So it turns out that women are more likely to get the COVID vaccine than men, by about ten percent. It’s not completely clear why.
As the New York Times notes, this “worrisome” trend may have any number of causes, from the higher percentage of women who are care givers (and thus high priority for the vaccines) to the “long standing patterns of women embracing preventive care more often generally than men.” Which is the polite way of saying that more than a few men are too stubborn to go to the doctor.
In the world of the contemporary MGTOW, though, there’s a simpler answer: men are rational beings who have decided after much “research” that the vaccines are dangerous and pointless and quite possibly part of a genocidal plot to destroy the human species. In their mind, the real thing that needs explaining isn’t why men are avoiding the vaccine but why women are demanding it.
Their answer? It’s because women are a bunch of cookie-cutter virtue-signaling conformist sheep who want to look cool in front of their friends.
Reddit’s MGTOWs weighed in on the subject in a thread yesterday, most of them posting variations on the same few themes.
According to xmetalmanx013
Women are all carbon copies of each other. The hive mind is real. Plus it gives her the potential at getting additional attention and validation. She can claim she got the vaccine and then if there are any side effects she can claim the victim card for a few days maybe even longer. It’s always about the attention and validation.
BobbingForBunions explained that
Women are experts in groupthink.
They spend their lives seeking attention/validation. Meanwhile, groupthink provides them with a comfortable haven from criticism.
Seems like a depressing way to live.
Groupthink, you say? That does sound depressing.
anongogogo added
Yep. Just sheep mentality. They also shame you for not getting it.
Alexius_von_Meinong got all fancy with his answer:
In-group conformity is central to female psychology. It was the condition of their survival in the past.
theawesomethatis delved deeper into the psyche of the MGTOW’s straw woman.
For a lot of them it gives them another thing that is a replacement for a personality. Belonging to something.
Following the rules. Being a good little rule follower. I’m a hero! I’m special! I bought special masks with a design on them! I got the vax! And a sticker! And those who don’t are evil nazis!
Why it’s going to be so hard for this crap to go away. They like being good little rule followers. It’s easy and they don’t have to think. In many ways it’s like a religion.
ThereIsAlwaysVanilla summed it all up:
Women sure are a conformist lot. And a humorless one at that.
Oh are they.

What were you guys saying about conformity again?
One commenter took it upon himself to explain at length why women need to be conformists and it has something to do with living (and/or dying) in the wilderness.
Bear in mind that I’ve trimmed this one down. The original is even longer and less coherent.
roflcopt0rz_returns, take it away.
The vast majority of women are incapable of surviving on their own. … A man can survive in the wilderness as long as he has a few friends he keeps in touch with just to keep his sanity, a few friends he can talk stories with, etc. He can do everything else needed by himself.
Ok dude, make yourself a little lean-to in the wilderness and come back in five years to tell me how it went.
A woman is wholely dependent on others to survive. She relies on men to do the actual work for her (or in modern society, men’s taxpayer money so she can collect her welfare checks off the men’s taxes, or alternately she’s doing a pointless HR or admin job while the men lower than her on the pecking order do the actual work), and she relies on women for sociological acceptance.
“Sociological acceptance?”
if she is shunned by the group and is forced to be by herself, she will go insane; just look at the rates of women on anti-depressants and suicide rates skyrocketing in modern times. Women simply without a hubby become terribly depressed to the point that they kill themselves, just imagine what would happen to them if their female “friends” shunned them too.
On the other hand, men are actually capable of standing up for themselves. And if the group rejects them, men are actually capable of surviving on their own without the group’s approval. That is WHY MGTOW is growing. More men by the day are waking up and realizing “Wait why the fuck am I bothering with useless sacks of shit when I can just do shit on my own and be totally cool?”
Don’t nobody tell him.
So tying in to the OP, this is why it is primarily women “bragging” about getting the vaccine. It is all just about obtaining validation from the crowd. Women have to fit in with the crowd because if the crowd rejects them they will most likely die. …
Note that guys like us MGTOWs would be speaking out even if it would get us ostracized by 95% of the people. We literally speak the truth about female nature, marriage, etc., and BOTH political parties censor us for that. But we will speak the truth and live by reality even if 95% of the population would shun us, because it is the truth, it is the reality, and it is the right and moral thing to do, even if no one else will follow us.
Huh. “Right and moral?” What about the MGTOWs who spread dangerous misinformation about the vaccines that they picked up on the internets and never bothered to fact check?
Sorry, that’s a bit of a leading question.
ImmortanV8 wrote
Perfect. Enjoy your sterility once the antibodies created through this gene therapy called vaccine attack the syncytin-1 that is building up the uterus for pregnancy. I will enjoy their lamenting and tears which will only happen because they were stupid morons that gave away their capacity for rational thinking to people way more evil than they can ever imagine to be
Google, tell me what’s wrong with this.
Ah, here’s something from Reuters: “Fact check: Available mRNA vaccines do not target syncytin-1, a protein vital to successful pregnancies.”
Get your vaccines, folks! All trash talk aside, the vaccine is a quick and easy way to ensure you won’t die a horrible COVID death.
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Sometimes I despair at the state of the left in my country. Tories keep winning elections. The Grits are increasingly Tory Lite. The NDP have an actually Grit-like platform, but can’t actually win and seem to go through periodic bursts of begging everyone whose email address has ever come to their attention for money, sometimes to the tune of eight or nine emails in a single day. That’s likely to annoy people enough to drive away potential supporters, to say nothing of the fact that “donate to our campaign! We’ve never won a federal election yet, but what the hey, right?” isn’t particularly enticing. Nobody wants to bet money on a sure loser. Maybe if it were an actual bet, and would pay off 50,000 to 1 if the NDP actually won, they’d at least attract some compulsive gamblers.
Then you’ve got the assorted activist groups. Sometimes they win a policy concession or two, at least. But sometimes the situation actually gets worse: MVNOs seem further than ever from entering the Canadian market and lowering the sky-high mobile prices here, and that CRTC bill that was previously going to put onerous burdens on online businesses here but not touch user-generated content, will now apparently also regulate user-generated content. It’s a good thing I already have downloaded a copy of Tor browser way back, used mainly for searching sensitive medical topics that I don’t want being associated with my Google “permanent record”. I have a sneaking suspicion it’s going to be seeing a lot more use soon.
Those activist groups seem to think their base — generally working class and POC — have unlimited resources. When they’re not straight up begging for money, which is often, or circulating a petition, which is not an outrageous ask, they’re asking people to call Cabinet ministers and things like that. On the *phone*. Erm, last I checked Bell was still charging an arm and a leg to make long-distance calls, and half the potential callers have conservative husbands, parents (you try moving out on your own on a burger flipper’s wages when you turn 18!), or similarly who will see those calls in the next month’s phone bill and potentially start a big argument over them or worse.
Most of them also assume you have accounts at both Facebook and Twitter. And then you get gems like this:
Why are you sending me this? I’m on ODSP; I can’t possibly afford to travel to Toronto. The Greyhound tickets and one night motel stay alone would come to several hundred bucks minimum, and I’m pretty sure I’d be needing food at some point, and maybe other things. Oh, and if you think I’m boarding any kind of crowded vehicle packed to standing-room only with total strangers in the middle of a pandemic, you’ve been sat in a cloud of bong fumes too long and best go outside to clear your head.
Perhaps this is the state of the left everywhere, inherently dependent for resources on the people who have the least to spare. In any event, I despair at the state of the world. I don’t see any way out of this except for everything to, eventually, crash and burn, at least as badly as the Depression/World Wars a century ago, and levelheaded people outsurviving the assorted idiots to be the ones who dominate the rebuilding afterward. Then we might get another few decades of comparatively egalitarian prosperity before the rich and assorted would-be oligarchs are able to re-tighten their grips.
Well, he’s right, I guess, that my desire to get vaccinated is partially motivated by fear of dying. I’m not sure he’s got the mechanism totally figured out, though.
I’m not yet eligible where I live for any vaccines, unfortunately. The funny thing is all the men in my family are, so dad, stepdad, brother, and husband have all had their first shots like hivemind sheeple while my mom and I wait impatiently like real rugged lone wolf independent thinkers. (She’s got an appointment booked now.)
Might the relative longevity of women have played a role in this statistic? Here in Germany, vaccination has been in age tranches, starting with the over 80s. We are now vaccinating everyone over 70.
An earlier commenter mentioned the relative number of women in front-line health care, a great point that I hadn’t thought of. Thank you!
May I just say how pleased I am how conformist all you virtue-signalers are! It really does warm the cockles of my heart to see so much conformity here, keep up the good work, congratulations to everyone who managed to get one or in some cases two shots so far. 😀 I’m crossing my fingers for the rest of you soulless husks with no personality, hopefully you can get it soon! <3
Of course you will. You’re a MGTOW, so your idea of a good time is to cackle in sadistic glee whenever anyone falls and skins a knee. Or appears to be ready to fall and skin a knee. Or might do so in the future, possibly the far-off future.
Stupid? And morons?
Wait. Are you saying that women let other people do their thinking for them, people who are, unbeknownst to them, very, very evil?
Dude, you’re talking about women as a group. So is this other group. . .men?
Reasons for more women beeing vacinated than men.
I can add 2 more:
Re Astra-Seneca and waiting: I can confirm that there is a longer time for the vacine. A familymember has to wait 3 months between shot 1 and 2.
I had my first Pfizer jab in March, my next one is a week Thursday. I only got mine because of medical fatphobia – the assumption that because people are fat they will automatically get Covid-19 and die. I am a good little autistic person, so of course I follow rules.
@Ninja Socialist
That sounds super amazing.
A horse, dogs, and camping.
Pure bliss.
As opposed to incel men simply without a wife who become terribly angry to the point that they kill other people. And the countless other angry wifeless men who cheer them on, on the countless internet forums whose core belief is that going unlaid for men is worse than slavery, the Holocaust, and the heat death of the universe combined.
If men don’t need anybody and being single is a walk in the park for them, what’s fueling all these rants? Shouldn’t there be deafening silence as they go lead their awesome solitary forest lives without electricity or running water?
Homo solus aut deus aut demom…aut asinus asinorum. Sorry about any mistakes, didn’t do Latin at school.
I think the sheer irony, of their “lone wolf” rhetoric, is that without other people, society and even civilization itself, wouldn’t exist, and they wouldn’t be having these conversations over the internet, which was created so people could more easily communicate with each other.
Western nations have finally reached a point in our development, where we are so good at being a society, that we can now argue against our own existence, like those people who quit taking their medication, because it’s working.
I expect it’s Jews, knowing how these lot think.
You know, I am contemplating joining a Manosphere forum and doing a Poe’s Law thing on Chads and women and such, but one main sticking point for me is that it would probably be like throwing fuel on the fire regardless of my intent.
I got my first virtue signal today. I didn’t even feel the needle going in, but now my arm is very sore!
I look forward to going grocery shopping tomorrow so I can infect non-vaccinated women with my vax fumes and induce periods or whatever it is these anti-vax chucklefucks are claiming now.
WWTH – Congrats, and enjoy! With 5G, the virtue signal is even clearer.
I got my second shot last week and it really fucked me up good, got it on Friday and didn’t feel good again till Tuesday. My husband had woke me up earlier Friday morning to make me take tylenol and put me in a luke warm bath because I was sweating so much I soaked the night gown and sweatpants I went to bed in, the sheets, the blanket, and half of his shirt that I was laying against. The fevers wouldn’t break and I got really dehydrated.
Also the dude who gave me the second was not gentle at all. He really stabbed me with that needle. My arm was swollen until Tuesday as well but I made it through it.
I woke up yesterday with what appeared to be a hangover, though I hadn’t been drinking. I’m given to understand that a major factor in that is dehydration, so I’m wondering if I somehow became dehydrated. Could the vaccine cause that? Or is it likely to be unrelated?
I read somewhere that some reported J&J vaccine side effects turned out to be a nocebo effect. No doubt Republican scaremongering about the vaccines has contributed to such events. Damn them.
@LollyPop, Ohlmann, & Masse_Mysteria:. Thanks for the clear descriptions & defense of admin work, and why it’s necessary.
These MGTOW’s attitude reminds me of the 3rd book in the Hitchhiker at the End of the Galaxy series – So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, where society decides to cut out all of the admin and middlemen/women positions. This doesn’t end well for anyone.
My half brother is hesitating about getting the COVID vaccine, even though he lives in New Jersey (hit heavily by COVID), and has several risk factors for COVID. He can’t seem to provide a logical reason why he doesn’t want to get it. He told me an anecdote about his younger brother, who apparently never got colds or the flu until AFTER he was vaccinated for something, decades ago. My bro said he didn’t remember what the vaccine was for.
I didn’t want to argue with him about it. If this anecdote is true, then it was almost certainly coincidental.
Pfizer dose 2 booked for the 12th.
@Ohlmann, you have great taste in RPGs. And MRAs make Pokey seem like a downright decent human being.
There are some other, non-vaccine reasons, why fertility rates are dropping: that is, medical/physiological fertility rather than socio-economic. In other words, fewer people will probably be ABLE to reproduce in the future independently of their choices, so it’s not just an issue of fewer people electing to have offspring.
I shudder to think about all the conspiracy b***sh*t that is going to come out of the woodwork to explain why this is happening. It will be all the fault of the Democrats and/or vaccination, regardless of what any medical evidence says. SMH