Red Pill dudes, or at least a significant chunk of them, are utterly terrified that they might accidentally show some affection to a woman.

Even hearing the word “cuddle” seems to send them into a tailspin. Here’s another couple of posts from r/askTRP:
![Terrorinthecity1[S] 1 point 24 days ago
I mean hey, I can be on this type of time. I feel sorry for these hoes boy I’m bout to be breaking some hearts. No woman will be spared. this is a sad existence. How can you even cuddle up with a bitch? How can you do anything more than just smash? how can I sit there hugged up on a girl when I know this bitch don’t love me and she’ll never love me. It almost feels like I’m cuddle up with an enemy....
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[–]bduwowy272habbw 3 points 24 days ago
I feel you bro I wanna cuddle up with a feminine friend after a long winded journey of struggles together, but you know that's a just a fantasy. Technically they're the enemy and the only thing to do is accept. It takes time and I know for certain trp holds truth. All we can do is game these snakes for fun or find joy elsewhere.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/2021-05-03_20-22-28.jpg?resize=537%2C1264&ssl=1)
Yeah, I’m thinking maybe you should find joy elsewhere. Practically anywhere else.
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This is hilarious, but also deeply sad. People are affection-starved (and touch-starved, for those of us who like touch) as it is.
But “toxic masculinity” is a myth right???
Boys, just give it up and become gay.
(I know that doesn’t work, and you know, but the RW is convinced that conversion works, so these guys probably think so too.)
I’m a bit curious about “Technically they’re the enemy.” Men and women are “technically” enemies? According to what? And how/why is it “technical”??
“Fellas, is it gay to touch a woman?”
Sorry, Boss, but pretty sure wherever these guys go (unless it’s willingly to a therapist’s office), joy will not be found: they carry their misery with them.
Well…that was disturbing. These guys are so sad and I wish they’d get off the internet and into therapy.
Yes, this will surely attract women.
Long-winded, they are that. ?
OT, but the picture at the top of the post is great.
“ExCUSE you.”
Self fulfilling prophecies much? “I will go out and treat women like shit, then man’splain how women are incapable of loving men when they, you know, don’t love me for totally unrelated reasons…”
I’m not sure how you can break women’s hearts if they don’t love you.
Maybe if their pets like you so much they go off with you?
How is this any different from their normal personality?
On another note, does anyone else think The Red Pill abbreviated as TRP is funny as an acronym because it also stands for The Relief Products? Maybe they should market some of their eye drops for that…
I see it now:
Scene: Beach, with lots of muscular men and skinny women in skimpy swimsuits, all clearly avoiding a bunch of nerdy looking scrawny guys on the outskirts of the crowd and flocking to some very obviously expensive sports cars.
Spokesman: Whichever popular male star they can rope into it, bonus points if he is muscular enough to be part of the beach scene with a six pack without CGI.
“Has The Red Pill got you blurry eyed, itchy and red from seeing the world as it really is?”
*Woman in background shoves her not so muscular boyfriend aside to chase after a big jock, running over a couple nerds in the process*
“Don’t worry, just reach for the latest The Relief Products, The Red Pill Eye Drops, guaranteed to wash away your tears after watching your crush throw herself at another abusive bad boy. Also helps reduce eye strain from long hours staring at a screen while you wait to see how many upvotes your latest bitchfest got.”
*Fade out on depressed looking nerdy guys perking up as the Spokesman offers them The Red Pill Eye Drops*
If there’s one thing I take from this it’s that these guys are the architects of their own misery. They have nobody to blame but themselves.
They’re probably terrible cuddlers as well.
“Technically.” I do not think that word means what you think it means.
@.45: I doubt any reputable company wants to be associated with these guys. Funny script, though.
I would cuddle those kitties, even though they would give me that look.
Well, at least they’re considering being straightforward with their utter disdain for women. Of course, I’m sure they’ll complain later about how women ignore them and want nothing to do with them, and they probably don’t have the self awareness to wonder if their behavior could be a contributing factor to that.
Can this be a cat thread now? I need some cats.
And when one of them snaps and kills people they’ll pontificate on how tragic…it was for this poor man to have to kill in order to get attention from women.
Like with Roger who didn’t actually ask any women out, got mad they weren’t chasing for his racist sexist dick and killed in response.
Also if the red pillars strategy worked I imagine there would be no incels. I imagine many incels tried this stick and when it didn’t work merely seeped deeper in their misogyny.
Yes, and I feel like that’s built into their whole system? In a sunk-cost fallacy kind of way. Even if they (dimly) realize how toxic their ideology is, they’re so invested in lookit, I’m oppressed by women, dammnit; in having one overarching theory to explain their world, so they refuse to actually acknowledge the sinkhole of nastiness they’re in. Like, TRP ideology manifestly doesn’t work/make sense, and will never work — but they’ve invested so much of their self-image in it, so can’t quit now!
I’m really tired and maybe not making much sense, but. Toxic masculinity: makes it hard to see clearly.
Oh, and I had a thought,
Obviously yes we all know that’s utter homophobic nonsense, but it seems pretty clear that a big part of the reason these guys are so toxic, to themselves as well as to women, is that they see absolutely any and all forms of physical affection as inherently sexual. So they’re terrified to even, for example, sit right next to their male friends at a movie theater (anyone else seen/heard of that? The “leave a seat empty between us so we don’t GASP! look gay”?)
Ok, I know this isn’t an original thought. But it occured to me while I was in tired-ramble mode. Off to bed now.
No kitties? Disappoint. 🙁