the moneys, he’d have drawn up a pre-nup. He was already ridiculously stupid rich when they got married. But apparently, for all his faults, he’s not THAT kind of an asshole and was fine with the whole community property deal.

Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
Kat, ambassador, feminist revolution (in exile)
3 years ago


Was this written by Dr Moreau? Or perhaps by an alien passing as human?

Yeah, that’s always my question about anything the manospherians write: Was it written by a visitor from outer space, new to this planet, doing their best to pass as human? I kinda feel sorry for this poor extraterrestrial, whose instructions seem to be, Write stuff before you take even the most cursory look around at human beings.

3 years ago

Who says Bill cheated? Women do (less frequently) trade in their hubby for a younger model, seen it happen, or they could have just drifted apart.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

Came across some people filming. Apparently it’s for GOT.

‘Fraid you got snookered there. GoT’s series finale aired almost two full years ago, so whatever they were filming, it was something else. Apparently something they want to keep secret for now.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ surplus

It’s in the local paper now. Apparently it’s a prequel.

3 years ago

Wow, Stevie.

Way to come into a comment section to brag about how terrible a spouse and father you are.

Project much harder about how all men in their 70’s are like you, and you might need to change your name to Epson PowerLite.

Editing to add:

If that’s how you feel though, 100% do not have sex with your wife. Maybe stop in to couple’s counseling with an accredited therapist. Maybe get yourself a therapist. Maybe see if your wife wants to talk to a therapist.

Maybe consider a divorce, if you don’t look at your wife as your beloved, so that she can find someone who appreciates her and doesn’t think “ew, old lady” when sitting next to her.

Last edited 3 years ago by Contrapangloss
3 years ago

Any idea what ‘au pair’ means? I’m afraid to google it…

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 years ago

@ jokester

Any idea what ‘au pair’ means?

It literally means ‘of equal status’.

But traditionally au pairs are foreign students or similar who assist a family with things like child care in return for board and lodging, and an allowance.

Under EU law au pairs are specifically not employees. But the name reflects that’s always been seen as the case anyway.

Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
Threp (formerly Shadowplay)
3 years ago

Way to come into a comment section to brag about how terrible a spouse and father you are.

Pretty sure it were a grammar joke.

“No man in his 70s wants to fuck his 60ish year old wife of his children ” can be read both ways – as the 70 year old’s own wife or as the 60 year old wife of one of his kids.

I didn’t say it were an amusing grammar joke. They rarely are.