So it turns out that women are more likely to get the COVID vaccine than men, by about ten percent. It’s not completely clear why.
As the New York Times notes, this “worrisome” trend may have any number of causes, from the higher percentage of women who are care givers (and thus high priority for the vaccines) to the “long standing patterns of women embracing preventive care more often generally than men.” Which is the polite way of saying that more than a few men are too stubborn to go to the doctor.
In the world of the contemporary MGTOW, though, there’s a simpler answer: men are rational beings who have decided after much “research” that the vaccines are dangerous and pointless and quite possibly part of a genocidal plot to destroy the human species. In their mind, the real thing that needs explaining isn’t why men are avoiding the vaccine but why women are demanding it.
Their answer? It’s because women are a bunch of cookie-cutter virtue-signaling conformist sheep who want to look cool in front of their friends.
Reddit’s MGTOWs weighed in on the subject in a thread yesterday, most of them posting variations on the same few themes.
According to xmetalmanx013
Women are all carbon copies of each other. The hive mind is real. Plus it gives her the potential at getting additional attention and validation. She can claim she got the vaccine and then if there are any side effects she can claim the victim card for a few days maybe even longer. It’s always about the attention and validation.
BobbingForBunions explained that
Women are experts in groupthink.
They spend their lives seeking attention/validation. Meanwhile, groupthink provides them with a comfortable haven from criticism.
Seems like a depressing way to live.
Groupthink, you say? That does sound depressing.
anongogogo added
Yep. Just sheep mentality. They also shame you for not getting it.
Alexius_von_Meinong got all fancy with his answer:
In-group conformity is central to female psychology. It was the condition of their survival in the past.
theawesomethatis delved deeper into the psyche of the MGTOW’s straw woman.
For a lot of them it gives them another thing that is a replacement for a personality. Belonging to something.
Following the rules. Being a good little rule follower. I’m a hero! I’m special! I bought special masks with a design on them! I got the vax! And a sticker! And those who don’t are evil nazis!
Why it’s going to be so hard for this crap to go away. They like being good little rule followers. It’s easy and they don’t have to think. In many ways it’s like a religion.
ThereIsAlwaysVanilla summed it all up:
Women sure are a conformist lot. And a humorless one at that.
Oh are they.

What were you guys saying about conformity again?
One commenter took it upon himself to explain at length why women need to be conformists and it has something to do with living (and/or dying) in the wilderness.
Bear in mind that I’ve trimmed this one down. The original is even longer and less coherent.
roflcopt0rz_returns, take it away.
The vast majority of women are incapable of surviving on their own. … A man can survive in the wilderness as long as he has a few friends he keeps in touch with just to keep his sanity, a few friends he can talk stories with, etc. He can do everything else needed by himself.
Ok dude, make yourself a little lean-to in the wilderness and come back in five years to tell me how it went.
A woman is wholely dependent on others to survive. She relies on men to do the actual work for her (or in modern society, men’s taxpayer money so she can collect her welfare checks off the men’s taxes, or alternately she’s doing a pointless HR or admin job while the men lower than her on the pecking order do the actual work), and she relies on women for sociological acceptance.
“Sociological acceptance?”
if she is shunned by the group and is forced to be by herself, she will go insane; just look at the rates of women on anti-depressants and suicide rates skyrocketing in modern times. Women simply without a hubby become terribly depressed to the point that they kill themselves, just imagine what would happen to them if their female “friends” shunned them too.
On the other hand, men are actually capable of standing up for themselves. And if the group rejects them, men are actually capable of surviving on their own without the group’s approval. That is WHY MGTOW is growing. More men by the day are waking up and realizing “Wait why the fuck am I bothering with useless sacks of shit when I can just do shit on my own and be totally cool?”
Don’t nobody tell him.
So tying in to the OP, this is why it is primarily women “bragging” about getting the vaccine. It is all just about obtaining validation from the crowd. Women have to fit in with the crowd because if the crowd rejects them they will most likely die. …
Note that guys like us MGTOWs would be speaking out even if it would get us ostracized by 95% of the people. We literally speak the truth about female nature, marriage, etc., and BOTH political parties censor us for that. But we will speak the truth and live by reality even if 95% of the population would shun us, because it is the truth, it is the reality, and it is the right and moral thing to do, even if no one else will follow us.
Huh. “Right and moral?” What about the MGTOWs who spread dangerous misinformation about the vaccines that they picked up on the internets and never bothered to fact check?
Sorry, that’s a bit of a leading question.
ImmortanV8 wrote
Perfect. Enjoy your sterility once the antibodies created through this gene therapy called vaccine attack the syncytin-1 that is building up the uterus for pregnancy. I will enjoy their lamenting and tears which will only happen because they were stupid morons that gave away their capacity for rational thinking to people way more evil than they can ever imagine to be
Google, tell me what’s wrong with this.
Ah, here’s something from Reuters: “Fact check: Available mRNA vaccines do not target syncytin-1, a protein vital to successful pregnancies.”
Get your vaccines, folks! All trash talk aside, the vaccine is a quick and easy way to ensure you won’t die a horrible COVID death.
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“Women simply without a hubby become terribly depressed to the point that they kill themselves…”
Eh, science says the opposite. I don’t expect MGTOWs to use evidence based arguments, but that’s a glaring error. On the other hand, I’d love for them to try to explain the statistics around single/childless women being considered “happiest.” Should be some fun evo psych mental gymnastics.
Getting some solid men can survive in the woods as long as some brings them meals and does their laundry vibes. Also I’d laugh at the men are so good at being alone we’ve formed groups to hang out and talk about it all the time if it wasn’t really, really sad and bloody infuriating.
Next up; why women are terrible for being more likely to wear seatbelts says man whose totally not bitter about being turned down,
“The vast majority of women are incapable of surviving on their own. … A man can survive in the wilderness as long as he has a few friends he keeps in touch with just to keep his sanity, a few friends he can talk stories with, etc. He can do everything else needed by himself.
So women needing a social structure is signs of their weakness. Men needing a few friends is fine though.
Thanks for that lovely festival of manbaby projection and misogyny. Women don’t do real work? I’ll tell that to my doctor and all the women engineers out there (as well as servers cleaners, caregivers and a thousand other jobs who work their butts off and without whom we’d be screwed). Were these men raised in a lab with no exposure to women outside of porn and MRA propaganda? Nothing they say makes sense in the context of the real world the rest of us live in. As far as “women go crazy when their alone”, I’ve found it to be the opposite, Men are the ones who fall apart when their wives leave of die. We’re perfectly capable of being off on our own. I used to load up my pack horse, jump on my horse and my dogs and I would go camping way out in the back country of BC alone. It was amazing. Also a great way to get away from my visiting in-laws. I’d love to see any of these so called tough guys last one night out there alone.
Says someone who would undoubtedly score high on Altemeyer’s RWA test.
“Following the rules. Being a good little rule follower. I’m a hero! I’m special! I bought special hats with a design on them! I voted for Trump! Twice! And those who don’t are evil nazis!”
Right back atcha, rightwinger!
There has been precisely one man in recorded history who could reasonably be described as living alone in the wilderness without help.* His name is, or was, Piyiti Tjapangati, and he lives, as far as anyone knows, in Western Australia. He wears a belt made of hair and eats roots, grubs, and lizards he killed with sticks**. Anyone who wants a higher living standard than that is going to need, at minimum, a lot of tools they can’t make themselves, and quite likely resources they can’t gather themselves, let alone a whole lot of skills.
*including making all his own tools from raw materials he gathered himself.
** Not judging his choice, but that’s a quite literal description of his lifestyle. He was one of the “Pintupi Nine,” a family of Pintupi who lived in a traditional manner without contact with the modern world until 1984. Most of them thought civilization was pretty cool, and are now well-known painters, but Piyiti disgreed. He fucked back off into the Outback in 1986, and hasn’t been seen since.
This is becoming a real bug bear of mine, I think because in the UK there’s this narrative that the NHS would work fine without all that admin, and that we spend far to much paying people (what is in reality not a lot of money) to be “pencil pushers”. Bullshit jobs DO exist, of course, BUT without HR all those very important men doing all the “real work” won’t get paid on time!! Without admin the company you work for has no way of recording whether projects are even worth doing, and it will fail and everyone will be fired.
There seems to be a whole bunch of people who think that common sense and the university of life would magically resolve every administrative task if we just got rid of all those pesky people wasting their time doing the grunt work on spreadsheets and policy documents and payroll. And honestly, sometimes I’d like to see them try.
I would expect women to be more risk-adverse than men because they need to live through pregnancy and probably raise their child too. That’s a bit psych-ev, granted, but it do check out here.
That being said, projection is very very very strong here, especially the guy saying “they want to be special and a hero”. Guy, why exactly are you railing against the vaccine ?
@Lollypop : I believe the term HR have a problem of encompassing too many different function, which don’t help its general reputation. (that and being seen as “useless because it’s just support !”, another problem brought to you by Toxic Masculinity, TM)
HR have absolutely essential functions, like solving conflicts and paying people. It often also encompass purely bullshit functions like psychological evaluation and internal propaganda.
As for performance evaluation, one of the problem is that it’s often made extremely badly, and the worst, ground-disconnected version is often linked to HR (perhaps unfairly). Maybe the NHS one is good, but I can’t remember a firm where I worked where HR involvment in performance evaluation was a good thing. One of the main reason being that they had absolutely no idea of what to look for.
I ran down here to signal my virtue like the conformist totally devoid of personality that I am. 2x vax in the arm thank you very much!
Totally agree there’s unnecessary stuff within the role, usually on the part of companies trying to add efficiencies and systems to what are essentially human interactions or ways of working. And yep it’s definitely the stuff like unconscious bias training and sexual harassment procedures that get the right wingers back up about HR as a concept.
Funnily enough the HR in the NHS is pretty bad (from what I can gather from my partners experience of working there!). They have a lot of turnover because the pay isn’t great when compared to the private sector. In that organisation their main function seemed to be background checks and payroll.
Not like MGTOW, who most certainly don’t all sound alike in their hatred of women. And they definitely aren’t trying to get additional attention and validation in a discussion with other MGTOW by employing ever more vitriol and increasingly outlandish pronouncements.
I have returned recently to Earthbound, a relatively old japanese RPG. One of the main antagonist is the neighbor of the hero, who start as a garden-variety jerk, and during the game never stop upping the destructiveness and spitefulness of his scheme, ending up with trying to destroy reality itself.
His behavior seem much more realistic now that I know of the far right. I swear theses assholes would side with an eldritch abomination bent on destroying the world willingly.
So they are simultaneously going along with the crowd like sheep with no personality and expressing their individuality and thinking that makes them special? More stellar logical thinking there.
As for why (certain) men don’t want the vax, they think they’re too strong to be affected by a virus and they never learned that giving a shit about those around them is a positive, would be my guess.
Nothing like a group of people sitting around nodding and agreeing with each other that that other group is a conformist hivemind.
As for virtue signaling, only one group is childishly politicizing vaccines and mask wearing for the sake of their own egos. Hint: it’s not the group who believes in science and herd immunity.
How does he explain the fact that several vaccine trial participants got pregnant and delivered safely with no complications?
Also, Covid itself potentially impacts male fertility, since there are ACE-2 receptors in the testicles. But I guess that’s less important than owning the libs by playing roulette with a novel and unpredictable disease.
If BOTH political parties reject your beliefs about women (including the one that believes in wack conspiracy theories), and 95% of people shun you, then your beliefs are a garbage fire.
It was the condition of EVERYONE’S survival. Humans are a social animal. Men (and women) who got banished from the tribe didn’t last long.
”I can totally survive on my own!….As long as there are other people around.”
For people who complain about other people seeking validation, they sure spend a lot of time on the internet seeking validation.
“People who didn’t need people needed people around to know that they were the kind of people who didn’t need people.” -T.Pratchett
I don’t care about looking cool in front of my friends, I want to look how I look (decidedly not cool) in the actual, physical presence of my friends. I also want to do my part to achieve herd immunity. Oh, and not get the ‘rona; there’s that, too.
That’s why I’m getting my second Pfizer shot on Monday.
These whiny and willfully ignorant losers can suck it. Since they steadfastly refuse to actually go their own way.
So what I’m getting is that it’s okay to need other people if you just need them to talk to and to keep your sanity, but it’s bad to need other people to cooperate on things or something. It kind of sounds like sanity isn’t rated very high, if it’s upkeep is just a minor issue that won’t count as being dependent on others.
@ LollyPop
Slightly tangential, but my mother once told me that at her job (office work) some wise person decided to save money by getting rid of oll the assistants who took care of small tasks that weren’t anyone’s specialty. As a result, if you needed reimbursements, you got to spend the better part of a day trying to figure how to fill out a form you only ever saw once or twice a year, while the assistants could get all that done within minutes of getting the receipts, since they had the routine and knew what they were doing. I’m not sure how much money they saved by having the higher paid people waste their time like that.
I’ve also heard of other workplaces were someone just decides to get rid of a bunch of lower-pay workers to cut costs, without realizing that someone will have to fill in for them and then you’re basically paying more for that work, and also the things the higher-ups were supposed to be doing won’t get done on time.
It’s like it would make sense for a workplace to have someone oversee things like these and trying to figure out the consequences ahead of time.
Well, I now have an armful of AstraZeneca’s infamous blood-clot cocktail. So far, no discernible side effects, as of the one hour mark or so. The actual shot itself felt more like a bee sting than a typical needle injection, minus any kind of persistent ache or throbbing afterward (which I’m given to understand is caused by bees’ venom, so a pinprick of something else wouldn’t have that effect).
They scheduled the second shot for August, which seems slightly farther than I would have expected. Supposedly I’ll already have my infection risk reduced to a quarter by three weeks from now, with a further reduction some time after the second jab.
No change in phone reception or WiFi discernible over here. If it’s made me sterile I’ll probably never know since odds are I’ll never have the opportunity to test that, being a nerdy misfit without the budget for a decent set of shoes, nevermind wheels, and all.
It’s been almost a week since I got my first Pfizer, and tomorrow Mr. Parasol is going to get his first Pfizer. He’s not looking forward to it, but he doesn’t want to wear a mask for the rest of our lives.
I imagine the MGTOW crowd would have something to say on his decision, which would be met by a bemused look, followed by Mr. Parasol going off to live his life.
I’m in a similar boat, got a schedule for the first shot next week, and the second one isn’t until August. Annoying, as is the fact that the place where I’m scheduled to get my shot is downtown about 8km away, but that’s better than last week when I looked things up and the closest place that had any open spots was almost 12km away at the Toronto-Mississauga border.
I’m going to consummate my virtue-signalling conformity by getting my second shot next Wednesday.
My parents are getting their first ones on the 7th, so yay! I’ve been worried about them since all this started.
“But we will speak the truth and live by reality even if 95% of the population would shun us”.
Probably more accurate to say 95% of the population doesn’t know you exist, so not sure how you are being shunned by much of anyone.
Anyway, I’m a dude and got all vaxxed up as soon as it was offered. Must be because I work with a bunch of useless women who make guys like me do all the work or something?